Nortel Host Tools, Annex Communications Server R7.1B, Annex Host Tools R14.2 New Features Manual

Annex Communications Server R7.1B and
Annex Host Tools R14.2 Release Notes
These release notes apply to the following:
The Remote Annex Operational Code Version R7.1
The Annex Host Tools Version R14.2.24
Annex Manager R1.1
Included in these Release Notes are the following topics:
New Features
Special Considerations
Supported Platforms
Known Problems/Lim itations
Problems Resolved wi th this Release
New Features
Epson printers monitor pin 14 of the parallel port to decide how to handle CR. If pin 14 is high, the printer performs a CR. If pin 14 is low , the printer performs a CR/LF. The default value is Y and enables the converting of <CR> to <CR><LF>. The value of N disables the parameter so the printer does not add a <LF>.
Telnet Connectivity to Parallel Ports
Parallel ports now appear on the network as Annex TCP ports 5901­5999 and 7901-7999. This means that rtelnet can access the parallel ports; aprint is no longer necessary to use the parallel ports.
1302566-A Rev. 00
Annex Communications Server R7.1B and Annex Host Tools R14.2 Release Notes
Forwarding Broadcasts
This release adds the Annex parameter ip_forward_broadcast. If this parameter is set to Y, the Annex forwards Network directed IP broadcasts to installed interfaces of the same network.
Default Domain
This release adds the keyword domain to the gateways file, and modifies the output of the CLI hosts command. The new gateways keyword usage is:
domain search <path> <path...>
This form adds a network domain to the DNS search path. The given paths are decomposed into higher-level names, and all of the forms are added. For example, decomposes into, and T o prevent this, you can quote a portion of the path that should not be decomposed. For example, this."" decomposes into this.that.theother .edu and that.theother.ed u. When these paths are added, the list is checked for duplicate entries (case is not significant), and the duplicates are silently ignored.
domain default <path>
The second form sets the default search path. This path should be set after all search paths have been added. The Annex will propagate this path to the top of the search list and r emove it from all of the hosts entries.
The new hosts output is in response to the hosts -n option. In addition to displaying the name server data, this option now also displays the default domain and the domain search list contents.
The Annex still does a reverse address query for its domain name, and if a valid response is received, the Annex overrides the contents of the gateways file, sets its default domain and adds the decomposed response to the search list.
302566-A Rev. 00
Annex Communications Server R7.1B and Annex Host Tools R14.2 Release Notes
ACP to Work with NIS
This release adds simple suppo rt for host passwd and shadow file reading routines to erpcd. These can be selected by the use of the
NATIVEPASSWD and NATIVESHADOW flags in src/erp cd / Makefile.
Support for 57.6Kbps
The 57600 speed will be supported only in new hardware platform with fast octart.
do_compression and allow_co mp ress ion
The slip_do_compression and slip_allow_compression parameters are renamed to do_compression and allow_compression, respectively. There is no change to their meaning for SLIP. The allow_compression parameter now also applies to PPP. If allow_compression is enabled, the Annex always requests for compression and always accepts requests for compression. If allow_compression is disabled, the Annex never requests for compression, and always rejects requests for compression. The do_compression parameter is not used for PPP.
The default value for allow_compr ession is N. Be sure to set this to Y to negotia te fo r VJ co m press ion .
Bootp over SLIP Lines
Both SLIP or PPP listen for any BOOTP packets sent by the remote device that are addressed to either the Annex address(es) [unlikely] or or [likely]. It then formulates a response based upon the na parameters and the input packet by examining each field. If the Server Name field is not null, the Annex tries to resolve it as a host name. If this succeeds, the Annex fills in some reasonable IP addresses in the fields and forwar d s the packet to that host rather than respond by itself.
302566-A Rev. 00
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