3.2 Step 2: Form a Wireless Mesh Network
The network does not need human interaction to form - motes and manager are pre-configured with security and network
information and will form a network by themselves once powered up. To illustrate this, power on the Manager
(LTP5903CEN-WHR). Note the Power LED. That indicates that the Manager is on and is attempting to form a network by
sending out advertisements.
Type the following command into the manager CLI:
trace motest on
This will cause the manager to print a message every time a mote makes a state transition.
Power on one Mote ( A-C). Wait until you see the mote transition to (Oper). This will take 1-2 minutes.DC9003 Operational
Power on all the remaining Motes, and within a few minutes you will have a complete wireless mesh network running. The
Manager CLI is a useful interface for diagnostics and debugging - it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with it. See the
for details on the various commands that are available. The rest of the steps weSmartMesh WirelessHART Manager CLI Guide
go through will give us additional ways to interact with the mesh network we just formed.
3.3 Step 3: Establish PC Connection to a Mote
You will now connect the PC to the Mote through your USB port. First connect the Mote to the interface board usingDC9006
the side connector, if not already done. Next, plug the USB cable into one of your PC USB ports. Note which USB port you are
using. You should consider this your Mote port for all future use with this PC.
Four virtual COM ports should automatically be added. You may have to install drivers if this doesn't happenFTDI
automatically. Refer to the for detailed instructions.SmartMesh WirelessHART Tools Guide
Note the number of these four COM ports, they will be called something like "COM11", "COM12", "COM13" and "COM14". You
will be using the third of the four for CLI and the fourth (highest chronological number) for the API connection. In this case,
COM13 and COM14, correspondingly.
It has been observed in some installations under Windows 7 that the serial ports do not enumerate in order, and the
CLI and API ports may not be the 3rd and 4th ports, respectively. If this occurs, you will need to test each port
using APIExplorer (in the SmartMesh SDK) to find the API port, and use a terminal program to find the CLI port.