727 Second Street
P.O. Box 248
Hudson, Wisconsin 54016
866-961-5253 Parts
800-388-5253 Service
715-386-4291 FAX
Fast-trak® Walk-ins
Standard Coolers, Freezers and Combination Cooler/Freezers In Stock for 5 DAY SHIPMENT
Unlimited lengths in 1' increments
Available in widths of 6’, 7’, 8’, 9’, 10’, 11 ’ & 12’
Heights 7'7" and 8'7" with oor, 7'4" and 8'4" oorless for
single compartment and combinations
Heights 7’7” and 8’7” combination with oor freezers and
less oor coolers with 4-3/8” foam sealers
Indoor or outdoor models
Split Pak™ Pre-Assembled Remote Refrigeration Systems
Temperatures: +38˚F, +35˚F, -10˚F
Full 4” thick panels foamed-in-place with HFC-245fa
polyurethane insulation which is CFC and HCFC free
26 gauge corrosion resistant stucco embossed coated
steel on all surfaces except interior oor
Smooth aluminum interior oor (on models with oor)
Floorless models supplied with NSF listed vinyl sealers
26”, 30” or 36” wide self-closing doors with Fast-Trak®
door frame
Deadbolt locking handle with independent key/padlock
feature and inside safety release
Two heavy duty cam-lift hinges per door, top hinge eld
adjustable with locking set screw
Spring loaded hinge
Spring actuated door closer
Magnetic gasket
Digital thermometer and light switch
Floor double sweep gasket
Perimeter door heater wire
Vapor-proof light
NSF, UL ame spread 25 on all panels; UL and CSA
electrical listing on door sections
UL and C-UL electrical listing on refrigeration systems **
* Most options are available two weeks from receipt of order. Please contact us for specific questions.
** C-UL is Underwriters Laboratories Safety Certification Mark which indicates that UL has tested the equipment to applicable CSA Standards.
*** UL Sanitation is Underwriters Laboratories Sanitation Mark which indicates that UL has tested the equipment to applicable NSF Standards.
City of Houston listed
CN UL ame spread approval
California State listed
Oregon State listed
USDA accepted
Registered by UL to ISO 9001:2008
15 year panel warranty
18 months parts and labor warranty
Outdoor membrane roof systems
Door rain hoods
Interior and/or exterior 30” high stainless steel or 1/8"
aluminum diamond tread door kick plates
Exterior ramp for oor models
Interior ramps (30” & 36” wide) for oor models
Leak detector/alarm (may be a requirement in some areas)
LED lighting
Extra vapor-proof lights (shipped loose)
Secure Guard™ Lock high security locking system
Strip curtains (shipped loose)
Non-skid oor strips (shipped loose)
Shelving systems
1-5/8" screed for use with 5/8" tile after walk-in erection
5" thick panel models available - additional lead time required
14" x 14" Viewport
Registered to ISO 9001:2008
File No. 10001816
Nor-Lake, Inc.

Boxes Available In Unlimited Lengths
Fast-Trak® walk-ins are built of modular
panels and are insulated with foamedin-place HFC-245fa polyurethane
insulation which is CFC and HCFC
free. Each panel is designed to ensure
ease of installation, long term reliability
and high insulating efficiency.
All panels are manufactured with male
and female mating rails to ensure
proper alignment during installation.
The polyurethane insulation wraps
around the return bend metal seams
on both section to create a lightweight
panel of exceptional strength and
durability. All panels are a full four (4)
inches thick and provide a superior
insulating value.
Panels to be four (4) inches thick,
metal clad and foamed-in-place with
HFC-245fa polyurethane insulation
which is CFC and HCFC free.
The foamed-in-place cam locking
fasteners ensure an airtight seal for
maximum energy efficiency.
Fast-trak® Walk-ins
available in both single
Compartment Walk-ins or
Cooler/Freezer Combinations
(In One Foot Increments)
Fast-Trak® panel gaskets around
the outer perimeter of the panel are
continuous, without cuts or breaks
at corners. The Nor-Lake patented
gasket design provides a foamed-inplace gasket as an integral part of the
panel. Gaskets cannot fall off or pull
off during shipment or installation.
Panels lock together tightly to assure
an energy efficient walk-in.
Edge caps for ends of floor and ceiling
panels are foamed-in-place rather than
overlapped or mechanically fastened.
Edge caps cannot come loose and
they stay in place through the life of
the walk-in.
Panel Finishes: Interior and exterior
complete with 26 gauge corrosion
resistant stucco embossed coated
steel. Models supplied with a floor will
include a smooth aluminum interior
floor surface.
3’, 4’, 5’,
6’ etc.
3’, 4’, 5’,
6’ etc.
Note: The Walk-In Door Can Be Located On Any Wall.
Cooler Room
3’, 4’, 5’,
6’ etc.
Freezer Room
Available Widths:
6’, 7’, 8’, 9’, 10’, 11’, 12’
Note: The Partition Door Must Open Into The 35˚ Compartment.