Material Safety Data Sheet
Traceable® Conductivity Standard
4065, 4175, 4270, 4271, 4274, 4565, 4570, 4574
All health and safety information given herein refers to 1-propanol.
No component is listed in "Threshold and Biological Exposure Indices for 2006" from ACGIH except as noted above.
Components listed in Title III Sec. 313 (EPCRA) are indicated by "Yes" above.
*TWA= Time Weighted Average; STEL= Short Term Exposure Limit; WEEL= Workplace Employee Exposure Level
NE= Not Established A4= Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen BEI+ Biological Exposure Index exists for this material.
Dm= De minimus A3 = Confirmed Animal carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans.
OSHA Hazard Classification:
Ref: 49 CFR 173.120(a)(3) for DOT exemption from "Flammable Liquid" classification.
Medical Conditions Aggravated:
Human Threshold Response Data
Hazard Category Classifications and Ratings
Notice: HMIS and NFPA ratings involve the subjective evaluation of the hazardous aspects of individual components, and can differ between
preparers. They are intended and useful only as a rapid, general identification of the approximate magnitude of the specific hazards rated.
Immediate (Acute) Health Effects
Prolonged (Chronic) Health Effects
Supplemental Health Hazard Information:
1. Product and Supplier Information
Supplier: Control Company Phone: 281-482-1714
Drawer 58307 Fax: 281-482-9448
Houston, TX 77258 email: sales@control3.com
Product Information: 281-482-1714
Transportation Emergency: 800-424-9300 (Chemtrec)
International Call 703-527-3887 (collect calls accepted)
2. Composition and Information on Ingredients
CAS # SARA 313 Material or Component Exposure Limits
On? Dm* % RQ# TWA* STEL* WEEL*
71-23-8 No NA 1-Propanol A3 30 None 200 ppm 400 ppm NA
7447-40-7 No NA Potassium chloride <1 None Not established NA
7732-18-5 No NA Water >69 None Not established NA
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3. Hazards Identification
Has a 96°F Flash Point but does not support combustion.
Skin, eyes, Inhalation, ingestion
Avoid contact with all oxidizing agents, acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, halogens,
aluminum and aluminum alloys.
No information.
Not established
Hazard Categories: Health Fire Pressure Reactivity Reference 49 CFR 171.8,
Immediate Yes Yes No No OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 and
Delayed No No No No SARA 302/311/312/313.
HMIS Hazard Ratings: Health 1 Fire 2 Instability 0 Other B (Goggles, gloves)
NFPA 704 Hazard Ratings: Health 1 Flammability 2 Reactivity 0 Special NA
Hazard Ratings: Least: 0 Slight: 1 Moderate: 2 High: 3 Extreme: 4
Inhalation Toxicity: Harmful if inhaled or swallowed.
Inhalation Irritation: High concentrations or prolonged exposure can cause headaches, dizziness and nausea .
Skin Contact: Skin contact may cause irritation from dehydration and de-fatting of the skin.
Skin Absorption: No immediate responses.
Eye Contact: Liquid and vapor cause eye irritation, tearing and a burning sensation.
Ingestion Irritation: Irritating. Ingestion Toxicity: Almost non toxic. See Sec. 11.
Acute Target Organ Toxicity: Kidneys, liver, central nervous system.
Not established
Carcinogenicity: Rated A3 = Confirmed Animal carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans.
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity: Mutagenic effects were noted in animal studies.
Sensitization: None known.
Inhalation: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause more severe irritation. May cause pulmonary edema
(fluid build-up in lungs). See also Inhalation entry above.
Skin Contact: Prolonged or repeated skin exposure may cause dermatitis.
Skin Absorption: Chronic exposure may cause liver damage.
Ingestion: Chronic ingestion unlikely. See Acute entry above. Can lead to liver damage.
General : Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause all acute toxic symptoms described above.
Chronic Target Organ Toxicity: Liver
No additional health information available.

Material Safety Data Sheet
Traceable® Conductivity Standard
4065, 4175, 4270, 4271, 4274, 4565, 4570, 4574
Flammability Summary (OSHA):
Upper Flammable/Explosive Limit, % in air:
Lower Flammable/Explosive Limit, % in air:
Personal Protection for Emergency Situations:
Spill Mitigation Procedures
4. First Aid
Remove individual to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration or oxygen as appropriate. Seek
medical attention at once.
Skin Contact:
Flush skin with water for 15 minutes and remove contaminated clothing. Wash shoes and clothing before reuse.
Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids apart.
Immediately drink water to dilute. Induce vomiting. Consult a physician immediately.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
5. Fire Fighting Measures
Flammable. Note: Qualifies for DOT exemption based on 49CFR 173.120(a)(3).
Flammable Properties:
Flash Point: 96F
Autoignition Temperature: ND
13.5 for 1-propanol
2.1 for 1-propanol.
Vapor can travel distances to ignition sources and flash back.
Hot organic chemical vapors or mists are susceptible to sudden spontaneous combustion when mixed with air.
Ignition may occur at temperatures below published autoignition or ignition temperatures. Ignition temperatures
decrease with increasing vapor volume and vapor/air contact time and are influenced by pressure changes.
Ignition may occur at typical elevated temperature process conditions, especially in processes operating
under vacuum if subjected to the sudden ingress of air, or with sudden escape of hot vapors into outside air.
Extinguishing Media:
Does not support combustion. Use equipment appropriate to the main cause of the fire.
Do not allow contaminated water to enter sewers or waterways.
Fire Fighting Instructions:
Does not support combustion. Use equipment appropriate to the main cause of the fire.
Use water to cool containers.
Hazardous Combustion Products:
Oxides of carbon.
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6. Accidental Release Measures
Evacuate the area of all unnecessary personnel. Eliminate any ignition sources.
Contain the release and eliminate its source if this can be done safely.
Air Release:
Hazardous concentrations in air may be found in local spill area and immediately downwind. Vapors may
be suppressed by the use of water fog. Contain all liquid for treatment and/or disposal as a (potential)
hazardous waste. Do not flush to sewer! US regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil,
water and air in excess of stipulated quantities. US Coast Guard National Response Center is 800-424-8802.
Water Release:
This material is soluble in water. Contain all liquid for treatment and/or disposal as a (potential) hazardous
waste. Notify all downstream users of possible contamination.
Land Release:
Create a dike or trench to contain materials. Absorb spill with inert material (e.g., dry sand, clay, earth or
commercial absorbent), then place in a chemical waste container.
Contain all contaminated water for disposal and/or treatment.
Additional Spill Information:
Stop source of spill as soon as possible and notify appropriate personnel. Utilize emergency response
personal protection equipment prior to the start of any response. Evacuate all non-essential personnel.