Setup Codes for DVD Players (Blu Ray and HD-DVD)
Setup Codes for DVD/PVR Combos
Controlled by the DVD
Setup Codes for Home Automation
Satellite Receivers and DVR/PVR Systems
Setup Codes for Satellite Receivers
Setup Codes for PVRs
Setup Codes for DVR/PVR Systems
Controlled by the Satellite
Controlled by the VCR
Setup Codes for TVs
Setup Codes for TV/DVD Combination
Controlled by the DVD
Controlled by the TV
Setup Codes for TV/VCR Combination
Controlled by the TV
Controlled by the VCR
Setup Codes for TV/VCR/DVD Combination
Controlled by the DVD
Controlled by the VCR
Setup Codes for VCRs
Setup Codes for Video Accessories
• Keep the remote dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry immediately.
• Use and store the unit only in normal temperature environments.
• Handle the remote gently and carefully. Don’t drop it.
• Wipe the remote with a damp cloth to keep it looking like new.
Modifying or tampering with the internal parts can cause damage and
invalidate the warranty. If your remote is not performing as it should, please
contact us at:
Power(2) A A
Size (H x W x D) 195 x 51.5 x 34 mm
Specifications are typical; individual units might vary. Specifications are
subject to change and improvement without any notice.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the followi ng measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This equipment has been verified to comply with the limits for a class B computing
device, pursuant to FCC Rules. In order to maintain compliance with FCC
regulations, shielded cables must be used with this equipment. Operation with nonapproved equipment or unshielded cables is likely to result in interference to radio
and TV reception. The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to the
equipment without the approval of manufacturer could void the user's authority to
operate this equipment.
67100BA0-XXX-R 07/08
Zoece 21265
Denon 22258
Integra 21769
LG 20741
Microsoft 22083
Onkyo 21769
Panasonic 21641
Philips 22084
Pioneer 20142
RCA 21769
Samsung 20199
Sharp 22250
Sony 21516
Toshiba 21769
Xbox 22083
Go Video 21730
Humax 21500, 21588
LG 20741
Panasonic 20490
Philips 21340
Pioneer 20631, 21512
RCA 20522
Sharp 21256
Sony 21033, 21070
Sylvania 20675
Tivo 21512
Toshiba 21503, 21510, 21588
Accutek 31215
Amana 31716
Bionaire 30846, 31215, 31861
Da-Lite 31794
Draper 32190
Frigidaire 31333
GE 30240
GoldStar 31537
Holmes 31215
Kenmore 31537
Lasko 30846, 31890
LG 31537
Lightolier 30184
Lutron 30597, 30318, 31239, 31597
Marmitek 30167
One For All 30167
PCS 30184
RadioShack 30240
Screen Research 32097
Security System 30167
Sharper Image 30846
SmartLinc 30184
Universal 30167
Universal X10 30167
Whirlpool 31332
Windmere 31215
X10 30167
AlphaStar 00772
Bell ExpressVu 00775, 01170
Chaparral 00216
Coolsat 01806
Crossdigital 01109
DirecTV 01377, 00392, 00566, 00639, 01639, 01142, 00247,
00749, 01749, 00819, 01856, 01076, 01108, 00099,
01109, 01392, 01414, 01442, 01443, 01444, 01609,
Dish Network System 01505, 00775, 01170, 01775
Dishpro 01505, 00775, 01775
Echostar 01505, 00775, 01170, 01775
Expressvu 00775, 01775
Fortec Star 01821
Funai 01377
GE 00392, 00566
General Instrument 00869
GOI 00775, 01775
Hitachi 00749, 00819
Houston 00775
HTS 00775, 01775
Hughes Network Systems 01142, 00749, 01749, 01442, 01443, 01444
Humax 01790
Innova 00099
Jerrold 00869
JVC 00775, 01170, 01775
LG 01226, 01414
Magnavox 00722
McIntosh 00869
Mitsubishi 00749
Motorola 00869
Netsat 00099
Next Level 00869
Panasonic 00247, 00701
Pansat 01807
Philips 01142, 00749, 01749, 00775, 00819, 01076, 00722,
00099, 01442
Primestar 00869
Proscan 00392, 00566
RadioShack 00566, 00775, 00869
RCA 00392, 00566, 01142, 00775, 00855, 00143, 01392,
Samsung 01377, 01142, 01276, 01108, 01109, 01442, 01609
SKY 00099
Sony 00639, 01639, 01640
Star Choice 00869
Star Trak 00772, 00869
Thomson 00392, 00566
Tivo 01142, 01442, 01443, 01444
Toshiba 00749, 01749, 00790, 01285
UltimateTV 01392, 01640
Ultrasat 01806
Uniden 00722
Voom 00869
Zenith 01856
ABS 21972
Alienware 21972
CyberPower 21972
Dell 21972
DirecTV 20739
Gateway 21972
Go Video 20614
Hewlett Packard 21972
Howard Computers 21972
HP 21972
Hughes Network Systems 20739
Humax 20739
Hush 21972
Linksys 21972
Media Center PC 21972
Microsoft 21972
Mind 21972
Niveus Media 21972
Northgate 21972
Panasonic 20614, 20616
Philips 20618, 20739
RCA 20880
ReplayTV 20614, 20616
Samsung 20739
Sonic Blue 20614, 20616
Sony 20636, 21972
Stack 9 21972
Systemax 21972
Tagar Systems 21972
Tivo 20618, 20636, 20739
Toshiba 21008, 21972, 21996
Touch 21972
Viewsonic 21972
Voodoo 21972
ZT Group 21972
Bell ExpressVu 00775, 01170
DirecTV 01377, 00392, 00639, 01142, 01076, 00099, 01392, 01442,
01443, 01444, 01640
Dish Network System 01505, 00775
Dishpro 01505, 00775
Echostar 01505, 00775, 01170
Expressvu 00775
Hughes Network Systems 01142, 01442, 01443, 01444
JVC 01170
Motorola 00869
Philips 01142, 01442
Proscan 00392
RCA 01392
Samsung 01442
Sony 00639, 01640
Star Choice 00869
Tivo 01142, 01442, 01443, 01444
DirecTV 20739
Hughes Network Systems 20739
Philips 20739
Samsung 20739
Tivo 20739
A-Mark 10047, 10054
Accurian 11803
Accuscan 10047
Action 10030, 10873
Admiral 10047, 10054, 10017, 10051, 10093, 10463, 10180
Advent 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817, 10842
Adventuri 10000
Agna 10150
Aiko 10092
Akai 10060, 10812, 10702, 10030, 10145, 10056, 10672, 11675,
11676, 11935
Albatron 10700, 10843
Alfide 10672
Alleron 10030
Ambassador 10150, 10177
America Action 10180
American High 10000, 10060
Ampro 10751
Amstrad 10171, 10177
Amtron 10000, 10180
Anam 10180
AOC 10180, 10030, 11365
Aomni 11623
Apex Digital 10156, 10748, 10879, 10765, 10767, 10890, 11217
Astar 11531, 11738
Audinac 10180
Audiovox 10451, 10180, 10092, 10623, 10802, 10846, 10875, 11937,
11951, 11952
Aventura 10171
Axion 11937
Baysonic 10180
Beaumark 10017, 10178, 10030
Belcor 10030
Bell & Howell 10054, 10154, 10093
BenQ 11032, 11212, 11315
Boxlight 10893
Bradford 10180
Brockwood 10178, 10030, 10056
Broksonic 10236, 10463, 10180, 10177, 11935
Byd:sign 11309
Candle 10030, 10056
Capehart 10017, 10178, 10030, 10092
Carnivale 10030
Carver 10054
Celebrity 10000
Celera 10765
Changhong 10156, 10765, 10767, 10783
Cineral 10451, 10092
Citek 10047
Citizen 10054, 10000, 10451, 10463, 10180, 100 60, 10030, 10171,
10092, 10056, 11935
Clarion 10180
Classic 10030, 10092, 10056
Colortyme 10047, 10054, 10017, 10060, 10178, 10030
Commercial Solutions 11447, 10047
Concerto 10056
Conic 10178
Contec 10180
Craig 10180, 10171
Crosley 10054, 10000, 10180, 10030, 10171
Crown 10093, 10180, 10056, 10672
Crown Mustang 10672
Curtis Mathes 10047, 10054, 10154, 10000, 10051, 10451, 10093, 10180,
10060, 10702, 10178, 10030, 10145, 10166, 10056, 10466,
11147, 11347
CXC 10180
Cytron 11326
Daewoo 10451, 10178, 10092, 11661, 11756, 10623, 10661, 10672,
Dayton 10092
Daytron 10178, 10030, 10092, 1 0056
Dell 11080, 11178, 11264, 11403, 11863
Denon 10145
Digital Life 10872
Dream Vision 11164
Dumont 10017, 10180, 10178
Durabrand 10463, 10180, 10178, 1 0171, 11034
Dwin 10093, 10720, 10774
Dynex 11463, 11780, 11785, 11810
Eaton 10060
Electroband 10000
Electrograph 11623, 11755
Electrohome 10154, 10000, 10463, 10150, 10178, 10030, 10056
Emerald 10178, 10177
Emerson 10047, 10154, 10451, 10236, 10463, 10180, 10150, 10178,
10171, 10177, 10623, 11394, 11963
Emprex 11422
Envision 10030, 10813, 11365
Epson 10833, 10840
ESA 10812, 10171, 11963
Fisher 10054, 10154, 10000
Fortress 10093
Fujitsu 10683, 10809, 10853
Funai 10000, 10180, 10171, 11271, 11963
Futuretech 10180
Gateway 11756, 11755
GE 11447, 10047, 10000, 10051, 10451, 10060, 10178, 10030,
11147, 11347
Gemini 10047
Gibralter 10017, 10000, 10030
Go Video 10886
Go Vision 11937
GoldStar 10047, 10054, 10178, 10030, 10056, 11154
Gradiente 10053, 100 56
Grundig 10706, 10672, 10683
Grundy 10180
Grunpy 10180
Haier 11034
Hallmark 10236, 10180, 10178
Hannspree 11348, 11351, 11745
Harley Davidson 10000, 10180, 10060, 10178, 10030
Harman/Kardon 10054
Harvard 10180
Havermy 10093
Heathkit 10017
Helios 10865
Hello Kitty 10451
Hewlett Packard 11494, 11502, 11642
Hisense 10748
Hitachi 10047, 10054, 10017, 10000, 10051, 11145, 10145, 10056,
11445, 11643
HP 11494, 11502, 11642
Hyundai 10849, 10865, 11219, 11294
iLo 11286, 11603, 11684, 11990
Ima 10236, 10180, 10178
Infinity 10054
InFocus 11164
Initial 11603, 11990
Insignia 10171, 11204, 11326, 11517, 11564, 11641, 11710, 11780,
11963, 12002
Inteq 10017, 10145
JBL 10054
JCB 10000
Jensen 10761, 10815, 10817
JIL 10030
Jutan 10030
JVC 10054, 10053, 10030, 10650, 10731, 11253, 11774
Kamp 10017, 10180
Kawasho 10030
KEC 10180, 10060
Kenwood 10180, 10030
KLH 10156, 10180, 10765, 10767
Kloss 10030
Konka 10180, 10720
KTV 10463, 10180, 10030
Lark 10154
LG 10054, 11265, 10060, 10178, 10030, 10056, 10700, 10856,
11154, 11178, 11423, 11993
Lloyd's 10236, 10180, 10030, 10056
Logik 10236, 10180, 10056
Luxman 10056
LXI 10047, 10054, 10017, 10154, 10000, 10156, 10051, 10093,
10060, 10053, 10178, 10030, 10171, 10166, 10056
Magnasonic 10054, 10000, 10156, 10093, 10030, 10092, 10056
Magnavox 10047, 11454, 10054, 10154, 10000, 10250, 10051, 10180,
10060, 10030, 10171, 10092, 10706, 10802, 11198, 11254,
11365, 11755, 11866, 11963, 11990
Majestic 10017
Marantz 11454, 10054, 10030, 10704, 10855, 11154, 11398
Matsui 10056, 10177
Matsushita 10250, 10051, 10650
Maxent 11756, 10762, 11211, 11714, 11755, 11757
Megapower 10700
Megatron 10047, 10178, 10145, 10056
Memorex 10154, 10463, 10180, 10150, 10178, 10030, 10056
MGA 10150, 10178, 10030
MGN Technology 10178
Micro Genius 10150
Midland 10047, 10017, 10051, 10056
Mintek 11603, 11990
Mitsubishi 10154, 10093, 11250, 10150, 10178, 10030, 10836, 10868,
Monivision 10700, 10843
Motorola 10054, 10051, 10093, 10150
MTC 10180, 10060, 10030, 10092, 10056
Multitech 10180
NAD 10156, 10178, 10166, 10056, 10866, 11156
NEC 10047, 10178, 10030, 10056, 10497, 10704, 10882, 11398,
NetTV 10762, 11755
New Tech 10056
Nikko 10178, 10030, 10092
Nikkodo 10178, 10030, 10092
Nishi 10030
Norcent 10748, 10824, 11365
Norwood Micro 11286
NTC 10092
Nyon 10000
Olevia 11144, 11240, 11331, 11610
Onwa 10180
Optimus 10154, 10250, 10093, 10180, 10150, 10178, 10030, 10166,
10056, 10650
Optoma 11348
Optonica 10093
Orion 10017, 10236, 10463, 10180, 10178, 11463, 10177
Pace 10092
Panasonic 10054, 10000, 10156, 10250, 10051, 10236, 10030, 10650,
11291, 11310, 11410, 11480, 11941
Panda 10706
Paxonic 10060, 10030
PCE 10156, 10060
Penney 10047, 10000, 10156, 10250, 10051, 10060, 10178, 10030,
10056, 11347
Petters 11523
Philco 10054, 10463, 10030, 10145
Philips 11454, 10054, 10030, 10171, 10056, 1069 0, 11154, 11254,
11744, 11867
Pilot 10051, 10060, 10178, 10030, 10056
Pioneer 10166, 10679, 10866, 11260, 11398, 11457
Planar 11496
Polaroid 10765, 10865, 11276, 11314, 11326, 11328, 11341, 11523,
11766, 12002
Portland 10451, 10092
Precision 10236, 10180, 10177
Prima 10761, 10783, 10815, 10817, 11785
Princeton 10700, 10717
Prism 10250, 10051
Proscan 11447, 10047, 10466, 11347
Proton 10178, 10466
Pulsar 10017, 10092
Pulser 10178, 10092
Quartz 10150, 10178
Quasar 10250, 10051, 10650
Rabbit 10047
RadioShack 10047, 10154, 10180, 10150, 10178, 10030, 10056
RCA 11447, 10047, 10054, 10000, 10051, 10093, 10178, 12002,
11958, 11781, 11547, 11347, 11247, 11147, 11047, 10774,
10679, 10090
Realistic 10047, 10154, 10180, 10150, 10178, 10030, 10056
RevolutionHD 11623
Runco 10017, 10060, 10030, 10497, 10603, 11292, 11398, 11629
Sampo 10047, 10030, 11756, 10762, 11755
Samsung 10047, 10054, 10017, 10154, 10060, 10812, 10702, 10178,
10030, 10056, 10587, 10766, 10814, 11060, 11575
Sanky 10060, 10030
Sansui 10463, 10060, 10030, 11409, 11935
Sanyo 10047, 10054, 10154, 10000, 10463, 10171, 10088, 10799,
10893, 11142, 11755
Saville 10060
Sceptre 10878, 11217, 11360, 11599
Scotch 10178
Scott 10236, 10180, 10178, 10030, 10177, 11711
Sears 10047, 10054, 10 017, 10154, 10000, 10156, 10051, 10093,
10060, 10053, 10178, 10030, 10171, 10166, 10056
Seleco 11351
Sharp 10054, 10093, 10180, 10491, 10688, 10689, 10818, 10851,
Sheng Chia 10093
Shivaki 10178
Siemens 10145
Signature 10047, 10093, 10030
Simpson 10178, 10030
Singer 10060, 10092
Solar Drape 10000
Sole 10813, 11623
Sony 10017, 10154, 11100, 10000, 10150, 10053, 10834, 11685
Soundesign 10180, 10178, 10056
Sova 11952
Soyo 11520, 11826
Spectravision 10156, 10178
Squareview 10171
SR2000 10154, 10171
SSS 10180
Starlite 10236, 10180
Studio Experience 10843
Superscan 10093, 10864
Supreme 10000
SV2000 10054
SVA 10748, 10587, 10865, 10870, 10871, 10872
Sylvania 10047, 10054, 10154, 10000, 10051, 10178, 10030, 10171,
10092, 10056, 11271, 11314, 11394, 11864, 11963
Symphonic 10000, 10180, 10178, 10171
Syntax 11144, 11240, 11331, 11610
Tandy 10093
Tatung 10000, 10051, 11756, 11286
Teac 10154, 10706, 10689
Technics 10054, 10250, 10051
Technovox 10030
Techview 10847, 12004
Techwood 10250, 10051, 10060, 10056
Teco 11040
Teknika 10054, 10463, 10180, 10150, 10060, 10178, 10092, 10056
Telecolor 10017
Telefunken 10702, 10056
Thomas 10047, 10178, 10056
Thomson 11447, 10047
TMK 10236, 10180, 10178, 10056, 10177
TNCi 10017
Tocom 10156
Toshiba 10154, 11256, 10156, 10150, 11265, 10060, 11145, 10145,
10166, 12006, 11935, 11704, 11656, 11635, 11524, 11356,
11164, 11156, 10845, 10832, 10822, 10650
Totevision 10051
Toyomenka 10178
Truetone 10250, 10051
TruTech 11723
TVS 10463
Ultra 10092
Universal 10047
Universum 10177
US Logic 11286
V 11756, 10864, 10885, 11755
Vector Research 10030
Victor 10053
Vidikron 10054, 11292, 11398, 11629
Vidtech 10178
Viewsonic 10857, 10864, 10885, 11330, 11578, 11627, 11640, 11755,
Viking 10060
Viore 11684
Vizio 11756, 11758, 10864, 10885, 11755
Wards 10047, 10054, 10017, 10154, 10000, 10051, 10093, 10236,
10178, 10030, 10166, 10056, 10866, 11156
Waycon 10156
Welton 10178
Westinghouse 10000, 10451, 10885, 10889, 10890, 11282, 11577, 11712
White Westinghouse 10451, 10236, 10463, 10623, 10889
World 10451, 10236, 10463, 10180
Wyse 11365
XR-1000 10154, 10180, 10171
Yamaha 10030, 10769 , 10833, 10839, 11526
Yorx 10030
Zenith 10047, 10017, 10000, 10093, 10463, 11265, 10812, 10178,
10030, 11145, 10145, 10171, 10092
Advent 21016
Akai 20695
Apex Digital 20830
Audiovox 21071, 21121, 21122
Axion 21071
Broksonic 20695
Citizen 20695
Emerson 20675, 21268
ESA 21268
Funai 21268
Go Vision 21071
Hitachi 21247
Insignia 21268
Jensen 21016
Magnavox 21268
Panasonic 21490
Philips 20854, 21260
Prima 21016
RCA 21022
Samsung 20899
Sansui 20695
Sova 21122
Sylvania 20675, 21268
Toshiba 20695
Accurian 11803
Akai 11675, 11935
Audiovox 11937, 11951, 11952
Axion 11937
Broksonic 11935
Citizen 11935
Dynex 11810
Emerson 11394, 11963
ESA 11963
Funai 11963
iLo 11990
Initial 11990
Insignia 11963, 12002
LG 11993
Magnavox 11866, 11963, 11990
Maxent 11714
Mintek 11990
Panasonic 11941
Polaroid 11523, 11766, 12002
RCA 11958, 12002
Sansui 11935
Sova 11952
Sylvania 11394, 11864, 11963
Techview 12004
Toshiba 11524, 11635, 11935, 12006
America Action 10180
Audiovox 10180
Emerson 10236
Broksonic 20479, 21479
Citizen 21278
Curtis Mathes 21035
Daewoo 21278
Emerson 20479, 20593, 21278, 21479
Funai 20000
GE 20807, 21035, 21060
GoldStar 21237
Harley Davidson 20000
Hitachi 20000
LG 21037
Lloyd's 20000
Magnasonic 20593, 21278
Magnavox 20000, 20593, 21781
Memorex 20162, 21037, 21162, 21237, 21262
Mitsubishi 20807
Optimus 20162, 20593, 21162, 21262
Orion 20479, 21479
Panasonic 20162, 21035, 21162, 21262
Penney 21035, 21237
Quasar 20162, 21035, 21162
RadioShack 20000, 21037
RCA 20807, 21035, 21060
Samsung 21014
Sansui 20000, 20479, 21479
Sears 20000, 21237
Sony 20000, 21232
Sylvania 21781
Symphonic 20000, 20593
Thomas 20000
Toshiba 20845, 21145
Zenith 20000, 20479, 21479
Akai 20899
Broksonic 20868
Emerson 20821
ESA 20821
Funai 21334
Magnavox 20821
Panasonic 21362, 21462
RCA 21132
Sharp 20630
Superscan 20821
Sylvania 20821
Symphonic 20821
Toshiba 21045
Sharp 20807
A-Mark 20037, 20000, 20046
ABS 21972
Accurian 20000
Admiral 20060, 20048, 20039, 20209, 20479
Adventura 20037, 20000
Aiwa 20037, 20000
Alba 20209
Alienware 21972
Allegro 20039
American High 20035, 20081
Amstrad 20000
Astra 20035
Audiovox 20037, 20038
Avis 20000
Bell & Howell 20035, 20048, 20039, 20000, 20046, 20479
Broksonic 20184, 20121, 20209, 20479, 21479
Calix 20037
Candle 20037, 20038
Canon 20035
Carver 20035, 20081
Citizen 20035, 20037, 20000, 20209, 20479, 21278
Classic 20037
Colortyme 20060, 20035, 20045
Colt 20000
Craig 20037
Criterion 20000
Crosley 20035, 20081, 20000, 20149
Curtis Mathes 20060, 20035, 20162, 20000, 21035
CyberPower 21972
Daewoo 20037, 20045, 20046, 21278
Daytron 20037
Dell 21972
Denon 20081, 20042
DirecTV 20739
Dual 20000
Durabrand 20039, 20038
Dynatech 20000
Electrohome 20060, 20037, 20000, 20043, 20209
Electrophonic 20037
Emerald 20184, 20121
Emerex 20032
Emerson 20037, 20184, 20000, 20121, 20043, 20209, 20479,
20593, 21278, 21479, 21593
Fisher 20039, 20000, 20046
Fuji 20035, 20033
Fujitsu 20000
Funai 20037, 20000, 20593, 21593
Garrard 20000
Gateway 21972
GE 20060, 20035, 20048, 20000, 20149, 20807, 21035,
Gemini 20060
Genexxa 20037, 20000
Go Video 20614
GoldStar 20035, 20037, 20039, 20000, 20038, 21237
Goodmans 20037, 20081, 20000
Gradiente 20000
Granada 20081, 20042
Grundig 20081
Harley Davidson 20000
Harman/Kardon 20081, 20038
Headquarter 20046
Hewlett Packard 21972
HI-Q 20035, 20000
Hitachi 20035, 20037, 20045, 20000, 20042, 20089
Howard Computers 21972
HP 21972
Hughes Network Systems 20042, 20739
Humax 20739
Hush 21972
Hytek 20000
Instant Replay 20035
Jensen 20067
JVC 20067, 21162
KEC 20037
Kenwood 20067, 20038, 20046
Kodak 20035, 20037
KTV 20000
LG 20037, 20038, 21037
Linksys 21972
Lloyd's 20000, 20038
Loewe 20081
Logik 20000
Luxor 20046
LXI 20037, 20000, 20042, 20067
Magnasonic 20037, 20000, 20593, 21278
Magnavox 20035, 20037, 20048, 20039, 20081, 20000, 20149,
20563, 20593, 20618, 21593, 21781
Marantz 20035, 20081, 20038
Marta 20037
Matsui 20037, 20209
Matsushita 20035, 20162, 20081, 21162
Media Center PC 21972
MEI 20035
Memorex 20035, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20039, 20000, 20209,
20046, 20479, 21037, 21162, 21237, 21262
Metz 20037
MGA 20060, 20043
Microsoft 2197 2
Mind 21972
Minolta 20042
Mitsubishi 20060, 20048, 20000, 20042, 20067, 20043, 20807
Motorola 20035, 20048
MTC 20000
MTX 20000
Multitech 20039, 20000
NEC 20067, 20038
Nikko 20037
Nikkodo 20037
Niveus Media 21972
Northgate 21972
Olympus 20035, 20162
Optimus 21062, 20035, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20000, 20593,
21162, 21262
Orion 20184, 20000, 20121, 20209, 20479, 21479
Panama 20035
Panasonic 21062, 20035, 20162, 20000, 20225, 20614, 20616,
21035, 21162, 21262
Penney 20035, 20162, 20037, 20081, 20000, 20042, 20067,
20038, 21035, 21237
Pentax 20042
Philco 20035, 20081, 20000, 20209, 20479
Philips 20035, 20162, 20048, 20081, 20045, 20000, 20209,
20616, 20618, 20739, 21081, 21181
Pilot 20037
Pioneer 20162, 20081, 20042, 20067
Polk Audio 20081
Presidian 21593
Proscan 20060, 21060
Protec 20000
Pulsar 20039
Quarter 20046
Quartz 20035, 20046
Quasar 20035, 20162, 21035, 21162
RadioShack 20035, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20000, 20046, 21037,
Radix 20037
Randex 20037
RCA 20060, 20035, 20048, 20045, 20000, 20042, 20149,
20807, 20880, 21035, 21060
Realistic 20035, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20000, 20121, 20046,
ReplayTV 20614, 20616
Ricavision 21972
Runco 20039
Samsung 20060, 20045, 20000, 20038, 20739, 21014
Sanky 20048, 20039
Sansui 20000, 20067, 20209, 20479, 21479
Sanyo 20000, 20046, 20479
Scott 20184, 20045, 20121, 20043
Sears 20060, 20035, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20039, 20033,
20045, 20000, 20042, 20067, 20043, 20209, 20046,
Sharp 20048, 20032, 20000, 20807, 20848
Shintom 20039, 20000
Siemens 20037
Signature 20060, 20035, 20037, 20048, 20000, 20149, 20046,
Singer 20037
Sonic Blue 20614, 20616
Sonographe 20046
Sony 20035, 20032, 20033, 20000, 20067, 20046, 20636,
21032, 21232, 21972
Soundmaster 20000
Stack 9 21972
STS 20042
SV2000 20000
SVA 20000
Sylvania 20035, 20081, 20000, 20043, 20593, 21593, 21781
Symphonic 20000, 20593, 21593
Systemax 21972
Tagar Systems 21972
Tandy 20000
Tashiko 20037
Tatung 20048, 20081, 20000, 20067
Teac 20000, 20067
Technics 20035, 20162, 20037, 20000
Teknika 20035, 20037, 20000
Tevion 20479
Thomas 20000
Thomson 20060
Tivo 20618, 20636, 20739, 21996
TMK 2000 0
TNIX 20037
Toshiba 20045, 20000, 20043, 20209, 20845, 21008, 21145,
21972, 21996
Totevision 20037
Touch 21972
Trix 20037
Ultra 20045
Vector 20045
Vector Research 20184, 20038
Victor 20067
Video Concepts 20045
Videomagic 20037
Videosonic 20000
Viewsonic 21972
Villain 20000
Voodoo 21972
Wards 20060, 20035, 20037, 20048, 20081, 20033, 20045,
20000, 20042, 20043, 20038, 20149, 20046, 20479
Wharfedale 20593
White Westinghouse 20000, 20209, 20479
World 20209, 20479
XR-1000 20035, 20000
Yamaha 20038
Zenith 20037, 20039, 20033, 20000, 20209, 20479, 21479
ZT Group 21972
2Wire 02045
ABS 01272
Access HD 02185
Accurian 01653
Alienware 01272
Amino 01481
AT&T 00858, 02045
Buffalo 01739
CASTi 02305
CyberPower 01272
D-Link 01554, 01731, 02186
Digital Stream 02303
Epson 01563
Gateway 01272
Hewlett Packard 01272, 01267
Howard Computers 01272
HP 01272, 01267
Hush 01272
Insignia 01415
KoolConnect 01481
LG 01415
Linksys 01272, 01365
Media Center PC 01272
Microsoft 01272, 02049
Mind 01272
Motorola 00858, 01363, 01998
Netgear 02036
Niveus Media 01272
Northgate 01272
Panasonic 01120
Pioneer 01010
Ricavision 01272
Roku 01486
Samsung 01190, 01490
Scientific Atlanta 00858
Sensory Science 01126
Sharp 01010
SMC 01456
Sony 01272, 01324, 01364
Stack 9 01272
SureWest 01481
Sylvania 01563
Systemax 01272
Tagar Systems 01272
Toshiba 01272
Touch 01272
Viewsonic 01272, 01329
Vizio 01126
Voodoo 01272
VUDU 02298
Xbox 02049
Zenith 01415
ZT Group 01272
Nova Page 2 Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:39 PM