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P0919427 02
CallPilot Fax User Guide
About CallPilot Fax
This guide explains how to use CallPilot Fax with your personal mailbox. It explains how to
receive, print and send fax messages.
Note: If you need infor m ation about other CallPilot features, refer to the CallPilot
Reference Guide.
To use this guide, you must determine which phone inte rface you use, and follow the procedures
for that interface. For information about determining which interface you use, refer to “Checking
which mailbox interface you use” on page 5.
Learning about Fax
With CallPilot Fax you can access Fax features from your personal mailbox.
A fax document in a mailbox is called a fax message. Fax messages can h a ve a voice introduction.
This means that a caller can leave a fax message with or without an i ntroductory voi ce mes sage in
your personal mailbox.
You can:
•retrieve and print the fax message on a fax machine
•forward the fa x message to another mailbox
About the Express Messaging Line
You can have an Express Messaging Line assigned to your mailbox. A fax messag e sent to the
Express Messaging Line bypasses the Automated Attendant and is sent immediately to your
mailbox. You access the fax mess age the same way you access other fax messages. For more
information about accessing fax messages, refer to “Receiving a fax message” on page 8.
Ask your System Administra tor for the telephone number of your Express Messaging Line. Then
you can inform people of your direct fax line number.
CallPilot Fax User Guide
4CallPilot Fax User Guide
Telephone buttons
All one line and two line display telephones provide CallPilot voice prompts. On telephones with
display but tons, the v oic e prompts ar e delayed f or f i v e seconds. I f you do not se e an option on your
telephone display, wait for the voice prompt t o announce t he addi ti onal o pti ons.
To use Fax features, press the display buttons or the dialpad buttons on your te lephone.
When you see a display button like this: PLAY
, or a dialpad but t on l ike this: ¤, press either b utton
to activate the CallPilot feature. This guide sho ws you both methods.
This table sho ws the Nortel Networks Business Series Terminal buttons. Use the buttons that
pertain to the type of telephone you use.
You can enter ≤, ƒ or ƒ and the code to use a feature.
For example, press ≤·°⁄ to access your mailbox.
The T7100 works dif ferently from other telephones on your system because it does not have line
buttons. Where ot her tele phones requi re that you s elect a line b ut ton to answer a call, on the T7100
terminal you pick up t he handset . Where other t elephones require y ou to selec t a line b utt on to tak e
a call off hold , you press ≥ on the T7100 terminal.
On T7100 terminals, you can answe r a second cal l by press ing ≤. Your acti v e call i s put on hold
and you connect to the waiting call. You can have no more than two active calls at one time.
CallPilot supports two interfaces: Norstar Voice Mail and CallPilot. The System Administrator
determines which inte rface is assigned to your mailbox.
Use this procedure to check which mailbox interface you use, then follow the procedures in the
guide that apply to the interface you use.
Some procedures apply to both interfaces.
To check which mailbox interface you use
CallPilot Fax User Guide5
0 new 0 saved
No messages
2Check the di sp lay to see which interface you use:
3Press ® to end the session.
Follo w the voice prompts or the display button options to open
your mailbox.
This is the Norstar Voice Mail interface.
This is the Call P ilot interface.
CallPilot Fax User Guide
6CallPilot Fax User Guide
Telling callers about fax in your mailbox greeting
In your mailbox greeting, tell call ers tha t the y can l ea v e f ax mess ages in your mailbox. Tell callers
that they must cal l from a fax machine telephone to send you a f a x message. The caller must press
START/SEND on the fax machine. CallPilot automatically receives and stores the fax message in
your mailbox. This is an example Personal mailbox greeting:
“Hello. You have reached Brian Purdy with Ideal Office Machines. I am in the office today, but I
am current ly away fr om the phone . Please leave your name, telephone numbe r and a brief messag e
after the tone. I f you want to s end me a fax and yo u ar e call ing from a fax machine telephone , pr es s
the START/SEND button on the fax machine now, or when this message ends.”
For more information about mailbox greetings, refer to the CallPilot Reference Guide or ask your
System Administrator.
To record a mailbox greeting
Greeting options
Record now?
Follow the voice prompts or the display b utton o p ti ons to open
your mailbox.
2If you use the CallPilot interface:
•Press °¤ to open the Greetings Options menu
•Go to step 3
If you use the Norstar Voice Mail interface:
•Press ADMIN
•Press GREET
or °
or ¤
•Go to step 3
3Press REC
4Press PRIME
or ⁄.
or ⁄ to record the Primary greeting
press ALT
5Press YES
or ¤ to record the Alternate greeting.
or ⁄ and record your greeting at the tone.
Record greeting:
P0919427 02
6Press OK
or £ to end the recording.
CallPilot Fax User Guide7
Accept greeting?
7Press OK
or £ to accept the recording
press PLAY
or ⁄ to listen to the greeting
press RETRY
or ¤ to re-record the greeting.
8Press ® to end the session.
CallPilot Fax User Guide
8CallPilot Fax User Guide
Receiving a fax message
Fax messages can contain a voice message that a caller records to introduce the fax message, or
they can contain just the fax message.
A caller can send a fax message to your personal mailbox by using the autosend feature on their
fax machine. If the call is answered b y the Automated Attendant, the call transfers to the
designated Fax answering extension. If the call is answered by a mailbox, the fax message is
placed in the mailbox. If you answer the call, you hear a fax tone. Transfer the fax call to your
Transferring a fax call to your mailbox
If you answer a call and hear a fax tone, a caller is attempting to send a fax message to your
mailbox. You can transfer the call to your mailbox.
To transfer a fax call to your mailbox
2Enter your mailbox number.
When you receive a message in your mailbox, your telephone display shows:
Message for you
This display indicates that you h ave a new voice message or a fa x message in your mailbox.
To check for messages, you must open your mailbox.
Do not put the call on hold.
The fax message is left in your mailbox.
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