Novar NRC86, 1xxx NRC Operating Manual

KMB systems, s.r.o.
Dr. M. Horákové 559, 460 06 Liberec 7, Czech Republic tel. +420 485 130 314, fax +420 482 736 896 email :, internet :
Remote Controlled Target PF and Remote Controlled
Power Factor Controllers
NOVAR-1xxx NRC Power Factor Controller
NRC 86 Remote Controller
Firmware v. 1.8 ( Novar ) / 1.0 ( NRC86 )
Operating Manual
Novar-NRC KMB systems
1. APPLICATION..................................................................4
1.1 Remote Controlled Target Power Factor Compensation Systems ..................................................4
1.2 Remote Controlled Outputs Compensation Systems .......................................................................4
1.3 History of Firmware Versions ..............................................................................................................4
1.4 Manual Structure...................................................................................................................................4
FACTOR CONTROLLERS......................................................6
2.1 Operation ...............................................................................................................................................6
2.1.1 Remote Controlled Power Factor (Cosinus) Mode – the „RCC“ Mode...........................................6
2.1.2 Remote Controlled Outputs – the „I/O“ Mode.................................................................................8
2.2 Parameters 01(07) – Target PF for Metering Rate 1(2) / Actual Remote Controlled Target PF......8
2.2.1 Parameter 01..................................................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Parameter 07..................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Parameters 30 – Alarm Setting, 40 – Alarm Status ............................................................................9
2.3.1 Alarm No. 6 – Undercurrent Alarm with Adjustable Limit or Alarm by Import with Adjustable Limit
and Fixed Outputs Release at Export..............................................................................................................9 Undercurrent Alarm with Adjustable Limit..................................................................................9 Alarm by Import with Adjustable Limit and Fixed Outputs Release at Export ............................9
2.3.2 Alarm No. 15 – Remote Control Failure .......................................................................................10
2.4 Parameters 50, 51, 52 – Instrument Address, Communication Rate and Communication
Protocol / NRC86 response timeout ...............................................................................................................11
2.5 Parameter 53 – Remote Control Mode ..............................................................................................11
2.6 Parameters 80,81 – Remote Controlled Target PFs and Remote Controlled PF Serial Number .13
3. NRC 86 REMOTE CONTROLLER................................. 14
3.1 Description ..........................................................................................................................................14
3.2 Operation .............................................................................................................................................15
3.2.1 Remote Controlled Power Factor (Cosinus) Mode – the „RCC“ Mode.........................................15
3.2.2 Remote Controlled Outputs – the „I/O“ Mode...............................................................................15
3.2.3 Manual Mode................................................................................................................................15
3.3 NRC86 Remote Controller Parameters .............................................................................................15
3.3.1 Parameter 01 – Remote Control Mode ........................................................................................15
3.3.2 Parameter 02 – Remote Controlled PF Serial Number ................................................................16
3.3.3 Parameter 05 – Number of Processed Outputs (in I/O mode) .....................................................17
3.3.4 Parameter 06 – Daisy-Chain Communication Mode („Cascade“) ................................................17
3.3.5 Parameters 10, 11, 22 – Instrument Address, Communication Rate and Communication Protocol17
Novar-NRC KMB systems
3.3.6 Parameter 20 – Alarm Status.......................................................................................................17
3.3.7 Parameter 21 – Instrument Failure Status ...................................................................................17
3.3.8 Parameter 30 – Logic Inputs Status.............................................................................................18
3.4 Installation ...........................................................................................................................................18
3.4.1 Power Supply ...............................................................................................................................18 24 VDC Power Supply Version................................................................................................18 230 VAC Power Supply Version ..............................................................................................18 Protection.................................................................................................................................18
3.4.2 Logic Outputs ...............................................................................................................................18
3.4.3 Logic Inputs..................................................................................................................................19
3.4.4 Communication Interface .............................................................................................................19
4. PUTTING IN OPERATION..............................................20
4.1 Remote Controlled Target PF Compensation Systems ..................................................................20
4.2 Remote Controlled Outputs Compensation Systems .....................................................................21
5. CONNECTION EXAMPLES............................................23
7. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING .......................27
Novar-NRC KMB systems
1. Application
1.1 Remote Controlled Target Power Factor Compensation Systems
When connecting major sources to medium voltage network, a remote control of reactive power is often required. One possibility is to control target power factor using pulse signals from distributor (eg, transmitted via a GPRS modem). Such equipped compensation systems can be implemented using the Novar1xxx NRC power factor controller and the NRC86 remote controller.
1.2 Remote Controlled Outputs Compensation Systems
Alternatively, the NRC86 controller in combination with the Novar1xxx NRC power factor controller can be used for remote controlled outputs compensation systems.
In practice, there may be cases where compensation capacitors must be placed at great distance from the measuring current transformer (CT). Since the maximum length of the wires to the CT is limited due to the limited maximum loop impedance, in some cases the power factor controller cannot be installed in a switchboard with capacitors but at the measurement point near the CT. In such cases, it is necessary to install a multi-core power cable connecting the controller with capacitor contactors. If, for technical or other reasons, this solution is impossible and there exists a suitable communication channel (cable or other media) between the points, the NRC86 remote controller can be used for driving the capacitor contactors.
1.3 History of Firmware Versions
Novar 1xxx NRC
version date of release note
1.3 10/2010 - basic version
1.4 8/2011 - THDI alarm replaced with adjustable current limit undercurrent alarm ( parameters 30, 40)
1.5 11/2011 - RCC/IO communication error fixed
1.6 09/2012 - combined RCC and I/O operation and multiple NRC86 units performance support added
1.7 04/2013 - “Alarm by import with adjustable limit and fixed outputs release at export" function added
1.8 10/2013 - PF display error at undercurrent alarm activation correction
NRC 86
version date of release note
0.1 10/2010 - basic version
0.2 01/2011 - „I/O“-mode for two NRC86 units added
0.3 04/2011 - general I/O device feature added
1.0 09/2012 - combined RCC and I/O operation and multiple NRC86 units performance support added
1.4 Manual Structure
This Operating Manual describes the NRC86 remote controller and the Novar1xxx NRC controller’s specific features only. At least basic knowledge of Novar line power factor controllers is necessary for understanding it.
Novar-NRC KMB systems
Detailed description of the Novar power factor controllers can be found on the manufacturers website at .
Novar-NRC KMB systems
2. The „Novar1xxx NRC“ Special Version Power Factor Controllers
The „NRC“ special version is available for following Novar power factor controller (PFC) models : 1106, 1114, 1206, 1214 ( marking example : Novar1214 NRC). The 1414 and 1312 models can be delivered with limited functionality only – see below.
The PFCs are equipped with a RS-485 communication interface and with the special version firmware „0E“ that allow, in combination with the NRC86 remote controller, either a remote controlled power factor operation mode or a remote controller outputs operation mode .
From point of view of hardware and installation, the „NRC“-version PFCs don’t differ from standard PFC models (with exception of models Novar1414 NRC and Novar1312 NRC, see below) and detailed description can be found at the standard Novar1xxx operation manual. The only difference is their firmware – they are equipped with special version firmware „0E“. The PFCs are marked with the „0E“ code :
on the panel of the controller at initial phase after supply voltage is applied. When the
firmware version is displayed the first two characters of displayed string „0E1.3“ stands for special firmware version 0E, and the last two stands for basic firmware version 1.3.
at firmware window of the product label on the rear panel of the controller. For example
marking „1.3/OE“ means basic firmware version 1.3 and the character after a slash mean special version „0E“
The only limitation of this firmware version is that the Modbus communication protocol is not supported. All of other features are the same as the standard version.
The Novar1414 NRC and the Novar 1312 NRC models differ, moreover, from the standard models by not allowing automatic connection detection and automatic sections’ powers recognition. Therefore, the type of connection (parameter No. 16) and individual sections’ power sizes (parameter No. 25) must be entered manually.
2.1 Operation
2.1.1 Remote Controlled Power Factor (Cosinus) Mode – the „RCC“ Mode
The Novar1xxx NRC PFC (or several PFCs) is connected to the NRC86 remote controller through a RS-485 communication link. Using additional parameters of the „0E“ special firmware the PFC can be set up to the RCC-mode (Remote Controlled Cosϕ). After being set, the PFC periodically reads serial number of remote controlled PF value in range 1 ÷ 5 from the NRC86 unit.
In the PFC it is possible to preset five PF values corresponding to the remote controlled PF serial numbers. Default values are –0.95 / -0.97 / 1.00 / 0.97 / 0.95 , but they can be freely changed. According this setting the PFC keeps preset target PF value that is dynamically controlled by the remote controlled PF serial number from the NRC86 unit ( standard target PF value in parameter 01 has no meaning in this mode).
Simultaneously, other NRC86 units (up to six, i.e. seven units in total) in function of remote controlled outputs (see below) can be connected to the communication link too.
Novar-NRC KMB systems
Tab. 2.1 : Novar-1xxx NRC Additional and Affected Parameters
name range step default comment
target PF for metering rate 1 (2)
actual remote controlled target PF
0.80 L ÷ 0.80 C
„EX.XX“ format indicates remote controlled target PF value in the „RCC“-mode
0.01 0.98 L
in the „RCC“-mode (see par. 53), depending on the metering rate 2 parameter setting and state, the actual value of target PF is defined by setting of the „remote controlled target PF“ (par. 80) and by actual state of the „remote controlled PF serial number“ (par.
6 metering rate 2
0 – 1 – E 0
when the metering rate 2 parameter enabled (value "1" or "E") and the "RCC"-mode (par.
53) enabled, PF control is carried out by the „remote controlled target PF“ when the metering rate 2 just active only (i. e. when digital input activated or active power export occurs ); for metering rate 1, the PF is controlled by the target PF for metering rate 1 (par. 01), regardless to the „remote controlled target PF“ value
30 alarm setting
0 / indication only / actuation only / indication and actuation
indication and
actuation from undercurrent, voltage signal absence or section error
1... undercurrent … 14 … external alarm
15 ... NRC86 connection loss
Alarm No. 15 is activated when no response from the NRC86 unit occurs during approx. 20 seconds. The alarm actuation function is intended mainly for the „I/O“-mode.
40 alarm
instantaneous condition
„0“ indicates passive state, „1“ indicates active state. Alarm numbering according par. 30.
instrument address
1 ÷ 255 1 1
In the„RCC“- and a the„I/O“-mode the preset value has no meaning. The fixed address 200 is used for communication with the NRC86 unit.
communication rate
4800 – 9600 – 19200 Bd 9600
In the„RCC“- and a the„I/O“-mode the value must correspond to that of the NRC86 unit
52 communication
NRC86 response timeout
0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 8 sec
- KMB(P0)
0 sec
Modbus-RTU protocol cannot be set.
In the„RCC“- and a the„I/O“-mode (par. 53) the parameter defines the NRC86 unit response timeout in seconds.
53 remote control
-(=off) / IO / IO. / RCC / RCC. / RCCP
- -(=off)
- … remote control mode switched off ­comm. interface available for standard remote monitoring (protocol KMB only)
- IO … „I/O“-mode only (with up to 7 NRC86s)
- IO. … „I/O“-mode with actual PFC state broadcast
- RCC … „RCC“-mode with optional simultaneous „I/O“-mode (with up to 6 additional NRC86s)
- RCC. … „RCC“-mode with actual PFC state broadcast
- RCCP … „RCCP“-mode (passive)
80 remote
controlled target PF No. 1 ÷ 5 ( in „RCC“-mode )
0.80 L ÷ 0.80 C
0.01 1. = 0.95 C
2. = 0.97 C
3. = 1.00
4. = 0.97 L
5. = 0.95 L
individual remote controlled target PF values EC1÷÷÷÷EC5 corresponding to remote controlled PF serial number (par. 81) can be set in a side branch
81 remote
controlled PF serial number ( in „RCC“­mode )
1 ÷ 5
1 3
the value is periodically read from the NRC86 unit
- slowly flashing dec. point indicates off-line state; the value displayed corresponds to the last read value
- slowly flashing dec. point indicates default state 3 ( at long time off-line state )
Novar-NRC KMB systems
2.1.2 Remote Controlled Outputs – the „I/O“ Mode
The Novar1xxx NRC PFC is connected to the NRC86 remote controller (optionally to more of such controllers) through a RS-485 communication link. Capacitor (or choke) contactors are not connected to the PFC outputs but to corresponding outputs of the NRC86 controller(s).
Using additional parameters of the „0E“ special firmware the PFC can be set up to the I/O-mode (Input/Output). Then the PFC output state is periodically transmitted to the NRC86 controller(s) and its outputs state „copies“ the PFC outputs state. The outputs refresh speed is between 3 ÷ 10 times per second if a transparent communication medium ( i.e. a medium with no transmission delay) is used (it depends on preset communication rate and remote control mode). If usual metallic cable is used maximum distance between the PFC and the NRC86 unit is up to 1 km, but it can be nearly unlimited for suitable wireless media.
Up to seven NRC86 units can be connected. At each of the units you can set how many outputs to process (i.e. how many of its outputs are controlled by the PFC outputs); then other outputs of the PFC are processed by other NRC86 units. By this you can control outputs which are spatially spread within reach of the communication line.
Desired remote controlled mode ( either the „RCC“ or the „I/O“ ) can be set using additional parameters according Tab. 2.1°. Essential matters that differ from standard version are bolded.
Significant parameters detailed description follows.
2.2 Parameters 01(07) – Target PF for Metering Rate 1(2) / Actual Remote Controlled Target PF
2.2.1 Parameter 01
If the remote control mode (par. 53) is switched off or if the metering rate 2 control (par. 06) is enabled, parameter 01 has usual meaning, i.e. preset target PF value ( for metering rate 1).
If any of RCC-modes is set and the metering rate 2 control is disabled simultaneously, the target PF is remote controlled by external NRC86 unit. In such case an actual value of remote controlled PF
with preceding „E“ character is displayed in parameter 01 ( for example E0
97 ). This value cannot
be edited in parameter 01; it is defined by preset value of remote controlled target PF in parameter 80, corresponding to actual state of remote controlled PF serial number. This serial number ( in range 1 ÷ 5 ) is periodically read from theNRC86 unit and its value can be checked in parameter 81.
Thus the PFC controls PF to one of preset values in parameter 80. Usual value of parameter 01, i.e. standard target PF value for metering rate 1, has no meaning in the RCC-mode and it is not displayed.
But, if the metering rate 2 control (par. 06) is enabled, the parameter 01 has usual meaning - preset target PF value ( for metering rate 1). Then, if the metering rate 2 is inactive actually, the parameter 01 target PF is used for PF control and the remote controlled target PF value is ignored.
2.2.2 Parameter 07
The standard meaning of this parameter is target PF for metering rate 2 (the second tariff). If the metering rate control (parameter 06) is disabled its value has no meaning.
If the metering rate 2 control is enabled and the RCC-mode is off, target PF is defined by the parameter 01 or 07 according actual state of the metering rate 2 control value.
Novar-NRC KMB systems
If the metering rate 2 control is enabled and any of the RCC-modes is set simultaneously, the target PF is remote controlled by external NRC86 unit only when the metering rate 2 (tariff 2) just active. In such case, the actual value of remote controlled PF with preceding „E“ character is displayed in parameter 07 ( in the same way as in the parameter 01 when the metering rate 2 control disabled). The parameter 01 has in such case its usual meaning, i.e. preset target PF value for tariff 1. Thus, if the tariff 2 just inactive, the PF is controlled by the parameter 01 value and the remote controlled target PF value is ignored.
The tariff2 value is evaluated in the usual way: either by state dig. input (1) or export (E).
2.3 Parameters 30 – Alarm Setting, 40 – Alarm Status
2.3.1 Alarm No. 6 – Undercurrent Alarm with Adjustable Limit or Alarm by Import with Adjustable Limit and Fixed Outputs Release at Export
At standard Novar 1xxx controllers, the alarm No. 6 is controlled by THDI value.
At the Novar 1xxx NRC controllers, the alarm is not evaluated. The alarm No. 6 has one of following meanings depending on its setting : Undercurrent Alarm with Adjustable Limit
This is in fact enhanced undercurrent alarm. Behaviour of the alarm corresponds to the alarm No. 1 (thus, it is controlled by Ieff value); furthermore, the undercurrent limit value in “per mille”(ppt, range 0 ÷ 200 ppt) of nominal current (5A/1A according parameter 13 setting) can be set in parameter 33.
For this alarm behaviour, the alarm No. 1 must be set in the same way as the alarm No. 6.
The limit value setup example : CT ratio (par. 12,13 ) is set to 500/5A. We intend to set the undercurrent limit to 15A. Nominal current corresponds to the CT primary value, i.e. 500A, one ppt of this is 0.5A. So we set the parametr 33 to 15 / 0.5 = 30. Alarm by Import with Adjustable Limit and Fixed Outputs Release at Export
For this alarm functionality, the actuation function of the alarm No. 1 must be (unlike the function described above) switched off (usual value 0
0) and the actuation function of the alarm No. 6 must be
switched on (usual value 2
2), simultaneously. Then :
The alarm No. 6 is triggered as soon as fifteen-minute average value of the active current
Iact is either positive (=import), or it is negative, but its absolute value is below the preset limit
in “per mille”(ppt, range 0 ÷ 200 ppt) of nominal current (5A/1A according parameter 13 setting) in parameter 33. During the check a hysteresis of +/-1mA is applied.
When the actuation is triggered all of the fixed sections are set to their preset states. The
controller goes on operation with the remaining ones. If all of the sections are fixed the power factor control is suppressed.
As soon as the fifteen-minute average value of the active current Iact gets negative (=export)
and its absolute value exceeds the preset limit in the parameter 33, the alarm gets inactive. At the same time, all of the sections preset as fixed ones are released for the control process, i.e. they are considered as standard control sections.
This alarm function setting is indicated by slowly flashing decimal points at the sections
pressed as fixed at the parameter 26, that denotes their conditional behaviour
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