NORITAKE-ITRON GU128x8T-K612C5 technology data

Dot Graphic VFD Module GU128x8T-K612C5
q 128 x 8 High Brightness Dot Graphic Displa q Single 12V DC Supply q Large 5x7 ASCII & European Font q RS232 Asynchronous Serial Interface q 31 Selectable Multi Drop Addresses q Transformerless PSU (patent pending) q Low Profile Construction
The module includes the VFD glass, VF drivers and microcontrolle with refresh RAM, character generation, interface logic and patented transformerless DC/DC converter. The RS232 serial interface accepts 9600 or 19200 baud rates with optional parity bit. The module features a low profile design with numerous custom options available including special fonts and commands. Modules can be connected to a multi dro
PL4 Pin 1
Body height 3.9mm max + Plunger height 1.1mm
Parameter Symbol Value Condition
Supply Voltage VDD 12.0VDC +/- 10% GND=0V Supply Current IDD 500 mA typ. VDD=12V RS232 Input VsIL / VsIH -24V max / +24V max VDD=12V RS232 Output VsOL/VsOH -5VDC min / +5VDC min VDD=12V
-40°C to +85°C
-40°C to +85°C 20 to 85% RH @ 25°C
Optical filters can provide violet, red, yellow, blue & green output.
Hex Command
10 Software Reset to power on state 11 Write Mode toggles overwrite / scroll 12 Write Direction toggles increment / decrement 13 Display On/Off. Data is retained 14 Display Invert. Toggle negative image 15 + xx Absolute Column Set from 00H – FFH 16 + xx Relative Column Set by 00H - FFH 17 + len + data Graphic Data Write 1 bytes per column, D7 top 18 Clear Character Buffer with 21 ASCII spaces 19 + data Write to Character Buffer for display effect 1A + effect Fade, wipe, scroll, dissolve & character delay. 1C + macro + len + data Store Macro E0H – FFH in EEPROM 1D + delay Delay – pause for up to 3 seconds 1E + 1E + 1E + FE Clear Macros from EEPROM 1E + 1E + 1E + FF Stop Display and clear receive buffer 1E + 1E + 1E + adr Address Select 00H – 1FH for active module 1F Loop receive buffer 20 - DF Character Write ASCII font. E0 - FF Run Macro – execute user defined macro 60 + dh + dl Send Hexadecimal code instead of binary
The user can send non printable command codes 10H-1FH as hexadecimal by prefixing the code using character 60H. Example: `15`3F = Position column 64. When 1FH is sent, the commands/data in the communication buffer (max 192 bytes) are executed until ‘Stop Display’ is issued. Example: 10H --- data --- 1FH. Macro E0 is run at power on unless cleared. Software and font set are copyright Noritake Itron Corporation 2002
address system.
28.5 46.025.35
1.6 10.7
Dimensions in mm & subject to tolerances. Mounting holes 3.5mm dia.
Character 60H is used as a hexadecimal prefix, but can be displayed with a repeat send. Column position X = 00H – 7FH. Data is shown in hexadecimal and sent in binary. e.g. FFH = 11111111 Bin
ddress ‘adr’ = 00H - 1FH. Setting ‘adr’ to 00H activates all modules. The communication settings and address can be set using the three switches on the rear of the module. Default communication is Addr 00 - 9600,n,8,1 STD. Choose between ‘STD’ (standard) and ‘WEB’ modes. In ‘WEB’ mode 20H and all codes below 10H are ignored. To send a SPACE, 5FH can be used. All codes are accepted when sent using hexadecimal. Select ‘WEB’ mode when using the display with the Noritake Message Creator software.
Pin Signal Description
1 VDD 12V Supply 2 RXD RS232 received data 3 GND 0V supply 4 TXD RS232 transmitted data 5 DTR Module Busy if -5V 6 CTS Host Busy if -5V
Handshaking lines DTR/CTS should be linked if not used. Received data is retransmitted from the module TXD output.
Detailed specification, software commands and interface timing
are available on request.
Subject to change without notice.
IUK Doc. No. 03897 Iss.6
31 Mar 03
Noritake Sales Office Tel Nos
Nagoya Japan: +81 (0)52-561-9867
Canada: +1-416-291-2946
Chicago USA: +1-847-439-9020
Munchen (D): +49 (0)89-3214-290
Itron UK: +44 (0)1493 601144
Rest Europe: +49 (0)61-0520-9220
Dot Graphic VFD Module GU128x8T-K612C5
Instruction Hex Description
Software Reset
BUSY time = 500uS
Write Mode
BUSY time = 300uS
Write Direction
BUSY time = 300uS
Display On/Off
BUSY time = 300uS
Display Invert
BUSY time = 300uS
Absolute Column Set
BUSY time = 300uS
Relative Column Set
BUSY time = 300uS
Graphic Data Write
BUSY time = 300uS
Character Buffer Clear
BUSY time = 300uS
Character Buffer Write
BUSY time = 300uS
Display Effect
For BUSY times see individual effect descriptions
Macro Store
BUSY times: ­macro number = 10ms data byte = 5ms last data byte = 20ms
BUSY time = 300uS
Macro Clear
BUSY time = 200ms
Stop Display
BUSY time = 300uS
Address Select
BUSY time = 300uS
Loop Receive Buffer
BUSY time = 300uS
Character Write
BUSY time = 300uS
Macro Run
BUSY time = 300uS
Send Hex Byte
BUSY times :-
and 2nd bytes = 300uS
byte = respective command / data busy
Notes: When storing Macros definitions, the display may flicker. When erasing Macros, the display will momentarily go blank.
To send 60H in binar
10H Resets the VFD module. The display’s contents are cleared and the column position is set to
00H. The write mode is set to normal, the write direction is set to increment, the display is turned on, and the display invert is turned off.
11H Toggles the write mode from normal write [default] to scroll write, and from scroll write to
normal write.
12H Toggles the writing direction from increment (left-to-right) to decrement (right-to-left), and from
decrement to increment. The default direction is increment.
13H Toggles the display from On [default] to Off, and from Off to On.
14H Inverts all data on the display.
15H + xx Sets the column position from 00H [default] to FFH. All written data is ignored if the column
position is set to 80H-FFH.
16H + xx Moves the current column position by xx amount. The column can be advanced by up to 127
pixels. The column positioning is constrained to a 128 pixel window, this allows the cursor to be moved backwards as well as forward, e.g. 16H + 7EH - moves the column position back by two.
17H + len + data Writes graphical data to the display from the current column position. If the write mode is set to
scroll, the whole display is shifted one column to the left or right (dependant upon the current write direction). The graphical data length must be sent prior to the actual data. All graphical data should be in a vertical orientation, with bit 7 uppermost.
18H Clears the internal 21-character buffer. This buffer is used in conjunction with the ‘Display
Effect’ commands.
19H + data Write 21-characters to the internal buffer.
1AH + effect Produce a display effect: -
00H – Fade display from ‘Off’ to maximum brightness. 01H – Fade display from maximum brightness to ‘Off’. 02H – Wipe display with the character buffer from left-to-right. 03H – Wipe display with the character buffer from right-to-left. 04H – Wipe display with the character buffer edge-to-center. 05H – Wipe display with the character buffer center-to-edge. 06H – Scroll display with the character buffer. 07H – Dissolve the display with the character buffer. 10H – 17H Set character delay (10H = No delay [default], 17H = Maximum delay)
1CH+macro+len+data Store a macro from E0H - FFH into non-volatile EEPROM. The first Macro (E0H), is always
executed at power up. The Macro data length must be sent prior to the data itself. Up to 256 command/data bytes can be assigned to each macro, and 1900 bytes are available for all Macro definitions. All commands can be used in the Macros with the exception of ‘Address Select’, ‘Macro Store’, ‘Macro Clear’ and ‘Macro Stop’. Please note that no provision is made for protecting previously defined Macros.
1DH + delay Halts current processing for up to 3 seconds. Delay can be any value (00H - FFH)
55H = 1 second, AAH = 2 seconds, FFH = 3 seconds. (A value of 00H has no effect.)
1EH+1EH+1EH+FEH Clears all previously defined Macros.
1EH+1EH+1EH+FFH This command stops any running Macro. All display commands will be ignored if any Macro is
running. This command also stops ‘Loop Receive Buffer’ mode and clears the receive buffer.
1EH+1EH+1EH + adr Activate a display with address ‘adr’. All displays have can have a defined address of 00H-1FH.
If the display module’s address is not the same, all data will be ignored with the exception of any new ‘Address Select’ commands. To activate all modules, set ‘adr’ to 00H.
1FH Activates a mode in which all commands/data present in the receive buffer up to the 1FH byte
itself is executed. When the 1FH is reached, execution begins again from the start of the buffer. Sending the ‘Stop Display’ command ends this mode. The ‘Stop Display’ command should also be sent prior to sending any commands/data to be used with this mode to ensure that the receive buffer is empty.
20H - DFH Writes data direct to the display. The character write position is automatically advanced to the
right or the left, depending upon the selected write direction. If the write mode is set to scroll, the display will scroll on the character from the left or right end. In ‘WEB’ mode, 20H is ignored so to display a SPACE character send 5FH or `20.
E0H - FFH Execute the user defined Macro, E0H = Macro 1, FFH = Macro 32.
60H + dhH + dlH Write to the display module using a 2-byte hexadecimal number. dhH = high nibble, dlH = low
nibble. E.g. Sending `10 will reset the display.
form, the host must send 60H twice, otherwise the module will interpret it as a hexadecimal prefix.
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