North Star M157551A, 157551 Owner's Manual

It em # 157551
Proven Performance
Owner’s Manual
Pressure Washer
Read a nd understand this m anual before ope rating this machine.
Engine is shipped without oil. Use SAE 30 motor oil.
Pump is shipped with oil. Remove the shipping plug from the pump and replace it with the vented
To the Owner:
Thank you for purchasing a North Star pressure w asher. Your machine is designed for long life, dependability, and the top performance you demand!
Take time now to read through this manual so you better understand the machine’s operation, maintenance and safety precautions. Everyone w ho
oper ate s this machine must rea d and unders tand this m anual. The t ime you take now will pr o long y our m a c hine ’s lif e a nd pr e pa r e y ou f or its s a fe operation. Enjoy the exceptional performance of your North Star pressure washer, t he in du st ry leader!
If this machine is used by anyone who is not the owner or is loaned or rented, make certain the operato r( s) prio r t o op erat ing:
- I s inst ructed in saf e and p rop er operation of this machine
- Reads and understands the manual(s) pertaining to this machine
Notic e
The manufacturer reserves the right to make improvements in design and/or changes in specifications at any time without incurring any
obligation to install them on units previously sold.
Table of Content s
Sa fe ty Instr u cti o ns 4- 5 Specifications 6 Machine Comp onent Identif ic ation 6-8 Assem bling the Machine 9 Bef or e Using the M ac hine the First Time 10
Set ting up the Machine 11 St ar t-Up I nstr uc tions 12-15 Shut - Down I nstr uc tions 16 Oper ating the Machine 17-19 Routine Maintenance 20-21
Winterizing the Machine 22 Tr oubleshooting Guide 23 Accessories 24
Safety Instructions
Read and understand these instructions because they deal with safety. Pay particular
at te nt ion to this s a fe t y sym bol t hr ou ghout t h is manual. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in property damage, personal injury, or death.
United States Government safety standards have been adopted under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. These standards, particularly the General Standards, Part 1910, and the
Construction Standards, Part 1926, should be consulted whenever using airless spray equipment. NEVER point the spray nozzle at people or
animals. The high pressure the machine generates i s very dangerous.
ALWAYS place the machine on a level surface.
ALWAYS seek emergency medical care if any fluid penetrates the skin. The cut may
be dee per and mor e ser io us tha n it app ear s. NEVER put hands or fingers over the tip of
the spray nozzle. NEVER use your hands to stop or detect
leaks. NEVER spray flammable liquids or toxic
chemi cals such as weed killer or insecticide. NEVER all ow children to operate or play on
or around the machine. ALWAYS wear safety glasse s and
appropriate clothing when operating the machine.
NEVER operate the machine in or around an explosive environment.
ALWAYS locate the machine so it is protected from external damage.
NEVER oper ate gasol ine pow er ed mach i nes indoors. Carbon monoxide fumes are
NEVER operate the machine with broken or mis sing parts.
NEVER alter the machine from the manufacturer’s original design.
ALWAYS keep all safety devices active on the mac hin e.
ALWAYS follow the chemical manufacturer’s instructions when using
chemicals. ALWAYS understand all safety precautions
and first aid for any chemicals bei ng used. NEVER exceed the pressure or temperature
ratings of the system. Be sure all accessory equipment used will withstand the system
pressure. ALWAYS keep the pressure hose
connected to the m achi ne and the spray gun while the system is pressurized.
NEVER move the machine by pulling on the hose.
NEVER secure the spray gun in the “ON” or “SQUEEZED” position.
Safety Instructions
NEVER use the machine when under the influence of alcohol or any other drug.
NEVER smoke while operating or fueling thi s machine. Only add fuel to the machine
when the power is OFF. NEVER attempt to clean the machine with
its o w n spray. Cleaning should be done wi th a damp sponge wi th the power OFF.
NEVER leave an operating machine unattended. Always shut the engine OFF
and relieve the pressure before leaving the machine.
NEVER let the pump run without water flowing through the machine.
ALWAYS respect and be alert to the pot entia l haz ar do us hi gh pr essure s pr ay .
ALWAYS keep machine decals clean and legible, replace any decals that become
damaged or lost. NEVER ro ute ho ses in a ma nne r tha t will
cause sharp bending, kinking, cutting, abrasion, or other damage from vehicles or
falling objects.
NEVER use a hose if exterior damage is evident.
NEVER attempt field repairs through an unauthorized hydraulic hose repair shop.
Replace any damaged hoses. ALWAYS use water that is clear and free of
parti cles. NEVER run preheated water over 140° F
into the machine. ALWAYS check and maintain proper oil
level s in the pump and engine. NEVER operate the machine with
insufficient water supply to the pump. Damage occurs to the pump if run with an
insufficient water supply. ALWAYS protect your machine from
freezing during storage as descri bed in this manual .
ALWAYS follow all other guidelines and safety instructions as described in this
manual .
A ny Q uestions?
Call 1- 800- 270- 0810
Customer Se r vice
It em Nu mber #157551 Pressu re Rating (psi ) 2500
Flow Output (gpm) 3 Pump Type Triplex Ceramic Plunger Water Supply Standard tap water @ 20-100psi
En gine Hor s e pow e r 5 Fuel Ca pa c ity (qua r t s ) 3 D ischarge Hose 3/8” x 30’ Dimensions
Length 28” Width 19.5”
Height 24”
Approximate Weight 88 l bs.
M achine Component Identification
1. Engine
2. Pump
3. Cart
M achine Component Identification
1. Engine ON-Off Switch
2. Choke
3. Fuel Shut-OFF
4. Throttle
5. Fuel Tank Fill
6. Recoil
7. Oil Fill
8. Oil Dr ain
9. Air Filter
10. Muffler (Cauti o n H ot! )
En gine Fea tur e s Benefits
Overhead Valves (OHV)
Cast Iron Cylinder
More f uel efficient
More powerful
Less wear, longer l ife
Low Oil Shutd own Won’t r un without oil
M achine Component Identification
1. U nloader Valve
2. Thermal Protector
3. Safety Relief Valve
4. Inlet
5. Outlet
6. Dipstick
Pump Features Benefits
•Triplex ceramic p lungers •Long life, no cor rosio n
•Triplex desi gn •Less vibration
•Industr ial crankshaft •Dependa ble, proven design
•Thermal protec tor •P r otects pump fr om hot water
•S afety r elief v alve •P r ev ents pu mp fr om
overpressuriz ing
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