Nord C2D User Manual

User Manual
Nord C2D
OS Versio n 1.1x
Part No. 50374 Copyright: Clavia DMI AB Print Edition: C
Instructions pertaining to a risk of re, electric shock or injury to persons.
Warning - When using electric products, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:
1) Read these instructions.
2) Keep these instructions.
3) Heed all warnings.
4) Follow all instructions.
5) Do not use this apparatus near water.
6) Clean only with dry cloth.
7) Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
8) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including ampliers) that produce heat.
9) Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not t into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
Additional Safety Information
No naked ame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the apparatus;
Do not use the apparatus in tropical climates.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of re or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture.
The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that no objects lled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
The maims plug is used as the disconnect device and shall remain readily operable.
The lightning ash with the arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated voltage within the products en­closure that may be of sufcient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
Le symbole éclair avec le point de èche à l´intérieur d´un triangle équilatéral est utilisé pour alerter l´utilisateur de la presence à l´intérieur du coffret de ”voltage dangereux” non isolé d´ampleur
sufsante pour constituer un risque d`éléctrocution.
The exclamation mark within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.
Le point d´exclamation à l´intérieur d´un triangle équilatéral est employé pour alerter l´utilisateur de la présence d´instructions importantes pour le fonctionnement et l´entretien (service) dans le livret d´instructions accompagnant l´appareil.
10) Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
11) Only use attachments/accessories specied by the manu­facturer.
12) Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specied by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
13) Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.
14) Refer all servicing to qualied service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate nor­mally, or has been dropped.
Il convient de ne pas placer sur l´appareil de sources de ammes nues, telles que des bougies allumées;
L´appareil n’est pas destiné á étre utilisé sous un climat tropical.
L´appareil ne doit pas étre exposé á des égouttements d´eau ou des éclaboussures et de plus qu´aucun objet rempli de liquide tel que des vases ne doit étre placé sur l´appareil.
Lorsque la prise du résau d’alimentation est utilisée comme dispositif de déconnexion, ce dispositif doit demeuré aisément accessible.
Trademarks: The Nord logo is a trademark of Clavia DMI AB. All other trademarks mentioned in this publication are the properties of their respective holders.
Specications and appearances are subject to change without notice. Copyright © Clavia DMI AB
| 3
Table of Contents
Pluck/ Release Menu ..........21
1 Introduction
Thank you! .................... 4
Development goals............ 4
Features ...................... 4
About this user manual ....... 4
2 Overview
The performance area.............. 5
Master l evel knob ................. 5
The keyb oard .................... 5
About th e knobs .................. 5
About the drawbars ............... 5
About th e buttons ................. 5
3 Connections
Pedal connections............. 6
Swell Ped al input.................. 6
Rotary Control input ............... 6
Sustain Pedal input................ 6
MIDI & USB Connections ...... 6
USB Connection .................. 6
MIDI Out ........................ 6
MIDI In .......................... 6
Bass Pedal ...................... 7
Audio connections............. 7
Main ste reo output - Le ft & Right ..... 7
Headphone output ................ 7
Rotary Speaker output ............. 7
4 Getting Started
About the programs ........... 8
Select a program .............. 8
Edit a program ................ 8
Memory Protect ............... 8
Store a program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Live memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Full set of drawbars . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Presets ........................ 9
Edit a Preset ................... 9
Create a Preset ................10
Add effects ....................10
Activate an amplifier emulation .......10
The Rota ry effec t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Select an organ model ........10
Split the great/lower manual..11
Use the Sound Manager ......11
Instal lation of the US B driver .........11
Sound Manager Windows PC........11
Sound Ma nager Mac OS X ..........11
Connect the Manager and the C2D ...11
5 Nord C2D Reference
Master l evel knob .................12
Shift button ......................12
The Organ area................12
The Drawbars ....................12
Presets .........................12
Editing & Creating Presets ..........12
Drwb A a nd Drwb B bu ttons.........13
Preset Fo cus in Progra ms...........13
Selec ting The Orga n Model .........13
The B3 Model .................13
The Drawbars ....................13
Percussion ......................13
Vibrato .........................14
The VX Model .................14
Vox Vi brato ......................14
The Farf Model ................14
Farf V ibrato ......................15
The Pipe Organ ...............15
Pipe Organ Tremulant ..............15
The Couplers.....................15
The Synth Bass Model ........16
Split ting the great m anual ..........16
Pedal Preset .....................16
Program area .................16
What is a pr ogram?................16
Loading a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Storing a P rogram .................16
Stor e As... .......................16
Up/Dow n Buttons ................17
Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Live ............................17
Effects .........................17
Speaker Model ...................17
Rotar y Speaker co ntrols ...........17
Delay ..........................17
Drive ...........................17
Reverb .........................18
6 The Menus
System Menu ..................19
Memor y Protect – On, O ff...........19
Transpose .......................19
Fine Tune........................19
Output Routing L/R Mode...........19
Output Routing ExtRotary Mode .....19
Keyboard Trig Mode ...............19
Sustain Pedal Type ................19
Sustain Pedal Mode ...............19
Swell Ped al Type ..................19
Rotor Control Type ................19
Rotor Pedal Mode................ 20
MIDI Con trol Local ............... 20
MIDI Upper Channel .............. 20
MIDI Lower Channel .............. 20
MIDI Pedal Channel............... 20
MIDI Con trol Change M ode ........ 20
MIDI Prog Change Mode........... 20
MIDI Sen d CC .................. 20
MIDI Dump One ................. 20
MIDI Dum p All ................... 20
Sound Menu .................. 20
B3 Tonewheel Mode .............. 20
B3 Key Clic k Level ............... 20
B3 Key Boun ce ................. 20
B3 Perc DB9 M ute ................21
B3 Perc De cay Fast................21
B3 Perc De cay Slow ...............21
B3 Perc Leve l Norm ...............21
B3 Perc Leve l Soft.................21
Rotar y Speaker Type...............21
Rotary Balance Bass/Horn ..........21
Rotar y Horn Spee d................21
Rotary Horn Acceleration ...........21
Rotary Rotor Speed ...............21
Rotary Rotor Acceleration...........21
Pipe Peda l Level ..................21
Pipe Upp er Level ..................21
Synth Ba ss Pluck .................21
Synth Ba ss Releas e ...............21
7 MIDI functions
About the MIDI implementation ..... 22
Keyboard velocity ................ 22
Program change ................. 22
MIDI Sys ex (System Exc lusive) ...... 22
Nord C2D with a sequencer .. 22
Connections .................... 22
Local On/Off .................... 22
MIDI Channel.................... 22
Program Change................. 22
Controllers...................... 22
Program and CC dumps ...... 23
Sending program dumps .......... 23
Sending MIDI Controller dumps ..... 23
Recei ve MIDI SysE x dumps ........ 23
MIDI Controller list................ 23
MIDI Implementation Chart..........24
8 Appendix
Nord Sou nd Manager ............ 25
System requirements ............. 25
Updates........................ 25
9 Index
Index .......................... 26
4 | Nord C2d User MaNUal os v1.X



Thank you!

We would first like to thank you for purchasing the Nord C2D! We hope you will find it to be everything you wished for and that you’ll have many hours of great fun with your new instrument.

Development goals

First some history: at the time of designing the Nord C2D, Clavia had already been developing digital tonewheel organ models for more than a decade. The first model featured in the Nord Electro series of instru­ments was designed to fit comfortably in a multi electro-mechanical instrument along side various piano implementations. With focus given to fit several mechanical instruments into a single package, you are always forced to make some compromises.
Though not surprised, we were definitely thrilled when the Electro started to appear in different magazine’s tonewheel clone tests and shoot-outs. It was included for its fabulous sound that some found to be better than far more expensive hardcore clone units. However, due to its single manual and additional piano samples, it was generally included “out of contest”.
With the preceding models - the C1 and C2 - we wanted to design instruments without having to find the right blend of things; like piano vs. organ keyboard action, or multi-effects suited for a wide array of sounds. We wanted to focus on the things needed for killer organ sounds, and those things only.
Some areas we knew were up for improvement prior to the start of the project, others were found along the way. What really paid off was focusing on each of the components involved in the sound generating process, rather than just the sounding outcome. After spending thou­sands of man hours leaving no detail untouched - no matter how small and seemingly insignificant - we believe we have not only reproduced the perfect tonewheel sound but also the proper response and feel of playing the original instrument.
Taking the next step after developing the Nord C1 was looking at the classical organ sounds. We sourced a beautiful baroque organ and sampled it with the same painstaking effort and focus on quality as we do when we create our other instruments.


The Nord C2D features high quality digital emulations of three vintage organs, a sampled baroque pipe organ, a bunch of effects as well as several amp and speaker cabinet combinations in a single lightweight package.
The dual keyboards, bass pedal input and high level outputs allows you to use the instrument in the exact same application and set-up as with the vintage originals - and several more!
By focusing on each individual component involved in the sound gener­ating process you get not only a vintage sound experience but also spot-on response and feel of playing the original instruments.
The Nord C2D has the following features:
•1 model of a vintage Tonewheel organ
•2 models of vintage Vox and Farfisa transistor organs
•1 sampled baroque pipe organ
•A full set of physical drawbars on the panel and preset functionality.
•3 Amplifier models, featuring simulations of the gain characteristics of
two popular combo amps as well as a rotary speaker cabinet.
•Selectable rotary speaker models.
•Overdrive, offering a gentle to massive amount of tube-style distor-
•Vintage-sounding delay, with tap-tempo function and a possibility to limit its operation to the upper manual.
•3-band EQ
•6 types of Reverberation - Room, Stage and Hall-types with varia-
•Dual manuals with 2 x 61 waterfall keys, featuring a high trigger point for the optimal organ keyboard feel and response time.
•Dedicated MIDI connector for use with any MIDI compatible foot pedalboard to play the bass registers.
•High level outputs, featuring quarter-inch as well as a 11-pin Leslie standard connectors allows you to connect directly to rotary speak­ers. When using the 11-pin connector, the panel controls for rotation speed are transferred as well.
The next step on the evolution ladder that is added to the C2D are the full set of drawbars and preset functionality that allows you to use the C2D as an original instrument, or go even beyond that functionality. A brand new rotary emulation modeled on a 122 cabinet is like a nice, creamy topping of a cake.
And we could not resist the possibility to further tweak the B3 model, to take the award winning realism one step further. The key-on and key-off clicks have been improved together with the modelling of the level and mixes of the individual tonewheels. Enjoy.

About this user manual

This manual is arranged mainly as a reference manual. In many cases you’ll get tips on how to practically use functions.
The LCD-display is referred to as the display. Whenever there is a refer­ence to the ‘keyboard’, that reference also applies to incoming MIDI note messages.
Chapter 2 overview | 5


The Nord C2D front panel consists of 2 areas, easily identified by the layout.

The performance area

The panel is dominated by the full set of physical drawbars, that allow you to adjust and prepare the sound of the organ to suit your needs. The preset- and drawbar buttons are found to the left of the keys.
Effects and Program area
This section is where you set and adjust settings for the effects, the reverb and speaker simulation. This also includes the controls for stor­ing and recalling sound settings into programs, and also adjust system specific parameters. Read more abut the effects on page 17 and the programs on page 16.

Master level knob

The master level knob controls the overall output level for all audio outputs, including high level output and headphone output. The master level knob’s physical position is always the same as the output level.

The keyboard

The Nord C2D keys have a high trigger action, which closely mimics the feel and response time of an original organ.

About the drawbars

The drawbars can be used to set the desired sound of the organ models when Drwb A or/and Drwb B on the Preset panels next to the keys, are in focus (when these function’s respective LEDs are lit). When a Preset is in focus, the setting in this preset is used.

About the buttons

Buttons have different behavior depending on their functionality:
Selector buttons
Press the selector button repeatedly to select between options printed next to the correspond­ing LEDs. Note that some options are selected by several LEDs being lit simultaneously.
On/off buttons
The on/off buttons have a LED next to them to indi­cate the status of the function.
Shift button
Some buttons have a secondary function, available by holding shift while pressing the button. The name of the secondary function is then printed just below the button.

About the knobs

The knobs are of the potentiometer type. This means that when you load a program the values of the parameters can be totally different from the knobs physical positions. As soon as you begin turning a knob, the parameter value will ‘snap’ to the knob’s physical position.
The exception to this is the master level knob. The physical position always reflects the output level of the Nord C2D.
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Pedal connections

Sustain Pedal input

¼" connector for a switch type pedal. When a connected pedal is op­erated, the notes you play will be sustained. You can use any standard sustain type pedal. A polarity setting can be selected in the System menu. Read more on this on page 19.
The Nord C2D has three pedal inputs; one for a sustain pedal, one for a rotary speed controller and one for a swell pedal.

Swell Pedal input

Used for controlling the swell level of the selected organ model. When connecting an expression pedal to the Swell Pedal input, you should use a stereo cable with a Tip-Ring-Sleeve connector. Please note that the pedal must have a stereo output jack. The resistance range of a control pedal should be 10 or 50 kOhm. To simplify setup, the most common pedal models are pre-configured in the Nord C2D, and you simply select the type of pedal which you want to use in the System menu. Have a look at page 19 for further instructions.
M A connected sustain pedal will not affect the Pipe organ model.
If you use external sound devices you can disable the Nord C2 from responding to sustain messages, but still transmit them via MIDI out. This is set in the System menu, read more on page 19.

MIDI & USB Connections

The settings of the MIDI transmission and reception behavior can be adjusted in the MIDI section of the System menu. For more information about this, please go to page 22.

USB Connection

The USB connection is used for the Nord C2D to communicate with a personal computer in order to update the OS or manage the programs. The computer can for example be used to transfer the operating system if the unit needs to be updated and to make backups of the memory content.
M Computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems need a
driver for the USB connection to work. The driver can be found at the website.


Both manuals, all knobs and buttons (Shift, Store and Master Level excluded), pedal that are connected as well as the Bass Pedal input transmits messages via MIDI Out.

Rotary Control input

Used for controlling the rotary speaker’s speed. You can use any stan­dard sustain pedal, switch pedal or the Half Moon Switch accessory. When using the Half Moon Switch accessory you have to configure this as the Rotor Control Type in the System menu. Have a look at page 19 for further instructions.


MIDI connection used to receive MIDI messages to the Nord C2D from other equipment such as keyboards or computers.
Chapter 3 CoNNeCtioNs | 7

Bass Pedal

To use the Nord C2D's dedicated pedal registers, connect the MIDI Out from your external controller (preferably a bass pedalboard) to the Bass Pedal connector. The pedal registers will respond to all MIDI note messages received regardless of their MIDI channel.

Audio connections

Monitor In
Use this to connect and monitor a signal from an mp3 or a CD player at the Nord C2D's headphone output. This allows you to for example rehearse with your C2D to pre-recorded music.
M Signals connected to this input will not be processed with the
Nord C2D's effects or appear at the left and right output jacks.

Main stereo output - Left & Right

The left and right line level outputs from the Nord C2D are unbalanced. Use the ¼" connectors to connect the Nord C2D to an amplifier or recording equipment.
General guide on audio connections:

Headphone output

This is where you connect a ¼" stereo connector from a pair of head­phones.
E Playing at a high volume level can result in hearing impairments
such as permanent hearing loss.
Rotary Speaker outputs
The rotary speaker high level outputs consist of a ¼" jack, and a 11-pin Leslie™ standard connector. The high level jack output are 14V RMS high level, unbalanced, and are only intended to be connected to a ro­tary speaker cabinet with built in amplifier. Any other form of use might result in damaged equipment.
It is possible to route the tonewheel organ to the High Level and 11-pin outputs and the other organs to the main outputs. Other combinations are also possible. Read more about this on page 19.
8 | Nord C2d User MaNUal os v1.X

Getting Started

Let’s take a few minutes to get familiar with the Nord C2D. The user interface is designed to be as intuitive as possible, and to perform as well as you do in a live situation. We hope that you soon will feel confident using it, and by following this short chapter, we will go through most of the functions.

About the programs

Complete sound settings are stored in the Program memory of the Nord C2D. This memory area has 126 locations. Every program can be edited and replaced as you wish and is given a name for easy identification. A complete set of the factory programs are available on the website or on the CD that accompanies the unit.
The first 104 memory locations contain the factory programs, to provide you with examples of how the C2D can sound. The last 22 memory locations from 105 to 126 are the “Empty Programs”.
These can be used to store your own programs without overwriting anything in the factory sound bank until you have familiarized yourself with the unit and the programs. After using the C2D for a while, you will know which of the programs you want to keep and which ones you can replace with your own.

Select a program

1 Press on the Up or Down buttons to the left on the display to
select a Program.

Edit a program

To change an effect, just grab a knob or press a button. An asterisk will appear in the display next to the program number to alert you that the program has been changed and not yet stored.
009* Jimmys
If you select a new program, the edit you made will be lost and that particular program will have the original settings the newt time you select it.

Memory Protect

When the Nord C2D is shipped from the factory, the Memory Protect setting is active, to avoid the possibility of programs being unintention­ally overwritten. In order to be able to store your changes in programs, you need to turn this setting off.
1 Hold Shift and press the Prog button to enter the System Menu.
Release the Shift button.
2 The Memory Protect setting is found at the very beginning of this
001 B3 Drawbar Panel
2 The location and the name of the program will be shown in the
display. Red LEDs will light up on the panel to indicate parameters that are active in the program.
Memory Protect Mode: On
If it is not immediately shown in the LCD, press the Down button repeatedly until it is.
3 Hold Shift and press the Down button to change the setting from
On to Off.
Memory Protect Mode: Off
Any change you make to almost all of the menu settings are kept even if you turn the unit off, until you change them again.
M The setting of the memory protection will be remembered even if
the Nord C2D is turned off.
Chapter 4 GettiNG started | 9

Store a program

If you are happy with an edit that you have made, you should probably Store the program.
1 Press the Store button once, located to the
right of the display. The Store and Program button LEDs starts flashing.
2 Use the Up/Down buttons to navigate to a new program location,
if you do not want to overwrite the original program.
Store to: 126 Empty Program
3 Press the Store button a second time to Store the program.
The edited program has now replaced the previous one in the location you specified. A program is stored with the active preset selection in focus.
4 If you hold Shift and then press Store, you will get the possibility
to enter a name for your program. Move the cursor with Up/Down and change the letter by pressing Shift + Up/Down. Then proceed with step 2 and 3.
M To cancel the procedure, press the Shift button before you press
Store the second time.
M With Memory Protect set to Off, a double tap on the Store button
will store an edited Program in its original location.

The Live memory

Full set of drawbars

There are two sets of nine drawbars, for each of the upper and lower manuals and one smaller set in between these, for the pedals.
The drawbars are labeled Swell A (Preset), Swell B (Perc), Pedal, Great A (Preset) and Great B. The drawbars become active if you press the Drwb A or Drwb B buttons on the preset panel or the drawbar selec­tors on the main panel below the drawbars.


The Preset buttons on the panels to the left of the keys are used to select one of three presets or one of the two sets of drawbars for each manual. This gives you access to several settings during a performance in just one program.
Three of these settings are stored as presets and two are the draw­bars. Pressing the Drwb A or 8 buttons gives you access to the two sets of drawbars on the panel that can be manipulated in real time.
1 Most of the factory programs have the first Preset in focus, but the
very first program – 001 B3 Drawbar Panel – has the drawbars labeled Swell and Great A as the focused selection.
This is indicated with the LED to the right of the 9th drawbar and the Drwb A LED on the preset panel.
M A program that is stored with either Drwb A
or Drwb B in focus will always use the physi­cal position of drawbars as on the panel when it is selected.
The special Live buffer can be described as a “live program memory”. If you activate Live, all changes to the panel settings you make will be continuously saved. If you switch the power off, or select another program, the settings are still stored in a Live memory. When you power up next time (or return to the Live memory) all settings will be exactly as they were when you left them.
If a Live memory is selected and you decide you wish to store the settings permanently as a program you can do so using the stan­dard methods (see above). You can also store programs into the Live memory location, in which case the program settings will replace the current Live memory settings.

Edit a Preset

1 Press and hold the Up button to scroll to one of the last programs
in the C2D memory. These are the “Empty Programs”, where you can experiment with Programs without risking to overwrite anything that might be useful from the factory programs.
2 Press the Preset 1 button on the Swell manual’s Preset panel.
3 Note the LEDs that lights up above the first three of the Swell A
(Preset) drawbars.
4 Press and hold down the Swell manual’s Preset 1 button and
simultaneously push up one of the first three drawbars.
Notice that the sound will change while you are doing this. When you have pushed the drawbar all the way up, the LED goes out and that particular drawbar is not heard anymore.
5 Release the preset button. This will save the change that you just
made to this particular preset but you need to store the Program as well if you want to use is the next time this Program is selected.
6 An alternative method to edit a preset is to double click on a
Preset button. The LED will start flashing to indicate that editing is possible and you can change the drawbars. Click again to exit editing.
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