Compact ICS
Telephone Feature Card
About this card
Use this card as a quick reference for accessing the features of your
telephone. Your system administrator will inform you if any of these features
are not available for your telephone.
This card uses the Busin ess Series Terminals button icons. The table below
shows which buttons to use on the different types of Nortel Networks telephones.
Button Name T7000, T7100, T7208, T7316 M7100, M7208, M7310, M7324
Feature ≤ Ä
Hold ≥˙
Volume Control √ Ã
Release ® ¨
Norstar features
Call Park
Call Pickup directed
Call Pickup group
Listen to music (provided by your office) throu gh your tel eph one speaker when
you are not on a call.
Check what is programmed on any button. Useful when labeling buttons.
Briefly display the approximate length of your cur r ent or mo st re cent call.
Send your calls to another telep hon e in your Nors t ar syst em.
Put a call on hold so that it can be pi cked up from any telephone in your Norstar
system. The display shows a three-digit retrieval code.
To retrieve a parked call, press the Intercom button and dial a retr i eval code on
any telephone in your Norstar syst em .
On the M7100 teleph one, just lif t the han d se t a nd di al t he r et r i eval code.
Answer any ringing telephone.
Press ≤‡fl and dial the extension number for the ringing telephone.
Answer a call that is ringing at another tele phone in your pickup group. The
external call that has been ringing longest is answered first.
Call Queuing
Answer the next call. If more than one call is waiting, prio r i t y is gi ven to incomi ng
external calls over callback, camped, or transferred calls.
Custom Call
Routing (CCR)
Class of
Re-route a call to anothe r tel ephone, even if all its lines are busy.
Press ≤°¤, then dial the extension number of the receiving telephone.
Turn CCR on or off. You must enter the System Coordinator or Basic password.
Change the dialing filters on a line or telephone for your next call, or gain external
access to your system. Dialing filters determine which numbers you can dial.
Press ≤fl° and enter a password provided by your system coor dinator to
change your class of service.
Establish a conference call between yourself and two other parties.
1. Make or answer the first call.
2. Put the first call on hold.
3. Make or answer the second call.
4. After the second call is connected, press ≤‹
5. Press the line or intercom button of the first held call (not required on the M7100
6. Press ® to end the conference call.
To remove yourself from a conference permanently (unsupervised
Press ≤‡‚. The other two callers remain connected. (Some external lines
may not support this feature. See your system coordinator.)
T o put a conference on hold:
To split a conference:
Press the line or intercom button of one caller to consult privately while th e ot he r
caller is on hold. To re-establish the conference, press ≤‹.
To disconnect one party:
Press the line or intercom button of th e call er you want to disc onnect, then press
®. Press the line or intercom button of the remaining caller to resume your
To independently hold two calls:
Press the line or intercom button of th e fir st call er, then press ≥. The second
caller is automatically put on hold.
To re-establish the conference, retrieve one call from hold, press ≤‹, then
retrieve the second call from hold.
. The other two callers can still talk to each other.