NORD MI0700 User Manual

MI 0700
Frequency inverters

Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE

Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
Part No.:
608 99 02
SK 500E and SK 700E
Device series:
SK 500E, SK 505E, SK 510E, SK 511E, SK 515E, SK 520E, SK 530E, SK 535E, SK 540E, SK 545E SK 700E
FI types:
SK 5xxE-151-340-A ... SK 5xxE-163-340-A
(1.5 - 160.0 kW, 3~ 400 V, output 3~ 400 V)
SK 700E-151-340-A ... SK 700E-222-340-A
(1.5 - 22.0 kW, 3~ 400 V, output 3~ 400 V)
SK 700E-151-340-A (-RS2) ... SK 700E-222-340-A (-RS2)
(1.5 - 22.0 kW, 3~ 400 V, output 3~ 400 V)
SK 700E-302-340-O ... SK 700E-163-340-O
(30.0 - 160.0 kW, 3~ 400 V, output 3~ 400 V)
Name of previous issues
Software version
MI 0700 EN, September 2013 Part No. 608 9902 / 4513
SK 5xxE ≥ V 2.0 R0
First version.
MI 0700 EN, January 2014 Part No. 608 9902 / 0414
Implementation size 11 (160 kW)
Correction of technical data
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Version list

Table 1: Version list
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The present Migration Guide is to assist in migrating the frequency inverter series SK 700E to the innovative next frequency inverter series SK 500E. Use the Migration Guide as planning aid in addition to the respective main manuals BU 0700 or BU 0500 and BU 0505. The present Migration Guide provides all the information needed to migrate any of the frequency inverter types. MI 0700 also contains a summarised comparison of additional and optional components necessary for basic migration/planning of drive technology applications. For more information, in particular regarding parameters, options and special functions please refer to the latest respective main manuals of the frequency inverters and applicable instructions for field bus options (such as PROFIBUS DP) or special frequency inverter functions such as POSICON).
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Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1 • 22941 Bargteheide, Germany • Fon +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-0 • Fax +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-2253
=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Copyrig ht ===
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
Table of Contents
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Table of Contents

=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Inhalts verzeichnis ===
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Components overview ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 frequency inverters overview ........................................................................................................... 12
2 Implementation ................................................................ .......................................................................... 15
2.1 Frequency inverter ........................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.1 Performance levels ............................................................................................................. 16
2.1.2 Customer units and extension units .................................................................................... 21
2.1.3 Additional options for the functions ..................................................................................... 25
2.1.4 Performance levels SK 700E sizes 1 + 2 / 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW ............................................. 26
2.1.5 Performance levels SK 700E sizes 3 - 5 / 11.0 kW to 37.0 kW .......................................... 27
2.1.6 Performance levels SK 700E sizes 6 - 8 / 45.0 kW to 160.0 kW ........................................ 28
2.2 Technology units .............................................................................................................................. 29
2.2.1 Technology units for operation and diagnosis .................................................................... 30
2.2.2 Field bus and communication technology units .................................................................. 31
2.3 Control boxes / control units ............................................................................................................. 33
2.3.1 Handheld version ................................................................................................................ 33
2.3.2 Built-in variant ................................ ................................ ..................................................... 34
2.4 Accessories and adapter cables ...................................................................................................... 35
2.5 EMC kits for SK 5xxE frequency inverters ....................................................................................... 36
2.6 Mains filter ........................................................................................................................................ 37
2.6.1 Footprint mains filters and footprint combination mains filters ............................................ 38
2.6.2 Chassis mains filters ........................................................................................................... 39
2.7 Chokes ............................................................................................................................................. 42
2.7.1 Input choke ......................................................................................................................... 43
2.7.2 Output choke ...................................................................................................................... 46
2.8 Braking resistors .............................................................................................................................. 47
2.8.1 Footprint braking resistors .................................................................................................. 48
2.8.2 Chassis braking resistors ................................................................................................... 49
3 Power and control terminal connection .................................................................................................. 50
3.1 Power connection............................................................................................................................. 50
3.2 Control terminal connection ............................................................................................................. 53
3.2.1 I/O customer units .............................................................................................................. 54
3.2.2 Field bus customer units ..................................................................................................... 60
3.2.3 PTC connection .................................................................................................................. 65
4 Dimensions ................................................................................................................................................ 66
4.1 Frequency inverter ........................................................................................................................... 66
4.1.1 Frequency inverter series SK 700E ↔SK 5xxE ................................................................ .. 66
4.2 Options ............................................................................................................................................. 68
4.2.1 Control and parameter box ................................................................................................. 68
4.3 Mains filters ...................................................................................................................................... 69
4.3.1 Footprint mains filters and combination mains filters .......................................................... 69
4.3.2 Chassis mains filters ........................................................................................................... 71
4.4 Chokes ............................................................................................................................................. 72
4.4.1 Input chokes ....................................................................................................................... 72
4.4.2 Output chokes .................................................................................................................... 74
4.5 Braking resistors .............................................................................................................................. 75
4.5.1 Footprint braking resistors .................................................................................................. 75
4.5.2 Chassis braking resistors ................................................................................................... 76
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
5 Additional information / Appendix ........................................................................................................... 77
5.1 Further documentation ..................................................................................................................... 77
5.1.1 Manuals .............................................................................................................................. 77
5.1.2 Technical information / data sheets .................................................................................... 78
5.1.3 Product flyers / brochures ................................................................................................... 78
5.2 Software ........................................................................................................................................... 79
5.2.1 NORD CON ........................................................................................................................ 79
5.2.2 NORD options .................................................................................................................... 79
5.3 3D models ........................................................................................................................................ 81
5.4 NORD EPLAN macros ..................................................................................................................... 81
5.5 Technical support ............................................................................................................................. 81
5.6 Abbreviations in the Migration Guide ............................................................................................... 82
List of illustrations
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List of illustrations

=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Abbildung sverzeichnis ===
Figure 1: System Overview...................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2: optional and on board RS232 / RJ12 interface with SK 700E ................................................................ 14
Figure 3: SK 700E: different types (with shield bracket or shield plate) ................................................................. 15
Figure 4: SK 5xxE size-dependent EMC kits (with shield bracket, shield clamps, PE cable) ................................ 15
Figure 5: SK 500E with EMC kit SK EMC2-x ......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 6: Mains filter versions ................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 7: Choke types ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 8: Braking resistor versions ........................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 9: Power connection SK 700E .................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 10: Power connection SK 5xxE up to size 7 ............................................................................................... 51
Figure 11 Power and control connections SK 5xxE from size 1 up to 11 .............................................................. 52
Figure 12: Customer units SK CU1-xxx and I/O control signal connections .......................................................... 53
Figure 13: Wall mount bracket ................................ ................................................................ ............................... 66
Figure 14: Dimensions of SK 700E and SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters .................................................... 66
Figure 15: Dimensions of the built-in SK PAR-2E and SK PAR-3E parameter boxes ........................................... 68
Figure 16: Dimensions of footprint mains filters SK LF1-460/xx-F and SK LF2-480/xxx-F .................................... 69
Figure 17: Dimensions of footprint combination mains filters SK NHD-480/xx-F ................................................... 69
Figure 18: Dimensions of chassis and footprint mains filters SK HLD 110-500/xx and SK LF2-480/xxx-F ............ 71
Figure 19: Dimensions of input chokes SK CI1-460/xxx-C and SK CI1-480/xxx-C................................................ 72
Figure 20: Dimensions of output chokes SK CO1-460/xxx-C and SK CO1-480/xxx-C .......................................... 74
Figure 21: Dimensions of footprint braking resistors SK BR1/xxx/xxx-F and SK BR4-xxx/xxx .............................. 75
Figure 22: Dimensions of chassis braking resistors SK BR2/xxx/xxx-C ................................................................ 76
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
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List of tables

=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Tabelle nverzeichnis ===
Table 1: Version list ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table 2: Components overview ............................................................................................................................. 11
Table 3: Overview of frequency inverter functions ................................................................................................. 13
Table 4: Overview SK 5xxE standard and incremental encoder input ................................................................... 16
Table 5: Overview of SK 5xxE performance levels for CAN and CANopen ........................................................... 18
Table 6: Overview of SK 5xxE performance levels for POSICON positioning control ........................................... 20
Table 7: Overview and assignment of SK 700E IO customer units SK CU1-xxx ................................................... 22
Table 8: Overview and assignment of field bus customer units SK CU1-xxx ........................................................ 23
Table 9: Overview and assignment of extension units SK XU1-xxx ...................................................................... 24
Table 10: Overview of additional function options ................................................................................................. 25
Table 11: Performance levels SK 700E sizes 1 + 2 / 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW................................................................. 26
Table 12: Performance levels SK 700E sizes 3 - 5 / 11.0 kW to 37.0 kW ............................................................. 27
Table 13: Performance levels SK 700E sizes 6 - 8 / 45.0 kW to 160.0 kW ........................................................... 29
Table 14: Technology units for operation and diagnosis ....................................................................................... 30
Table 15: Field bus and communication technology units ..................................................................................... 32
Table 16: Handheld control boxes ......................................................................................................................... 33
Table 17: Built-in control boxes ............................................................................................................................. 34
Table 18: Communication accessories and adapter cables .................................................................................. 35
Table 19: Overview of EMC kits for SK 5xxE frequency inverters ......................................................................... 36
Table 20: 1.5 kW – 7.5 kW footprint mains filter and footprint combination mains filter ......................................... 38
Table 21: 11.0 kW – 22.0 kW footprint mains filter ................................................................................................ 39
Table 22: 11.0 kW chassis mains filter .................................................................................................................. 40
Table 23: 30.0 and 37.0 kW chassis mains filter ................................................................................................... 40
Table 24: 30.0 and 37.0 kW chassis mains filter and footprint mains filter ............................................................ 40
Table 25: 45.0 kW chassis mains filter .................................................................................................................. 41
Table 26: 75.0 kW chassis mains filter .................................................................................................................. 41
Table 27: 1.5 kW – 15.0 kW input chokes ............................................................................................................. 43
Table 28: 18.5 kW – 30.0 kW input chokes ........................................................................................................... 44
Table 29: 37.0 kW – 75.0 kW input chokes ........................................................................................................... 44
Table 30: 90.0 kW – 160.0 kW input chokes ......................................................................................................... 45
Table 31: 18.5 kW – 30.0 kW output chokes ......................................................................................................... 46
Table 32: 90.0 kW output chokes .......................................................................................................................... 46
Table 33: 1.5 kW – 7.5 kW footprint braking resistors ........................................................................................... 48
Table 34: Customer unit Basic I/O, SK CU1-BSC ................................................................................................. 54
Table 35: Customer unit basic I/O, SK CU1-STD .................................................................................................. 55
Table 36: Customer unit Multi I/O, SK CU1-MLT ................................................................................................... 57
Table 37: Customer unit Multi I/O 20mA, SK CU1-MLT-20mA .............................................................................. 59
Table 38: Field bus customer unit PROFIBUS DP, SK CU1-PBR ......................................................................... 61
Table 39: Field bus customer unit CAN, SK CU1-CAN ......................................................................................... 62
Table 40: Field bus customer unit CAN, SK CU1-CAN-RJ .................................................................................... 63
Table 41: Field bus customer unit USS, SK CU1-USS .......................................................................................... 64
Table 42: PTC connection terminals ...................................................................................................................... 65
Table 43: Dimensions and weights of frequency inverters, power 1.5 kW – 22.0 kW............................................ 67
Table 44: Dimensions and weights of frequency inverters, power 30.0 kW – 163.0 kW ........................................ 67
Table 45: Dimensions and weights of footprint mains filters, power 1.5 kW – 22.0 kW ......................................... 70
Table 46: Dimensions and weights of chassis and footprint mains filters, power 11.0 kW – 75.0 kW ................... 71
Table 47: Dimensions and weights of input chokes, power 1.5 kW – 30 kW ......................................................... 72
Table 48: Dimensions and weights of input chokes, power 37 kW – 160 kW ........................................................ 73
Table 49: Dimensions and weights of output chokes, power 18.5 kW – 30.0 kW and 90.0 kW ............................. 74
Table 50: Dimensions and weights of footprint braking resistors, power 1.5 kW – 7.5 kW .................................... 75
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1 Introduction
SK 700E
SK 5xxE

1 Introduction

This document serves for the migration of drive solutions with SK 700E series frequency inverters to the new model SK 500E. As well as the comparison and migration of the usual modules in the first part of the document, the middle part deals with the comparison of the connection terminals and the final part describes the dimensions of the devices.
Both series (SK 700E and SK 500E) are similar in their basic structure, however the performance and scope of functions of the new series has been considerably increased. Until the end of 2013, the SK 5xxE will also be available up to size 11 (160.0 kW) for the identical power range of the SK 700E. The comparison only covers the 3 ph ~ 400 / 480 V types of frequency inverters. The present document only describes the functions and solutions which could also be implemented with the SK 700E. In addition, in the description of possible options, only the most common have been described and listed in detail. The Migration Guide MI 0700 also compares the respective additional components.
Figure 1: System Overview
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Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
SK 700E
SK 700E
components /
SK 5xxE
SK 700E-xxx-340-A / -O
Frequency inverter
integrated mains
SK 5xxE-xxx-340-A
SK 700E-xxx-340-A-RS2
Frequency inverter
with integrated
SK 5xxE-xxx-340-A
Technology unit RS232 interface
SK 5xxE-xxx-340-A
Technology unit RS232 interface
SK TU1-xxx
Technology unit
Field bus
SK TU3-xxx
Technology unit
Technology unit
SK CU1-xxx
I/O customer units
SK 5xxE-xxx-xxx-A
SK CU1-xxx
Field bus customer
SK 511E-xxx-xxx-A SK 515E-xxx-xxx-A
on board to integrate
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1.1 Components overview

The following table lists and compares the individual components for the conversion of the two different frequency inverter series. Both frequency inverter types comply with protection class IP20. Special variants such as frequency inverters and options with coated boards are not described in detail.
1 Introduction
SK 700E
SK 700E
components /
SK 5xxE
Extension unit incremental encoder interface ENCODER
SK 520E-xxx-xxx-A
SK 535E-xxx-xxx-A
Extension unit
SK 530E-xxx-xxx-A
SK 535E-xxx-xxx-A
+ SSI absolute encoder
Extension unit
absolute encoder
SK 540E-xxx-xxx-A
SK 545E-xxx-xxx-A
SK BR2-xxx/xxxx-C
Chassis brake
SK BR2-xxx/xxxx-C
SK BR1-xxx/xxx-F
Footprint resistor
SK BR4-xxx/xxx
HLD 1xx-500/xxx SK LF1-460/xx-F
Mains filter
several variants
SK HLD 110-500/xxx
SK LF2-480/xxx-F
SK NHD-480/xxx-F
SK CI1-460/xxx-C
Input chokes
SK CI1-480/xxx-C
SK CO1-460/xxx-C
Output chokes
SK CO1-4x0/xxx-C
Table 2: Components overview
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Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
SK 700E
Performance levels
SK 5xxE
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
optional with integrated
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 500E-xxx-340-A
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 515E-xxx-340-A
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 520E-xxx-340-A
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 535E-xxx-340-A
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 530E-xxx-340-A
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 535E-xxx-340-A
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
± SSI absolute encoder
+ IO customer unit
SK CU1-xxx **
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 540E-xxx-340-A optional
SK EBIOE-2 ***
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 545E-xxx-340-A optional
SK EBIOE-2 ***
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
+ CAN Bus
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 511E-xxx-340-A optional
WAGO­ adapter module RJ45/terminal ****
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 515E-xxx-340-A optional
WAGO­ adapter module RJ45/terminal ****

1.2 frequency inverters overview

The assignment of the SK 700E frequency inverters dependent on function and rated power of the devices is summarised below. The overview table below shows each of the customer units SK CU1­xxx, extension units SK XU1-xxx and the two CAN or CANopen technology options SK TU1-CAN and SK TU1-CAO for the SK 700E frequency inverter.
Additional functions of field bus systems or technology units (such as AS-Interface, PROFIBUS DP, DeviceNet etc.) are listed in chapter 2.2.2 Field bus and communication technology units. The I/O customer unit types SK CU1-xxx of the SK 700E series of frequency inverters are also described there in greater detail.
Where needed, these different customer units are used to connect I/O control signals.
1 Introduction
SK 700E
Performance levels
SK 5xxE
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
+ CAN Bus
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 511E-xxx-340-A
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 515E-xxx-340-A
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
+ CAN Bus
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 511E-xxx-340-A optional
WAGO­ adapter module RJ45/terminal ****
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 515E-xxx-340-A optional
WAGO­ adapter module RJ45/terminal ****
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
+ CANopen Bus
1.5 kW … 7.5 kW / 2 hp … 10 hp
SK 511E-xxx-340-A
+ CANopen Bus
11.0 kW … 160.0 KW / 15 hp … 220 hp
SK 515E-xxx-340-A
+ CANopen Bus
(-RS2) with additional optional/integrated RS232 interface on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW. The token X represents A (with integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW
O (without integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≥ 30.0 kW
plus one of the customer units SK CU1-BSC, SK CU1-STD, SK CU1-MLT or SK CU1-MLT-20mA.
When a great number of control signals (number of used DIs and DOs of customer units SK CU1-xxx and extension units SK XU1-POS) for the SK 700E and the available DIs and DAs of the SK 5xxE are used, an additional IO extension type SK EBIOE-2 (275900210) is necessary. The IO extension Scan only be connected to SK 540E and SK 545E frequency inverters.
WAGO adapter module RJ45/terminal (278910300) to connect the CAN cable with an RJ45 western plug to the SK 5xxE, alternatively crimp an RJ45 plug to the CAN cable.
Integrated mains filter
The SK 700E frequency inverters of power range 1.5 kW to 22.0 kW listed above come with an integrated mains filter of class A by default and are identified with abbreviation -A in the type code. SK 700E frequency inverters
with a power ≥30.0 kW do not feature an integrated mains filter and are identified with abbreviation -O in the type code. All SK 5xxE frequency inverters (complete power range from 1.5 kW to 160 kW) come ex factory with an integrated Class C2 (industrial) mains filter. With motor cable lengths ≤ 5 m, the SK 5xxE frequency inverters in the power range 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW even comply with Class C1 (residential and industrial). All SK 5xxE frequency inverters feature an on board integrated mains filter and are identified with abbreviation -A in the type code.
For information on the mains filter functions of SK 700E- -A or … -O frequency inverters with and without integrated mains filter, please refer to the respective manual (BU 0700) (
Table 3: Overview of frequency inverter functions
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
RS232 interface variants
The functions of SK 700E frequency inverters in the power range of 1.5 kW to 22.0 kW can also comprise an additional RS232 interface. Frequency inverter variants with optional RS232 are identified with abbreviation RS2 in the type code on the type label of SK 700E devices. For the power range of 1.5 kW to 22.0 kW, the RS232 interface variant of the SK 700E is an additional optional function. By default, SK 700E frequency inverters 30.0 kW come with an RS232 / RJ12 interface led out.
For information on the SK 700E- -A-RS2 frequency inverters with optional RS232 / RJ12 interface, please refer to the respective manual (BU 0700) (
RS232 / RJ12 onboard sizes 1 – 4 (optional)
RS232 / RJ12 onboard sizes 5 – 8 (Standard)
Figure 2: optional and on board RS232 / RJ12 interface with SK 700E
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2 Implementation
Sizes 1 – 4 or performance levels ≤ 22.0 kW with shield bracket for fitting shield clamps
Sizes ≥ 5 or ≥ performance levels 30.0 kW with shield plate and shield clamps (KGM variant only)
Shield bracket for mounting shield clamps
EMC kit SK EMC 2-x
EMC kits SK EMC2-x
Chapter 2.5 provides an overview of SK EMC 2-x EMC kit available for the SK 5xxE frequency inverter series specific to size.
Shield bracket
Shield clamp
Shield bracket
PE cable
PE cable

2 Implementation

Frequency inverters of the SK 5xxE series come in 10 different performance levels (SK 500E, SK 505E, SK 510E, SK 511E, SK 515E, SK 520E, SK 530E, SK 535E, SK 540E, SK 545E). In general, a distinction is made between SK 5x0E and SK 5x5E devices.
Sizes 1 to 4 of the SK 700E frequency inverters (1.5 kW to 22.0 kW) always come with a shield bracket fitted to the frequency inverter housing. Shield clamps (size 8 to 35) specific to the cable cross section and size are not supplied ex factory and, if necessary, will be provided and/or mounted by persons charged with installation while fitting and setting up the SK 700E frequency inverters.
When migrating an application to the SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters you should always provide for an additional EMC kit suitable for type SK EMC 2-x according to the size.

SK 700E types

Figure 3: SK 700E: different types (with shield bracket or shield plate)
Figure 4: SK 5xxE size-dependent EMC kits (with shield bracket, shield clamps, PE cable)
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Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
SK 700E
SK 700E
Features /
Performance range
SK 5xxE
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface *
SK 500E-xxx-340-A
incl. mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 160.0 kW + with/without mains filter * + optional / with int. RS232 interface *
SK 515E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * + 1 TTL input for incremental encoder + 1 digital input
SK 520E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 160.0 kW + with/without mains filter * + optional / with int. RS232 interface * + 1 TTL input for incremental encoder + 1 digital input
SK 535E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
(-RS2) with additional optional/integrated RS232 interface on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW. The token X represents A (with integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW
O (without integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≥ 30.0 kW
The cable lengths must be taken into account because the mains filter characteristics can vary.
Encoder supply voltage
Incremental encoders with 5 V supply voltage can be directly operated with frequency inverters of the SK 700E series. For the SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters, the connected incremental encoders must be suitable for a supply voltage range of 10 V … 30 V.
This is why the incremental encoders must be replaced or the "old" encoders must be supplied from an external power supply when migrating to SK 5xxE frequency inverters.

2.1 Frequency inverter

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2.1.1 Performance levels

Table 4: Overview SK 5xxE standard and incremental encoder input
2 Implementation
SK 700E
SK 700E
Features /
Performance range
SK 5xxE
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
+ CAN Bus
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * + 1 digital input + 1 relay contact + CAN connecti0on via terminals
alternatively with RJ45 socket
SK 511E-xxx-340-A with mains filter Class C2 ** + RS232 interface
optional WAGO
adapter module RJ45/terminal ***
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 160.0 kW + with/without mains filter * + optional / with int. RS232 interface * + 1 digital input + 1 relay contact + CAN connecti0on via terminals
alternatively with RJ45 socket
SK 515E-xxx-340-A with mains filter Class C2 ** + RS232 interface
optional WAGO
adapter module RJ45/terminal ***
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
+ CAN Bus
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * + 5 digital inputs + 1 relay contact + CAN connection with 2 x RJ45 socket
SK 511E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 160.0 kW + with/without mains filter * + optional / with int. RS232 interface * + 5 digital inputs + 1 relay contact + CAN connection with 2 x RJ45 socket
SK 515E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
SK 700E-xxx-340-X (-RS2) *
+ CAN Bus
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * + CAN connection sub-D9 socket
SK 511E-xxx-340-A with mains filter Class C2 ** + RS232 interface
optional WAGO
adapter module RJ45/terminal ***
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 160.0 kW + with/without mains filter * + optional / with int. RS232 interface * + CAN connection via 9-pole sub-D
SK 515E-xxx-340-A with mains filter Class C2 ** + RS232 interface
optional WAGO
adapter module RJ45/terminal ***
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
SK 700E
SK 700E
Features /
Performance range
SK 5xxE
SK 700E-xxx-340- X (-RS2) *
+ CANopen Bus
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * + CAN connection via 9-pole sub-D
+ Connection of external 24 V supply
+ CANopen addressing with rotary coding
+ Baud rate adjustment with rotary coding
+ DIP switch termination resistor
SK 500E-xxx-340-A
incl. mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
+ CANopen Bus
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 160.0 kW + with/without mains filter *
+ optional / with int. RS232 interface * + CAN connection via 9-pole sub-D
+ Connection of external 24 V supply
+ CANopen addressing with rotary coding
+ Baud rate adjustment with rotary coding
+ DIP switch termination resistor
SK 515E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
+ CANopen Bus
(-RS2) with additional optional/integrated RS232 interface on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW. The token X represents A (with integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW
O (without integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≥ 30.0 kW
The cable lengths must be taken into account because the mains filter characteristics can vary.
RJ45 WAGO adapter module (278910300) to connect the CAN cable with an RJ45 western plug to the SK 5xxE, alternatively crimp an RJ45 plug to the CAN cable.
Table 5: Overview of SK 5xxE performance levels for CAN and CANopen
2 Implementation
SK 700E
SK 700E
Features /
Performance range
SK 5xxE
SK 700E-xxx-340- A (-RS2) *
+ with or without
SSI absolute encoder
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * + 6 digital inputs + 1 multifunction relay + POSICON positioning control + 1 TTL input for incremental encoder + 1 SSI absolute encoder input
SK 530E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
+ without SSI absolute encoder
SK 540E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
+ with universal encoder-
interface, e.g. for SSI absolute
encoder connection
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 22.0 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * + 6 digital inputs + 1 multifunction relay + POSICON positioning control + 1 TTL input for incremental encoder + 1 SSI absolute encoder input
SK 535E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
+ without SSI absolute encoder
SK 700E-xxx-340-O
+ with or without
SSI absolute encoder
Standard Performance 30.0 kW to 160.0 kW + without mains filter * + integrated RS232 interface * + 6 digital inputs + 1 multifunction relay + POSICON positioning control + 1 TTL input for incremental encoder + 1 SSI absolute encoder input
SK 545E-xxx-340-A
with mains filter Class C2 **
+ RS232 interface
+ with universal encoder-
interface, e.g. for SSI absolute
encoder connection
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
SK 700E
SK 700E
Features /
Performance range
SK 5xxE
see previous page
+ plus IO customer unit SK CU1-xxx ****
Standard Performance 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * plus I/O control connections of the
respective SK CU1-xxx customer unit
SK 540E-xxx-340-A with mains filter Class C2 ** + RS232 interface
optional IO extension
SK EBIOE-2 *****
Standard Performance 11.0 kW to 22.0 kW + incl. mains filter * + optional with int. RS232 interface * plus I/O control connections of the
respective SK CU1-xxx customer unit
SK 545E-xxx-340-A with mains filter Class C2 ** + RS232 interface
optional IO extension
SK EBIOE-2 *****
Standard Performance 30.0 kW to 160.0 kW + without mains filter * + integrated RS232 interface * plus I/O control connections of the
respective SK CU1-xxx customer unit
(-RS2) with additional optional/integrated RS232 interface on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW. The token X represents A (with integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≤ 22.0 kW
O (without integrated mains filter) on SK 700E frequency inverters ≥ 30.0 kW
The cable lengths must be taken into account because the mains filter characteristics can vary.
Plus one of the following IO customer units:
When using a great number of digital control signals (number of used (from SK 700E + option) and available (SK 5xxE) digital inputs. The IO extension SK EBIOE-2 (275900210) can only be connected to SK 540E and SK 545E frequency inverters.
Encoder supply voltage
Incremental encoders with 5 V supply voltage can be directly operated with frequency inverters of the SK 700E series. For the SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters, the connected incremental encoders must be suitable for a supply voltage range of 10 V … 30 V.
This is why the incremental encoders must be replaced or the "old" encoders must be supplied from an external power supply when migrating to SK 5xxE frequency inverters.
Table 6: Overview of SK 5xxE performance levels for POSICON positioning control
Pos: 20 /---------- Seitenumbruch ---------- @ 1\mod_1329145698658_0.docx @ 1589 1 @ @ 1
2 Implementation
CAN / CANopen 24 V supply
When using the onboard CAN / CANopen interface of ≥ SK 511E frequency inverters, it is mandatory to connect an additional 24 V power supply for the CAN / CANopen Bus to the RJ45 sockets.
For easier cabling and connection of functions (for 24 V supply and CAN / CANopen bus connection cables), the WAGO adapter module RJ45/terminal (see chapter 2.1.3 Additional options for the functions) can be used with conventional patch cables.
Customer unit
SK CU1-xxx
Part number
SK 700E
IO customer unit
Frequency inverter
SK 5xxE +
additional options
Frequency inverter
SK 54xE + / or
additional options
Basic IO
Basic customer unit
1 x multifunction relay 3 x digital inputs 1 x analogue input 0…10 V
all SK 5xxE *
Standard IO
Standard customer unit
2 x multifunction relays 4 x digital inputs 1 x analogue input 0…10 V,
0/4…20 mA
1 x analogue output, 0…10 V 1 x RS485 interface
all SK 5xxE *
All frequency inverters, except SK 515E (available ≥ size 5 only).
Pos: 21 /Migrationsleitfaden/SK 700E - S K 500E/2. Umsetzung/2.1.2 Kundensc hnittstellen und Sondererweiterungen @ 2\mod_1357225777503_388.doc x @ 52918 @ 3 @ 1

2.1.2 Customer units and extension units

To connect I/O control signals to the SK 700E frequency inverters, additional SK CU1-xxx IO customer units are required. In contrast, the SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters by default comes with respective onboard terminals to connect the standard I/O control signals.
When migrating to an SK 500E frequency inverter, you should provide for a performance level ≥ SK 511E with integrated onboard CAN / CANopen interface for SK 700E field bus customer units of SK CU1-CAN and SK CU1-CAN-RJ types.
For the SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters, only one of the two PROFIBUS DP technology units type SK TU3-PBR or …-24V can be planned in connection with a SK 700E PROFIBUS DP field bus customer unit type SK CU1-PBR.
Special extensions ENCODER / incremental encoder input type SK XU1-ENC and the POSICON positioning control SK XU1-POS of the SK 700E frequency inverter are migrated to the SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters with different performance levels such as the SK 52xE (with ENCODER / incremental encoder input) or the SK 53xE (with POSICON / positioning control) series.
The sub-chapters to follow list some differences in function of the two series of frequency inverters that must be heeded under all circumstances which must be taken into account when migrating from the SK 700E to the SK 5xxE series or when migrating applications:
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
Customer unit
SK CU1-xxx
Part number
SK 700E
IO customer unit
Frequency inverter
SK 5xxE +
additional options
Frequency inverter
SK 54xE + / or
additional options
Multi IO
Multi customer unit
2 x multifunction relays 6 x digital inputs 2 x analogue inputs -10…+10 V,
0/4…20 mA
2 x analogue outputs, 0…10 V
1.5 kW…7.5 kW
SK 520E, SK 530E,
SK 535E onboard
only 1st analogue output,
0…10 V
SK 540E, SK 545E
only 1st analogue
output, 0…10 V
setpoint converter ±10 V **
for analogue inputs
IO extension
SK EBIOE-2 ***
for 2nd analogue output,
0…10 V
11.0 kW…160.0 kW
SK 535E
1st analogue output only,
0…10 V
SK 545E
1st analogue output
only, 0…10 V
IO extension
SK EBIOE-2 ***
for 2nd analogue output,
0…10 V
Multi IO
Customer unit Multi 20mA analogue outputs
2 x multifunction relays 6 x digital inputs 2 x analogue inputs -10…+10 V,
0/4…20 mA
2 x analogue outputs, 0…20 mA
1.5 kW…7.5 kW
SK 520E, SK 530E,
SK 535E onboard
only 1st analogue output,
0…10 V
SK 540E, SK 545E
only 1st analogue
output, 0…10 V
setpoint converter ±10 V **
for analogue inputs
IO extension
SK EBIOE-2 ***
for 2nd analogue output,
0…10 V
optional external signal converter ****
for 1st analogue output,, 0/4…20 mA
11.0 kW…160.0 kW
SK 535E
1st analogue output only,
0…10 V
SK 545E
1st analogue output only,
0…10 V
IO extension
SK EBIOE-2 ***
for 2nd analogue output,
0…10 V
optional external signal converter ****
for 1st analogue output,, 0/4…20 mA
The setpoint converter ±10 V (278910320) is only needed for sizes 1 to 4 (1.5 kW to 7.5 kW) of all SK 5xxE
frequency inverters.
The IO extension SK EBIOE-2 (275900210) can be used to connect the 2nd analogue output (0…10 V) and the two
analogue inputs (-10 V…+10 V). Thus, additional ±10 V setpoint converters (278910320) are not needed.
The analogue 0…10 V output signal of SK 5xxE frequency inverters must be converted to 0/4…20 mA with a
commercially external signal converter.
Table 7: Overview and assignment of SK 700E IO customer units SK CU1-xxx
2 Implementation
Customer unit
SK CU1-xxx
Part number
SK 700E
Field bus customer unit
Frequency inverter SK 5xxE +
Additional options
Part number
PROFIBUS DP customer unit
1 x multifunction relay 1 x digital input 1 x PROFIBUS DP *****
all SK 5xxE *
+ plus technology option
SK TU3-PBR *****
CAN customer unit
1 x multifunction relay 5 x digital inputs 2 x CAN bus
all ≥ SK 511E *
optional WAGO
RJ45 adapter module/terminal ******
CAN customer unit with RJ45 sockets
1 x multifunction relay 5 x digital inputs 2 x RJ45 CAN bus sockets
all ≥ SK 511E *
optional WAGO
RJ45 adapter module/terminal ******
USS bus
USS Customer Interface
1 x multifunction relay 1 x digital input 1 x RS485 interface *******
all SK 5xxE *
All frequency inverters, except SK 515E (available ≥ size 5 only).
If next to the PROFIBUS DP customer unit SK CU1-PBR an operation and diagnostic technology unit is also used with the SK 700E application, a SimpleBox SK CSX-0 or a handheld control box SK PAR-3H or SK CSX-3H should be planned for SK 5xxE application, in addition to the technology unit SK TU3-PBR for frequency inverter operation.
The connection types of the two different PROFIBUS DP field bus options also differ. PROFIBUS DP connection to the SK CU1-PBR customer unit occurs via spring loaded terminals. PROFIBUS DP connection to the technology unit SK TU3-PBR or SK TU3-PBR-24V occurs at the front with a 9-pole SUB-D connector (must be provided separately). For more information refer to the PROFIBUS DP Supplementary Operating Instructions BU 0020 (see
The WAGO adapter module RJ45 / terminal (278910300) and commercially available pre-assembled RJ45 patch
cables allow for easy connection of the additional external 24 V power supply for the CAN bus and the CAN connection cables.
All frequency inverters ≥ SK 520E feature the RS485 interface next to the RJ12 on connector block X11 and also on
terminal block X7 or terminals 74 and 75.
Table 8: Overview and assignment of field bus customer units SK CU1-xxx
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
Customer unit
SK XU1-xxx
Part number
SK 700E
Extension unit
Frequency inverter SK 5xxE +
additional options
Incremental encoder-
input / ENCODER
1 x digital input 1 x incremental encoder input
TTL, RS422 5 / 15 V power supply for
rotary encoder
all ≥ SK 520E
optional external 5 V
power supply for rotary encoder
Positioning /
6 x digital input 2 x multi-function relays 1 x incremental encoder input
TTL, RS422 5 / 15 V power supply for rotary encoder
1 x SSI absolute encoder input
5 / 15 V power supply for rotary encoder
all ≥ SK 530E
optional external 5 V
power supply for rotary encoder
Encoder supply voltage
Rotary encoder with 5 V power supply must not be connected to the SK 5xxE frequency inverters directly. For this application, a commercially external power supply should be used because the SK 5xxE frequency inverters only feature a 10…30 V output for connection of a incremental encoder.
This is why the rotary encoders must be replaced or the "old" encoders must be supplied from an external 5 V power supply when migrating to SK 5xxE frequency inverters.
Table 9: Overview and assignment of extension units SK XU1-xxx
Pos: 22 /---------- Seitenumbruch ---------- @ 1\mod_1329145698658_0.docx @ 1589 1 @ @ 1
2 Implementation
Part Number
adapter module
Setpoint converter
±10 V → 0 … 10 V
IO extension SK EBIOE-2
(only SK 540E / SK 545E)
WAGO adapter module RJ45/terminal
The WAGO adapter module RJ45/terminal comes with a shield clamp and is used to connect the CAN bus cable sand the external necessary 24 V power supply for the CAN / CANopen bus system. Signal connection occurs with spring terminals on the input side and an RJ45 western socket on the output side. This adapter module
RJ45/terminal facilitates the connection of the CAN bus system to frequency inverters of performance levels ≥
SK 52xE. For more information and details, please refer to the operating instructions of the frequency inverter.
Setpoint converter ± 10 V
The setpoint converter ± 10 V is used to convert the signal for the analogue inputs of unipolar (0 … 10 V and 0 / 4 20 mA) to bipolar (- 10 V … + 10 V) voltages. SK 5xxE frequency inverters of size 5 (≥ 11 kW) and higher can process unipolar and also bipolar analogue inputs by way of configuration with DIP switches.
For more information and details, please refer to the operating instructions of the frequency inverter.
IO extension
IO extension SK EBIOE-2 lets you connect additional IO control signals and is suitable for SK 540E or SK 545E frequency inverters.
For more details please refer to Technical Information / Data Sheet TI 275900210.
Pos: 23 /Migrationsleitfaden/SK 700E - S K 500E/2. Umsetzung/2.1.3 Zusätzlic he Optionen für die Funktionalitäten @ 2\ mod_1358177217573_388.docx @ 53251 @ 3 @ 1

2.1.3 Additional options for the functions

To migrate the various application functions, several options are available for the SK 5xxE series of frequency inverters.
Table 10: Overview of additional function options
Pos: 24 /Migrationsleitfaden/SK 700E - S K 500E/2. Umsetzung/2.1.4 Leistungsst ufen SK 700E Baugrößen 1 + 2 / 1,5 kW - 7,5 kW @ 2\mod_1360071744 165_388.docx @ 55065 @ 3 @ 1
Frequency inverters – Migration Guide SK 700E to SK 5xxE
Type: SK 700E-151-340-A (-RS2)
Part No.: 278100150 / …(152)
Type: SK 700E-221-340-A (-RS2)
Part No.: 278100220 / …(222)
Type: SK 700E-301-340-A (-RS2)
Part No.: 278100300 / …(302)
Type: SK 700E-401-340-A (-RS2)
Part No.: 278100400 / …(402)
Type: SK 700E-551-340-A (-RS2)
Part No.: 278100550 / …(552)
Type: SK 700E-751-340-A (-RS2)
Part No.: 278100750 / …(752)
Customer unit
without extension
with extension unit
SK XU1-xxx
SK CU1-xxx
Basic IO
SK 500E-151-340-A
SK 520E-151-340-A
SK 540E-151-340-A
+ optional * IO extension SK EBIOE-2
SK 500E-221-340-A
SK 520E-221-340-A
SK 540E-221-340-A
SK 500E-301-340-A
SK 520E-301-340-A
SK 540E-301-340-A
Standard IO
SK 500E-401-340-A
SK 520E-401-340-A
SK 540E-401-340-A
SK 500E-551-340-A
SK 520E-551-340-A
SK 540E-551-340-A
SK 500E-751-340-A
SK 520E-751-340-A
SK 540E-751-340-A
Number of used
analogue outputs
1 analogue output
2 analogue outputs
Multi IO
SK 520E-151-340-A **
+ optional ***
Setpoint converter
± 10 V
SK 540E-151-340-A **
+ optional * IO extension SK EBIOE-2
SK 520E-221-340-A **
SK 540E-221-340-A **
SK 520E-301-340-A **
SK 540E-301-340-A **
Multi IO
SK CU1-MLT-20mA **
SK 520E-401-340-A **
SK 540E-401-340-A **
SK 520E-551-340-A **
SK 540E-551-340-A **
SK 520E-751-340-A **
SK 540E-751-340-A **
+ CAN Bus
SK 520E-151-340-A
SK 540E-151-340-A
SK 520E-221-340-A
SK 540E-221-340-A
SK 520E-301-340-A
SK 540E-301-340-A
SK 520E-401-340-A
SK 540E-401-340-A
SK 520E-551-340-A
SK 540E-551-340-A
SK 520E-751-340-A
SK 540E-751-340-A
To connect more digital inputs (acc. to SK XU1-POS) to the SK 540E frequency inverter, the optional IO extension SK EBIOE-2 (275900210) is offered. To connect the analogue inputs ± 10 V to SK 5x0E frequency inverters of sizes 1 - 4, the setpoint converters ± 10 V → 0 … 10 V (278910320) are offered. As an alternative, the ± 10 V analogue inputs can also be connected with terminal blocks X1 + X2 (see TI 275900210) when an IO extension of type SK EBIOE-2 (275900210) is used.
Commercially available external signal converters are necessary if the analogue outputs of the SK 5x0E frequency inverters are used and signal conversion to 0/4 … 20 mA compatible with SK CU1-MLT-20mA is necessary.
To connect the analogue inputs ± 10 V to the SK 520E frequency inverters of sizes 1 to 4, the setpoint converters ± 10 V → 0 … 10 V (278910320) are offered.

2.1.4 Performance levels SK 700E sizes 1 + 2 / 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW

Pos: 25 /Migrationsleitfaden/SK 700E - S K 500E/2. Umsetzung/Leistungsstufe n/BG 1 + 2/Leistungsstufen SK 700E B augrößen 1 + 2 / 1,5 kW - 7,5 kW @ 3\ mod_1370859481016_388.docx @ 76 646 @ @ 1
Table 11: Performance levels SK 700E sizes 1 + 2 / 1.5 kW to 7.5 kW
Pos: 26 /Migrationsleitfaden/SK 700E - S K 500E/2. Umsetzung/2.1.5 Leistungsst ufen SK 700E Baugrößen 3 - 5 / 11, 0 kW - 37,0 kW @ 3\mod_1370858876 644_388.docx @ 76596 @ 3 @ 1
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