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CC MIS Maintenance and Administration Guide
Maintenance Interface
CC MIS Release 5.2
NTP: 297-2671-545.05.05
Status: Preliminary
Date: January 2002
The information contained in this document is the property of Nortel Networks (formerly Northern Telecom, Inc.).
Except as specifically authorized in writing by Nortel Networks, the holder of this document shall keep the
information contained herein confidential and shall protect same in whole or in
part from disclosure and dissemination to third parties and use same for evaluation, operation,
and maintenance purposes only.
Information is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make
changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant.
DMS and Meridian are trademarks of Nortel Networks. HP, HP RuggedWriter, and HP LaserJet are trademarks of
Hewlett-Packard Corporation. GRAFSMAN is a trademark of Soft-tek International. Reflection 4+ is a trademark
of Walker, Ritchie & Quinn, Inc. System V/88 and Veritas are trademarks of Motorola C orporation. Windo ws, Windows 95, and Windows NT are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
Other trademarks, product names, and servicemarks contained in this guide are property of their respective
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European Regulatory Compliance and CE Marking:
The equipment is CE marked, identifying compliance with the relevant EU Directives, 89/336/EEC for
ElectroMagnetic Compatibility and 73/23/EECfor Safety.
This product is intended for deployment in a light industrial, non-domestic environment and complies with the
relevant EMC standards, EN55022 (class A) and EN50082-1. Since this is class A equipment, in a domestic
environment this equipment may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate
Printed in the United States of America.
Page ii CC MIS Maintenance Guide
Publication History
January 2002
Preliminary version for Testing Group and VO Sites Release 5.2.
CC MIS Maintenance Guide iii
Publication History
Release 5.2
About this Guide ...................................................................................intr-1
T ab le 1:T yp ograph ical conventions intr-2
Table 2:Conventions used in proceduresintr-3
Table 2-1:Data storage parameters 2-3
Table 3-1:Functions requiring CC MIS to be shut down 3-4
Table 5-1:Backup screen commands 5-7
Table 6-1:System configuration field d escriptions6-4
T a b le 6-2:SNMP field descriptions 6-15
Table 7-1:Par tition configuration function commands7-3
Table 7-2:Partition configuration options 7-4
Table 7-3:Par tition options screen fields 7-8
Table 7-4:Disk allocation screen parameters 7-14
Table 7-5:Connection parameter screen fields 7-19
T able 7-6:Supervisor Override field descriptions 7-36
Table 8-1:System configuration field d escriptions8-5
Table 8-2:Physical Network screen definitions8-8
Table 8-3:Physical Networ k Function keys8-8
Table 8-4:Add Node comm ands8-10
Table 8-5:Func tion key commands8-12
CC MIS Maintenance Guide xiii
Release 5.2
Table 8-6:Add Partition commands menu 8-14
Table 8-7:Partition configuration options 8-18
Table 8-8:Virtual Network Configuration field descriptions8-19
Table 8-9:Virtual Network Configuration function keys 8-20
Table 8-10:Partition options screen fields 8-2 3
Table 9-1:Logs screen fields 9-9
Table 9-2:Program status screen fields 9-14
T ab le 9-3:Lock status screen fields 9-17
Table 9-4:Par tition status screen fields 9-19
T ab le 9-5:Port status screen fields 9-21
Table 9-6:CPU Utilization status fields 9-23
Table D-1:Historical database tables D-1
Table D-2:Historical database values D-2
Step 2-1: Installing Release 5 on a new system 2-10
Step 2-2: Preparing PCs to display CC MIS 2-12
Step 3-1: Logging into maint 3-6
Step 3-2: Accessing on-line help in maintenance menus 3-7
Step 3-3: Accessing on-line help in user interface screens 3-8
Step 3-4:Changing the maint password 3-9
Step 3-5:Logging out of maint 3-11
Step 4-1: Shutting down CC MIS 4-3
Step 4-2: Starting CC MIS 4-4
Step 4-3: Power down CC MIS 4-5
Step 4-4: Powering up CC MIS 4-6
Step 4-5: Recovering from a power failure 4-7
Step 5-1: Accessing the backup and restore menu 5-2
Step 5-2: Inserting a DAT tape into the tape drive 5-4
Step 5-3: Ejecting a DAT tape from the tape drive 5-4
Step 5-4: Backing up customer data 5-8
Step 5-5: Restoring customer data 5-11
Step 6-1: Accessing the Configuration menu 6-2
Step 6-2: Accessing the System Configuration screen 6-4
Step 6-3: Accessing the Port Allocation screen 6-7
CC MIS Maintenance Guide xv
Release 5.2
Step 6-4: Accessing the Switch Link Configuration screen 6-8
Step 6-5: Accessing the Terminal Server screen 6-11
Step 6-6: Accessing the SNMP Configuration screen 6-16
Step 7-1: Adding a partition 7-5
Step 7-2: Deleting a partition 7-6
Step 7-3: Accessing the Partition Options screen 7-12
Step 7-4: Assigning a disk 7-14
Step 7-5: Reviewing database parameters 7-16
Step 7-6: Changing data storage parameters 7-17
Step 7-7: Accessing the Connection Parameters screen 7-20
Step 7-8: Adding a serial terminal 7-22
Step 7-9: Adding a print er 7-24
Step 7-10:Changing a printer definition 7-25
Step 7-11:Removing a printer definition 7-26
Step 7-12:Adding a wallboard 7-28
Step 7-13: Accessing LAN terminals 7-29
Step 7-14: Adding LAN terminals 7-30
Step 7-15: Deleting LAN terminals 7-30
Step 7-16: Accessing the Master Privilege screen 7-31
Step 7-17:Accessing Partition Startup and Shutdown screen 7-38
Step 7-18: Setting up a PC to receive data export files 7-39
Step 8-1: Accessing the System Configuration screen 8-5
Step 8-2: Adding a NAP 8-15
Step 8-3: Deleting a partition 8-16
Step 8-4: Accessing the Partition Options screen 8-25
Step 9-1: Accessing the Diagnostic menu 9-2
Step 9-2: Displaying free disk space 9-3
Step 9-3: Performing a file transfer 9-5
Step 9-4: Testing all ports 9-6
Step 9-5: Testing an individual port 9-7
Step 9-6: Selecting a log 9-9
Step 9-7: Viewing a log 9-10
Step 9-8: Monitoring a log 9-11
Step 9-9: Printing a log 9-12
Step 9-10: Cancelling a log printout 9-12
Step 9-11: Accessing the View System Monitor screen 9-14
Step 9-12: Resetting a modem port 9-26
Step 9-13: Starting/stopping link trace 9-30
Step 9-14: Starting/stopping link trace 9-30
Step 9-15: Viewing a translated link trace file 9-31
Step 9-16: Printing a link trace file 9-33
Step 9-17: Printing a translated link trace file 9-34
Step 9-18: Cancelling link trace printing 9-34
Step 9-19: Selecting a different link for link trace 9-35
Step 9-20: Checking a TCP / IP link 9-36
Step 9-21: Checking an X.25 link 9-37
Step 9-22: Disabling an X.25 link 9-38
Step 9-23: Enabling an X.25 link 9-38
Step 9-24: Cancelling an X.25 link check 9-39
Step 9-25: Physical network login screen 9-40
Step 10-1: Accessing the configuration update screen 10-2
Step 10-2: Running a conf iguration update 10-3
Step 11-1: Load new CC MIS software version 11-3
Step 12-1: Accessing SNMP transfer screen 12-2
CC MIS Maintenance Guide xvi
Release 5.2
Procedure C-1: Installing the SVR4 OS C-1
Procedure C-2: Installing the AIX OS C-6
CC MIS Maintenance Guide xvii
Release 5.2
Release 5.2
About this Guide
This document is an operations guideline for the systems maintenance
engineer of a Call Center Management Information System
(CC MIS) linked to an MSL-100 (Meridian 1 Options 111-211),
DMS-500, or a DMS-100 supporting the 32 or 35 protocol version and
ACD-MIS Interface Specification, Version 6 and 9.
The switch supporting CC MIS, the MSL-100 o
The following Nortel Networks Publications (NTP) contain
additional information to supplement this document:
ACD MIS Interface Specifications, Version 9 (NT MIS-Q209-2)
DMS-100 Common Customer Data Schema (NTP 297-1001-451)
the DMS-100, is called a DMS-ACD throughou
this book.
It is recommended that your switch be at BCS35
when the Networking feature is enabled for you
CC MIS system.
CC MIS Maintenance Guide intr-1
MDC Customer Data Schema (NTP 297-2001-451)
Call Center MIS System Description (NTP 297-2671-150)
Meridian SL-100 AC D General Description (NT P 555-4101-100)
Meridian SL-100 AC D Load Management (NTP 555-4101-102)
Release 5.2
Meridian SL-100 ACD Management Information Interface (NTP 555-4101-103)
Meridian SL-100 ACD Feature Operation and Testing (NTP 555-4101-300)
Meridian SL-100 ACD MMI and Feature Implementation (NTP 555-4101-310)
Meridian SL-100 Network ACD General Description (NTP 555-8101-100)
For more information on ACD, refer to the following Northern
Telecom Publications (NTPs):
ACD Product Guide (NTP 297-2041-010)
ACD Server Product G uid e (NTP 29 7-2 041-011)
ACD Planning and Engineering Guide (NTP 297-2041-101)
ACD Planning and Engineering Guide - Canada (NT P 297-2041-104)
ACD Administration Guide (NTP 297-2041-30 1)
M5212 ACD Set General Description (NTP 297-2041-900)
ACD End-User Load Manag e ment (NTP 297-2041-901)
Network ACD General Descr iption (up to BCS 34) (NTP 555-8101-100)
The following typographic conventions are used throughout this
user guide.
Table 1: Typographical conventions
Key SequenceFunction
<Return>Words in angled brackets represent a
specific key on your keyboard that you
should press.
[Commands]Words in square brackets represent one
of the keys available to you from the
function key menu.
intr-2 297-2671-545
Release 5.2
The PF keys associated with a command are list
The following typographic conventions are used in the procedural
tables in this user guide.
Table 2: Conventions used in procedures
Key SequenceFunction
Enter nLetters in italics represent the key that
on the lower portion of the appropriate screen.
Procedures in this guide provide the name of
the function key. The screens in this guide show
examples of PF keys with associated command
The actual PF number is dependent on the type
terminal and emulation mode being used. Refer
the program screen for the actual function key
press to select the desired command.
you press in the action part of the
procedure. Enter means that you press
<Return> after you press the key.
NoticeWords in italics represent a system re-
sponse to the actions in the procedure.
Did youWords in bold represent the text of a
specific message on a screen.
CC MIS Maintenance Guide intr-3
Release 5.2
This document uses the following acronyms:
ACDAutomatic Call Distribution
CC MISCall Center MIS
DATDigital Audio Tape
LANLocal Area Network
MARMessage Arrival Rate
MIBManagement Information Base
MISManagement Information System
MSRMessage Service Rate
NAPNetwork Access Partition
NMSNetwork Manage ment Syste m
NOSNetwork Operation Services
PCPersonal Computer
SNMPSimple Network Management Prot oco l
intr-4 297-2671-545
Release 5.2
This document uses the following terms:
direct connect printerA printer that is physically connected to the host
local partitionA partition that provides access to local data
NAPNetwork Access Partition. A partitio n that p ro-
vides access to other partitions in the network.
NAPs can only exist on a network node.
network nodeA physical node that has Networked CC MIS
NetworkA collection of nodes. The nod es may be the ac-
tual host systems or partitions depending on the
type of network (physical or virtual).
PC-attached printersPrinters that are directly connected to a supervi-
sor terminal.
physical networkA network of CC MIS syst ems. Th e IP address -
es of the host systems are specified in the Physical Network screen.
physical node (node)The physical host machine on which the CC
MIS maintenance and administration software
is installed. This node may also be ref erred to as
the VME, host, node, PowerP C, VME 8420, or
PowerPC platformDenotes that the information provided is appli-
cable to nodes that are PowerPC-based running
the AIX operating system.
systemThe host platform (computer) on which CC
MIS is installed.
virtual nodeA partition in a CC MIS virtual network. This is
a local partition.
virtual networkA network comprised of local partitions that
can be accessed by the NAP.
88K-based platformDenotes that the information provided is appli-
cable to nodes that are 187 or 197 processorbased systems (VME 8420 or XR VME).
CC MIS Maintenance Guide intr-5
Release 5.2
intr-6 297-2671-545
Release 5.2
Section 1: Introduction
Description of CC MIS
Features of Software
Release 5.0
Required database information
CC MIS modes of operation
Call Center Management Information System (CC MIS) is a tool for
managing the agents who handle ACD calls. It helps supervisors plan,
manage, and monitor their ACD operation by collecting statistics on
the performance of equipment and personnel.
Networked CC MIS
The Networked CC MIS feature is available in Release 4. This feature
must be purchased and enabled in customer options. When enabled,
the Configuration menu in the Maintenance Interface contains commands for defining a CC MIS network. Refer to Section 8 in this guide
for information on setting up CC MIS nodes for network access.
CC MIS Maintenance Guide 1-1
System Sizes
CC MIS is available in different configurations: from 8 ports to 64
ports (128 on PowerPC).
Minimum upgrade requirements
The minimum requirements for upgrade for an existing 88K platform
from CC MIS Release 2.x to 5.x are as follows:
•at least 32 Mbyte RAM
•approximately 460 Mbytes space for Operating System and
CC MIS software
•new version of UNIX Operating System, SVR4.3 (NTOS 2.x)
Release 5.2
CC MIS consists of two types of interfaces: supervisor terminals and
a maintenance console.
Supervisor terminals
Supervisors manage their agents through menus accessed at a supervisor terminal. The terminal is a personal computer running Windows
95 or Windows NT 4.0 defined as a supervisor terminal linked to a
Host system (VME 8420, XR VME or the PowerPC [AIX]). CC MIS
Online Help contains procedures to assist supervisors in using
Maintenance console
Engineers maintain CC MIS through the maintenance console. The
console used must have VT220 emulation capability. Through this
console, engineers can perform the following functions:
•adjust CC MIS configuration and logon parameters to the switch
•add and delete partitions
•view and print logs
•routine backup, restore, and software upgrade functions for the
CC MIS system
•establish and modify CC MIS network parameters
The maintenance console is a system console attached to the host.
Maintenance functions are menu driven and are accessible only on the
maintenance console or by maintenance dial-up. This document contains procedures to assist system engineers in main taining the CC MIS
Supervisors can display information on wallboards. The wallboard is
a Silent Radio Wall Display LED message board or Nortel wallboards.
It is designed to be mounted on the wall of an ACD group office. Supervisors use the wallboard to notify agents of statistical and administrative information.
1-2 297-2671-545
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