Noty SmartMesh WirelessHART Application Notes Start Guide

SmartMesh WirelessHART Easy Start Guide
SmartMesh WirelessHART Easy Start Guide Page of 1 17
Table of Contents
1 Introduction _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3
1.1 Revision History _____________________________________________________________________________ 3 2 Setup __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 3 Basic Steps _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5
3.1 Step 1: Connect to the Manager CLI ______________________________________________________________ 5
3.2 Step 2: Form a Wireless Mesh Network ___________________________________________________________ 6
3.3 Step 3: Establish PC Connection to a Mote ________________________________________________________ 6
3.4 Step 4: Connect to Mote CLI ___________________________________________________________________ 7
3.5 Step 5: Install SDK Software ___________________________________________________________________ 8
3.6 Step 6: Join a Mote to the Manager with the API ____________________________________________________ 8 4 Additional Tools _________________________________________________________________________________ 10 5 Steps in a Design ________________________________________________________________________________ 11 6 Troubleshooting ________________________________________________________________________________ 12
6.1 References ________________________________________________________________________________ 14
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1 Introduction
and Software Development Kit (SDK). More details are discussed in the WirelessHART Starter Kit SmartMesh WirelessHART
. A number of software components are available for demonstrating interaction with your network. In thisTools Guide document, we will use the components highlighted in gray: FTDI drivers for converting USB connections to virtual COM ports; a terminal application; and the SmartMesh SDK, which allows the user to interact graphically with mote and manager APIs.
Figure 1: SmartMesh Software Components
1.1 Revision History
Revision Date Description
1 03/18/2013 Initial Release
2 09/30/2013 Added DC9022
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2 Setup
Figure 1 below illustrates the required SDK setup. The kit includes a SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager (LTP5903CEN-WHR), five Eterna Motes, and an interface board (DC9006A). There are different manager/mote combinations available, as shown in Table 1.
KIt Mote Manager Notes
DC9007A DC9003A-C LTP5903CEN-WHR Eval/Dev Kit with packaged manager
DC9022A DC9018A-C LTP5903CEN-WHR RF Certified Eval/Dev kit with packaged manager
All motes in kits ship with chip antennas. RF Certified devices are available for order individually with MMCX connectors:
Mote - DC9018B-C (MMCX connector)
Figure 1: SmartMeshSDK Setup
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3 Basic Steps
There are six steps to get the SDK running:
Connect to the Manager CLI Form a wireless mesh network - just power everything on, and a network will form Establish a connection between your PC and a Mote Connect to the Mote CLI Install SDK Software Connect to Manager API and Mote API
Once you've done these 6 steps you'll perform one exercise - you'll use the Mote API to make a Mote join the Manager.
3.1 Step 1: Connect to the Manager CLI
Even though much of the effort associated with this guide involves using the PC, it is important to point out that your PC has nothing to do with forming a wireless mesh network. It is only there to allow you to visualize the network and interact with it while it is forming and once it has formed.
The manager command line interface gives you a text-based way to interact with a manager. You will need to connect a DB-9 serial cable between the LTP5903EN-WHR port labeled "Serial 2" and your computer. If you do not have a DB-9 serial port on your computer, you will need to use a USB-serial adapter (e.g. a Keyspan 19HS) to enable CLI.
Interacting with the CLI requires no software installation on the PC if you are running Windows XP, as it comes with the Hyperterminal client. If you are running Windows 7, you will need to download a terminal client (such as ). A list ofPuTTY other terminal clients can be found in the . The port settings are:SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide
115200 baud, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control
At the prompt within the terminal program, access the Linux login prompt by entering the following username and password:
This will bring you to the Linux prompt. At the Linux prompt ( $ ):
Enter: nwconsole Enter the manager CLI user name and password. The default user name and password is:
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3.2 Step 2: Form a Wireless Mesh Network
The network does not need human interaction to form - motes and manager are pre-configured with security and network information and will form a network by themselves once powered up. To illustrate this, power on the Manager (LTP5903CEN-WHR). Note the Power LED. That indicates that the Manager is on and is attempting to form a network by sending out advertisements.
Type the following command into the manager CLI:
trace motest on
This will cause the manager to print a message every time a mote makes a state transition.
Power on one Mote ( A-C). Wait until you see the mote transition to (Oper). This will take 1-2 minutes.DC9003 Operational
Power on all the remaining Motes, and within a few minutes you will have a complete wireless mesh network running. The Manager CLI is a useful interface for diagnostics and debugging - it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with it. See the
for details on the various commands that are available. The rest of the steps weSmartMesh WirelessHART Manager CLI Guide
go through will give us additional ways to interact with the mesh network we just formed.
3.3 Step 3: Establish PC Connection to a Mote
You will now connect the PC to the Mote through your USB port. First connect the Mote to the interface board usingDC9006 the side connector, if not already done. Next, plug the USB cable into one of your PC USB ports. Note which USB port you are using. You should consider this your Mote port for all future use with this PC.
Four virtual COM ports should automatically be added. You may have to install drivers if this doesn't happenFTDI automatically. Refer to the for detailed instructions.SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide
Note the number of these four COM ports, they will be called something like "COM11", "COM12", "COM13" and "COM14". You will be using the third of the four for CLI and the fourth (highest chronological number) for the API connection. In this case, COM13 and COM14, correspondingly.
It has been observed in some installations under Windows 7 that the serial ports do not enumerate in order, and the CLI and API ports may not be the 3rd and 4th ports, respectively. If this occurs, you will need to test each port using APIExplorer (in the SmartMesh SDK) to find the API port, and use a terminal program to find the CLI port.
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