Important Notice for Instant Internet 100-S and 400-S
ISDN Units
Do not follow the ISDN safety instructions provided in Setting Up the BayStack Instant
Internet 100-S Unit, pages 6-7, or in Setting Up the BayStack Instant Internet 400-S Unit,
page 7 (although other safety instructions included in these manuals must be followed).
Instead, you must follow the instructions provided below.
Connecting an Instant Internet unit containing an ISDN card with NT1
When connecting this version of the product to the network, avoid contact with the Telecommunications
lead wire. Telephone wiring can carry dangerous voltage from electrical faults or lightning.
This version of the product is equipped with one standard 8-pin modular jack, labeled ISDN, for
connection to the ISDN network and one standard 6-pin modular jack, labeled PHONE, for connection
to an analog telephone device. If you need to add wiring to yo ur facil ity, refer to the National ISDN Users
Forum document NIUF 433-94 ISDN Wiring and Powering Guidelines (Residence and Small Business).
Connecting an Instant Internet unit containing an ISDN card without NT1
This version of the product is equipped with one standard 8-pin modular jack, labeled ISDN, for
connection to the NT1 and one standard 6-pin modula r jack, labeled PHONE, for connection to an analog
telephone device.
The ISDN card without NT1 is not intended for direct connec tion to the pu blic s witche d n etwork or oth er
exposed plant networks. Always connect the product to such networks through a certified (by the local,
regional, or national safe ty a gency an d tele communicat ions a uth ority ) isol ating type ne twork t erminat ing
device (such as CSU, LIU, DSU, NT1, or NCTE) that provides over-voltage protection.
At the product interface point, the interface cable must be wired straight through (pin 1 at one end
connected to pin 1 at the other end, pin 2 to pin 2, and so on) and must have at least the middle four pins
(pins 2, 3, 4, and 5) connected. The cables included in your package are wired in this fashion.
Your NT1 must be properly connected to your ISDN service; check with your service provider. If you
need to add wiring to your facility, refer to the National ISDN Users Forum document NIUF 433-94
ISDN Wiring and Powering Guidelines (Residence and Small Business).
For additional in formation concernin g safe ty, refer to Setting Up the BayStack I nstant In ternet 100 -S Unit
and Setting Up the BayStack Instant Internet 400-S Unit, which are provided on the BayStack Instant
Internet Software and Documentation Version 7.11 CD.
Instant Internet
ISDN Device