Norstar SMDR6 Instruction Manual

SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
About this guide 1
Guide conventions 1
Getting started 2
About Station Message Detail Recording 6 2
System Overview 3 Your Role as System Co ordinator 4 Programming SMDR6 Using M7310/M7324 telephones 4 Programming SMDR6 Using M7100/M7208 Telephones 4 Accessing the SMDR6 Main menu 5 Exiting From the SMDR6 Main menu 5 LED control 6 Special station set numbers 6
Administering SMDR6 7
Setting the printer spee d 8
Record formats 9
SL-1 Record format 9 Selecting SL-1 Standard record format 9 Selecting SL-1 CLID records 10 Norstar record format 10 Selecting a Norstar record format 10
Report types 12
Setting the Report type 12
Report language 14
Setting the report language 14
Access codes 14
Setting up the Access code 15
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR System Coordinator Guide
2 Contents
Account feature code 15
Account code list 16 Using Account cod es 17 Programming an Account feature code memory button 18 Programming an Account code autodial button 18
SMDR6 Extended main menu 19
AT Commands 22
Introduction 22 System regi st e rs 22 Basic AT Command set 25 Extended AT command set 25 Configure Master/S la ve 27
SL-1 format 28
Introduction 28 SL-1 record format 28 SL-1 record field definitions 29
SL-1 Record types 30 SL-1 Standard record format 31
SL-1 CLID format records 31
SL-1 Target line/Physical lines 32
Norstar format 33
Introduction 33 Norstar record format 33 Norstar Standard record format 33 Norstar Call Information record format 34
Call Information record field definitions 34 Standard Hospitality record format 37
Norstar Real Time record format 38
Real Time Hospitality record format 40 Norstar All record form at 41 Target line/Physical lines 42 Busy Norstar reco rds 42
Direct Inward Dial (DID) busy 42
Target line busy 42 Bearer capability data 43 PRI Call-by-call service 44 Dialed number identification service 45
SMDR System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
Contents 3
Call connected digit separator 46 Norstar record field definitions 46
Standard and CLID record formats 47 Real Time record format 48 Norstar Standard and CLID record description 48 Printable line descr i pti ons 49 Norstar Real Time record description 52
Troubleshooting 54
Introduction 54
Printer problems 54 Ensuring Records are printed 54 Error messages 55
Glossary 1 Index 1
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR System Coordinator Guide
4 Contents
SMDR System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
About this guide
This guide provides step-by-step instructions designed to assist you in administering the Station Message Detail Recording 6 (SMDR6).
Guide conventions
As you work through this guide you will notice that certain conventions are used to represent steps and procedures. Some numbers and words appear in square boxes. These represent numbers and buttons on a Norstar telephone dia l pad. For examp le:
1. Press This means, press the
telephone dial pad. Words appearing on the Norstar display are represented in a similar
display text. For example:
2. Press This means press the corresponding display dial.
ƒ · •¤
dial, then press
· • ¤
on the
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
2 Getting started
Getting started
About Station Message Detail Recording 6
The Station Message Detail Recording 6 (SMDR6) is a unit that connects to your Norstar Key System Unit (KSU) to record call activity. Each time a telephone call is made to or from your company, the information about the call is recorded. When the call is completed, information about the call is printed out in Call Records. The SMDR6 can also p rovide i nformati on on inc oming cal ls as th e events occur. The information reported is called Real Time Call Record.
The SMDR6 provides inf or mation about:
date and time of the call, and digits dialed
the originating and the terminating line or station set
whether an incoming call was answered
elapsed time between origin of a call and when it was answered
whether a call was transferred or put on hold
call duration
calls associated with Account codes
incoming call Calling Line Identification (CLID) information
Bearer Capability of the line in the call
Hospitality records for room occupancy status
Real Time records for ringing, DNIS, answered, unanswered, transferred, and released events for incoming calls with CLID information and Hospitality room occupancy status
: SMDR6 delivers Custom Local Area Signalling Services (CLASS), Call Management Services (CMS), Automatic Number Identification and Dialed Number Identification Services (DNIS) in the form of Calling Line Identification (CLID) records. This information is available only if the appropriate Norstar hardware is installed and the service is available from your public telephone company. SMDR6 only prints recor ds with CLID, Real Time records or cost of a ca ll informatio n on Norstar CCUs with digital lines and Hospitality records. Contact your Customer Service representative for more information.
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
Getting started 3
The information collected by the SMDR6 can be used to:
allocate telephone costs to departments or individuals
charge back telephone costs to billable clients through Account
determine whether the telephone system is being used efficiently
guard against abuse of the telephone system
provide immediate call information to database applications
through Real Time call records
track changes in room occupancy status
System Overview
The SMDR6 is a peripheral connected to the Norstar Key System Unit (KSU). It connects to any data collection device to provide records about telephone call activity. The following diagram illustrates a typical SMDR6 configuration.
Data Collection Device
Power Adapter
Telephone Set
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
4 Getting started
More than one SMDR6 unit can be installed per KSU. One and only one of them can be configured as master SMDR6, others must be configured as slave SMDR6s.
Do not mix SMDR6 with older versions
Your Role as System Coordinator
As System Coordinator, you perform the initial and ongoing administration tasks. Your tasks include:
administering the SMDR6
determining Account codes used as references for tracking
telephone calls
interpreting the SMDR6 reports
Programming SMDR6 Using M7310/M7324 telephones
When you use an M7310 or M7324 telephone, prompts and menu selections appear in the first line of the telephone display.
Commands for the three display buttons appear in the second line of the display. Pressing a display button performs the function specified on the option line. An example of a two-line display is shown below.
Programming SMDR6 Using M7100/M7208 Telephones
When you use M7100 or M7208 telephones, only prompts and menu selections appear on the display. An example of the M7100/M7208 display is shown below.
SMDR6 Admin
The SMDR6 commands are selected from the M7100 or M7208 dial pad. For example:
•Press • for
•Press Ø for
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
Getting started 5
•Press £ for
Accessing the SMDR6 Main menu
The SMDR6 menus are accessed by entering the Administration Feature code on your telephone dial pad. As System Coordinator, you should be the only person with access to Administration functions.
To access the SMDR6 Administration menu:
1. Press
: All changes in SMDR6 Administration parameters are implemented immediately after they are selected, not after the SMDR6 Administration session is ended.
ƒ · • ¤
. The display shows:
Exiting From the SMDR6 Main menu
After you have selected your specific parameters and want to exit from SMDR6 Administration, follow these steps:
1. Press or
2. Press or
3. Press Any one of these commands returns you to the Norstar display.
at the Main menu.
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
6 Getting started
LED control
The green light emitting diode (LED) located on the back of the unit is controlled by the SMDR6 software. It is used to indicate the five possible states of the SMDR6.
SMDR6 state LED action Rates
Normal on steady On 100% Record overflow very fast blink On 50ms Off 50ms TCM Off-line error single blink on On 750ms Off 750ms Waiting for firmware download fast blink On 250ms Off 250ms Slave short blink On 750ms Off 150ms
: The default for the LED is on steady.
Special station set numbers
Two special station set numbers are reserved by SMDR6 to represent special ent ities in the KSU that ca n answer calls. It is important to know these special entities to interpret the reports correctly.
The followings are the known station set entities defined:
Auto Attendant
Remote Pager When the Auto Attendant answers incoming calls, the station set
number is reported as zero if the SMDR6 is connected to a Compact ICS KSU.
When an incoming call is answered by Remote Pager, the station set number is reported as 7.
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
Administering SMDR6
The SMDR6 uses programming parameters to specify the kinds of calls to be reported and the report format. Each programming parameter has a default setting (shown in bold below) that can be changed at any time. The displays used to assign SMDR6 programming parameters are shown below.
Printer: 1200 NEXT QUIT
Option choices
115200 57600 38400 19200 9600 4800 2400 1200
Administering SMDR6 7
Format: SL-1 NEXT QUIT
Report: All NEXT QUIT
Language:English NEXT QUIT
Access codes: NEXT SHOW QUIT
Feature #: F9-­NEXT QUIT
Outgoing Accounts Long dist
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
8 Administering SMDR6
Printer speed
Printers with a RS-232c serial port that supports 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200 baud can be connected to the SMDR6 to print the reports. The minimum printer speeds for different KSUs are listed below:
for the Compact KSU, the minimum is 1200 baud
for the Modular KSU, the minimum is 2400 baud
: The amount of data transmitted by the SMDR6 is dependent on the call activity and the report format you select. Therefore, using higher baud ensures the records are printed.
Setting the printer speed
To set the printer speed, you must access SMDR6 Main menu.
1. Press
2. Press
Printer: 1200 NEXT CHANGE
3. Press
ƒ · • ¤
until the display shows:
until the desired printer speed appears on the
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
Record formats
SMDR6 generates records in both Norstar and SL-1 formats. SMDR6 defaults to the SL-1 format.
SL-1 Record fo rmat
The SL-1 record format is primarily used when the SMDR6 output is being supplied to legacy commercial call accounting packages or equipment.
The SL-1 record format supports reporting Standard record format as well as Calling Line Identification (CLID) record format.
The SL-1 CLID record format prints the CLID information only if the information is delivered. Otherwise, it reports the call in SL-1 Standard record format.
Administering SMDR6 9
The SL-1 record format does not support the reporting of Bearer Capability and DDI Busy records.
Selecting SL-1 Standard record format
To select the SL-1 Standard format through SMDR6 Main menu:
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
The SL-1 Standard format is the default report format. If the display does not show Standard, press appears on the display.
ƒ · • ¤
until the display shows:
. The display shows:
until the desired report format
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
10 Administering SMDR6
Selecting SL-1 CLID records
SL-1 record format sup ports reporting CLID information. It can be selected through Administration.
: The SMDR6 will only report the CLID Information for lines which are capable of delivering CLID. Calls on non-CLID capable lines are reported in SL-1 Standard Record Format.
To select the SL-1 CLID format you must access the SMDR6 Main menu.
1. Press
2. Press
tems and greater.
3. Press
4. Press
ƒ · • ¤
until the display shows:
only appears on the display if you are running DR5 sys-
. The display shows:
. The display shows:
Norstar record format
Norstar records are used when the SMDR6 output is connected to a printer. In this case, detailed and concise call records are generated.
There are four Norstar record formats available through the SMDR6 Main menu if you are running DR5 systems or greater.
Selecting a Norstar record format
To select the Norstar report format you must access the SMDR6 Main menu.
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
Adminis terin g SMDR6 11
1. Press
2. Press
ƒ · • ¤
until the display shows:
3. Press
to change to use Norstar report format:
Format: Norstar NEXT SHOW CHANGE
only appears on the display if you are running DR5 sys-
tems or greater.
The default for Norstar report format is Standard report format. To change to use different Norstar report format:
4. Press
for the current Norstar report format selected.
Norstar:Standard NEXT CHANGE
5. Press
until the display shows the desired report format.
The different Norstar report type display screens are shown below.
Norstar:Standard NEXT CHANGE
Norstar:RealTime NEXT CHANGE
Norstar: All NEXT CHANGE
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
12 Administering SMDR6
Report types
The Call Report option allows you to specify the type of calls to be collected. This option can be set to:
All calls
Outgoing calls only
Calls with Account codes only
Calls that match the prefix strings only Only one of the above reports can be selected at one time. The report
type default is
SMDR6 reports all incoming and outgoing calls.
SMDR6 reports only outgoing calls.
and can be changed through the SMDR6 Main menu.
SMDR6 reports only calls with account codes associated with them.
SMDR6 reports only calls matching the pre-determined digit strings. These calls are usually long distance calls.
: Invalid Password attempts are reported regardless of the Report Type selected. Real time call records are not affected, regardless of the Report Type selected.
Setting the Report type
To set the Report type you must access the SMDR6 Main menu.
1. Press
2. Press
ƒ · • ¤
until the display shows:
3. Press
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
to select the desired Report Type.
Adminis terin g SMDR6 13
If you select the Prefix report type, you must also specify the prefix digits.
The purpose of the Prefix option is to record only long distance calls, calls to certain area codes or calls to specific numbers.
If the first digits dialed match one or more of the programmable prefix strings, the call is recorded, otherwise, the call will not be reported. You can have a maximum of eight prefix strings assigned at one time. The maximum length for each prefix string is eight digits.
To specify the long distance prefix digits:
1. When in Report Type menu, press
until the display shows:
2. Press
to view or modify the prefix strings.
The display shows:
Prefix1 ­ CLEAR OK
3. Using the dial pad, enter the long distance prefix digits. (In this
example 9293 is used). The display shows:
Prefix1 9293 BKSP CLEAR OK
Either the
are entered in error. The
button erases all of the characters you have entered.
buttons can be used to correct characters that
button erases one character at a time.
When you are programming SMDR6 from an M7310 orM7324 telephone, the asterisk (*) button is accepted as a wild card character that represents any digit.
: The defaults are 0, 1, 90, 91, 411 and 9411. A maximum of eight
digits are allowed.
4. Press
P0907246 Issue 01 SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide
to continue to the next prefix string.
14 Administering SMDR6
Report language
If your KSU supports both the English and French, you have the option to select reporting the call records in English or French.
Setting the report language
To set the Report language you must access the SMDR6 Main menu.
1. Press
2. Press
3. Press
: The report language selected affects only the reports. The language used in SMDR6 Main menu and Account code entry remains associated with the station set language.
ƒ · • ¤
Language:English NEXT CHANGE
Access codes
Access codes a re code s used to acce ss certa in lo ng dist ance ca rrie rs. Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) can be associated with these codes. The long distance user dials the Access code of the carrier (up to five digits) followed by the PIN (0 to 16 digits), followed by the telephone number to make long distance calls. The Access Code feature provides security to the long distance user by suppressing the printing of the PIN in the output records.
until the display shows:
to select the desired Report language.
You can have up to five Access codes assigned at any one time. Each Access code can be a maximum of five digits and can be associated with a suppression number equals to the length of the PIN. The first digits dialed are compared to the Access Codes. If there is a match, the next digits are suppressed. The number of digits suppressed equals to the value in the suppress field for that Access code. Only the Access code and the remaining digits (exclude the PIN) are printed in the output record.
SMDR6 System Coordinator Guide P0907246 Issue 01
Adminis terin g SMDR6 15
Setting up the Access code
To set up the Access codes, you must access the SMDR6 Main menu.
1. Press
2. Press
Access codes: NEXT SHOW CHANGE
3. Press
4. Enter the Access code using the dial pad.
to erase the digits.
5. Press
ƒ · • ¤
until the display shows:
. The display shows:
: This number can be a maximum of five digits. Press
to enter the number of digits to suppress.
: Up to 16 digits can be suppressed following the long dis-
tance Access Code.
Account feature code
Account codes allow you to cross-reference telephone calls from your company to different clients or telephone activities.
Before Account codes can be entered by users, an Account feature code must be established. The Feature code can be any number between 900 and 999.
When the SMDR6 is connected to the KSU, a default Feature code is requested from the KSU. To view or modify the Account feature code, you must access SMDR6 Main menu. After the Feature code is entered, users can enter the appropriate Account code to the call.
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