NORTH AMERICAN DRÄGER Drager Evita XL Intensive Care User manual

Intensive Care Ventilator Software 6.n Instructions for Use
Emergency Care · OR/Anesthesia · Critical Care · Perinatal Care · Home Care
Because you care
Working with these Instructions for Use
Header line – the title... of the main chapter.
The title of the specific sub-section is printed underneath the main header – to help you find your way quickly from subject to subject.
Page body... the Instructions for Use
in combined text/illustrations. The information is expressed in the form of practical actions, giving the user direct hands-on experience in learning how to use the machine.
Left-hand column – the text...
provides explanations and instructs the user step-by-step in the practical use of the product, with short, clear instructions in easy-to-follow sequence. Bullet points indicate separate actions. Where several actions are described, numbers are used both to refer to the relevant details in the illustrations and to specify the sequence of actions.
Right-hand column – the illustrations...
provide the visual reference for the text and make it easier to locate the various parts of the equipment. Elements mentioned in the text are highlighted. Unnecessary details are avoided. Screen displays prompt the user to proceed and confirm cor­rect actions.
Preparing for use Positioning the control unit
Preparing for use
Always use properly prepared parts, see "Preparing", page 155.
Hospital infection control regulations must be observed.
Positioning the control unit
The control unit must not be stood up or leant against any­thing, nor may it be laid face downwards! It must always be laid on its back when changing over.
Positioning on the unit
Hook the control unit into the mount on Evita engages.
To adjust the position:
Press and hold the segments on the right and left, at the same time tilting the control unit into the required position.
Positioning on the wall rail
Press and hold the segments on the right and left, tilting the
control unit down completely at the same time.
Press and hold the unlocking buttons on the right and left, lifting the control unit out of the mount on Evita same time.
Unwind the required length of cable.
Hook the control unit into the wall rail and
until it
at the
Instructions for Use Evita
These Instructions for Use also apply to Evita
Evita 4 and Evita 2 dura with the EvitaXL option.
as well as
Instructions for Use Evita
For Your Safety and that of Your Patients
Intended Medical Application
Operating concept
Preparing for use
Fault — Cause — Remedy
Mains power/DC power operation
Evita 4 Link
(optional) 177
What's what
Technical Data
Instructions for Use Evita
Instructions for Use Evita
For Your Safety and that of Your Patients
Safe use of the equipment
For Your Safety and that of Your Patients
Strictly follow the Instructions for Use
Any use of the apparatus requires full understanding and strict observation of these instructions. The apparatus is only to be used for purposes specified here.
The apparatus must be inspected and serviced regularly by trained service personnel at six monthly intervals. Repair and general overhaul of the apparatus may only be carried out by trained service personnel. We recommend that a service contract be obtained with DrägerService and that all repairs also be carried out by them. Only authentic Dräger spare parts may be used for maintenance. Observe chapter "Maintenance Intervals".
Do not use accessory parts other than those in the order list. Even reusable accessories (e.g. after being prepared) have a limited service life. Wear may be increased and the service life reduced considerably by various factors when handling and preparing them (e.g. disinfectant residues corroding the material when autoclaving them). These parts must be replaced if signs of wear become visible, such as cracks, deformation, discoloration, peeling, etc.
Not for use in areas of explosion hazard
This apparatus is neither approved nor certified for use in areas where combustible or explosive gas mixtures are likely to occur.
Safe use of the equipment
This equipment must only be used under the supervision of qualified medical staff, so that help is available immediately if malfunctions occur.
This equipment must not be used with flammable gases or anaesthetic agents. Danger of fire!
The equipment must not be used for nuclear resonance tomography (MRT, NMR, NMI)!
This may impair correct functioning of the equipment and endanger the patient.
The equipment must not be used in hyperbaric chambers!
This may impair correct functioning of the equipment and endanger the patient.
Correct functioning of the equipment may be impaired by operation of high-frequency electrosurgery units, defibrillators or short-wave therapy equipment and endanger the patient.
To ensure that EvitaXL cannot topple over, EvitaXL must not be tilted more than 5o!
The following must be observed during transportation of the ventilated patient.
EvitaXL must not be placed on the bed while transfer-
ring a patient. EvitaXL must be secured so that it cannot topple over/
fall down. Secure the accessories, see page 41.
Safe connection with other electrical equipment
Electrical connections to equipment which is not listed in these Instructions for Use should only be made following consultations with the respective manufacturers or an expert.
Liability for proper function or damage
The liability for the proper function of the apparatus is irrevocably transferred to the owner or operator to the extent that the apparatus is serviced or repaired by personnel not employed or authorized by DrägerService or if the apparatus is used in a manner not conforming to its intended use. Dräger cannot be held responsible for damage caused by non-compliance with the recommendations given above. The warranty and liability provisions of the terms of sale and delivery of Dräger are likewise not modified by the recommendations given above.
Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA
Instructions for Use Evita
When using EvitaXL in combination with other products and during patient transfers, the equipment's owner must ensure that it is adequately secured in accordance with the relevant fundamental requirements of Directive 93/42/EEC.
Medicaments and other substances based on inflammable solvents, such as alcohol, must not be used in the patient system. Danger of fire!
Adequate ventilation must be ensured when using inflamma­ble substances for disinfection.
For Your Safety and that of Your Patients Safe use of the equipment
Do not use mobile telephones within 10 metres of ventilators!
Mobile telephones may impair the functionality of electro­medical equipment and endanger the patient*.
General information on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) according to the international EMC standard IEC 60601-1-2: 2001
Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and needs to be installed and put into service according to the EMC infor­mation provided in the technical documentation available from DrägerService upon request.
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical equipment.
Pins of connectors identified with the ESD warn­ing symbol shall not be touched and not be con­nected unless ESD precautionary procedures are
used. Such precautionary procedures may include antistatic clothing and shoes, the touch of a ground stud before and during connecting the pins or the use of electrically isolating and antistatic gloves. All staff involved in the above shall receive instruction in these procedures.
Adequate ventilation monitoring
The following parameters are monitored by the built-in monitor­ing facilities of EvitaXL:
— Airway pressure P
— Expiratory minute volume MV — Inspiratory tidal volume, V — Inspiratory O2 concentration FiO
— Inspiratory breathing gas temperature T — Expiratory CO
concentration, etCO2 (optional) — Apnoea time — Tachypnoea Changes in these parameters may be caused by: — Acute changes in the patient's condition — Incorrect settings and faulty handling — Equipment malfunctions — Failure of power and gas supplies If a fault occurs in this equipment, separate measuring instru-
ments should be used.
During the O
Therapy, the monitoring functions of EvitaXL are restricted. Monitoring of SpO2 and the pulse is only available with the appropriate option.
*Dräger medical equipment meets the requirements for immunity to
interference in accordance with the specific product standards and EN 60601-1-2 (IEC 60601-1-2). Depending on the type of mobile telephone used and on the appli­cation situation, however, field strengths exceeding the values specified in the applicable standards may develop in the immediate vicinity of the mobile telephone and therefore lead to faults and mal­functions.
Back-up ventilation with an independent manual ventilation device
If a fault is detected in EvitaXL so that its life-support functions are no longer assured, ventilation using an independent venti­lation device must be started without delay – if necessary with PEEP and/or an increased inspiratory O2 concentration (e.g. with the Resutator MR 100).
Instructions for Use Evita
Intended Medical Application
Intended Medical Application
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Instructions for Use Evita
Intended Medical Application
Intended Medical Application
EvitaXL – long-term ventilator for intensive care. For adults, children and neonates. For premature babies with the "NeoFlow" option.
With the following ventilation modes IPPV (I
ntermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation)
Volume-controlled ventilation with fixed mandatory minute vol­ume. With the options:
— CPPV (
— PLV (
— AutoFlow
— IRV (
Combines mechanical (volume-controlled) ventilation with spontaneous breathing. With the options:
— PLV (
— AutoFlow
ontinuous Positive Pressure Ventilation) Controlled ventilation with continuous positive airway pres­sure
ressure Limited Ventilation)
Pressure limited constant-volume ventilation
for automatic regulation of "Insp. Flow" and "P
nversed Ratio Ventilation)
Ventilation with inversed inspiration/expiration ratio.
ynchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)
ressure Limited Ventilation)
Pressure limited constant-volume ventilation
for automatic regulation of "Insp. Flow" and "P
BIPAP* (Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure) Pressure-controlled ventilation combined with free spontane-
ous breathing during the complete breathing cycle, and adjust­able pressure increase to CPAP level.
Assist (Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure Assisted)
Pressure-controlled assisted ventilation.
APRV (Airway Pressure Release Ventilation) Spontaneous breathing on two pressure levels with long time
ranges – independently adjustable.
PPS – Proportional Pressure Support (optional)
For differentiated proportional support of spontaneous breath­ing with pathological compliance and/or resistance.
ILV Independent Lung Ventilation,
Separate, differentiated, synchronised ventilation with two Evita units, independently ventilating each lung.
andatory Minute Volume Ventilation)
Spontaneous breathing with automatic adjustment of manda­tory ventilation to the patient's minute volume requirement. With the options:
— PLV (
ressure Limited Ventilation)
Pressure limited constant-volume ventilation
— AutoFlow
for automatic regulation of "Insp. Flow" and "P
pontaneous Breathing)
Spontaneous breathing at ambient pressure.
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) Spontaneous breathing with positive airway pressure.
ASB (Assisted Spontaneous Breathing) Pressure-assisted spontaneous breathing.
Supplements Automatic Tube Compensation ATC (optional)
Can be used with all ventilation modes. ATC Compensates for the resistance of the ETT or Tracheal Tube.
Apnoea Ventilation
For switching over automatically to volume-controlled manda­tory ventilation, if breathing stops. If apnoea occurs, Evita
XL emits an alarm after the preset alarm
period (TApnoea >) and starts volume-controlled ventilation.
NIV mask ventilation (optional) Non-invasive ventilation
For ventilation with a nasal or facial mask to support non-inva­sive ventilation of patients with spontaneous breathing.
Choice between mask ventilation and ordinary ventilation of intubated patients.
*Licensed trademark
Instructions for Use Evita
Intended Medical Application
Lung Protection Package (optional)
— QuickSet
Direct adjustment of setting,
— PressureLink
Linking of the PEEP/P
insp settings,
— Recruitment trends and — Low Flow PV-Loop Aid for performing Recruitment procedure and for the optimi-
sation of Ventilator settings.
Diagnostic functions Intrinsic PEEP-measurement
For determining intrinsic PEEP and measuring trapped volume.
Occlusion pressure measurement
For evaluating breathing drive during spontaneous breathing.
Negative Inspiratory Force NIF
For measuring the patient's maximum inspiratory effort follow­ing expiration.
DC power supply
Integrated DC power supply supplying EvitaXL with power from two DC sources:
— Via two 12 V lead-gel batteries integrated in the DC power
supply, and — optionally via additional external 12 V or 24 V lead-gel
For uninterrupted operation following failure of the mains power supply, by automatically switching over to the external or integrated battery.
For supplying power from the integrated batteries or addition­ally from external batteries during transport within the hospital.
Evita 4 Link (optional)
Interface card For output of measured values, status messages and alarm
messages to on-line equipment for monitoring, documentation or processing.
Airway pressure P
Expiratory minute volume MV Inspiratory tidal volume V
Inspiratory O2 concentration FiO2 Inspiratory breathing gas temperature T Apnoea time Tachypnoea Expiratory CO
2 concentration etCO2 (optional)
2 Therapy (optional)
Continuous flow application with adjustable O2 concentration and adjustable flow for the O2 Therapy function for patients with independent breathing and using oxygen masks.
SmartCare/PS (optional)
Knowledge-based system for automating clinical guidelines.
Automatic gas switch-over
In the event of a gas failure, the EvitaXL automatically switches over to the remaining gas supply available.
On the intensive-care ward or in the recovery room. While transferring ventilated patients within the hospital.
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 9
10 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
Operating concept
Operating concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Control unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The screen... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Fixed function keys... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
On-screen controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Optional operating concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
QuickSet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
PressureLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
QuickSet + PressureLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 11
Operating concept Control unit
Operating concept
Control unit
The control unit is characterised by the small number of operating elements, its
clear layout and easy operation.
Its main elements are: 1 Large screen with all the information
and controls needed for ventilation.
2 Fixed function keys beside the
screen – for rapid access to major functions.
3 Central rotary knob for selecting and
confirming settings on the screen.
12 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
The screen...
Operating concept
The screen...
displays all the most important ventila­tion data at a glance.
The various screen pages have the same layout with specific data always pre­sented in the same place.
1 Alarm messages 2 Operator prompts 3 Therapy status with ventilation mode,
e.g. SIMV, ventilation mode supple­ments, e.g. AutoFlow e.g. Adult for adults
4 Curves, loops and trends visualizing
the ventilation, e.g. the real-time curves P configured)
5 Presentation of ventilation parame-
ters for the active ventilation mode and its supplements
6 Essential, measured ventilation val-
ues (can be configured)
7 Humidification type and status 8 Touch-sensitive screen keys for the
specific screen pages (can be configured)
9 Power supply indication
AW (t), Flow (t), VT (t) (can be
, patient mode,
To select a screen page:
Touch the relevant screen key:
? Main« to select the main
—» Values« to select a different
group of measured values in the field for numerical values.
—»Data...« to display all measured val-
ues, the logbook or trends on an additional card.
—»Special Procedure...« to select
additional functions, e.g. medicament nebulisation and oxygenation for bronchial suctioning.
Other screen keys can be configured individually, see Configuration, page 125.
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 13
Operating concept Fixed function keys... On-screen controls
Fixed function keys...
are provided for rapid access to major on-screen functions, such as selection of the ventilation mode, setting the venti­lation parameters or adjusting the alarm limits:
1 »
g Alarm Silence« for suppressing
the acoustic alarm tone for two min­utes.
2 »
_ Alarm Limits« for adjusting the
alarm limits.
3 » Ventilator Settings« for setting
the ventilation mode and ventilation parameters.
4 Unassigned key for future functions 5 » Sensor Parameter« for calibrat-
ing the sensors and for activating/ deactivating the monitoring func­tions.
6 » System Setup« for configuring
system functions.
7 »
O Start/Standby« for selecting
standby mode or normal operation.
1 2 3 4 5 6
On-screen controls
8 The ventilation parameters required
for the active ventilation mode are dis­played by EvitaXL in a separate field at the bottom of the main screen in the form of virtual screen knobs with the respective settings.
14 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
To set the ventilation mode and ventila­tion parameters:
1 Press » Ventilator Settings« or
touch one of the virtual screen knobs
at the bottom of the screen.
Operating concept
On-screen controls
XL displays the menu
»Ventilator Settings« in the bottom part of the screen (example): the screen knobs and screen keys are displayed in the form of horizontal and vertical tabs as on a file card.
— Horizontal screen keys for selecting
the ventilation mode.
— Vertical screen keys for selecting
additional settings.
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 15
Operating concept
On-screen controls
The touch-sensitive screen controls are used in the same way as real keys and knobs: Touching these controls with a fingertip is equivalent to press­ing a key or taking hold of a knob. Settings are made and confirmed by turning and pressing the central rotary knob.
The status of the screen controls is indicated by colours: grey = not available yellow = available pale green = available but not active dark green = available and active
Screen keys:
1 select = touch, 2 screen key turns yellow, 3 confirm = press rotary knob, 4 screen key turns pale/dark green.
12 4
Screen knobs:
1 select = touch, 2 screen knob turns yellow, 3 set = turn rotary knob, 4 confirm = press rotary knob, 5 screen knob turns pale/dark green.
12 5
16 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
To set ventilation parameters directly:
On the main screen (example):
Touch the required screen knob in
the row of screen knobs and settings displayed.
— The menu »Ventilator Settings« is
displayed by Evita
XL. The selected
screen knob is already yellow and can be adjusted directly.
Display (example):
Set = turn central rotary knob, con-
firm = press central rotary knob.
The colour of the screen knob changes to dark green – the setting is now effec­tive.
Operating concept On-screen controls
To view additional text information:
Touch the screen key »?
To quit the menu:
Press the screen key »X«.
Arrows (
+) beside the scales on the
screen knobs indicate the initial values valid when the equipment is switched on. These values can be adjusted specif­ically as required by the hospital, see Configuration, page 125.
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 17
Optional operating concept QuickSet
Optional operating concept
Direct adjustment of PEEP or Pinsp
Direct adjustment of PEEP is possible in all ventilation modes.
Direct adjustment of P BIPAP and BIPAPAssist.
Touch the screen key »PEEP« or
insp« in the respective ventilation
»P mode.
Depress rotary knob and hold down
for 3 secs.
The adjuster changes to green with a yel­low edge. Direct adjustment is active.
Keep rotary knob depressed and turn
it. Set »PEEP« or »Pinsp«.
The set value is now effective.
insp is possible in
On releasing the rotary knob, »PEEP« or »Pinsp« can still be set directly:
Depress again the rotary knob and
turn it.
Exceeding the standard setting range:
Release rotary knob for a short
moment; the standard setting range can be exceeded.
Set »PEEP« or »P
Depress again the rotary knob and
turn it.
*Lung Protection Package option
18 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
Linked adjustment of PEEP and Pinsp
Touch screen key »PEEP« or »Pinsp«.
Touch screen key »Link PEEP/
Set »PEEP« and »Pinsp« = turn rotary
knob. The values are adjusted simul­taneously. The difference remains constant.
Confirm new settings = press rotary
Optional operating concept
*Lung Protection Package option
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 19
Optional operating concept QuickSet + PressureLink
QuickSet + PressureLink*
Setting PEEP and Pinsp directly and linked:
Touch screen key »PEEP« or »Pinsp«.
Touch screen key »Link PEEP/
Depress rotary knob and hold down
for 3 secs.
The adjusters change to green with a yellow edge. Direct adjustment is active.
Keep rotary knob depressed and turn
it. Set »PEEP« and »Pinsp«.
The values are set simultaneously and are immediately effective.
On releasing the rotary knob, »PEEP« and »Pinsp« can still be set directly:
Depress again the rotary knob and
turn it.
Exceeding the standard setting range:
Release rotary knob for a short
moment; the standard setting range can be exceeded.
Set »PEEP« and »P
Depress again the rotary knob and
turn it.
*Lung Protection Package option
20 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
Preparing for use
Preparing for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Positioning the control unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Fitting the expiration valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Fitting the flow sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Fitting O2 sensor capsule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Using HME, bacterial filters and hose systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Ventilating adults and children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Ventilating infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Fitting CO2 cuvette and CO2 sensor (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Power supply and connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Gas supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Connecting Evita Remote (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Connecting the nurse call (optional). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Device Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Leak test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Entering the humidifier type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Application mode Tube/Mask (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Ventilation while transferring a patient within the hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 21
Preparing for use Positioning the control unit
Preparing for use
Always use properly prepared parts, see "Preparing",
page 155.
Hospital infection control regulations must be observed.
Positioning the control unit
The control unit must not be stood up or leant against any-
thing, nor may it be laid face downwards! It must always be laid on its back when changing over.
Positioning on the Evita
Hook the control unit into the mount on EvitaXL until it
To adjust the position: 1 Press and hold the segments on the right and left, at the
same time tilting the control unit into the required position.
Positioning on the wall rail 2 Press and hold the segments on the right and left, tilting the
control unit down completely at the same time.
3 Press and hold the unlocking buttons on the right and left,
lifting the control unit out of the mount on EvitaXL at the same time.
Unwind the required length of cable.
Hook the control unit into the wall rail and
22 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
1 lock it in position = pull tab under the holder down and turn
it towards the wall rail.
Fitting the expiration valve
2 Tilt the control unit upwards, pressing the segments on the
right and left at the same time.
3 Push the expiration valve as far as it will go into the mount-
ing. Check that it is properly secured by gently pulling the port.
Preparing for use
Fitting the expiration valve
Fitting the flow sensor
Fitting the flow sensor
4 Push socket to left as far as it will go.
5 Fit flow sensor – with the connector facing towards the ven-
tilator – into the mounting and push it into the socket as far as it will go. Then:
6 Push flow sensor to the right as far as it will go into the rub-
ber lip of the expiration valve.
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 23
Preparing for use Fitting O2 sensor capsule
Fitting O2 sensor capsule
— when using the system for the first time — when the display reads:
2 measurement inop
— when calibration can no longer be performed
Ensure device is in standby or ventilator is switched off.
Tilt the control unit upwards, pressing the segments on the
right and left at the same time.
1 Turn the inspiratory port to the left. 2 Use coin to loosen screw, and remove protective cover. 3 Loosen the two knurled screws and open the sensor
4 Remove old sensor capsule and fit a new capsule. The end
with the circular tracks remains visible.
3 Close the sensor housing securely with the two knurled
2 Screw protective cover back in place.
Dispose of the used O2 sensor capsule, page 168.
24 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
Using HME, bacterial filters and hose systems*
Additional components in the breathing system or compo­nents which diverge from the standard hose system can con­siderably increase the inspiratory and expiratory breathing resistance and exceed standard requirements.
Examples: Insp./exp. filters, HME**, coaxial hoses In general, the Evita
effort made by the patient and is therefore not intended for the use of insp./exp bacterial filters.
The use of bacterial filters or HMEs therefore requires particu­lar care and monitoring by the user. Especially during medica­ment nebulisation and humidifying, the resistance of the expiratory filter may increase gradually.
A higher breathing resistance leads to a greater breathing and trigger effort during assisted ventilation. Under unfavourable conditions, this can lead to an undesirable intrinsic PEEP. This can be recognised by the fact that the expiratory flow does not return to "0" at the end of expiration. If the PEEP is unaccepta­bly high, it is indicated by the alarm »PEEP high !!!«. The cur- rent PEEP is then approx. 8 mbar above the set PEEP. Check and replace the bacterial filter or HME if they are the cause of the PEEP alarm.
XL is designed to minimise the breathing
Preparing for use
Using HME, bacterial filters and hose systems
A breathing resistance in the patient connection cannot be monitored directly by the ventilator. For this reason:
Determine inspiratory and expiratory breathing resistance
in the patient system before ventilation in standby by means of the device check.
Check the condition of the patient and the ventilator's meas-
ured values for volume and resistance frequently.
Observe the Instructions for Use for the HME, filter and
coaxial hose systems in use.
Do not use an HME together with a medicament nebuliser
or breathing gas humidifier. This can lead to a greater breathing resistance.
* Only applies to hose systems which are not described in these
Instructions for Use.
** Heat moisture exchanger
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 25
Preparing for use Ventilating adults and children
Ventilating adults and children
Set the ventilator to breathing gas humidifier, see page 40.
From 100 mL tidal volume V Patient mode: »Adults«
Do not use a heat and moisture exchanger at the same
time as a humidifier! Risk of increased breathing resistance because of condensation.
Connecting Aquapor EL humidifier
Prepare Aquapor EL by following the relevant Instructions for Use.
1 Hang Aquapor EL onto the rail and tighten the screws. 2 Insert elbow connector into Aquapor EL. 3 Insert the double connector into the elbow connector. 4 Fill the Aquapor EL bowl up to the upper filling mark with
sterile Aquadest.
T upwards:
Connecting ventilation hoses
Do not use antistatic or conductive hoses*.
Depending on the desired position of the ventilator in relation to the bed, the hinged arm can be fitted to either side of the machine.
Attachment on left-hand side:
5 Turn both ports to the left. 6 Turn Aquapor EL to the left.
The following description applies when the ventilation hoses have been attached on the left-hand side.
Whenever the ventilation hoses or humidifier have been changed:
Perform a leak test, page 39.
*DIN VDE 0750 section 215:
The use of anti-static or electrically conductive material in the breathing system of the lung ventilator is not considered conducive to greater safety. On the contrary, the use of these materials increases the danger of electric shock to the patient and of fire due to the presence of oxygen.
26 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
1 Hang the hinged arm from the rail on the left-hand side and
tighten screws.
Fit the ventilation hoses. Check the hose lengths (metres).
2 Turn ports in direction of hoses. 3 Install water traps in vertical position. 4 Connect the Y-piece, with the rubber sleeve of the Y-piece
on the inspiratory side.
5 Insert the Y-piece in the opening of the hinged arm.
Preparing for use
Ventilating adults and children
Evita XL
Fitting temperature sensor 6 Push sensor as far as it will go into the rubber sleeve on the
inspiratory side of the Y-piece. Align the Y-piece so that the sensor is at the top in order to avoid condensation in the sensor.
7 Attach the sensor cable with hose clips.
8 Insert the connector for the temperature sensor into the
socket »Temp « at the rear of Evita
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 27
Preparing for use Ventilating infants
Ventilating infants
Set the ventilator to breathing gas humidifier, see page 40.
Up to 300 mL tidal volume V Patient mode: »Paediatric«
Do not use a heat and moisture exchanger at the same
time as a humidifier! Risk of increased breathing resistance because of condensation.
Fitting humidifier and ventilation hoses
Prepare the "Fisher & Paykel MR 850" humidifier in accord-
ance with the separate Instructions for Use.
1 Clamp the humidifier to the stand under the apparatus and
screw firmly into place.
2 Clamp the articulated arm to the left-hand rail and screw
firmly into place.
Fit the ventilation hoses. Check the hose lengths (metres).
3 Fit the water trap in the vertical position.
Do not place any containers with liquid on or above the
ventilator! Any leaking or spilled liquid could cause malfunctions!
Whenever the ventilation hoses or humidifier have been changed:
Perform a leak test, page 39.
28 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
Fitting CO2 cuvette and CO2 sensor (optional)
1 Fit the cuvette to the patient connection of the Y-piece, with
the cuvette windows facing the side.
2 Push the CO
ing towards EvitaXL.
2 sensor on to the cuvette, with the cable trail-
Preparing for use
Fitting CO2 cuvette and CO2 sensor (optional)
3 Insert the connector for the CO
socket on the rear of the ventilator.
2 sensor in the »CO2 «
Instructions for Use EvitaXL 29
Preparing for use Power supply and connections
Power supply and connections
Electrical power supply Either : 220 V to 240 V
or : 100 V to 127 V
Insert the plug in the mains socket, the yellow indicator
lights up.
For operation with DC power supply and external battery (optional)
Connect optional external battery via cable, see "DC power
operation", page 170.
Note on the use of a socket strip for ancillary equipment
Connecting other equipment to the extension socket strip may cause the patient leakage current to rise above the permitted values if a protective earth conductor should fail. The risk of electric shock cannot be excluded in such cases.
Temporary interruption of power supply
e.g. if hospital reserve power supply is activated. Without optional Evita DC power supply: During an interruption of the power supply, EvitaXL outputs a
continuous alarm tone for max. 2 minutes. The duration of this alarm tone may be shorter if EvitaXL was switched on for less than 15 minutes.
XL tolerates power interrupts lasting less than
10 milliseconds – without influencing ventilation. In the case of power interrupts lasting longer than 10 milliseconds, the machine restarts with a short self-test last­ing about 8 seconds – ventilation is continued with the same values that were set before the power interruption. If a lower alarm limit has been set for the minute volume, the »MV low !!!« alarm is activated until the measured value has risen above the lower alarm limit.
With optional Evita DC power supply: See chapter "DC power operation", page 170.
Other equipment, e.g. printers, may only be connected to the COM port if EvitaXL is connected to the mains power supply via a mains power cable or if it has been earthed via the earth connection on the back of Evita
Electric power may pose a hazard in all other cases.
30 Instructions for Use EvitaXL
+ 220 hidden pages