Nortel TAPI, Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession 3.0 User Manual

Part No. 213346.02 August 2003
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0
Copyright © 2002 Nortel Networks
All righ ts reserved. August 2003. The infor mat io n in this do cum ent i s su bje ct to ch ang e wit ho ut no tice . The st atem ents, con figur at i ons, te ch nic al da ta, and
recomm endations in this document are believed to be accurat e and reliable, but are presented w ithout express or implie d warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in thi s document is proprietary to Nortel Networks Inc.
Nortel Networks, th e N ortel Networks logo, the Globemark, Meridian, Optivity, and S ym posium are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. SAP, mySAP,, and SAPpho ne are trademarks of SAP AG. pcAnywhere is a trademark of the Symantec Corporation. Adobe an d A crobat Reader are trad em arks of Adob e Systems Inc orporate d. The asterisk after a name deno tes a tradem arked item .
Statement of conditions
In the int erest of improving inte rnal design, operati onal function, and/or reliability, Nortel Networks Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
Nortel Networks Inc. does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use o r application of the product (s) or circui t layout(s) described herein.
Restricted rights legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Un ited States Governme nt is subject to restri ctions as set forth in su bparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at D FARS 252.227-7013.
Notwithstanding any other license agreement that may pertain to, or accomp any the delivery of, this comp uter software, the rig h ts of the United States Governmen t regarding it s use, reproduction, and disclos ure are as set forth in the Commercial Computer Software-Restr icted Rights clause at FAR 52.227 -19.
Statement of conditions
In the int erest of improving inte rnal design, operati onal function, and/or reliability, Nortel Networks Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
Nortel Networks Inc. does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use o r application of the product (s) or circui t layout(s) described herein.
Portions of the code in this software product may be Copyright © 1988, Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistrib ution and use in source and binary forms of such portio ns are permi tted, provi ded that the above copyright not ice and this paragraph ar e duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and ot her materials related to such dist ribution and use acknowledge that such portions of the software were developed by the University of California, Be rkeley. The name of the Universit y m ay not be used to endorse or promote products derived from such portions of the software without specific prior written permission.
In addi tion, t he p rogra m and i nf orma tion con tai ned he re in are li ce nsed only pur sua nt to a l icens e ag re ement that co ntain s restr ictions on use and disclos ure (that may incorporat e by reference certain limitations and notices imposed by third parties).
This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC Rules. All direct connections to telephone network lines must be made using st andard plugs and jacks compliant with FCC Part 68. Please note the following:
1. You are required to request service from the telephone company before you connect the unit to a network. When you request servic e, you must pro vide the telephone company with the following data:
When you request T1 Service, you must provide the telephone company with
— The Facility Interface Code
Provide the telephone company with all the codes be low: – 04DU9- B N ( 1.544 MB, D4 framing forma t) – 04DU9-DN (1.544 MB, D4 fram ing forma t with B8ZF coding) – 04DU 9 -1 K N (1 .5 4 4 MB , E SF fr am i ng fo rm a t) – 04DU9-1SN (1.544 MB, ESF framing format with B8ZF coding) – 04DU9-1ZN (1.544 MB, ANSI ESF and ZBTSI without line power)
The teleph one company will select the code it has available.
— The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F — The required Universal Service Order Code (USO C) jack: RJ48C
When you request 56K/64K Service, you must provide the telephone company with
— The Facility Interface Code: 04DU5-56/64 — The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F — The required Universal Service Order Code (USO C) jack: RJ48S
When you request V.34 Service, you must provide the telephone company with
— The required Universal Service Order Code (USOC) jack: RJ11C — The make, model number, Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), and FCC Registration number of the unit
The REN helps you determine the number of devices you can connect to your telephone li ne and still hav e all of thos e devices ring when your number is called. In most, but not all, areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices should not exce ed 5.0. To be certain of the number of devices you can connect to your line, you should c all your local telephone company to d etermine the maximum REN for y o ur call ing area. This equipment must not be used on party lines or coin lines.
When you request ISDN “U” I n terface Service, you must provide the telephone company with
— The Facility Interface Code: 02IS5 — The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F — The required Universal Service Order Code (USO C) jack: RJ49C
When you request ISDN “S/T ” Interface Service, you must provide the telephone company with
— The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0N — The make, model number, and FCC Regi stration num ber of the NT1
Note: ISDN S/T cannot be directly connected to the network.
When you request Primary Rate ISDN Service, you must provide the telephone com pany with
— The Facility Interface Code: 04DU9-1SN (1 .544 MB, ESF frami ng format with B8ZF coding) — The Service Order Code(s) (SOC): 6.0F
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0
— The required Universal Service Order Code (USO C) jack: RJ48C
2. Your telephone company may make changes to its facilities, eq uipment, operations, or procedures that coul d affect the prope r functioning of your equipm ent. The telephone company will notify you in advance of such changes to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterr upted telephone service.
3. If the unit ca use s harm to the tel ephone netwo rk, the tel ep hone com pany ma y tempora ri ly d iscon tinue your serv ice. If possi ble, they will notify you in advance, but if advance notice is not practical , you will be noti fied as soon as possible and will be inf orm ed of your right to file a complaint wit h the FCC.
4. If you experience trouble with the unit, please contact the Nortel Networks Technical Solutions Center in your are a for service or repairs . Repairs shoul d be performed only by service personnel authorized by Nortel Networks.
North America (800) 4NORTEL or (800) 466-7835 EMEA (33) (4) 92-966-968 Asia Pacific (61) (2) 9927-8800 China (800) 810-5000
5. You are required to notify the telephone company when you disconnect the unit from the network.
Nortel Networks Inc. software license agreement
This Software License Agreement (“Lice nse Agreement”) is between you, the end-user (“Customer ”) and Nortel Networks Corporation and its subsi diaries and affiliat es (“Nortel Networks”) . PLEASE REA D TH E FO LLO W ING CAREFULLY. YOU MUST ACCEPT THESE LICENSE TERMS IN ORDER TO DOWNLOAD AND/OR USE THE SOFTWARE. USE OF THE SOFTWARE CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. If you do not acce pt thes e te rms an d cond itio ns, retur n th e Softw are, unus ed and in th e ori ginal shi pping contai ner, w ithin 30 days of purchase to obtain a cred it for the ful l purchase price.
“Software” is owned or lic ensed by Nor tel Networks, its p arent or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and is copyrighted and lice nsed, not sold. Software consists of m achine-readable instructions, its components, dat a, audio-vis ual content (such as images, text, recordings or pictures) and related li censed materials in cluding all whole or parti al copies. Nortel Networks grants you a li cense to use the Software only in the coun try where you acquired the Sof tw are. You obtain no rights other than those granted to you under th is License Agreement. You are responsible for the selectio n of the Software and for the installation of, use of, and resul ts obtained from the Software.
1. Licensed Use of Software. Nortel Network s grants Customer a nonexclusive l icense to use a copy of the Software
on only one machine at any one time or to the extent of t he activation or authori zed usage level, whichever is appl icable. To the extent Software is furnished for use with designated hardware or Customer furnished equi pm ent (“CFE”), Customer is granted a nonexclusive license to use Software only on such hardware or CFE, as applicable. Software contains trade secrets and Customer a grees to treat Softwa re as confidential informati on using the same care and discretion Customer uses with its own similar information that it does not wish to disclose, publish or disseminate. Customer will ensure that anyone who uses the Software does so only in compliance wi th the terms o f this Agreem ent. Custom er shall not a) use, cop y, m odify, transfer or distribute the Software except as expressly authoriz ed; b) reverse assem ble, reverse compil e, reverse engineer or otherwi se translate the Software; c) create derivative wo rks or modific at ions unl es s expres sl y aut horiz ed; or d) subli cen se , rent or le ase the Soft ware . Licen sor s of inte ll ectua l pro per ty to Nortel Networks are beneficiaries of this provisi on. Upon termin ation or breach of the li cense by Custom er or in the event designated hardware or CFE is no longer in use, Customer will promptly return the Software to No rtel Networks or cert ify its destr uction. Nortel Netw orks may audit by remote pol ling or other reasonabl e means to dete rm ine Customer’s Software activ ation or usage levels. If suppliers of third party s o ftware included in Soft wa re require Nortel Networks to include addit ional or differen t terms, Customer agrees to abi de by such terms provided by No rtel Netw orks with respect to such third party software.
2. Warranty. Except as may be otherwise expressly agreed to in writing betw een Nortel Ne tw orks and Customer,
Software is provided “AS IS” without any warranti es (conditions) of any kind. NORTEL NETWORKS DISCLAIMS
ALL WARRANTIES (CONDITIONS) FOR THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. Nortel Networks is not obli gated to provide support of any kind for the Software. Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion of implie d w arranties, and, in such event, the above exclusions may not apply.
LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOW ING: a) DAMAGES BASED ON ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIM; b) LOSS OF, OR DAMAGE TO, CUSTOMER’S RECORDS, FILES OR DATA; OR c) DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVI NGS), WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TOR T OR OTHERWISE (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF NORTEL NETWORKS, ITS AGENTS OR SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY. The forgoing limitations of remedie s also apply to any developer and/or supplier of the Sof tware. Such developer and/or supplier is an intended be neficiary of this Section. Som e jurisdictions do not allow these limitations or exclusions and, in such event, they may not apply.
4. General
a. If Customer is the Un ited States Govern ment, the fo llowing paragraph shall apply: All Nortel Networks
Softwar e avai labl e unde r thi s Licens e Agre em ent is com me rcial comput er softw are and com me rcial comput er software documentation and, in the event So ftware is lic ensed for or on behalf of the United Sta tes Governm ent, the res p ective rights to the software and software documentation are governed by N ortel Networks standard co m me rcial license in accordance with U.S. Federal Regulations at 48 C.F.R. Sections
12.212 (f or non-DoD entities) and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202 (for DoD entities).
b. Customer may terminate the license at any time. Nortel Networks may terminate the license if Customer fails
to comply with the terms and conditions of this license. In either eve nt, upon termination, Cus tomer must either return the Software to Nortel Networks or certify its destruction.
c. Customer is responsible for payment of any taxes, in cluding personal property taxes , resulting from
Custom er’s use of the Softwa re. Customer agrees to comply with all applicable laws incl uding all applicable
export and import laws and regulati ons. d. Neither party may bring an action, regardless of form, m ore than two years after the cause of the action aro se. e. The ter m s and co nd itions o f this Licen se Agre em e n t fo rm th e comple te an d ex clusive agree m en t betwee n
Customer and Nortel Net w orks. f. This License Agre ement is governed by the law s of the country in which Customer acquires the Software. If
the Software is acquired in the United States, then this License Agreement is governed by t h e laws of the st ate
of New York.
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0
Preface 19
Before you begin 19 Text conventions 20 Related publications 21
Chapter 1
Overview 23
Target audience 24 Symposium TAPI SP architecture options 25
Call center environment 25
Knowledge worker environment 27 Networked TAPI and IVR 28 Microsoft TAPI server and client 29 Meridian Link Services 29 Configuration and maintenance 29 License Manager 30 Features of Symposium TAPI SP 30
Basic call control 31
Enhanced call control 31
Automatic call distribution 31
ACD proxy service 32
Agent walkaway feature 32
Telephone set control 33
Outbound and predictive dialing applications 33
Trunk monitoring 33
Interactive voice response 33
Auto link recovery feature 34
Dynamic database feature 34
Administration features 34
Symposium configuration application 34 TAPIDBM Logger 34 Logger application 35 Microsoft TAPI browser application 35
Symposium TAPI SP feature interactions 35
Feature interactions in a call center environment 35
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
Feature interactions in a knowledge worker environment 36
Feature interactions in all environments 36
Feature interactions with other software applications 37
Networking between Symposium TAPI Service Providers 37
On demand call data 37 Call data networking requirements 38
Chapter 2 Installation guidelines 39
General prerequisites 40
Preparing the TAPI server 40
Preparing the Succession switch 40
Required applications 41 Optional applications 41
Configuring local area networks 42
Configuring the E-LAN 42
Assigning an IP address for the Succession switch 43 Defining a routing table 43 Primary IP address procedures 44
Activation procedure 44 Validation procedure 44
Recovery procedure 45 Installation notes for a knowledge worker environment 46 Installation notes in a Symposium call center environment 47
Preparing a Symposium Call Center Server 48
Prerequisites 48 Configuring an isolated C-LAN for TAPI traffic 49
Installing Symposium TAPI SP software 50
Chapter 3 Preparing the TAPI environment 57
Microsoft TAPI termi nol ogy 57 TAPI server domains 58
Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 domain architecture 58 Trust relationships between domains 59
Symposium TAPI SP domain considerations 59
Configuring domains on a Windows 2000 server 62 Configuring domains on a Windows Server 2003 server 63
Remote procedure calls and trust relationships 66
Client user issues 68
Configuring Microsoft TAPI for Symposium TAPI SP 68
Avoiding basic configuration problems 69 Configuring a Windows 2000 server for Symposium TAPI 70
Enabling telephony services 70 Assigning lines to clients 73
Configuring a Windows Server 2003 server for Symposium TAPI 76
Enabling telephony services 76 Assigning lines to clients 80
Configuring TAPI clients 82
Chapter 4 Configuration guidelines 85
Downloading information from the Succession switch 86
Converting the text file 87
Configuring the Symposium TAPI SP database 90
Configuring the provider table 91 Configuring the Succession Host table 93
Configuring the trunk table 95 Configuring the treatments table 96 Configuring the TN table 98
Adding a new TN 98
Modifying a TN 99
Deleting a TN/all TNs 100
Adding a DN 101
Modifying a DN 101
Deleting a DN 102
Adding a CDN 102
Configuring the network TAPI/IVR table 104
Adding an IVR remote host address 106 Modifying an IVR remote host address 107
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
Deleting an IVR remote host address 108
Deleting all IVR remote host addresses 108 Configuring License Manager 109 109 Config u r i ng SAP co mpliance 111 Configuring the log styles table 113
Adding a log style 114
Editing a log style 115
Deleting a log style 115
Configuring an additional database 116
Chapter 5 Upgrading Symposium TAPI SP 117
Upgrading Symposium TAPI SP software 117
Performing an Upgrade From an Earlier Release To Symposium TAPI SP 3.0 118 Performing a full reinstall 120
Removing an earlier release from a Windows 2000 server 121
Removing an earlier release from a Windows 2003 server 121 Configuring the latest software release 122 Recovering database table information 122 Verifying the software upgrade 123
Upgrading Symposium TAPI SP features 123
License management when upgradin g 123 Increasing the number of clients 123 Adding new features or changing the TAPI environment 124 Uninstalling TAPI SP 3.0 124
Chapter 6 Networked TAP I/IVR 127
Integrated IVR-CTI 127
IVR-CTI call flow example 128 LAN configuration 129 IVR-CTI integration in a Succession environment 129 Symposium TAPI SP IVR driver 130
IVR-CTI messages 130
Network call data 131 Periphonics IVR system 132
Overview of the VPS/is 132
Overview of the IPML server 133
Networking call data 133
Configuring networking call data capabilities 135 Call data networking between IVR and Symposium TAPI SP 136 V erifying call data networking 136 Call data networking between TAPI servers with NACD overflow 140 Verifying NACD overflow with TAPI operations 141 Call data networking between TAPI service providers without NACD overflow 144 Verifying call data networking without NACD 145
Troubleshooting IVR and networking features 146
No IVR registration message on TAPI server initialization 147 No call data message received by TAPI server when a call is transferred from IVR
port to ACD queue 148 Call data appears in overflow.log file, but does not appear in screen pop to agent
148 No call data is seen when transferred or conferenced to a remote Succession
switch 149 Call data does not appear to agent when a call is transferred using NACD
overflow 150 Blind transfer fails between networked Symposium TAPI SPs. 150 Call data lost between networked transfers using direct connect. 150
Chapter 7 Compatibi lit ie s and features 153
Produc t co mpatibilitie s 15 3
Succession swi tch compa tibility 153 Telephone set compatibility 154 Desktop PC compatibility 155 Microsoft TAPI compatibility 156 Windows 2000 service pack compatibility 156 Interface device compatibility 157 Nortel Networks application compatibility 157 Third-party application compatibility 158
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
Feature support 158
Basic call control 158 Enhanced call control 159 ACD 160 Lines and DNs 161 Device controls 161 Communication 162 Security 163 Diagnostic 163 General administration 164 Succession CSE1000 support 164 Remote Office support 164 Multiple appearance DN (MADN) feature support 164
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting 167
License Manager troubleshooting app lications 167 Logger troubleshooting application 167
Running a troubleshooting session 168 Saving troubleshooting information 169 Contro lling the size o f th e act iv e lo g fi le 169 Printing the log file 169
TAPIDBM.exe troubleshooting application 170
Running a TAPIDBM troubleshooting session 170
Microsoft TAPI browser application 171
Verifying default line properties 171 Verifying that telephone sets are configured correctly 173 Using the TAPI browser for acceptance testing 174
Answering an incoming call 174
Making a blind transfer of a call 174
Creating a 3-party conference call 175
Calling from a digital telephone set to DN and ACD sets 175
Putting a call on hold and unhold 175
Windows phone dialer application 176 Common troubleshooting issues 176
Sympos ium TAPI SP f a ils to initialize lin es 177 First call attempt fails 177 Download from the Succession switch fails 178 Testing connectivity 178 Testing the TCP/IP connection 178 Idle message when a remote party disconnects a call 178 No telephony devices appear in TCMApp 179 Connectivity problems and solutions 179 Port conflicts 180 Microsoft TAPI issues 182
No error recovery 182
TAPISRV unable to locate the DLL file 182
LINERR_NODRIVER error message 182
LineInitializeEx reports Success when the service is stopped 182 Meridian Link Services issues 182
Meridian Link Services presents no information 183
Call progress messages not delivered 183
Status change messages not delivere d 184
Dropping the original call during consultation transfer 185
Transferring number not displayed 185
Caller ID not reported 185
Call status messages sent by Meridian Link Services 185
Called number not displayed when routed to a CDN 185
Call parking not supported 185
Enhanced ISDN progress messages for outbound calls 186
Glossary of acronyms 187
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
Figure 1 TAPI architecture in a call center environment 26 Figure 2 TAPI direct connection architecture 27 Figure 3 TAPI system architecture supporting IVR functionality 28 Figure 4 Direct connect installation for a knowledge worker environment 46 Figure 5 SCCS installation in a call center environment 47 Figure 6 Isolating TAPI-traf fic on a separate C-LAN 49 Figure 7 Setup Type window 51 Figure 8 T API server type window 52 Figure 9 InstallShield wizard complete window 53 Figure 10 Standard multidomain configuration 60 Figure 1 1 Non-standard multidomain configuration 61 Figure 12 Active Directory Users and Computers window 62 Figure 13 Select Group window 63 Figure 14 Active Directory Users and Computers window 64 Figure 15 Select Group window 65 Figure 16 Select Computer window 70 Figure 17 Telephony Server Properties window 71 Figure 18 Select Users window 72 Figure 19 Telephony Services administration window 74 Figure 20 Edit Users window 74 Figure 21 Telephony window 76 Figure 22 Select Computer window 77 Figure 23 Telephony Server Properties window 78 Figure 24 Select Users window 79 Figure 25 Telephony Services administration window 81 Figure 26 Edit Users window 81 Figure 27 Configuration application window 88 Figure 28 Opening the download.txt file 89 Figure 29 Tex t File Translator Status window 89 Figure 30 Provider Table window 91 Figure 31 Succession Host window 93 Figure 32 Treatments Table window 96 Figure 33 Line Devices window 98 Figure 34 Add a Terminal Number Record window 99 Figure 35 Line PAdd a Terminal Number Rec ord window properties window 100
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
Figure 36 Warning message 101 Figure 37 DN Properties window 102 Figure 38 CDN window 103 Figure 39 Add a Control Directory Number window 103 Figure 40 Network TAPI/IVR server window 105 Figure 41 Add Remote Host Address window 106 Figure 42 Edit Remote Host Address window 107 Figure 43 License Manager Tab 109 Figure 44 License Manager Tab 110 Figure 45 Compliance window 111 Figure 46 Enabling SAP compliance 112 Figure 47 Log styles window 114 Figure 48 IVR-CTI call flow example 128 Figure 49 Networking call data 134 Figure 50 TAPI browser application 137 Figure 51 Open all lines display in the TAPI brower application 138 Figure 52 Displaying call information in the TAPI browser application 139 Figure 53 TAPI browser application 142 Figure 54 Open all lines display in the TAPI brower application 143 Figure 55 Displaying call information in the TAPI browser application 144 Figure 56 Logger window 168 Figure 57 Logger window 170 Fi gure 58 TAP I Browser wind ow 171 Figure 59 Default Values Parameter window 172 Figure 60 LineOpen window 173
Table 1 Required Succession applications 41 Table 2 Optional Succession applications 41 Table 3 Succession switch compatibility 153 Table 4 Telepho ne set compatibility 154 Table 5 Desktop PC compatibility 155 Table 6 Microsoft TA PI compatibility 156 Table 7 Windows 2000 service pack compatibility 156 Table 8 Interface device compatibility 157 Table 9 Nortel Network s ap plic a t io n compatib ilit y 157 Table 10 Third-party application compatibility 158 Table 11 Basic call control 158 Table 12 Enhanced call control 159 Table 13 ACD 160 Table 14 Line and DN capacities 161 Table 15 Device controls 161 Table 16 Communication 162 Table 17 Security 163 Table 18 Diagnostic 163 Table 19 General administration 164 Table 20 Resolving connectivity issues 179
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
This Network Managers Guide provides installation, configuration, upgrading, and troubleshooting guidelines for configuring a telephony application programming inter fac e (TAPI) server on Microsoft* Windows 2000/2003 platform using Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0.
Before you begin
The Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0, is designed to be read by system integrators, network
managers, and sales engine ers who have expert knowledge of the following products:
Succession switch
Micro sof t TAPI software
Microsoft Windows 2000 or 2003 server
If you are using Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession in a Call Center environment, expert knowledge of Symposium Call Center products is also a requirement.
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
20 Preface
Text conventions
This guide uses the following text conventions:
angle brackets (< >) Indicate that you choose the text to enter based on the
description inside the brackets. Do not type the brackets when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is
ping <ip_address>, you enter ping
bold Courier text
Indicates command names and options and text that you need to enter.
Example: Use the Example: Enter
dinfo command.
show ip {alerts|routes}.
braces ({}) Indicate required elements in syntax descriptions where
there is more than one option. You must choose only one of the options. Do not type the braces when entering the co m mand.
Example: If the command syntax is
show ip {alerts|routes}, you must enter either show ip alerts or show ip routes, but not both.
brackets ([ ]) Indicate optional elements in syntax descriptions. Do
not type the brackets when entering the command. Example: If the command syntax is
show ip interfaces [-alerts], you can enter
show ip interfaces -alerts.
show ip interfaces or
italic text Indicates new terms, book tit les, and variables in
command syntax descriptions. Where a variable is two or more words, the words are connected by an underscore.
plain Courier text
Example: If the command syntax is
show at <valid_route>, valid_route is on e
variable and you substitute one value for it. Indicates command syntax and system output, for
example, prompts and system messag es. Example:
Set Trap Monitor Filters
Preface 21
separator ( > ) Shows menu paths when describing nested menus.
Example: Protocols > IP ident ifies the IP sub-menu on the Protocols menu.
Shows overlay when describing Succession switch interface.
Example: > 20 identifies ove rlay 20 to the Succession switch.
vertical line (
| ) Separates choices for command keywords and
Related publications
For more information about the Symposium TAPI Service Provider, refer to the following documents:
Engineering Guide line s for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for
Succession, release 3.0, part number 213345.1
Release Notes for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession,
release 3.0, pa rt number 213347.1
arguments. Enter only one of the choices. Do not type the vertical line when entering the command.
Example: If the command syntax is
show ip {alerts|routes}, you enter either show ip alerts or show ip routes, but not
You can print selected technical manuals and release notes f ree, directly from the Internet. Go to the URL. Find the product for which you need documentation. Then locate the specific categor y and model or version for your hardware or software product. Use Adobe* Acrobat Reader* to open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need, and print them on most standard printers. Go to Adobe Systems at the URL to download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You can purchase selected documentation sets, CDs, and technical publications thr o ug h the In t e rnet a t th e URL.
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Meridian 1, release 3.0
22 Preface
Chapter 1 Overview
Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0, uses a dist ributed client/server environment to integrate a telephone on a user’s desktop with client and server-based applications. The telephone is physically connected to a Succession PBX switch but is not p hysically connected to a client PC. You do not need any special t eleph ones, conne ctors, cir cuit pa cks, or additiona l wirin g for th e client PC.
Symposium TAPI SP for Succession is a full function service provider for the Microsoft Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI), releases 2.x and 3.0. Microsoft TAPI provides a set of C-language programming routines that support telephony control capabilities for central office switches.
Symposium TAPI SP software is platform vendor independent (PVI) and can be installed on any platform that supports one of the following operating systems:
Windows 2000 server (Serve r/Advanced Server) , with a minimum of service
pack 4 installed
Windows 2003 Server (Standard/Enterprise) server
When installed on a server, Symposium TAPI SP supports TAPI-compliant applicati ons run ning on the following client PCs:
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Professional
Windows 2003 Server
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0
24 Chapter 1 Overview
Release 3.0 of Symposium TAPI SP integrates with the Succession switch in two distinct ways, depending on the type of TAPI environment required. The TAPI environments available are either a call center environment, or a knowledge worker environment. In addition, you can add networked TAPI and interactive voice response (IVR) features. When you purchase Symposium TAPI Service Provider, you can choose from one of the following options:
call center environment
direct connect for a knowledge worker environment
call center environment with networked TAPI and IVR
direct connect for a knowledge worker environment with networked TAPI
and IVR
Note: Symposium TAPI SP, release 3.0, also supports the legacy Meridian Link Module. For infor mation about upgrading to Symposium TAPI SP, release 3.0, in this environment, refer to your Meridian Link Module documentation, and to the Network Manager's Guide Reference
Guide for Installing, Configuring, and Maintaining the Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession Release 3.0, which you can download
Warning: S ymposium T AP I Service Provider fo r Succession provides an interface between a Succe ssion system and Microsoft TAPI services. Ultimate responsibility for the TAPI environm ent rests with Microsoft. For information refer to
Target audience
This document is written for system integrators and network managers who have expert knowledge of the following products:
Succession switch
Micro sof t TAPI software
Windows 2000 or 2003 server
If Symposium TAPI Servic e Provider for Succession is to be used in a call center environment, expe rt of knowledge of Symposium Call Center products is also a requirement.
Do not attempt to install or configure Symposium TAPI SP unless you have received accredited training in Symposium TAPI Service Provider.
Symposium TAPI SP architecture options
Symposium TAPI SP is a flexible application that enables a Succession switch to integrate with Microsoft TAPI services. In a call center the service provider delivers TAPI capabilities within a skill-based routing (SBR) environment. In a knowledge worker environment where automatic call distribution (ACD) routing is sufficient, Symposium TAPI SP delivers TAPI capabilities through a direct connection with the Successio n swit ch. T he optio nal networke d TAPI/IVR feature supports networ ked ski ll-based routing (NSBR) and network ACD (NACD) in a call center environment, or NACD only in a knowledge worker environment.
Chapter 1 Overview 25
Call center environment
In a call center Symposium TAPI Service Provider monitors TAPI ports on the Succession switch and passes information such as automatic number identific ation/dialed number identification service (ANI/DNIS) and calling line identification (CLID) to a TAP I-compliant application on a client PC, via the Microsoft TAPI server. The TAPI applicati on on the client PC presents this information to the agent, pe rhaps in the form of a screenpop. If you install an IVR system in a call center, Symposium TAPI SP uses similar processe s to present caller entered data (CED), such as customer account number, to an agent. This section provides an overview of a call center implementation without IVR. Refer to Chapter 6, “Networked TAPI/IVR,” on page 127 for information about networked TAPI and IVR in a call center.
In a call center environment, Symposium TAPI SP connects to a Succession switch via the Meridian Link Services application that is installed on the Symposium Call Center Server (SCCS). (Figure 1)
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0
26 Chapter 1 Overview
Figure 1 TAPI architecture in a call center environment
Ca ll Cent e r Solut ion Architecture
Line-side T1
Nort el
Processin g
Customer LAN (CLAN)
Embedded LAN (ELAN)
Symposium Call Center Server
Appl ication
Serv er
Call Center Agent Workstation Phoneset
The SCCS provides skill-based routing and call center reporting services. Symposium TAPI SP adds computer telephony inte gration (CTI) features within this environment. To support installations served by the SCCS, Symposium TAPI SP links with the Succession switch via the Meridian Link Services application that is resident on the SCCS.
All Succession switches use a private, e mbedded LAN (E-LAN) to isolate Meridia n sys tem tr affic from the cu s to me r local are a ne twork (C -L A N). In a call center, the SCCS is configured as a member of both the E-LAN and the C-LAN via separate 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports on the server. This configu ration maintains the isolation between telephony and data traffic. The TAPI server has one 10/100 BASE-T Ethernet connection to the C-LAN, and communicates with the E-LAN via a direct connection to the SCCS.
Note: This document provides guidelines for a TAPI implementation with the SCCS. Where fewer agents are required, Symposium TAPI Service Provider can deliver TA PI services via the Symposium Express Call Center (SE CC ).
Chapter 1 Overview 27
Know ledge wo rker environm ent
Where ACD routing is not required you can configure a direct connection from Symposium TAPI SP to the Succession switch. Symposium TAPI Service Provider monitors TAPI ports on the Succession switch and passes information such as ANI/DNIS and CLID to a TAPI-compliant application on the client PC, via the Microsoft TAPI server. The TAPI client prese nts this information to the agent, for example in the form of a screenpop. This section provides an overview of an implementation in a knowledge worker environment.
In a knowledge worker environment Symposium TAPI SP connects directly to a Succession switch via a TCP/IP Ethernet connection. (Figure 2)
Figure 2 TAPI direct connection architecture
Direct Connect Solution
Line-side T1
Series (MPS ­VPS/is)
Customer LAN (CLAN)
Embedded LAN (ELAN)
Symposium TAPI
SP 3. 0
Applic ation
Serv er
Call Center Agent Workstation Phoneset
With a direct conne ction imple mentation a single Succe ssion switch can support a maximum of sixteen TAPI servers.
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0
28 Chapter 1 Overview
Networked TAPI and IVR
Symposium TAPI SP provides server -to-server networking over LAN or WAN. The service provider has an open interface through which it can obtain information collected by IVR systems. IVR information is passe d to TAPI-compli ant applications using the standard TAPI interface. (Figure 3)
Figure 3 TAPI system architecture supporting IVR functionality
Network user-to-user
data passing
Optional IVR system
Windows-based client PCs with Symposium TAPI client installed
Network user-to-user
data passing
Network ACD trunking
Meridian 1 switchMeridian 1 switch
Symposium TAPI Service Provider works transparently with multiple Windows 2000 and W indows 2003 servers. This environment is commonly used f or NACD with a default of 512 bytes passed with a call locally or between servers in a NACD configuration.
Microsoft TAPI server and client
The Microsoft TAPI Server (TAPISRV) is a server service that can be accessed by clients via the MS remote service provider (RSP). On client PCs, access to the TAPISRV is provided by installing the Windows remote service provider (RSP) telephony module. This module routes TAPI requests to a specific TAPI service provider.
TAPI-compli ant applications on client PCs issue TAPI messages. T APISRV communi cat es w ith the cli ent via the L AN over a TCP /IP E the rn et conn e ct ion . TAPISRV routes TAPI messages from TAPI -compliant applications on the client to Symposium TAPI SP on the TAPI server. Symposium TAPI SP converts TAPI messages to corresponding switch messages through the Meridian Link Ser vices applicati on installed on an SCCS, or via a direct Ethernet connection to the Succession switch. Symposium TAPI SP also converts Succession switch messages to TAPI messages for routing to client applications via TAP ISRV.
Chapter 1 Overview 29
Meridian Link Services
Meridian Link Services enables an application in a host computer to use the call control and call monitoring functions of a Succession system. Sy mposium TAPI Service Provider extends these capabilities to TAPI-compliant applications running on client PCs in a local area network (LAN) using TCP/IP on a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet connection.
Configu r a tion and maintenance
Symposium TAPI SP includes a configuration application that provides two configuration methods: automatic configuration or manual configuration.
Automatic configuration translates database tables from overlays 20, 21, and 23 on the Succession switch and enters this information into the Symposium TAPI Service Provider database tables. The configura tion a pplication displays this information in dialog boxes for viewing and maintenance.
Network Managers Guide for Symposium TAPI Service Provider for Succession, release 3.0
30 Chapter 1 Overview
Manual configuration is necessary for instances where it becomes necessary to add, delete , or modify da tabase i nforma tion,. Manual c onfigura tion enables you t o alter the database tables through changing fields in rele vant configuration dialog boxes.
License Manager
The License Manager tab in the configuration a pplication allows you to enter the keycode that you received when you purchased Symposium TAPI Service Provider. The keycode is necessary for Symposium TAP I Service Provider to work. It enables the appropriate TAPI 3.0 features, as licensed to the customer. The keycode allows TAPI applications to simultaneously monitor and control the maximum number of DNs as per the Engineering Guidelines. The following features are controlled by the keycode:
Max number of Agents
TAPI Server ID
Inbound UUI
Bi-directional IVR
This License Manag er tab in the configuration applic at ion is new to TAPI 3.0 and replaces the FlexLM License Manager as used by Symposium TAPI Service Provider 2.3.
Features of Symposium TAPI SP
Symposium TAPI Service Provider fo r Succe ssion, release 3.0, support s a wide range of features, inc luding the following:
basic call control
enhanced call control
automatic call distribution,
outbound trunk monitor ing
predictive dialing applications
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