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Publication history
October 1999
R2.2 Standard
Commercial availability.
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
6Publication history
241-5101-201 R2.2
About this document11
Who should read this guide 11
What you need to know 11
How this guide is organized 11
Conventions 12
Documentation conventions 12
Symbol conventions 13
Related documents 13
Passport 13
NMS 14
Requests for Comments (RFC) 14
Nortel support services 14
Chapter 1
Introducing the Passport 825015
Passport 8250 15
Typical applications 16
Benefits 16
Main features 17
Management information bases (MIB) 17
Circuit emulation services (CES) 17
Provisioning tools 18
Reference clock configuration 20
Constant bit rate (CBR) clocking 20
Fault management 20
Flash file system 20
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
Chapter 2
Getting started with the CLI21
Introducing the CLI 21
CLI screen 22
CLI prompt 22
Accessing the CLI 23
CLI priority 23
Logging into the CLI 23
Changing the password 24
Accessing a board in the CLI 24
Getting help in the CLI 25
Logging out of the CLI 26
Restarting Passport 8250 device using the CLI 26
CLI commands 27
Command syntax 29
Abbreviations 30
Uppercase and lowercase 30
Chapter 3
Provisioning ports and connections31
Modifying port settings 31
Changing port configuration settings 33
Viewing port configuration settings 33
Creating connections 35
VPI/VCI assignments 36
Time slots 36
Signal mode 36
CBR clocking 37
Using the map command 37
Creating unstructured connections 41
Creating structured Basic and structured CAS connections 42
Viewing connections mapped to ports 45
Searching by port number 45
Searching by VPI or VPI/VCI 47
Deleting connections 49
241-5101-201 R2.2
Contents 9
Chapter 4
Other activities in the CLI51
Checking for network connectivity 51
Configuring the ATM uplink port for in-band management 52
Configuring the redundant ATM uplink port 54
Configuring the redundant ATM uplink port for automatic
switching 55
Configuring the redundant ATM uplink port for manual
switching 57
Modifying boot parameters 58
Modifying the community strings 58
Viewing alarm and information messages 59
Viewing faults in the fault log 60
Viewing entries in the fault log 61
Deleting entries in the fault log 62
Viewing system information 62
Viewing the status of the boards 62
viewing the software version 63
Chapter 5
Flash file system65
Directory structure 65
Flash file system commands 68
Loading a different software version 68
Downloading software 69
This document explains how to manage the Passport 8250 and how to
provision DS-1 and E1 unstructured and structured connections using the
Passport 8250 command line interface (CLI).
This document uses the terms DS-1/E1 and STM-1/OC-3. The term DS-1/E1
is for information that appliestobothDS-1andE1interfaces.The term STM1/OC-3 is for informationthat applies to both STM-1 and OC-3 ports. When
information is for a specific interface or port, the individual designation is
Who should read this guide
You should read this document if you are responsible for monitoring and
configuring the Passport 8250 device.
This guide is divided into the following sections:
•“Introducing the Passport 8250” (page 15) presents an overview of the
•“Gettingstarted with the CLI” (page 21) presents an overviewof the CLI
Passport 8250.
and explains the basic activities you can perform in the CLI.
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
12About this document
•“Provisioning ports and connections” (page 31) explains how to
•“Other activities in the CLI” (page 51) explains the other activities you
•“Flash file system” (page 65) describes flash memory and explains how
•“Time slots” (page 71) explains how to convert time slots into
•“MIBs” (page 79) details the management information bases (MIB) the
There are documentation and symbol conventions used in this document.
Documentation conventions
There are a number of documentation conventions you should know about.
•nonproportional spaced plain type
provision ports and connections.
can perform in the CLI.
to download new software.
hexadecimal format.
Passport 8250 supports.
Nonproportional spaced plain type represents system generated text or
text that appears on your screen.
241-5101-201 R2.2
•nonproportional spaced bold type
Nonproportional spaced bold type represents words that you should type
or that you should select on the screen.
Words in square brackets represent optional parameters. The command
can be entered with or without the words in the square brackets.
Words in anglebracketsrepresent variableswhichareto be replacedwith
specific values.
•UPPERCASE, lowercase
Uppercase and lowercase letters in commands and parameters must be
matched exactly.
This symbol separates items from which you may select one; for
example, ON|OFF indicates that you may specify ON or OFF. If you do
not make a choice, a default ON is assumed.
Three dots in a command indicate that the parameter may be repeated
more than once in succession.
Symbol conventions
The following is a sample of the caution convention used in this document:
About this document 13
This caution informs you of risk of service interruption
or equipment damage.
Related documents
See the following sections for documents related to the Passport 8250:
•“Passport” (page 13)
•“NMS” (page 14)
•“Requests for Comments (RFC)” (page 14)
See the following Passport documents for information on the ATM CORE
services, ATM Adaptation Layer 1 Circuit Emulation Service (AAL1 CES)
and how to install the Passport 8250 device:
•NTP 241-5701-700, ATM Overview
•NTP 241-7001-720, Passport AAL1 Circuit Emulation User Guide
See the following NMS documents for information on the NMS Passport
8250 tool, NMS Advisor tools, the network management configuration
software and the Remote Access tool:
See the following request for documents for information on standard
management information bases:
•Evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB-II, Network Working Group,
•Definitionsof Managed ObjectsforATMManagement Version 8.0using
Request For Comments: 1573, Category: Standards Track, January 1994
SMIv2, Network Working Group, Request For Comments: 1695,
Category: Standards Track, August 1994
•Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH Interface Type,
Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 1595, Category:
Standards Track, March 1994
•Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1 and E1 Interface Types,
Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 1406, January 1993
•Definitions of Managed Objects for RS-232-like Hardware Devices
using SMIv2, Network Working Group, Request for Comments: 1659,
Category: Standards Track, July 1994
•management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-
based internet: MIB-II, Network Working Group, Request for
Comments: 1213, March 1991
Nortel support services
Forinformationon training,problemreporting, and technicalsupport,contact
your Nortel Networks representative.
241-5101-201 R2.2
Chapter 1
Introducing the Passport 8250
This section describes the Passport 8250. You can view the following topics
in this section:
•“Passport 8250” (page 15)
•“Main features” (page 17)
Passport 8250
The Passport 8250 is an Integrated Access MUX, a rugged,high-densityunit
that provides a seamless bridge between traditional voice networks and ATM
networks. The Passport 8250 multiplexes TDM traffic - voice, video, IP,
frame relay, X.25, and SNA - on DS-1/E1 trunks to OC-3c/STM-1 fiber
trunks (ATM over SONET/SDH). Using ATM Forum AAL1 circuit
emulationstandards,traditionalvoice networktraffic(dial-up Internet access,
modem data traffic, telephony, and more) is seamlessly transported over the
efficient, high-bandwidth ATM network. Deployed at either the service
provider setting or customer premises (campus,apartment building, or office
center, for example), the high-density unit supports up to 48 DS-1/E1 ports,
up to 336 DS-1s/E1s in a single frame.
See “Passport 8250 device” (page 16) foranillustrationof the Passport 8250.
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
16 Chapter 1 Introducing the Passport 8250
Figure 1
Passport 8250 device
Typical applications
Typical applications for the Passport 8250 include the following:
241-5101-201 R2.2
•providing medium to high density DS-11/E1 ingress to an ATM carrier
•providing medium to high density DS-1/E1 ingress to an ATM wireless
•acting as a traffic bridge betweenATM and Time Division Multiplexing
(TDM) networks
The benefits of using the Passport 8250 include the following:
•protects existing equipment investments while migrating to ATM
•enhances network survivability and improves network reliability
•optimizes network utilization
•accommodates voice and data at high speeds and large volumes
•allows different services to be multiplexed on a common interface
Main features
Management information bases (MIB)
Chapter 1 Introducing the Passport 8250 17
The main features of the Passport 8250 include the following:
•“Management information bases (MIB)” (page 17)
•“Circuit emulation services (CES)” (page 17)
•“Provisioning tools” (page 18)
•“Reference clock configuration” (page 20)
•“Constant bit rate (CBR) clocking” (page 20)
•“Fault management” (page 20)
•“Flash file system” (page 20)
The Passport 8250 supports the following management information bases:
•RFC 1595, SONET/SDH interface
•RFC 1406, DS-1 and E1 interface
•RFC 1695, ATM MIB
•RFC 1213, MIB-II
•RFC 1573, IF interface MIB
•Enterprise MIB (proprietary)
For details on the MIBs that Passport 8250 supports, see “MIBs” (page 79).
Circuit emulation services (CES)
The Passport 8250 complies to ATM Forum CES-IS version 2.0 and supports
ATM adaptation layer (AAL1) constant bit rate (CBR) service for DS-1 and
E1 traffic.
The Passport 8250 supports unstructured and structured permanent virtual
circuit (PVC) connections. The structured connections consist of Basic and
CAS connections. For DS-1, the frames can be set to super frame (SF) or
extended super frame (ESF).
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
18 Chapter 1 Introducing the Passport 8250
Provisioning tools
A combination of the following three tools are used to manage the Passport
8250 device and provision connections:
•“Command line interface” (page 18)
•“NMS Passport 8250 Tools” (page 19)
•“MIB browser” (page 20)
Command line interface
You can perform the followingactivitiesin the command line interface (CLI):
•create unstructured and structured connections using default values or
customized values for the following parameters:
— cell delay variation tolerance (CDVT)
— partial cell fill
— maximum buffer size
— constant bit rate (CBR) clocking
•view connections
241-5101-201 R2.2
•delete all connections mapped to a port
•use default port configuration settings or customized values for the
following parameters:
— line type
— line coding
— signal mode
•configure the redundant ATM uplink port
•set the reference clock
•view the status of the boards
•Modify community strings
•check for network connectivity
•reboot the Passport 8250
Chapter 1 Introducing the Passport 8250 19
•view faults in the fault log
•modify the boot parameters
•configure a VPI/VCI for IP over ATM (IPOA)
•load different versions of the system software and configuration data
NMS Passport 8250 Tools
The activities you can perform in the NMS Passport 8250 Tools depends on
the release number.
You can perform the following activities in the NMS Passport 8250 Tools
release 11.1:
•create unstructured and structured connections using default values or
customized values
•view connections
•delete connections
— structured connections can be deleted individually
•use default port configuration settings or customized values
•view the status of the boards and ports
•view ATM CES and DSX1 statistics
You can perform the following activities in the NMS Passport 8250 Tools
release 11.2:
•create unstructured and structured connections using default values or
customized values
•view connections
•delete connections
— structured connections can be deleted individually
•use default port configuration settings or customized values
•configure the redundant ATM uplink port
•set the reference clock
•view the status of the boards
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
20 Chapter 1 Introducing the Passport 8250
•modify community strings
•view ATM CES and DSX1 statistics
•save and load templates
•register management workstations for traps
•start the surveillance of a Passport 8250 device
For details on the NMS Passport 8250 Tools, see NTP 241-6001-028, NMSPassport 8250 Tools Guide.
MIB browser
You can use a third-party MIB browser to view the MIB objects.
Reference clock configuration
The clocking scheme can be derived from the Passport 8250 device or from
the ATM network off an external port on the Passport8250device.Whenthe
clock is derived from an external port, you can switch from the primary port
to the secondary port. For details on the clock configuration, see NTP 2415101-200, Passport 8250 Installation Guide.
Constant bit rate (CBR) clocking
For structured services, Passport 8250 supports synchronous CBR clocking.
For unstructured services, Passport 8250 supports synchronous and
synchronous residual time stamp (SRTS) CBRclocking. Differentports on a
single service board can use different clocking modes.
Fault management
Flash file system
241-5101-201 R2.2
The NetworkManagementSystem(NMS)isthe carrier domain management
system and it provides integrated fault management of Passport switches and
Passport 8250 multiplexers. For details on the NMS Advisor tools, See NTP
241-6001-011, NMS Advisor User Guide.
The Passport 8250 stores system software and configuration data in flash
memory.You can view the directory structure in the CLI and download new
system softwarethroughanetwork connection using FTP. Fordetailsonflash
memory, see “Flash file system” (page 65).
Chapter 2
Getting started with the CLI
Thissectiondescribes the commandlineinterface (CLI) forthePassport 8250
device and provides instructions onhowto get started with the CLI. You can
view the following topics in this section:
•“Introducing the CLI” (page 21)
•“Accessing the CLI” (page 23)
•“Logging into the CLI” (page 23)
•“Changing the password” (page 24)
•“Accessing a board in the CLI” (page 24)
•“Getting help in the CLI” (page 25)
•“Logging out of the CLI” (page 26)
•“Restarting Passport 8250 device using the CLI” (page 26)
•“CLI commands” (page 27)
Introducing the CLI
The CLI is a terminal-based system used tomonitorandconfigure a Passport
8250 device. The CLI provides the following funcationality:
•Provision ports and connections.
•Manage the Passport 8250 device.
•Configure the CLI environment.
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
22 Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI
CLI screen
The CLIisauserinterface that enables you to manage aPassport8250 device
using a set of text commands. The commands are entered at a command line
prompt and the return key is used to execute the command. Depending on the
command entered, a system response is displayed. See “CLI screen”
(page 22) for an example of the CLI screen.
The CLI prompt comprises of the traffic interface and the slot of the board
•Traffic interface.
•Board slot currently being accessed.
Whenyoufirstlog into theCLI,you do not accessaboard and theCLIprompt
is Edgeplex CLI. When you access a board, the Edgeplex CLI is no longer
241-5101-201 R2.2
Accessing the CLI
The Passport 8250 deviceisshippedwiththeCLIsoftware installed. Youcan
access the CLI from a terminalemulation devicethat is directly connected to
the Passport 8250 device, provided you are using a standard terminal
emultation software application. You can usethelocal host to directly access
the CLI before the Passport 8250 device is connected to the network.
You can also access the CLI from a terminal emulation device that is
connected to the same LAN segment or different LAN segment as the
Passport 8250 device, provided the Passport 8250 device already has an
Internetprotocol(IP)address. You canuseaTelnetsessionto remotely access
the CLIbyenteringthe IP address of the Passport8250device and Telnetport
23 telnet.
CLI priority
The CLI supports one CLI session at atimeand remote access to the CLI has
priority over direct access to the CLI. When a remote host overrides a CLI
session accessed from the local host, the local host is notified of the telnet
session to the CLIandtheCLIsessionishaulted until the telnet session to the
CLI is done.
Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI 23
Logging into the CLI
The CLI sessions, Telnet sessions, and file transfer protocol (FTP) sessions
use the same username and password. The username is permanently set to
Admin and the password needs to be set the first time you log into the CLI.
To set the password, log into the CLI for the first time using the local host.
After this is done, you can Telnet to theCLI and FTP to the flash file system.
Note: If you forget the password, contact your Nortel Networks
representative to reset the password.
1If the username prompt is not displayed, press the return key.
2At the username prompt, enter admin:
3At thepasswordprompt, enter a password between 8and 12 characters
in length.
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
24 Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI
Letters and numbers can be used.
The following is an example of logging into the CLI for the first time and
setting the password to 1h6d833eR.
username: admin
password: 1h6d833eR
Changing the password
The passwd command changes the password.
Note: If you forget the password, contact your Nortel Networks
representative to reset the password.
1Change the password:
The following is an example of changing the password from 1h6d833eR to
[Edgeplex CLI]: passwd
enter current passwd: 1h6d833eR
please enter new password: jtF85dW4
confirm new password - please re-enter: jtF85dW4
password has been changed
Accessing a board in the CLI
You monitor and configure thePassport 8250 device by accessing the boards
on the Passport 8250 device. To access a specific board, type theslot number
for the board at the CLI prompt. The CLI prompt changes to display the
current board number.
For the boards availableonthePassport 8250 device and the slot numbers for
the board, see “Boards and slot numbers” (page 25).
241-5101-201 R2.2
Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI 25
Table 1
Boards and slot numbers
BoardSlot numberDisplayed in CLI...
nonenoneEdgeplex CLI
network board in slot 0 00
service board in slot 1 11
service board in slot 2 22
service board in slot 3 33
1At the CLI prompt, change to a new board number:
The followingisanexampleof accessing a board for the first time. The board
is service board 2 and the traffic interface is T1.
[Edgeplex CLI]: 2
Getting help in the CLI
The CLI provides a help command to help you type the correct syntax for a
command. If you are unsure of the syntax of a command, type only as many
characters as is necessary to uniquely identify the command. The CLI will
attempt to match the characters to a valid command.
To know the syntax of all commands, type help at the CLI prompt. To know
the syntax for a particular command, type help and the command.
1Find the syntax for a CLI command.
help <CLI command>
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
26 Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI
The following is an example of using the help commandtosee the syntax for
the mshow command.
[T1-2]: help mshow
mshow <port#i>[,<port#j>] [-detail]
Logging out of the CLI
To exit a CLI session, type exitattheCLIprompt.Thesystemwillnotifyyou
that are logged out of the CLI.
1Terminate the CLI session:
The following is an example of leaving a CLI session.
[T1-2]: exit
you have been logged off the CLI.
Info loggin to CLI console is set to on
Restarting Passport 8250 device using the CLI
Restart the Passport 8250 device using the reboot command.
The syntax of the command is:
reboot [net]
[net] restarts the Passport8250device and loads the system softwarefrom
the remote host entered in the host inet boot parameter. See NTP 241-5101200, Passport 8250 Installation Guide for information on the boot
Note 1: Entering the reboot command without the [net] parameter
restarts the Passport 8250 and loads files from flash memory.
Note 2: After restarting the Passport 8250 device, you can log into the
241-5101-201 R2.2
1Restart the Passport 8250 device:
2Confirm that you want to restart the Passport 8250 device:
The following is an example of restarting the Passport 8250 device and
loading system software from the flash memory.
CLI commands
For a brief description of the commands available in the CLI, listed in
aphabetical order, see “CLI commands” (page 27).
Table 2
CLI commands
Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI 27
reboot [net]
Reboot system from local load? (y/n) y
[E1-1]: reboot
Reboot system from local load? (y/n) y
rebooting system . . .
CommandWhere explainedDescription
0|1|2|3“Accessing a board in the
CLI” (page 24)
alarm“Viewing alarm and
information messages”
(page 61)
bootconfig“Modifying boot
parameters” (page 60)
bootpath“Loading a different
software version”
(page 70)
card 0|1|2|3“Accessing a board in the
CLI” (page 24)
(Sheet 1 of 3)
Access the network board in board slot 0 or the
service board in board slot 1, 2, or 3.
Enable or disable the display of the alarm
messages in the CLI. The default is off.
Display and modify the boot parameters.
Display and change the directory that Passport
8250 uses to load files during the boot-up
Access the network board in board slot 0 or the
service board in board slot 1, 2, or 3.
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
28 Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI
Table 2 (continued)
CLI commands
CommandWhere explainedDescription
cd <directory path> “Flash file system
Change the directory in flash memory.
commands” (page 70)
clockconfigNTP 241-5101-200,
Passport 8250
Installation Guide
dir“Flash file system
commands” (page 70)
exit“Logging out of the CLI”
(page 26)
faultlogclear“Deleting entries in the
fault log” (page 64)
faultlogview“Viewing entries in the
fault log” (page 63)
help“Getting help in the CLI”
(page 25)
ibconfig“Configuring the ATM
uplink port for in-band
management” (page 54)
info on|off“Viewing alarm and
information messages”
(page 61)
map“Creating connections”
(page 37)
mshow“Searching by port
number” (page 46)
Display and configure the reference clock.
Display the files in the current directory in flash
Terminate a CLI session.
Delete the contents of the fault log.
View the entries in the fault log.
Display a list of the CLIcommandsor the syntax
of a specified CLI command.
Display and set the ATM uplink port for in-band
Enable or disable the display of the information
messages in the CLI. The default is off.
Map connections to ports.
View ports with connections.
passwd“Changing the password”
(page 24)
ping <host IP>“Checking for network
connectivity” (page 53)
portconfig“Modifying port settings”
(page 33)
(Sheet 2 of 3)
241-5101-201 R2.2
Change the password.
See if a remote host is reachable.
Display and change the line type, line coding,
and signal mode for a port.
Chapter 2 Getting started with the CLI 29
Table 2 (continued)
CLI commands
CommandWhere explainedDescription
pwd“Flash file system
commands” (page 70)
Display the current directory in the flash file
reboot“Restarting Passport
8250 device using the
CLI” (page 26)
serialNTP 241-5101-200,
Passport 8250
Installation Guide
strings” (page 60)
status“Viewing the status of the
boards” (page 64)
unmap“Deleting connections”
(page 50)
urconfig“Configuring the
redundant ATM uplink
port” (page 56)
ver“viewing the software
version” (page 65)
vshow“Searching by VPI or VPI/
VCI” (page 48)
(Sheet 3 of 3)
Command syntax
The CLI command syntax consists of the following components:
Reboot the Passport 8250 from flashmemoryor
from a remote host.
Display and set the baud rate for the serial port.
The default is 9600.
Display and set the SNMP community strings.
Display the status of the boards.
Delete connections mapped to ports.
Display and set the redundant ATM uplink port.
Display the software version running on the
Passport 8250.
View ports with connections.
•Command is the type of activity being performed.
— The command can be an abreviation for the activity. For example,
portconfig is an abbreviation for port configuration.
— A command can have more than one action. For example, you can
use the bootconfig command to display, and configure boot
Passport 8250 Command Line Interface Guide R2.2
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