Nortel Wizard Installation Manual

Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
Part No. 302269-A Rev.00 April 1998
Copyright © 1998 Bay Networks, Inc.
All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. April 1998. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements,
configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Bay Networks, Inc.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that license. A summary of the Software License is included in this document.
Nautica and Bay Networks are registered trademarks and BCC, Nautica Wizard, and the Bay Networks logo are trademarks of Bay Networks, Inc.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Win32, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the pr operty of their respective owners.
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosu re by the United States Gov ernment is sub ject to restrictio ns as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.
Notwithstanding any other license agreement that may pertain to, or accompany the delivery of, this computer software, the rights of the United States Government regarding its use, reproduction, and disclosure are as set forth in the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, Bay Networks, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
Bay Networks, Inc. does no t assume an y liabilit y t hat may oc c ur due to the use or application of the product(s) or ci rcuit layout(s) described herein.
Portions of the code in this so ftware product are Co pyright © 1988, Regents of the University of California. Al l rights reserved. Redist ribution and use in source and binary forms of such po rtions are permitted, provided that the above copyright noti ce and this paragraph are duplic ated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that such portions of the software were developed by the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from such portions of the software witho ut speci fic prior written permission.
ii 302269-A Rev.00
In addition, the program and information contained herein are licensed only pursuant to a license agreement that contains restrictions on use and disclosure (that may incorporate by reference ce rtain limitations and notices imposed by third parties).
Bay Netw orks, Inc. Software License Agreement
NOTICE: Please carefully read this license agreement before copying or using the accompanying software or installing the hardware unit with pre-enabled software (each of which is referred to as “Software” in this Agreement). BY COPYING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. THE TERMS EXPRESSED IN THIS AGREEMENT ARE THE ONLY TERMS UNDER WHICH BAY NETWORKS WILL PERMIT YOU TO USE THE SOFTWARE. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, return the product, unused and in the original shipping container, within 30 days of purchase to obtain a credit for the full purchase price .
1. License Grant. Bay Networks, Inc. (“Bay Networks”) grants the end user of the Software (“Licensee”) a personal, nonexclusive, nontransferable license: a) to use the Software either on a single computer or, if applicable, on a single authorized device identified by host ID, for which it was originally acquired; b) to copy the Software solely for backup purposes in su pport of authorized use o f the Software; and c) to use and copy the associated user manual solely in support of authorized use of the Software by Licensee. This license applies to the Software only and does not extend to Bay Networks Agent software or other Bay Networks software products. Bay Networks Agent software or other Bay Netwo rks so ftw ar e pro duc ts a re licen sed f or u se unde r t he te rms of the a ppli cab le Ba y Networks, Inc. Software License Agreement th at accompanies such software and upon payment by the end user of the applicabl e license fees for such software.
2. Restrict i ons on us e ; r e se r vation of rights. The Software and user manuals are protected under copyright laws. Bay Networks and/or its licensors retain all title and ownership in both the Software and u ser manuals, incl uding any revisions made by Bay Networks or its licensors. The copyright notice must be reproduced and inc luded with any copy of any portion of the Software or user manuals. Licensee may not modify, translate, decompile, disassemble, use for any competitive analysis, reverse engineer, distribute, or create derivative works from the Software or user manuals or any copy, in whole or in part. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, Licensee may not copy or transfer the Software or user manuals, in whole or in part. The Software and user manuals embody Bay Networks’ and its licensors’ confidential and proprietary intellectual property. Licensee shall not subl icense, assign, or otherwise disclose to any third party the Sof tware, or any information about the oper atio n, de sig n, perfo rm anc e, or implem e ntatio n of the Softwa re and user manuals that is confidential to Bay Networks and its licensors; however, Licensee may grant permission to its consultants, subcontractors, and agents to use the Software at Licensee’s facility, provided they have agreed to use the Software only in accordance with the terms of this license.
302269-A Rev.00 iii
3. Limited warranty. Bay Networks warrants each item of Software, as delivered by Bay Networks and properly installed and operated on Bay Networks hard ware or other equipment it is originally licensed for, to function substantially as described in its accompanying user manual during its warranty per iod, which begins on t he date Software is first shipped to Licensee. If any item of Software fails to so function during its warranty period, as the so le re med y Bay Net wo r ks will a t it s d iscretio n p ro v id e a su ita ble fix, patch, or workaround for the problem that may be included in a future Software release. Bay Networks further warrants to Licensee that the media on which the Software is provided will be free from defects in ma terials and w orkmanship un der normal us e for a period of 9 0 days from the date Software is first shipped to Licensee. Bay Networks will replace defective media at no charge if it i s returned to Bay Networks during the warranty period along with proof of the date of shipment. This warranty does not apply if the media has been damaged as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse. The Licensee assumes all responsibility for selection of the Software to achieve Licensee’s intended results and for the installation, use, and results obtained from the Software. Bay Networks does not warrant a) that the functions contained in the software will meet the Licensee’s requirements, b) that the Software will operate in the hardware or software combinations that the Licensee may select, c) that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free, or d) that all defects in the operation of the Software will be corrected. Bay Networks is not obl igated to remedy any Software defect that cannot be reproduced with the latest Software release. These warranties do not apply to the Software if it has been (i) altered, except by Bay Networks or in accordance with its instructions; (ii) used in conjunction with another vendor’s product, resulting in the defect; or (iii) damaged by improper environment, abuse, misuse, accident, or negligence. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND LIMITATIONS ARE EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Licensee is responsible for the security of it s own data and information and for maintaining adequate procedures apart from the Software to reconstr uct lost or altered files, data, or programs.
5. Government Licensees. This provision ap pli es to all Sof tware and documentation acquired directly or indirectly by or on behalf of the United States Government. The Software and documentation are commercial products, licensed on the open market at market prices, and were developed entirely at private expense and without the use of any U.S. Government funds. The license to the U.S. Government is granted only with restricted rights, an d use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) of the Commercial Computer Software–– Restricted Rights clause of FAR 52.227-19 and the limitations set out in this license for
iv 302269-A Rev.00
civilian agencies, and subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of th e Rights in Technical Data and Computer So ft ware clause of DFARS 252.227-7013, for agencies of the Department of Defense or their successors, whichever is applicable.
6. Use of Software in the European Community. This provision applies to all Software acquired for use within the European Community. If Licensee uses the Software within a country in the European Community, the Software Directive enacted by the Council of European Communit ies Dire cti v e dated 14 Ma y, 1991, will apply to th e e xamina tion of the Software to facili ta te inte ro pera bil ity. Licensee agrees to no tify Bay Ne tworks of any such intended examination of the Software and may procure support and assistance from Bay Networks.
7. Term and termination. This license is effective until terminated; however, all of the restrictions with respect to Bay Networks’ copyright in the Software and user manuals will cease being effective at the date of exp iration of the Bay Networks copyright; those restrictions relating to use and disclosure of Bay Networks’ confidential information shall continue in effect. Licensee may terminate this license at any time. The license will automatically termin ate if Licens ee fails to comply with any of the terms and condi tions of the license. Upon termination for any reason, Licensee will immediately destroy or return to Bay Networks the Software, user manuals, and all copies. Bay Networks is not liable to Licensee for damages in any form solely by reason of the termination of this license.
8. Export and Re-export. Licensee agrees not to export, directly or indirectly, the Software or related technical data or information without first obtaining any required export lic ense s or ot her go vernmental appro v al s. Without limiting th e fo re goin g, L icens ee, on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries and affiliates, agrees that it will not, without first obtaining all export licenses and approvals required by the U.S. Go vernment: (i) export, re­export, transfer, or divert any such Software or technical data, or any direct product thereof, to any country to which such exports or re-exports are restricted or embargoe d under United States export control laws and regulations, or to any national or resident of such restricted or embargoed countries; or (ii) provide the Software or related technical data or information to any military end user or for any military end use, including the design, development, or production of any chemical, nuclear, or biological weapons.
9. General. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of California.
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, c ontact Bay Networks, Inc., 4401 Great America Parkway, P.O. Box 58185, Santa Clara, California 95054-8185.
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About This Guide
Before You Begin .................................................................................xv
Conventions ........................................................................................ xvi
Acronyms ........................ .............................................. ....................xviii
Bay Networks Technical Publications .................................................xix
Bay Networks Customer Service ........................................................xix
How to Get Help ..................................................................................xx
Bay Networks Educational Services ....................................................xx
Chapter 1 Getting Started
The Setup Software ...........................................................................1-2
European Requirements .......................................................1-4
North American Requirements .............................................1-4
Using the Installation Assistant ..........................................................1-5
Starting the Installation Assistant Manually .................................1-5
Erasing a Router Configuration ............................................1-5
Configuring a Router Using the Installation Assistant .................1-8
Chapter 2 Connecting to an Internet Service Provider
ISDN Connectivity ..............................................................................2-2
Connecting to the ISDN Network .......................................................2-5
ISP Account Details ........ ................................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ........2-8
Completing the Connection .............................................................2-11
Cancelling an Automatic ISDN Call .................................................2-15
302269-A Rev.00 vii
Dealing with a Call Failure ...............................................................2-17
Redialing an ISDN Number .............................................................2-17
Chapter 3 Connecting to an Intranet
ISDN Connectivity ..............................................................................3-2
Transport Protocols ............................................................................3-5
Connecting to an Intranet using TCP/IP ......................................3-7
Connecting to an Intranet using Novell IPX .................................3-9
Connecting to the ISDN Network .....................................................3-11
Intranet Account Details ...................................................................3-14
Completing the Configuration ..........................................................3-16
Cancelling an Automatic ISDN Call .................................................3-19
Dealing with a Call Failure ...............................................................3-20
Redialling an ISDN Number .............................................................3-21
Chapter 4 Connecting to Both an ISP and an Intranet
ISDN Connectivity ..............................................................................4-2
ISP Account Details ........ ................................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ........4-7
Transport Protocols ..........................................................................4-10
Connecting to an Intranet using TCP/IP ....................................4-12
Connecting to an Intranet using Novell IPX ...............................4-14
Connecting to the ISDN Network .....................................................4-16
Intranet Account Details ...................................................................4-19
Completing the Configuration ..........................................................4-21
Cancelling an Automatic ISDN Call .................................................4-25
Dealing with a Call Failure ...............................................................4-26
Redialling an ISDN Number .............................................................4-26
viii 302269-A Rev.00
Chapter 5 Other Connection Options and One Step Configuration
Other Connection Options ..... ...... ....... ...... ................................. ...... ..5-2
Adding a Path to an ISP or Intranet .............................................5-2
Calling a New Path ......................................................................5-8
Cancelling a Call .........................................................................5-9
Cancelling a Call on a Path ...................................................5-9
Cancelling all Calls on an ISDN Port ..................................5-10
One Step Configuration ...................................................................5-11
Standard One Step Configuration -
Exclusive of North America ................................................5-13
One Step Configuration - Specific to North America ..........5-16
302269-A Rev.00 ix
Figure 1-1. Setup Type Window ....................................................1-2
Figure 1 -2 . Nautica Wi za rd Window ............ ...... ....... ...... ....... ........1-6
Figure 1-3. Nautica Wizard Operations Menu ...............................1-6
Figure 1-4. Erase Configuration Button .........................................1-7
Figure 1-5. Nautica Wizard Quick Menu ........................................1-7
Figure 1-6. Nautica Wizard with Unconfigured Router ..................1-8
Figure 1-7. Run Installation Assistant Button ................................1-9
Figure 1-8. Nautica Wizard Configuration Quick Menu .................1-9
Figure 1-9. Nautica Wizard Installation Assistant Checklist ........1-10
Figure 1-10. Your Network and ISDN Connectivity Window ..........1-11
Figure 2-1. Your Network and ISDN Connectivity Window ............2-2
Figure 2-2. Connecting to an Internet Service Provider Window ..2-3
Figure 2-3. Connecting to the ISDN Network ................................2-5
Figure 2-4. Internet Service Provider Account Details Window .....2-8
Figure 2-5. Paths Table ................................................................2-10
Figure 2-6. Completing the Configuration Window ......................2-11
Figure 2-7. The Nautica Wizard Window .....................................2-15
Figure 2-8. ISDN Ports Table .......................................................2-16
Figure 2-9. The Paths Table ........................................................2-18
Figure 3 -1 . Nautica Wi za rd Window ............ ...... ....... ...... ....... ........3-2
Figure 3-2. Run Installation Assistant Button ................................3-2
Figure 3-3. Nautica Wizard Quick Menu ........................................3-3
Figure 3-4. Your Network and ISDN Connectivity Window ............3-4
Figure 3-5. Connecting to an Intranet Window ..............................3-5
Figure 3-6. Connecting to an Intranet with IP Window ..................3-7
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Figure 3-7. Connecting to an Intranet with IPX Window ................3-9
Figure 3-8. Connecting to the ISDN Network ..............................3-11
Figure 3-9. Intranet Account Details Window ..............................3-14
Figure 3-10. Completing the Configuration Window ......................3-16
Figure 3-11. The Nautica Wizard Window .....................................3-19
Figure 3-12. ISDN Ports Table .......................................................3-20
Figure 3-13. The Paths Table ........................................................3-21
Figure 4 -1 . Nautica Wi za rd Window ............ ...... ....... ...... ....... ........4-2
Figure 4-2. Run Installation Assistant Button ................................4-2
Figure 4-3. Nautica Wizard Operations Menu ...............................4-3
Figure 4-4. Nautica Wizard Quick Menu ........................................4-3
Figure 4-5. Your Network and ISDN Connectivity Window ............4-4
Figure 4-6. Connecting to an Internet Service Provider Window ..4-5
Figure 4-7. Internet Service Provider Account Details Window .....4-7
Figure 4-8. Paths Table ..................................................................4-9
Figure 4-9. Connecting to an Intranet Window ............................4-10
Figure 4-10. Connecting to an Intranet with IP Window ................4-12
Figure 4-11. Connecting to an Intranet with IPX window ...............4-14
Figure 4-12. Connecting to the ISDN Network ..............................4-16
Figure 4-13. Intranet Account Details Window ..............................4-19
Figure 4-14. Completing the Configuration Window ......................4-21
Figure 4-15. The Nautica Wizard Window .....................................4-25
Figure 4-16. ISDN Ports Table .......................................................4-26
Figure 4-17. Edit ISDN Calls Configuration Window .....................4-27
Figure 5 -1 . Nautica Wi za rd Window ............ ...... ....... ...... ....... ........5-2
Figure 5-2. Nautica Wizard Advanced - Paths Menu .....................5-3
Figure 5-3. Paths Table Window ....................................................5-3
Figure 5-4. Path Type Window .......................................................5-4
Figure 5-5. PPP Path Parameters Window ....................................5-4
Figure 5-6. PPP Path Edit IPX Window .........................................5-5
Figure 5-7. PPP Path Edit Call Window ........................................5-6
Figure 5-8. PPP Path Parameters PPP Tab ..................................5-7
xii 302269-A Rev.00
Figure 5-9. Paths Table ..................................................................5-8
Figure 5-10. PathPorts Table ...........................................................5-9
Figure 5-11. ISDN Ports Table .......................................................5-10
Figure 5-12. Nautica Wizard Operations Menu .............................5-11
Figure 5-13. One Step Configuration Button .................................5-11
Figure 5-14. Nautica Wizard Quick Menu ......................................5-12
Figure 5-15. One Step Configuration Window ...............................5-13
Figure 5-16. One Step Configuration Window for North America .5-16
Figure 5-17. US ISDN Switch Information Window .......................5-19
302269-A Rev.00 xiii
If you are responsible for installing and configuring Nautica routers, you need to read this guide.
Before You Begin
Before using this guide, you must complete the following procedures. For a new router:
Install the router (refer to the installation manual that came with your router).
About This Guide
Insert the CD that came with your router into your CD drive.
If the CD does not start automatically, open Windows change to your CD drive and double-click setup.exe.
302269-A Rev.00 xv
. .
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
angle brackets (< >) Indicate that you choose the text to
enter based on th e description in side the brackets. Do not type the brackets when entering the command. Example: if command syntax is
, you enter ping
bold text
Indicates text that you need to enter, command names, and buttons in menu paths. Example: Enter
Example: Use the dinfo
wfsm &
Example: ATM DXI > Interfaces > PVCs identifies the PVCs button in the window that appears when you select the Interfaces option from the ATM DXI menu.
brackets ([ ]) Indicate optional elements. You can
choose none, one, or all of the options.
ellipsis points Horizontal (. . .) and
vertical ellipsis points indicate
omitted information.
italic text Indicates variable values in
command syntax descriptions, new terms, file and directory names, and book titles.
quotation marks (“ ”) Indicate the title of a chapter or
screen text Indicates data that appears on the
xvi 302269-A Rev.00
section within a book.
screen. Example:
Trap Monitor Filters
Set Bay Networks
About This Guide
separator ( > ) Separates menu and option names in
instructions and internal pin-to-pin wire connections. Example: Protocols > AppleTalk identifies the AppleTalk optio n in the Protocols menu.
Example: Pin 7 > 19 > 20
vertical line (
) Indicates that you enter only one of
the parts of the command. The vertical line separates choices. Do not type the vertical line when entering the command. Example: If the command syntax is
show at rou tes | nets,
you enter
show at rou tes or show at nets,
but not both.
302269-A Rev.00 xvii
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol BCC Bay Command Console BCP Bridge Control Proto c ol BootP Bootstrap Protocol BRI Basic Rate Interface DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DNS Domain Name Server GUI graphical user interface HDLC high-level data link control IP Internet Protocol IPX Internetworking Protocol Extended ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network LAN local area network MAC media access control MSN Multisubscriber Numbering NAT Network Address Translation OSPF Open Shortest Path First (Protocol) PPP Point-to-Point Protocol PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol TCP/IP Transmis sion Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol Telnet Telecommunication Network TFTP Trivial File Tr ansfer Protocol VPN Virtual Private Network WAN wide area network WINS Windows Integrated Naming Service
xviii 302269-A Rev.00
Bay Networks Technical Publications
You can now print technical manuals and release notes free, directly from the Internet. Go to library/tpubs. Find the Bay Networks products for which you need documentation. Then locate the specif ic cate gor y and mod el or version for your hardware or software product. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need, and print them on most standard printers. You can download Acrobat Reader free from the Adobe Systems Web site,
Documentation sets and CDs are available through your local Bay Networks sales office or account representative.
About This Guide
Bay Networks Customer Service
You can purchase a s upport contract fro m your Ba y Networks distributor or authorized reseller, or directly from Bay Networks Services. For information about, or to purchase a Bay Networks service contract, either call your local Bay Networks field sales office or one of the following nu mbers:
Region Telephone number Fax number
United States an d Canada
Europe 33-4-92-96-69-66 33-4-92-96-69-96 Asia/Pacific 61-2-9927-8888 61-2-9927-8899
800-2LANWAN; then enter Express Routing Code (ERC) 290, when prompted, to purchase or renew a service contract
978-916-8880 (direct)
Latin Americ a 561-988-7661 561-988-7550
Information about customer service is also a vailable on the World Wide Web at
302269-A Rev.00 xix
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
How to Get Help
If you purchased a service contract for your Bay Networks product from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If you purchased a Bay Netw orks s ervice program , call on e of t he following Bay Networks Technical Solutions Centers:
Technical Solutions Center Telephone number Fax number
Billerica, M A 800-2LANWAN 978-916-3514 Santa Clara, CA 800-2LANWAN 408-495-1188 Valbonne, France 33-4-92-96-69-68 33-4-92-96-69-98 Sydney, Australia 61-2-9927-8800 61-2-9927-8811 Tokyo, Japan 81-3-5402-0180 81-3-5402-0173
Bay Networks Educational Services
Through Bay Networks Educational Services, you can attend classes and purchase CDs, videos, and computer-based training programs about Bay Networks products. Training programs can take place at your site or at a Bay Networks location. For more information about training programs, call one of the following numbers:
Region Telephone number
United States and Canada 800-2LANWAN; then enter Express Routing
Code (ERC) 282 when prompted
Europe, Middle East, and Africa 33-4-92-96-15-83 Asia/Pacific 61-2-9927-8822 Tokyo and Japan 81-3-5402-7041
xx 302269-A Rev.00
978-916-3460 (direct)
Chapter 1
Getting Started
After the Nautica unit has been physically set up, you must load the software onto your PC and then configure the unit in order for it to operate correctly.
Your Nautica router is configured using the Nautica Configuration Wizard (Nautica Wizard), or the Bay Networks Command Console™ (BCC).
For more advanced information on Nautica Wizard, refer to Nautica Configuration Wizard 5 Reference Guide on the CD for this software release. To read this version, your computer must have Adobe Acrobat Version 3.0 or greater installed.
This chapter contains the following sections:
“The Setup Software” (page 1-2
“Using the Installation Assistant” (page 1-5
302269-A Rev.00 1-1
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
The Setup Soft ware
When all the cables have been co nnected to your rout er, insert the CD that comes with the hardware. The CD starts automa tically and runs the standard Windows 95 installation program. You are presented with a series of windows:
Window 1: This window welcomes you to the installation
procedure. Click on
Window 2: It is important that you read the license
agreement and understand its conditio ns before continuing with the installation. Click on return to Window 1.
Window 3: Enter yo ur name and the name of your company.
Click on
Next to continue, or Back to return to Window 2.
Next to continue.
Yes to continue, or Back to
Window 4: Select an alternative directory for the software
files if you want them installed somewhere other than the default Bay Networks fo lder . If you are ne w to Bay Net works products, it is recommended you accept the default director y. Click on
Window 5: The Setup Type window opens (Figure 1-1
Next to continue, or Back to return to Window 3.
Figure 1-1. Setup Type Window
1-2 302269-A Rev.00
You can either:
Getting Started
Standard (the default) to move directly into the
Installation Assistant. Select the
Custom option which allows you to specify
exactly what parts of the software you want to install before starting the Installation Assis tant. Click on
Back to return to Window 4.
If you are a first time user of Nautica Wizard, it is
Next to continue
recommended that you select the Standard option. Additional software elements can be added at a later time by running the Nautica Wizard setup program again, then clicking on the Custom option (Figure 1-1
) and selecting the parts of the
program you want to install.
Window 6: Select a Program Folder into which all
application icons are installed. Click on
Back to return to Window 5.
Next to continue or
The installation software copies Nautica Wizard and Nautica Watch to your PC, creates the program groups and starts Nautica Wizard.
To run the CD in futu re without starting the installation program, hold down the [SHIFT] key on the keyboard as you insert the CD into your PC.
When Nautica Wizard opens, the Installation Assistant (software that allows you to enter configuration information for the router) starts automatically only if there are no other Nautica routers on the LAN and the router you are installing is still in its unconfigured state.
For information about starting the Installation Assistant manually , refer to page 1-5
Before the setup program starts the Installation Assistant, ensure you have the following information:
302269-A Rev.00 1-3
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
European Requirements
Your unique IP address
Your subnet mask
The name of your Nautica router
The ISDN telephone number of the unit you want to call
Any password you have been asked to use (optional)
North American Requirements
Your unique IP address
Your subnet mask
The name of your Nautica router
The ISDN telephone number of the unit you want to call
Any password you have been asked to use (optional)
The central office switch type used by your telephone
Your local ISDN telephone numbers
Your SPIDs (Service Profile Identifiers)
1-4 302269-A Rev.00
Using the Installation Assistant
The Installation Assistant allows you to enter basic configuration information into your Nautica router. How you access the Installation Assistant depends on your configuration:
If you r r outer is the only Nautica router on your n etw o rk, t he
Installation Assistant starts automatically when Nautica Wizard open s for the f irst time.
If there is more than one Nautica router on your LAN, or if
the unit is already configured, you must start it manually.
Starting the Installation Assistant Manually
To start the Installation Assistant manually, the router that you want to set up needs to ha ve all its current conf iguration erased. If a unit has no configuration, its name in the Nautica Wizard window appears as “NoConfig,” and the graphical representation of the unit is blue.
Getting Started
Erasing a Router Configuration
to save the existing configuration to a file before erasing it from the router.
To erase a router’s configuration and set it back to the factory defaults, use one of the following procedures:
Nautica Wizard cannot undo an erase. It may be best
Procedure Option 1
1. Select the unit in the Nautica Wizard window (Figure 1-2)
by clicking on its line.
302269-A Rev.00 1-5
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
Figure 1-2. Nautica Wizard Window
2. Then select Operations > Erase Configuration (Figure
1-3), or click once on the Erase Configuration button (Figure 1-4)
in the toolbar.
Figure 1-3. Nautica Wizard Operations Menu
1-6 302269-A Rev.00
Getting Started
Figure 1-4. Erase Configuration Button
Procedure Option 2
1. Position the cursor over the selected router line in the
Nautica Wizard window (Figure 1-2 mouse button once.
2. In the Quick menu that appears, select the Erase
configuration command with the left mouse button.
) and press the right
Figure 1-5. Nautica Wizard Quick Menu
302269-A Rev.00 1-7
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
Once the configuration has been erased, the graphical representation of the router will change to blue in the Nautica Wizard window to show that it is unconfigured. Only unconfigured routers can be set up us ing the Installation Assistant.
Figure 1-6. Nautica Wizard with Unconfigured Router
Configuring a Router Using the Installation Assistant
To start the Installation Assistant, use one of the following procedures:
Procedure Option 1
1. Select the router to be conf igur ed by clicking on it once in
the Nautica Wizard window (Figure 1-2
1-8 302269-A Rev.00
Getting Started
2. Click on Operations > Run Installation Assistant (Figure
1-3) or click on the Run Installation Assistant icon in the
toolbar (Figure 1-7)
Figure 1-7. Run Installation Assistant Button
Procedure Option 2
1. Position the cursor over the selected router in the Nautica
Wizard window and press the right mouse button once. In the menu that appears (Figure 1-8 option, Run Installation Assistant, by clicking on it once with the left mouse button.
), select the first
Figure 1-8. Nautica Wizard Configuration Quick Menu
302269-A Rev.00 1-9
Nautica Wizard Installation Guide
The first screen that appears (Figu r e 1-9), lists all the options you need to configure your router.
Figure 1-9. Nautica Wizard Installation Assistant Checklist
To complete the configuration.
1. Proceed with the installation if you have all of this
information (Figure 1-9)
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