Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
POWERLINK Bus module – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
BU 2200
Part No.:
608 22 02
previous versions
BU 2200 GB, September 2013
Part No. 608 22 02 / 3813
V. 1.2 R0
First edition, including addition of BU 0580
Supplementary operating manual
This supplementary operating manual is only valid in conjunction with the operating manual supplied for the
respective frequency inverter. This is an essential prerequisite for the availability of all the relevant information
required for the safe commissioning of the frequency inverter.
1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Bus modules ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Bus Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Handling of errors in the bus module ............................................................................................... 33
6.3.1 Error monitoring via the frequency inverter ......................................................................... 33
6.3.2 Error monitoring via POWERLINK ...................................................................................... 34
7. Additional information .............................................................................................................................. 37
7.1 Repair information ............................................................................................................................ 37
=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Abbildung sverzeichnis ===
Fig. 1: Installation and cable laying information ....................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2: NMT State Machine ................................................................................................ ................................ 12
Fig. 3: Status Machine of the Frequency Inverter .................................................................................................. 17
=== Ende der Liste für Textmarke Tabelle nverzeichnis ===
Table 1: Version list ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Table 3: POWERLINK node ID assignment ............................................................................................................ 8
Table 4: Configuration example - Devices used .................................................................................................... 10
Table 5: Explanation of the NMT State Machine ................................................................................................... 13
Table 6: Control word (STW) ................................................................................................................................. 14
Table 7: Status word (ZSW) .................................................................................................................................. 15
Table 8: Depiction of 32Bit setpoint/actual values ................................................................................................. 18
Table 9: Example: "Switch FI on and off + setpoint" .............................................................................................. 19
Table 10: PDO Mapping / Process Data Structure SK TU3-POL .......................................................................... 20
Table 11: PDO Mapping / Process Data Structure SK XU4-POL .......................................................................... 21
Table 12: Structure of the Input Word in the Process Data ................................................................................... 21
Table 13: Structure of the Output Word in the Process Data ................................................................................. 21
Table 14: Device Assignment to SDO-ID .............................................................................................................. 21
Modern field bus systems, microcontrollers and communication networks have had a great influence
on automation systems and have resulted in greater flexibility, availability, and ultimately, a reduction
in costs.
The widespread use of PC-based control only became possible with the availability of field bus
systems. With increasing control unit performance, the classic field bus ultimately became the limiting
criterion for the entire system. It was therefore an obvious step to adapt Ethernet technology, which
provides high rates of data transmission in IT applications, to the field of automation.
POWERLINK is an industrial Ethernet solution, which was designed for the unified and consistent
integration of all communications relating to modern automation. It is suitable for all conceivable
applications in mechanical and plant engineering, as well as for applications in the processing
industry. A POWERLINK network integrates all components for industrial automation, such as PLCs,
sensors, I/O modules, motion controllers, safety controls, safety sensors and actuators, as well as
visualisation systems. As not only process data are transferred in a POWERKINK cycle, but rather in
its asynchronous phase a firmly reserved time slot is available for the transfer of any type of user data
such as data which is not time-critical, e.g. service data for remote maintenance or configuration of
devices. Likewise, devices can be integrated into the network, which do not directly belong to the
automation level, for example video cameras for the safety control of operating areas. With a suitable
gateway, data from other field buses can be transferred via the asynchronous phase, so that different
networks can be integrated.1
Specific bus modules are available as interfaces between the field bus system and the NORD system
bus or the NORD frequency inverter. A document exists for each module (Technical Information / Data
Sheet), which includes the technical data, as well as installation and configuration information
POWERLINK Bus module – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
Fixed cable
Freely laid cable
Bending radius of cable
Minimum radius
5 x cable diameter
Minimum radius
10 x cable diameter
Potential equalisation
If earthing potential values are different, transient current may flow through shielding which is connected on both
sides. This may be a danger to electronic components. Differences in potential must be reduced by means of
adequate potential equalisation.
Up to 239 NORD bus modules can be integrated into an POWERLINK network. The network can be
configured as a star or tree topology, as a linear bus, or a mixture of these variants. Hubs or switches
are necessary if star or tree structures are used. These must comply with the special requirements of
POWERLINK. The length of cable between two neighbouring devices must not exceed 100m.
Detailed information about the bus modules is contained in the relevant Technical Information / Data
Pos: 18 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/Buss ysteme/3. Busaufbau/Leitungsführung und Schir mung (EMV- Maßnahmen) @ 1\mod_ 1335520188525_388.docx @ 24384 @ 2 @ 1
2.2 Cable layout and shielding (EMC measures)
If EMC measures are not in place, high-frequency interference which is mainly caused by switching
processes or lightning often causes electronic components in the bus subscribers to be faulty and
error-free operation can no longer be ensured.
Appropriate shielding of the bus cable reduces electrical interference which can arise in an industrial
The best shielding qualities can be achieved with the following measures:
• Do not make cable connections shorter than 1 m between bus participants
• Avoid long connections between bus participants
• Shield the bus cable at both ends with large-area connection to the plug housing
• Avoid spur lines
• Avoid extensions to bus cables via plug connectors
Bus lines should be laid with a minimum spacing of 20 cm to other lines which carry a voltage higher
than 60 V. This applies to lines laid inside and outside of control cabinets.
Special attention should be paid to bending radii:
Fig. 1: Installation and cable laying information
Pos: 19 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/Buss ysteme/3a. Konfiguration im Bussystem/!Konfig uration im Bussystem @ 3\mod_13685 41681722_388.docx @ 65001 @ 1 @ 1
BU 2200 GB-3813 7
3 Configuration in the Bus System
IP address via module parameter
Perform the addressing via module parameter P160.
The DIP switch for the IP address on the relevant module must be set to "0" (default value).
IP address via DIP switch
The last byte of the IP address can be set via the DIP switches on the module. (refer to the
Technical Information or Data Sheet for the module (LINK))
Adoption of the address
All settings to the parameters P160 ... P165 and the DIP switches are only adopted after a bootup (restart of the
Access options
1 … 239
no / mandatory / optional /
isochronous / async only
mandatory isochronous
241 … 250
Used by EPSG DS 302-A [1]
POWERLINK pseudo node
ID to be used by a node to
address itself
– IP Address: 192.168.100.NodeID
– SubNetMask:
The Gateway Address is parameterised (P164) to the standard value and should
not be changed.
The following alternative methods are available for the adjustment of the Node ID of the POWERLINK
module (SK xUx-POL-…):
The resulting settings of the IP address and the sub-net mask can be read out in parameters P185
and P186.
POWERLINK stipulates strict ranges for the assignment of addresses
Table 3: POWERLINK node ID assignment
8 BU 2200 GB-3813
POWERLINK Bus module – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
Import the XDD file into the PLC interface
Integrate the bus module from the PLC database into the project (add
POWERLINK control node).
Assign the NODE ID (address) for the POWERLINK device
Link process data to variables
PLC Busmaster
By means of certification, NORD ensures that the bus system complies with the requirements which are made by
the bus interfaces.
Various planning tools or control systems are commercially available. NORD assumes that the user who
integrates the NORD bus module into the relevant control unit has the necessary knowledge of the bus system
and is sufficiently familiar with the use of the planning tool or PLC.
Readiness for operation
At the time of initialisation of the PLC, the frequency inverter or the bus module must be ready for operation.
Otherwise, no data can be saved in the device via the module SK xUx-POL. The module responds to the PLC
with an error. If the PLC module monitoring is enabled, the PLC then switches to Service Mode.
In order to be able to use the devices in the bus system they must be integrated into the PLC or the
The necessary device data for the bus devices are saved in the electronic device descriptions (XDD
files). According to the module, various XDD files are available. These can be downloaded free of
charge from
Pos: 22 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/Buss ysteme/3a. Konfiguration im Bussystem/Infor mation - Einbindung in den Bus - Master [All gemein] @ 3\mod_1368621899149_388. docx @ 65145 @ @ 1
The PLC continuously monitors the connection to the control node. If this interrupts communication,
the PLC stops and then restarts the Service Mode.
Possible reasons for a communication breakdown are:
– The FI triggers an error and P163 is set to 1.
– The BUS load is too high.
If the module monitoring is switched off, the PLC remains in RUN mode in case of a bus module error.
No error entry is made in the PLC logger. However, the PLC attempts to restore communication with
the module.
When the PLC is started, all of the available parameters can be automatically written. In addition, each
object can be provided with an initial value. All of the parameters are written once when the PLC
establishes communication with the Control Node.
For control via NORDCON it is important to set parameter P513 "Telegram timeout" according to the NORDCON
cycle time. This ensures that the frequency inverter triggers an error if the Ethernet connection fails!
Unauthorised access
Although the possibility of remote maintenance facilitates the control and analysis of the devices in case of faults,
on the other hand it entails the danger of a "cyber attack" on the system.
The provision of suitable protection measures against unauthorised access is the responsibility of the constructor
of the system. They are not the responsibility of Getriebebau NORD!
Frequency inverter type
SK 2x5E frequency inverter
FI 1
SK 2x5E frequency inverter
FI 2 3 SK 2x5E frequency inverter
FI 3 4 SK xU4-… (bus module)
Bus module
3.3 Remote Maintenance (in preparation)
With the aid of the NORDCON software it is possible to access the module and the underlying
frequency inverter via Ethernet for maintenance purposes.
The access rights for remote maintenance are assigned with DIP switch and range from "read only
parameter" (default) to "reading and writing access of parameters" and "remote control of the drive
(For details, please refer to the "Technical Information / Data Sheet for the bus module).
Pos: 26 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/Buss ysteme/3a. Konfiguration im Bussystem/Ergä nzung zu Fernwartung [Ethernet Bussyste me allgemein] @ 4\mod_13787119132 23_388.docx @ 93711 @ @ 1
Pos: 27 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/Buss ysteme/3a. Konfiguration im BussystemKonfigur ationsbeispiel Systembus mit Busbaugru ppe und FU [allgemein] @ 4\mod_137 9500233214_388.docx @ 99186 @ 2 @ 1
3.4 Configuration example
The example described below serves for orientation when commissioning a network consisting of a
bus module and frequency inverters. The most important commissioning stages are listed, which are
necessary to set up the exchange of data on the process data level.
Settings specific to the application (motor data, speed control, control terminal functions etc.) cannot of
course be described here.
Brief description
Via a bus module, 3 frequency inverters are to be independently controlled with a single speed.
The following devices are used:
Table 4: Configuration example - Devices used
The bus module and FI 3 should always be the last physical participants on the system bus.
10 BU 2200 GB-3813
POWERLINK Bus module – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
bus system
System bus
Set up system bus
Couple all devices together.
Set termination resistor
DIP switch "Bus termination, system bus" on field bus
module(SK xU4-…) "ON"
DIP switch "Bus termination, system bus" on FI 3 "ON"
All other DIP switches to "OFF"
Set system bus
For preference, set the FI addresses via DIP switches (see
manual BU0200):
Bus module:fixed (at 5)
FI 1:to 32
FI 2:to 34
FI 3:to 36
System bus baud rate
Set the FI to 250 kBaud
(For FI: SK 200E this is pre-set accordingly)
The bus is monitored for POWERLINK frames. If no corresponding frame is received
within the set time window (timeout), the interface switches directly to the status
BASIC_ETHERNET. However, if a POWERLINK communication is detected before the
time expires, the interface switches directly to the status PRE_OPERATIONAL_1.
Pre- Operational 1
Parameter communication active, no process data communication
The CN waits for the reception of an SoC frame and then switches to the status
PRE_OPERATIONAL_2. If the red LED lights up in this state, this means that the
Manager has failed.
Pre- Operational 2
Parameter communication active, no process data communication
In this state, the interface is usually configured by the Manager. After this, a command is
given to switch to the state READY TO OPERATE. If the red LED lights up in this state,
this means that the Manager has failed.
Ready To Operate
Parameter communication active, restricted process data communication
Configuration of the interface is complete. Normal cyclic and asynchronous
communication. The transmitted PDO data correspond to the PDO Mapping. However,
cyclic data are not evaluated. If the red LED lights up in this state, this means that the
Manager has failed.
The NMT State Machine defines various communication states of the module.
Figure 2: NMT State Machine
12 BU 2200 GB-3813
POWERLINK Bus module – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
Parameter communication active, process data communication active
The interface is in the OPERATIONAL state.
Basic Ethernet
In this state, parameter communication is only possible via UDP/IP. If a POWERLINK
communication is detected during this state, the interface switches to the state PRE
OPERATIONAL 1. If the red LED lights up in this state, this means that the Manager
has failed.
Output data are not sent out and no input data are delivered. This state can only be
achieved and exited by a corresponding command from the Manager.
Table 5: Explanation of the NMT State Machine
Pos: 30 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/Buss ysteme/4. Kommunikation und Protokoll + Proz essdatentransfer/Prozessdatenverarbeit ung im FU allgemein/Prozessdatenverarb eitung im Frequenzumrichter [neu] @ 3\ mod_1368526690593_388.docx @ 64926 @ 2 @ 1
4.2 Processing of Process Data in the Frequency Inverter
In the process data area (PZD), control words and setpoints are transferred from the master to the
frequency inverter and in return, status words and actual values are sent from the frequency inverter
to the master. The structure of the PZD area is always the same in terms of the sequence of its
elements (words), however, dependent upon direction of data Master Slave / Slave Master, it is
described differently. Each word has a length of 16 Bit. To communicate 32 Bit values (e.g. position
values), 2 words are required (e.g setpoint 1 and setpoint 2).
Pos: 31 /Anleitungen/Elektronik/Buss ysteme/4. Kommunikation und Protokoll + Proz essdatentransfer/Prozessdatenverarbeit ung im FU allgemein/Steuerwort (STW) @ 1\mod_1336386809690_388.docx @ 25 519 @ 3 @ 1
BU 2200 GB-3813 13
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