The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and
recommendations in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied
warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The
information in this document is proprietary to Nortel Networks.
Nortel, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide describes how to install, configure, and
troubleshoot Unified Messaging on a Business Communications Manager (BCM) system and on
subscribers’ computers.
You can install CallPilot Unified Messaging on subscribers’ computers, or subscribers can
perform some configuration and troubleshooting tasks under your guidance.
About CallPilot Unified Messaging
CallPilot Unified Messaging is a multimedia messaging application. Unified Messaging works
with e-mail clients to provide a single graphical interface for e-mail messages and CallPilot voice,
fax and text messages.
Hardware requirements
The following list contains both the minimum and recommended hardware that Unified Messaging
software needs for operation.
•IBM PC or compatible:
— minimum Pentium/586 or faster system with 16 megabytes (MB) of RAM minimum; 32
MB recommended
— 16-color VGA 640 x 480 capability minimum; 256-color SVGA 800 x 600 capability
•Disk drive space:
— To install Unified Messaging, subscribers need 110 MB of disk space. After the
installation is complete, the temporary files are automatically deleted to recover 55 MB of
disk space. You or the subscriber must manually delete the
CallPilotDesktopMessaging.exe file to recover the additional 55 MB. The.exe file is
located where you downloaded it.
•CD-ROM drive
•Windows-compatible mouse and keyboard
•LAN connection to Business Communications Manager. Subscribers can access their CallPilot
messages over the LAN through ISDN, ADSL, dial-up modem or Ethernet.
Note: When it is installed, Unified Messaging takes up 15MB of space
on the subscriber’s hard disk.
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
8Chapter 1 Getting started
Optional hardware
•a sound card and a set of speakers for playing messages on a computer
•a microphone for recording messages on a computer
Note: The maximum number of Unified Messaging clients supported on the Business
Communications Manager is 200. The BCM comes with 256MB of RAM, which
supports up to 100 clients. To support the extra clients, up to the maximum of 200, you
must have an additional 256MB of RAM on the BCM.
Software requirements
Windows operating systems
You can use Unified Messaging with:
•Windows 2000 Professional
•Windows XP
Unified Messaging also supports Citrix Mainframe XP Feature Release 3 and Citrix Program
Neighborhood Version 7.0
Supported Integrated clients
Integrated clients, also called groupware, is software designed for group collaboration. Integrated
clients run with a corporate e-mail server. Unified Messaging for integrated clients provides access
to commands and Unified Messaging Help directly from the client. During installation, Unified
Messaging customizes integrated clients to make messaging tasks simpler and more efficient.
Unified Messaging automatically performs most or all of the groupware configuration during
You can use Unified Messaging with one or more of these clients:
•Microsoft Outlook 2000
•Microsoft Outlook 2002/XP
•Microsoft Outlook 2003
•Novell GroupWise 6.x
•Lotus Notes 5.x, 6.x
Supported Internet mail clients
Internet mail clients are also called IMAP clients. It is an e-mail client that enables you to manage
CallPilot messages from a folder in the e-mail client using the IMAP protocol. You must manually
configure the Internet mail client with the settings required to connect to your system.
You can use Unified Messaging with these IMAP Internet clients:
•Microsoft Outlook Express 5.x and 6.x
•Microsoft Outlook 2000, Outlook 2002 (XP) and Outlook 2003 in Internet mail mode
•Netscape Messenger 6.2x
•Netscape Mail 7.0
•Qualcomm Eudora Pro 6.1.2
Format for voice messages
Business Communications Manager uses the G711 format to record and store voice messages.
CallPilot 150 uses G723.1. Since the Unified Messaging player records and plays messages in
WAV format, Business Communications Manager or CallPilot messages must be converted to
WAV before playing, and composed messages must be converted to G711 or G723.1 to be stored
on Business Communications Manager or CallPilot 150. This decoding and encoding is done on
the desktop client.
This guide is for system administrators who configure and maintain CallPilot and Unified
Messaging on a BCM system.
Chapter 1 Getting started9
The following is a list of acronyms used in this guide.
Table 1
BCMBusiness Communications Manager
CLIDCalling Line Identification
DNDirectory Number
DNSDomain Name System
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
LANLocal Area Network
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
VPIMVoice Profile for Internet Mail
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
10Chapter 1 Getting started
Symbols and text conventions
These symbols are used to Highlight critical information for the BCM system:
Caution: Alerts you to conditions where you can damage the equipment.
Danger: Alerts you to conditions where you can get an electrical shock.
Warning: Alerts you to conditions where you can cause the system to fail or work
Note: A Note alerts you to important information.
Tip: Alerts you to additional information that can help you perform a task.
Security note: Indicates a point of system security where a default should be changed,
or where the administrator needs to make a decision about the level of security required
for the system.
Warning: Alerts you to ground yourself with an antistatic grounding
strap before performing the maintenance procedure.
Warning: Alerts you to remove the BCM main unit and expansion unit
power cords from the ac outlet before performing any maintenance
Chapter 1 Getting started11
These conventions and symbols are used to represent the Business Series Terminal display and
ConventionExampleUsed for
Word in a special font (shown in
the top line of the display)
Underlined word in capital letters
(shown in the bottom line of a two
line display telephone)
Dialpad buttons
ïïïï ï
Command line prompts on display telephones.
Display option. Available on two-line display
option on the display to proceed.
Buttons you press on the dialpad to select a
particular option.
. Press the button directly below the
These text conventions are used in this guide to indicate the information described.
bold Courier
Indicates command names and options and text that you need to enter.
Example: Use the
Example: Enter
info command.
show ip {alerts|routes}.
italic textIndicates book titles
plain Courier
Indicates command syntax and system output (for example, prompts
and system messages).
Set Trap Monitor Filters
Related publications
This section provides a list of additional documents referred to in this guide.
Keycode Installation Guide (N0060625)
CallPilot Manager Set Up and Operation Guide (N0027247)
CallPilot 2.5 Unified Messaging User Guide for Internet Clients
CallPilot 2.5 Unified Messaging User Guide for Lotus Notes
CallPilot 2.5 Unified Messaging User Guide for Microsoft Outlook
CallPilot 2.5 Unified Messaging User Guide for Novell GroupWise
Indicates that you press the button with the coordinating icon on
whichever set you are using.
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
12Chapter 1 Getting started
How to get Help
This section explains how to get help for Nortel products and services.
Getting Help from the Nortel Web site
The best way to get technical support for Nortel products is from the Nortel Technical Support
Web site:
This site provides quick access to software, documentation, bulletins, and tools to address issues
with Nortel products. More specifically, the site enables you to:
•download software, documentation, and product bulletins
•search the Technical Support Web site and the Nortel Knowledge Base for answers to
technical issues
•sign up for automatic notification of new software and documentation for Nortel equipment
•open and manage technical support cases
Getting Help over the phone from a Nortel Solutions Center
If you don’t find the information you require on the Nortel Technical Support Web site, and have a
Nortel support contract, you can also get help over the phone from a Nortel Solutions Center.
In North America, call 1-800-4NORTEL (1-800-466-7835).
Outside North America, go to the following Web site to obtain the phone number for your region:
Getting Help from a specialist by using an Express Routing Code
To access some Nortel Technical Solutions Centers, you can use an Express Routing Code (ERC)
to quickly route your call to a specialist in your Nortel product or service. To locate the ERC for
your product or service, go to:
Getting Help through a Nortel distributor or reseller
If you purchased a service contract for your Nortel product from a distributor or authorized
reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller.
Chapter 2
Configuring your system for Unified Messaging
Before you install Unified Messaging
Before using Unified Messaging:
•In Element Manager, enable the Unified Messaging keycode and the (optional) Fax keycode.
For information on enabling software keycodes, refer to the Keycode Installation Guide.
•In CallPilot Manager, ensure that the number of maximum outcalling channels is enough to
accommodate the expected CallPilot telephone player usage. This value governs the number of
simultaneous channels used for outcalling. For information on setting the outcalling channels,
refer to the CallPilot Manager Set Up and Operation Guide.
Unified Messaging and data network security
Due to the complexity and diversity of network configurations, this guide does not cover data
network security issues. Discuss security issues with a security specialist or data network
Configuring IMAP/LDAP/SMTP servers for Unified Messaging
CallPilot supports IMAP/LDAP protocols, which let Unified Messaging subscribers access their
CallPilot mailboxes using Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise, and selected
third-party Internet mail clients: Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Netscape
Messenger, and Qualcomm Eudora Pro.
Each type of desktop client is configured and used slightly differently. To configure a specific
desktop client, refer to “Installing and configuring Unified Messaging” on page 17.
Although you individually configure each desktop client you use for Unified Messaging, you
configure Business Communications Manager the same way for all the desktop clients it supports.
Follow the instructions in this chapter to configure the IMAP/LDAP/ SMTP servers.
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) lets a client access and use electronic mail messages on
a server. These messages are always stored on Business Communications Manager.
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
14Chapter 2 Configuring your system for Unified Messaging
IMAP lets subscribers check for messages from any location with an Internet connection. IMAP
also lets subscribers access messages from multiple locations. IMAP is a method of accessing
electronic mail or bulletin board messages that are kept on a shared mail server. IMAP lets a client
e-mail program access remote message stores as if they were local. For example, e-mail stored on
an IMAP server can be accessed from a computer at home, a workstation at the office, and a
notebook computer while traveling, without the need to transfer messages or files between these
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a set of protocols for accessing information
directories. LDAP supports TCP/IP, which is necessary for any type of Internet access. LDAP lets
a client search for and use information entries on a directory server, such as the Business
Communications Manager. For example, a typical entry in the CallPilot directory contains
attributes of a subscriber such as name, telephone number, and CallPilot mail address. Internet
clients can use LDAP to query address book information from the CallPilot directory, perform
address resolution, or search for specific subscribers (if this functionality is implemented by the
Internet client).
Note: Unified Messaging clients require LDAP authentication of the CallPilot
mailbox directory number and password to begin a search on a Business
Communications Manager LDAP directory.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers.
Most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server
to another. These messages can then be retrieved with an e-mail client using IMAP. SMTP is also
generally used to send messages from a mail client to a mail server. This is why you must specify
both the IMAP server and the SMTP server when you configure your e-mail application.
Since Voice Profile for Internet Mail (VPIM) Networking also uses SMTP, you do much of the
configuration for IMAP in the same places you set up VPIM Networking.
Configuring environments without a DNS
The Domain Name System (DNS) is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP
addresses. Because domain names are alphabetic, they are easier for subscribers to remember. The
Internet is based on IP addresses. Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS must
translate the name into the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name can translate to
If one DNS server does not know how to translate a particular domain name, it asks another one,
and so on, until the correct IP address is returned.
Unified Messaging uses Domain Name resolution, which is provided by a DNS. If your network
does not have a DNS, then you must configure Unified Messaging to use IP addresses.
Chapter 2 Configuring your system for Unified Messaging15
For Internet Mail clients, the format for addressing a message is <SMTP/VPIM prefix><Mailbox
number>@<BCM HOST name>.localdomain.
Configuring Unified Messaging with IP address only
If you do not use DNS to resolve domain names, configure the Business Communications
Manager system and client computers to use an IP address only:
1Ensure the Business Communications Manager is not configured to use DNS.
2Ensure that Business Communications Manager is configured with a host name. If it is not,
enter the host name on the Business Communications Manager system.
3Configure computers running Unified Messaging with the IP address of the Business
Communications Manager system.
To check that Business Communications Manager is not
configured to use DNS
Note: Before you check that the Business Communications Manager is not
configured to use DNS, ensure the Business Communications Manager is using a
static IP address and DHCP is disabled.
1Start Element Manager.
2On the Configuration tab, choose the Data Services folder.
The system tasks appear.
3Choose the DNS task.
The Domain Name Service tab appears.
4Ensure the Enable DNS box is not selected.
5Ensure the Primary (& Sec.) Server IP Addr field is empty. If it is not, delete any entries.
To check that a Host Name is entered on the Business
Communications Manager
1Start Element Manager.
2On the Configuration tab, choose the System folder.
The system tasks appear.
3Choose the Identification task.
The System Identification tab appears.
4Enter a system name in the System Name box, if one is not entered.
A system name can be any name (for example, myCompany).
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
16Chapter 2 Configuring your system for Unified Messaging
To configure access to the Business Communications Manager
on a subscriber computer
On each subscriber computer:
1Start Unified Messaging for the first time on the client computer.
The Unified Messaging Logon page appears.
2In the Server box, type the IP address.
3In the Password and Mailbox boxes, enter the subscriber’s password and mailbox number.
The e-mail client opens.
Chapter 3
Installing and configuring Unified Messaging
It takes approximately 10 minutes to install Unified Messaging. Depending on the subscribers’
expertise, you can ask them to install Unified Messaging on their computer.
Installation information
Before you install Unified Messaging on a subscriber’s computer:
•Make sure the subscriber’s computer has the correct hardware and software requirements.
Refer to “Hardware requirements” on page 7 and “Software requirements” on page 8.
•If the subscriber has any version of Unified Messaging other than 2.5, you must uninstall the
earlier version before you do the installation procedure. Refer to “Uninstalling an earlier
version of Unified Messaging” on page 18.
•Ensure that the microphones, speakers, and sound cards that are connected to the subscriber’s
computer are configured. Refer to the manufacturer’s documentation.
•If the subscriber is going to install Unified Messaging and wants to install the Fax Printer
Driver, the subscriber must have the right to impersonate a client after authentication. Refer to
the online Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q821546 for more information.
•Have this information available:
— the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Business Communications Manager
system, or the IP address, if you do not have a DNS
— the SMTP/VPIM prefix of the Business Communications Manager. If you use Message
Networking, include this prefix
— the subscriber’s mailbox number
Note: If the subscriber uses Novell GroupWise, the subscriber must have Windows
Messaging 4.0 installed on their computer. Windows Messaging is usually installed
when Windows is installed on a computer. However, if Windows Messaging 4.0 is not
installed, the GroupWise installation gives you these options:
•Install the complete Windows Messaging system.
•Leave Windows Messaging as is.
Install the Complete Windows Messaging system even if Windows Messaging is already
installed. This ensures that the GroupWise option is available during Unified Messaging
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
18Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging
Fax feature requirements
There are three new fax features added to CallPilot 2.5 Unified Messaging:
•Fax Mail Merge
•Custom Fax Cover Sheets
•Integrated Fax Messaging Controls
The CallPilot Fax Mail Merge feature allows you to customize and send fax messages to multiple
recipients using Microsoft Word’s Mail Merge utility.
When you use the Fax Mail Merge feature, you do not receive a delivery receipt to confirm the
recipients received the fax.
You do receive a failure notification, if any or all of the recipients do not receive the fax.
Note: You must select the Install Fax batch driver for mail merge
option during the installation of Unified Messaging to use the Fax Mail
Merge feature.
The Custom Fax Cover Sheets allow you to customize your fax cover sheets from the CallPilot
desktop client. You can use any digital image as the basis for the cover sheet and customize it for
each fax by providing sender information and a cover sheet memo. This information is
automatically merged with your cover sheet image when you fax the document.
Note: You can download the Custom Fax Cover Sheets from the
Administrator Applications Unified Messaging page on the Business
Communications Manager web page.
Integrated Fax Messaging Controls allow you to create CallPilot messages, attach documents, and
view, annotate, and modify fax documents through the CallPilot custom form. This feature is
available only to the Windows Groupware clients: Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, and Novell
Uninstalling an earlier version of Unified Messaging
If the subscriber has any version of Unified Messaging other than 2.5 on their computer, uninstall
it before you do the installation procedure.
To uninstall Unified Messaging
1Quit any open applications, including the CallPilot installation program.
If you use Microsoft Outlook, it can take an additional minute or two for the mail services to
shut down.
2Click the Windows Start button.
3Click Control panel.
The Control Panel window opens.
Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging19
4Click Add/Remove Programs icon.
The Add/Remove Programs properties dialog box appears.
5 In the list, select Nortel Unified Messaging and click the Remove button.
The dialog window opens to confirm the deletion.
6Click OK.
Installing Unified Messaging
You install Unified Messaging from the Business Communications Manager web page.
To install Unified Messaging
1Exit any Windows programs that are running.
2Start a browser session and connect to the Business Communications Manager web page.
The Business Communications Manager Login dialog box appears.
3Enter your user name and password and click the OK button.
The Welcome to Business Communications Manager page appears.
4Click the User Applications link.
The User Applications page appears.
5Click the Unified Messaging link.
The Unified Messaging download page appears. There are two Download Unified Messaging
links. One link supports English, French, simplified Chinese, and Dutch. The other link
supports Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and German.
You can also install the Custom Fax Cover Sheets from this page if you have enabled the fax
capabilities on your Business Communications Manager.
6Click the Download Unified Messaging link that supports your language.
The File Download dialog box appears.
7Click the Save button and save the application to where you want to install it.
8After the application downloads, double-click it to launch the installation, and follow the
instructions in the installation wizard.
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
20Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging
9The setup program starts and the Welcome window appears.
10 Click the Next button.
The Language screen appears.
Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging21
11 From the Language list box, select the language you want to use and click the Next button.
The Destination Folder screen appears.
12 Click the Next button to accept the default directory, or click the Browse button if you want to
locate other destination folders, and select the folder in which you want to install Unified
Nortel recommends that you install Unified Messaging in the default folder.
The E-mail client screen appears.
13 Select the check boxes for the e-mail clients that you use.
Internet Mail clients include Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook in Internet mail
mode, Netscape Messenger, and Qualcomm Eudora Pro.
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
22Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging
14 Click the Next button.
The CallPilot Server Settings screen appears.
15 In the Server name or TCP/IP address box, type the FQDN or IP address of the Business
Communications Manager system.
16 In the Server SMTP/VPIM prefix box, type the SMTP/VPIM prefix of the CallPilot
subscriber’s address. If CallPilot Networking is not enabled on the Business Communications
Manager system, leave this box blank, otherwise use the value defined in the Local Prefix field
in the Digital Networking Properties page in CallPilot Manager.
17 Click the Next button.
The CallPilot Mailbox Number screen appears.
18 Enter the subscriber’s mailbox number. The mailbox number is usually the subscriber’s
extension number.
Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging23
19 Click the Next button.
The LDAP Server Settings screen appears.
20 In the LDAP server or TCP/IP address box, verify that the LDAP Server name or IP
Address is that of your system.
Ensure the Anonymous logon check box is not selected.
Do not change the information in the address book search base
21 Click the Next button.
The Ready to Install! window appears.
22 If you want to install the fax printer driver, select the Install Fax Printer Driver box. This
driver lets you to save a document as a TIFF-F. You can send a TIFF-F as a fax to other
CallPilot subscribers.
If you want to install the fax batch driver, select the Install Fax Batch Driver for Mail Merge
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
24Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging
box. This driver lets you customize and send fax messages to multiple recipients using
Microsoft Word Mail Merge utility.
If any of these options appear dimmed, they are not supported by Unified Messaging for the type
of e-mail client you have chosen, and the appropriate fax drivers are pre-selected.
23 If you want to add Unified Messaging to be added to the default profile used by Outlook, select
the Update default mail profile check box.
If you are installing Unified Messaging for Lotus Notes, you must enter your Lotus Notes
password before the installation process continues. The Unified Messaging installation
program tries to detect Lotus Notes by searching for the notes.ini file on the hard drive. If the
file is not found, the Lotus Notes option is disabled during installation. If the notes.ini file is
located on a server, you can disable Lotus Notes detection to install Unified Messaging for
Lotus Notes. To disable Lotus Notes detection:
aQuit the Unified Messaging installation program.
bClick the Start button and click Run.
The Run dialog box appears.
cClick the Browse button and browse to where you downloaded Unified Messaging.
dSelect CallPilotDesktopMessaging.exe and click the Open button.
CallPilotDesktopMessaging.exe appears in the Open box.
eTo CallPilotDesktopMessaging.exe add -a ld, so that what appears in the Open box is now
CallPilotDesktopMessaging.exe -a ld.
fRestart the Unified Messaging installation program.
If you are installing Unified Messaging on a Windows 2000 system, a message appears
that prompts you to enter your user name and password.
24 Click the Next button.
The installation progress bar appears and indicates that files are being copied.
Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging25
25 Click the Finish button to complete the installation.
If you chose to install the fax printer driver, the Fax Printer Driver dialog box appears.
26 Click the Ye s button to continue.
If you are not already logged on with administrator privileges, the Administrator Logon
Information dialog box appears. If you are logged on with administrative privileges, this dialog
box does not appear and you can go to step 27.
27 Enter your user name and password, and click the OK button.
The Installation Complete screen appears.
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
26Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging
28 Click the Finish button. The Setup Complete screen appears.
29 Click the Finish button.
Chapter 3 Installing and configuring Unified Messaging27
Setting the default e-mail client
After you install Unified Messaging, you must set the default e-mail client.
To set the default e-mail client
1Click the Windows Start button, point to Settings and click Control Panel.
The Control Panel window appears.
2Double click the Internet Options icon.
The Internet Properties window appears.
3Click the Programs tab.
4In the E-mail list box, make sure the client that is displayed is the e-mail client you are using.
If another e-mail client is displayed, select the correct e-mail client from the E-mail list box,
click the Apply button and click the OK button.
Configuring forwarding or replying mail delivery settings
To ensure you can forward or reply to Unified Messaging messages, you must check one of the
default settings for mail delivery.
1In your Inbox, click CallPilot Desktop Messaging.
2Click CallPilot Configuration.
3Click the Mail tab to display the current mail settings.
4Check to see if the Include a message header when forwarding/replying check box is not
selected. If you have a fax keycode enabled you can select this check box. If you do not have a
fax keycode enabled do not select this check box.
Note: If the check box is selected and you have a fax keycode enabled, the header
information of the original message appears in a reply or forwarded message. The
message becomes a fax message because the headers are attached as a text
Do not select the Include a message header when forwarding/replying check
box or add text to the message, although the New Text Message button is active, if
you do not have a fax keycode enabled. If you add text or message headers to the
message it does not remain as a voice message. It becomes a fax message.
If the Include a message header when forwarding/replying check box is
selected without the BCM fax keycode the forward/reply message will not be
If Include a message header when forwarding/replying check box is not
selected, the subject of a forwarded message contains the CLID information but,
does not include the original sender’s name or the sent time.
BCM 4.0 Unified Messaging Configuration Guide
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