Part No. 212256-A
July 2001
4401 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Installing CWDM
Gigabit Interface
Copyright © 2001 Nortel Networks
All rights reserved. July 2001.
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proprietary to Nortel Networks Inc.
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Nortel Networks, the Nortel Networks log o, and t he Globemark and are trademarks
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In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability,
Nortel Networks Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products describ ed
in this document without notice.
Nortel Networks Inc. does not assume any liability tha t may occur due to the use or
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EMI Compliance
Meets requirements of:
FCC Part 15, Subparts A and B, Class A
EN55022: 1998/CISP R2 2: 1 99 7) , Cla ss A
General License VDE 0871, Class B
(A mtsblV fg No. 2 43/1991, Vfg 46/1992) VC CI Class A ITE
Caut io n: Use of controls or adjustments, or performance of procedures
other than those specified herein may result in hazard ous radi ation
Caution: Only qualif ied technicians should install this equipment.
Place all printed circuit boards on an antistatic mat until you are rea dy to
install them. If you do not have an antistatic mat, wear a discharge leash
to free yourself of static before touching any of the printed circuit boards,
or free yourself of static by touching a grounded metal object before
handlin g a print ed circuit boa rd.
Product Safety
Meets requirements of:
CS A 22.2 No. 950- M 95/UL1950, 3rd ed.
EN60950: 1992 /A1:1993 /A2:1993 /A3:1995 /A4:
1997 2 1CFR, Cha pte r I
EN60825-1:1994 /A11:1996
War ni ng: Fiber optic equipmen t can emit laser or infrared light that
can injure y our eyes. Never l oo k in t o an optical fiber or connector port .
Always assume that fiber optic cables are connected to a light source.
Vorsicht: Glasfaserkomponenten können Laserlicht bzw. Infrarotlicht
ab st r a hle n , wodurch Ihre Aug e n ge s ch ä d i gt w e rd e n kö nnen. Sch au e n
Sie niemals in einen Glasfaser-LWL oder ein Anschlußteil. Gehen Sie
stets davon aus, daß das Glasfaserkabel an eine Lichtquelle
angeschl osse n ist.
Avertissement: L’équipement à fibre optique peut émettre des
rayons laser ou infra rouges qui ri squent d’e ntraîner de s lésions
oculaires. Ne jama is regarder dans le port d ’ un connecteur ou d’un
câble à fibre optique. Toujou rs supposer que les câbles à fibre optique
sont raccordés à une source lumineuse.
Advertencia: Los equipos de fibra óptica pueden emitir radiaciones
de láser o infrarrojas que pueden dañar los ojos. No mire nunca en el
interior de una fibra ópt ica ni de un puerto d e conex ión. Suponga
siempre que los cables de fibra óptica están conectados a una fuente
Avvertenza: Le apparecchiature a fib re o ttiche emettono raggi laser o
infrarossi che possono risultare dannosi per gli occhi. Non guardare
mai direttamente le fibre ottiche o le porte di collegamento. Tenere in
considerazione il fatto che i cavi a fibre ottiche sono collegati a una
sorgente luminosa.
This section describes how the Nortel N etworks* coarse
wavelength division mult iplexed Gigabit Interface Converter
(CWDM GBIC) works w ithin th e optical routing system. It also
provides a list of CWDM GBI C s by wavelength an d shows how
the y a r e la be led an d co lo r-c o de d .
CWDM GBIC description
CWDM GBICs are transceivers that link Gigabit Ethernet ports
with fiber optic networks. WDM tech nology consolidates
multiple optical channels, using specific wavelengths to expand
available bandw idth, on a common optical fib er.
About the optical routing system
CWDM GBICs (Figure 1) are a compo nen t in th e opt ic al ro utin g
system designed to suppor t high speed data communication for
Metropolitan A rea Networks (MANs). The system uses a grid of
eigh t CWD M optic al w ave lengt hs i n b oth ring a nd p oin t- to -po int
configurati ons. All components are colo r-coded by wavelength
(Table 1 on page 7). The optical routing system also includes the
• Optical multiplexer-demultiplexer (CWDM OMUX)
• Optical add/drop multiplexer (CWDM OADM)
For m ore information about the optical routing system , and
connecting CWDM GBICs to CWDM OMUXs and CWDM
OADMs, see Installation and Networking Guidelines for
Optical Routing, part numbe r 212257-A.