NORD BU0280 User Manual

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services
Illustration of devices with options
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Tel.: +49 45 32 - 40 10 Fax: +49 45 32 - 40 12 53
BU 0280 GB
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
2 BU 0280 GB
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E Safety information
NORDAC frequency inverter
Safety and operating instructions for drive power converters
(as per: Low voltage guideline 73/23/EEC )
1. General
During operation, drive power converters may have, depending on their protection class, live, bare, moving or rotating parts or hot surfaces.
Unauthorised removal of covers, improper use, incorrect installation or operation leads to the risk of serious personal injury or material damage.
Further information can be found in this documentation.
All transportation, installation and initialisation and maintenance work must be carried out by qualified personnel (comply with IEC 364, CENELEC HD 384, DIN VDE 0100, IEC 664 and DIN VDE 0110, and national accident prevention regulations).
For the purposes of these basic safety instructions, qualified personnel are persons who are familiar with the erection, installation, commissioning and operation of this product and who have the relevant qualifications for their work.
2. Proper use in Europe
Drive power converters are components intended for installation in electrical systems or machines.
When being installed in machines, the drive power converter cannot be commissioned (i.e. implementation of the proper use) until it has been ensured that the machine meets the provisions of the EC directive 89/392/EEC (machine directive); EN 60204 must also be complied with.
Commissioning (i.e. implementation of the proper use) is only permitted when the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) is complied with.
The drive power converters meet the requirements of the low voltage directive 73/23/EEC. The harmonised standards in prEN 50178/DIN VDE 0160, together with EN 60439-1/VDE 0660 Part 500 and EN 60146/VDE 0558 were applied for the drive power converter.
Technical data and information for connection conditions can be found on the rating plate and in the documentation, and must be complied with.
3. Transport, storage
Information regarding transport, storage and correct handling must be complied with.
4. Installation
The installation and cooling of the equipment must be implemented according to the regulations in the corresponding documentation.
The drive power converter must be protected against impermissible loads. Especially during transport and handling, components must not be deformed and/or insulation distances must not be changed. Touching of electronic components and contacts must be avoided.
Drive power converters have electrostatically sensitive components that can be easily damaged by incorrect handling. Electrical components must not be mechanically damaged or destroyed (this may cause a health hazard!).
5. Electrical connection
When working on live drive power converters, the applicable national accident prevention regulations must be complied with (e.g. VBG 4).
The electrical installation must be implemented as per the applicable regulations (e.g. cable cross-section, fuses, ground lead connections) . Further instructions can be found in the documentation.
Information about EMC-compliant installation – such as shielding, earthing, location of filters and installation of cables – can be found in the drive power converter documentation. These instructions must be complied with even with CE marked drive power converters. Compliance with the limit values specified in the EMC regulations is the responsibility of the manufacturer of the system or machine.
6. Operation
Systems where drive power converters are installed must be equipped, where necessary, with additional monitoring and protective equipment as per the applicable safety requirements, e.g. legislation concerning technical equipment, accident prevention regulations, etc. Modifications to the drive power converter using the operating software are permitted.
After the drive power converter is disconnected from the power supply, live equipment components and power connections should not be touched immediately because of possible charged capacitors. Comply with the applicable information signs located on the drive power converter.
All covers must be kept closed during operation.
7. Maintenance and repairs
The manufacturer documentation must be complied with.
These safety instructions must be kept in a safe place!
BU 0280 GB 3
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E About this document
Designation: BU 0280 GB
Part. No.: 607 28 01
Device series: DeviceNet for SK 200E
Device types: SK CU4-DEV
SK TU4-DEV(-C) with SK TI4-TU-BUS SK TU4-DEV-M12(-C) with SK TI4-TU-BUS
Version list
Designation of previous issues Software
BU 0280 GB, September 2009
Part. No. 607 2801 / 3709
V 1.1 R2 First issue
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf- Diesel- Str. 1 D-22941 Bargteheide, Germany
Telephone +49 (0) 45 32 / 401-0 Fax +49 (0) 45 32 / 401-555
This supplementary operating manual is only valid in conjunction with the operating manual supplied for the respective frequency inverter.
4 BU 0280 GB
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E About this document
Intended use of the frequency inverter
Compliance with the operating instructions is the requirement for error-free operation and
the fulfilment of any warranty claims. You must first read these operating instructions
before working with the device!
These operating instructions contain important information about service. They must therefore be kept close to the device.
The field bus technology options described here are intended for use in combination with SK 200 E series frequency inverters. Use with other series is only possible with the SK TU4­DEV(-C)) and SK TU4-DEV-M12(-C) technology modules for the SK 500E. The use of these technology options with other devices is not permitted and can lead to their destruction.
The field bus technology options and the associated frequency inverters are devices for fixed installation on motors or in equipment close to the motor to be operated. All data regarding technical data and permissible conditions at the installation site must be complied with.
Commissioning (implementation of the intended use) is not permitted until it has been ensured that the machine complies with the EMC directive 89/336/EEC and that the conformity of the end product meets the machine directive 89/392/EEC (note EN 60204).
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG, 2009
BU 0280 GB 5
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E Table of Contents
1 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 9
1.2 Delivery ................................................................................................................ 9
1.3 Scope of supply ................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Certifications ...................................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 European EMC Directive ........................................................................................ 10
1.4.2 RoHS compliance ................................................................................................... 10
1.5 Type code / Optional BUS modules .................................................................. 11
1.6 Version with protection class IP55 / IP66 .......................................................... 12
2 ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION ....................................................................................... 13
2.1 Installation and assembly .................................................................................. 13
2.1.1 Features of DeviceNet modules .............................................................................. 15
2.1.2 Installation of the Customer Unit SK CU4-DEV ...................................................... 16
2.1.3 Installing the SK TU4-DEV-… Technology Unit ...................................................... 17
2.2 Electrical connection .......................................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Cable glands ........................................................................................................... 19
2.2.2 Control connections ................................................................................................ 20
2.2.3 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 26
3 DISPLAYS AND DIAGNOSIS ................................................................................................ 28
3.1 LED displays ...................................................................................................... 28
3.1.1 Device-specific display versions ............................................................................. 28
3.1.2 Signal status LEDs ................................................................................................. 30
3.2 RJ12 Diagnostic socket ..................................................................................... 33
4 COMMISSIONING .................................................................................................................. 35
4.1.1 Gateway function .................................................................................................... 35
4.1.2 Parameterisation via DeviceNet .............................................................................. 35
4.1.3 Timeout monitoring ................................................................................................. 35
4.1.4 Input filtering ........................................................................................................... 35
4.2 DeviceNet process data .................................................................................... 36
4.2.1 I/O messages .......................................................................................................... 36
4.2.2 Interpretation of data in the Assembly Object ......................................................... 37
4.2.3 Explanation of the I/O Assembly Data for the AC Drive Profile ............................... 38
4.2.4 Explanation of the I/O Assembly Data for the NORD-AC Profile ............................ 39
4.2.5 Generation of variable data lengths in Instance 120/130 ........................................ 40
4.3 DeviceNet objects .............................................................................................. 41
4.3.1 Class 1 – Identity Object ......................................................................................... 41
4.3.2 Class 3 –DeviceNet Object ..................................................................................... 41
4.3.3 Class 4 – Assembly Object ..................................................................................... 42
4.3.4 Class 5 – DeviceNet Connection Object ................................................................. 43
4.3.5 Class 40 – Motor Data Object ................................................................................. 43
4.3.6 Class 41 – Control Supervisor Object ..................................................................... 44
4.3.7 Class 42 – AC- Drive Object ................................................................................... 45
4.3.8 Class 43 – Acknowledge Handler Object ................................................................ 45
4.3.9 Class 100 to 181 – Access to FI and bus module parameters ................................ 46
4.3.10 Class 199 - NORDAC Index Object ...................................................................... 46
6 BU 0280 GB
Table of Contents
5 PARAMETERISATION ........................................................................................................... 47
5.1 Parameterising the SK 200E frequency inverter ................................................ 47
5.1.1 Basic parameters (P100) ........................................................................................ 47
5.1.2 Control terminal parameters (P400) ........................................................................ 48
5.1.3 Supplementary parameter (P500) ........................................................................... 50
5.1.4 Information parameters (P700) ............................................................................... 54
5.2 Parameterisation of the bus module (SK CU4-… or SK TU4-…) ...................... 56
5.2.1 BUS module standard parameters (P150) .............................................................. 56
5.2.2 DeviceNet Parameters ............................................................................................ 56
5.2.3 BUS module information parameters, general (P170) ............................................ 59
5.2.4 Module information parameters specific to the bus (P180) ..................................... 62
6 ERROR MONITORING AND ERROR MESSAGES ............................................................... 63
6.1 Error monitoring .................................................................................................. 63
6.2 Error messages .................................................................................................. 64
6.2.1 Table of possible error messages (caused by the bus) in the frequency inverter ... 64
6.2.2 Table of possible error messages in the bus module .............................................. 65
7 DEVICENET DATA TRANSMISSION .................................................................................... 66
7.1 Structure of reference data ................................................................................. 66
7.2 NORDAC profile ................................................................................................. 67
7.2.1 Control word (STW) ................................................................................................ 67
7.2.2 Status word (ZSW) .................................................................................................. 68
7.2.3 Setpoint and actual values ...................................................................................... 69
7.2.4 The status machine ................................................................................................. 71
8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 73
8.1 System bus ......................................................................................................... 73
8.2 Electronic data sheet (eds file) ........................................................................... 73
8.3 Repairs ............................................................................................................... 73
9 INDEX ...................................................................................................................................... 74
10 KEYWORD INDEX ................................................................................................................ 75
11 REPRESENTATIVES / BRANCHES .................................................................................... 76
BU 0280 GB 7
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
1 General information
Various technology options are available for Getriebebau Nord frequency inverters. General information regarding these can be found in the relevant main manual of the frequency inverter series (e.g. Manual BU0200 for the SK 200E frequency inverter series). Further information concerning special technology options (e.g. the field bus module) is included in the relevant supplementary operating instructions.
This DeviceNet documentation contains supplementary descriptions concerning the DeviceNet options for the SK 200E frequency inverter series.
The description of other optional modules (e.g. CANopen, Profibus DP) is dealt with in other supplementary documentation.
In order to set up communication with DeviceNet, either an internal Customer Unit or an external DeviceNet Technology Unit (according to the particular application) must be installed and connected.
The DeviceNet bus system
DeviceNet allows numerous different automation devices to exchange data with the frequency inverters. PLC's, PC's, operating and monitoring devices can all communicate via a uniform bus in serial bit mode. DeviceNet is primarily used for communication between sensor and actuator where system response needs to be very fast. DeviceNet is primarily used where time critical, fast and complex communication between the individual devices is essential. DeviceNet is a suitable alternative to expensive 24-volt parallel signal transmission and transmission of measured values. This type of DeviceNet, which is optimised to speed, is used for instance for operating frequency inverters on automation devices.
8 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
1 General information
1.1 Overview
Features of DeviceNet modules
Electrically isolated bus interface
Transfer rate up to 500 kBaud
Easy connection of the frequency inverter, optionally via M12 round plugs or screw terminals
Looping of the DeviceNet via the modules is possible
Integrated bus termination resistor
DeviceNet-specific status display with 2 LEDs
Module or FI-specific status display with 2 LEDs
Up to four 24V inputs and two 24V outputs are integrated into the bus module
Direct connection of up to 4 sensors and 2 activators via M12 round plug connectors on the SK TU4-
DEV-M12(-C) version. Visualisation of signal status via LEDs
DeviceNet gateway solution up to 4 frequency inverters can be connected to a DeviceNet module
Up to 64 DeviceNet modules can be connected to the bus, so that it is possible to operate up to 256
frequency inverters on a single bus.
Interface (RS232/RS485) for parameter access by means of the SK CSX-3H or SK PAR-3H manual
control unit or NordCon software via RJ12 connector (Except for SK CU4-DEV. Here parameter access via the SK 200E frequency inverter is possible)
Available as versions for installation in the inverter (IP20) or in a separate housing (optionally IP55 / IP66)
1.2 Delivery
Check the equipment immediately after delivery/unpacking for transport damage such as deformation or
loose parts.
If there is any damage, contact the carrier immediately and implement a thorough assessment.
Important! This also applies even if the packaging is undamaged.
1.3 Scope of supply
Standard version: SK CU4-DEV IP20 or SK TU4-DEV(-M12)(-C)
Operating instructions as PDF file on CD ROM including NORD CON, (Windows PC-
based parameterisation software)
IP55, (optionally IP66)
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 9
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
Available accessories
: SK TI4-TU-BUS(-C) (bus connection unit, required for SK TU4…)
SK TIE4-WMK-TU, wall-mounting kit TU4
M12 round plug connector
Matching RJ12 to SUB-D9 adapter cable to connection to a PC ParameterBox: SK CSX-3H, SimpleBox, 4 digit 7 segment LED display ParameterBox: SK PAR-3H, ParameterBox, plain text LCD display
1.4 Certifications
1.4.1 European EMC Directive
If the NORDAC SK 200E or its options are installed according to the recommendations in this instruction manual, it meets all EMC directive requirements, as per the EMC product standard for motor-operated systems EN 61800-3.
1.4.2 RoHS compliance
SK 200E series frequency inverters or their options are designed to be RoHS compliant according to Directive 2002/95/EEC
10 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
1.5 Type code / Optional BUS modules
BUS = Bus module or I/O extension
Wall mounting kit: for external technology units TU4
M12 system connectors: only TU4, alternative to terminals
IP protection class: Stan dard = IP55, C = “coated” IP66
Option type: CAO = CANopen, PBR = Profibus,
DEV = DeviceNet, IOE = I/O-Erweiterung
Option series: TU4 = external technology unit
CU4 = internal customer unit
1 General information
(. ..)Options, only implemented if required.
Optional external
technology unit, SK TU4-...
Optional internal
technology unit, SK CU4-...
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 11
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
1.6 Version with protection class IP55 / IP66
NORDAC SK 200E frequency inverters and the external additional modules are available in all sizes and
powers in the protection classes IP55 (standard) or IP66 (optional).
The protection class IP66 must
There are no restrictions or differences to the scope of functions in either protection class. In order to
differentiate the protection classes, modules with protection class IP66 are given an extra coated PCBs) in their type designation.
IP55 version
The IP55 version of the external technology units is the – as an attachment to the frequency inverter or wall mounted on the wall bracket) are available.
IP66 design
The IP66 design is a modified mounted or wall-mounted) are also available. The modules available for the IP66 version have the same functionalities as the corresponding modules for the IP55 version.
always be included in the order when ordering!
“ -C” (coated
e.g. SK TU4-DEV-
standard version. Both versions (inverter-mounted
option compared to the IP55 design. With this design, both versions (inverter-
Special measures:
Impregnated PCBs, painted housing
Diaphragm valve for pressure compensation on temperature changes.
Low pressure test
The modules for the IP66 design are identified by an additional "-C" and are modified according to the following
special measures!
A free M12 screwed connection is required for low pressure testing. After successful
testing, a diaphragm valve is inserted here. This screw connection is therefore no longer available for a cable gland.
For all versions, care must be taken that the cable and the cable gland are carefully matched. This is essential to ensure that the required protection class is maintained.
12 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
2 Assembly and installation
2 Assembly and installation
2.1 Installation and assembly
Internal and external technology modules designed for NORDAC SK 200E series are available for DeviceNet. Except for the number of digital inputs and outputs, the functionalities of the various DeviceNet modules are identical.
These are used to connect SK 200E series speed regulated drive units to overriding automation systems via the DeviceNet field bus. Both the SK 200E frequency inverters and the external technology units are available in the protection classes IP55 (standard) and IP66 (optional). The type designation of the SK 300E and the modules in the protection class IP66 is given an additional code "­IP55 and IP66 protection classes.
C" (coated coated board) to differentiate the
SK TI4-… with integrated technology unit SK CU4-…
SK 200E with external technology unit SK TU4-… and BUS connection module SK TI4-TU-BUS
SK TIE4-WMK-TU with BUS connection module SK TI4-TU-BUS and external technology unit SK TU4-… or SK TU4-…-M12
The internal
technology modules (Customer Unit, SK CU4-...) – designated as the customer unit – are
integrated into the connection unit of the SK 200E. The electrical connection to the SK 200E is made via the internal system bus. The connection to external peripheral devices is made via screw terminals. The use of the optionally available 4 or 5 pin M12 round plug connector, installed in the connection unit of the SK 200E, provides a possible interface for connection to the field bus. A maximum of one customer interface (including any 24V module) can be installed in the SK 200E frequency inverter.
Optional internal
customer unit, SK CU4-...
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 13
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
The external technology modules (Technology Unit, SK TU4-...) – designated as the technology unit – are
externally attached to the SK 200E connection unit and are therefore easy to access. Mounting of the SK TU4­... separate from the frequency inverter is possible by means of the optional wall mounting kit
. The electrical connection to the SK 200E is made via the internal system bus. 4 or 5 pin M12 round plug
connectors (for installation in the BUS connection unit
SK TI4-TU-BUS) are available as an option for
connection of the field bus cable. The external modules are also available as a version with integrated M12 round plug connectors (SK TU4-xxx-
M12). These enable the connection of up to 4 digital inputs and 2 digital
Optional external
technology unit, SK TU4-...
Modules should not be inserted or removed unless the device is free of voltage. The slots may only
Mounting of the external technology unit with the additional wall-mounting kit (SK TIE4-WMK-TU). However, a maximum cable length of
The external technology units (SK TU4-...(-M12) cannot be operated without the BUS connection unit (SK T14-TU-BUS)!
be used for the applicable modules.
remote from the frequency inverter is possible
30m should not be exceeded.
Only one technology unit (SK CU4... or SK TU4...) can be connected to a system bus.
14 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
2.1.1 Features of DeviceNet modules
Bus Module
DeviceNet module
Part No. 275271002 (IP20)
DeviceNet module*
Part No. 275281102 (IP55)
Part No. 275281152 (IP66)
Description Data
This option enables control of the NORDAC SK 200E via DeviceNet.
This option is integrated into the connection unit of the frequency inverter.
This option enables control of the NORDAC SK 200E via DeviceNet.
This option is installed externally to the frequency inverter.
According to the installation location, at least one "BUS connection unit"* is required.
2 Assembly and installation
Baud rate:
up to 500 kBaud
16-terminal screw terminal bar
2x digital inputs:
Low: 0-5V, High: 11-30V
Baud rate:
up to 500 kBaud
36 pin spring terminal bar of the
BUS connection unit*
4x digital inputs:
Low: 0-5V, High: 11-30V
2x Digital outputs:
DeviceNet module with M12*)
SK TU4-DEV-M12(-C)
Part No. 275281202 (IP55)
Part No. 275281252 (IP66)
Connection unit for TU4
Part No. 275280000 (IP55)
Part No. 275280500 (IP66)
TU4 wall-mounting kit
Part. No. 275274002
*) in order to use the TU4 modules, a suitable SK TI4-TU-BUS connection unit must always be available!
This option enables control of the NORDAC SK 200E via DeviceNet.
This option is installed externally to the frequency inverter.
According to the installation location, at least one "BUS connection unit"* is required.
The connection unit is always required in order to use an external technology unit (SK TU4...). This implements the connection of the technology unit to the SK 200E or the wall-mounting kit.
With the wall mounting kit, a technology unit can be used/installed separately from the SK 200E.
As for SK TU4-DEV(-C) but with additional:
6x M12 sockets for the connection of up to 4 sensors and 2 actuators via 5 pin M12 round plug connectors (B coded)
36 pin spring terminal bar
36x 2.5mm2 AWG 26-14 spring terminals
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 15
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
2.1.2 Installation of the Customer Unit SK CU4-DEV
Installation must be carried out by qualified personnel only, paying particular attention to safety and warning instructions.
Modules must not be inserted or removed unless the device is free of voltage. The slots may only
Installation of the SK CU4... customer unit permitted. This must be installed in the immediate vicinity of the SK 200E frequency inverter.
be used for the applicable modules.
remote from the frequency inverter is not
The installation of customer units is carried out in the connection unit SK T14
SK 200E underneath the
control terminal bar. Fastening is by means of the terminal bar of the frequency inverter and two M4x20 screws (bag enclosed with the customer unit). Only one customer unit per FI is possible!
The pre-assembled cables for connection to the frequency inverter (SK 200E) are also included in the bag enclosed with the customer unit. Connections are made according to the following table:
SK TI4-with integrated customer unit SK CU4-DEV
Internal customer unit SK CU4-DEV Bag enclosed with internal customer unit
Function Terminal label Cable colour
Power supply
(between frequency inverter and customer unit)
44 40
24V brown
GND blue
System bus
SYS+ black
SYS- grey
Set the termination resistors of the system bus!
See Section 2.2.3 “Configuration”
16 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
2 Assembly and installation
2.1.3 Installing the SK TU4-DEV-… Technology Unit
Together with the BUS connection unit SK TI4-TU-BUS(-C) the technology unit SK TU4-DEV-…(-C) forms a stand-alone functional unit. This can be attached to the SK 200E frequency inverter or installed separately by means of the optional SK TIE4-WMK-TU wall-mounting kit. Dimensions of the SK TI4-WMK-TU wall-mounting kit
The optional wall-mounting kit has the following dimensions.
Installation must be carried out by qualified personnel only, paying particular attention to safety and warning instructions.
Modules must not be installed or removed unless the device is free of voltage. The slots may only
Mounting of the external technology unit
with the additional wall-mounting kit (SK TIE4-WMK-TU).
be used for the applicable modules.
remote from the frequency inverter is possible
58 BUS connection unit SK TI4-TU-BUS(-C)
Various cable glands closed by caps are located on the sides of the BUS connection unit.
The following holes are available as cable inlets:
2 x 1 M20 x 1.5 (on sides)
4 M20 x 1.5 (underside)
2 M25 x 1.5 (rear side, without caps)
External BUS connection unit = SK TI4­TU-BUS
The transparent screw-on cover (M20 x 1.5) on the upper right serves as access to the diagnostic interface (RJ12 socket, interface RS232/RS485). The upper left screw-on cover is not used.
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 17
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E Mounting the SK T14-TU-BUS on the SK 200E
The screw fittings and seals required for installation are enclosed with the modules or are fitted to the intended locations.
Mounting of the technology unit on the SK 200E
must be carried out as follows:
1. Switch off the mains.
2. Remove the two M25 caps on the required side of the frequency inverter (right / left).
3. Remove the printed circuit board (with terminal bar) from the BUS connection unit.
4. Install the SK TI4-TU-BUS (with adhered seal
on the SK 200E using the 4 enclosed bolts.
5. Replace the printed circuit board (See point 3) and carry out the electrical connections.
6. Fit and screw on the SK TU4 module.
Mounting the external technology unit on the SK 200E
Technology unit SK TU4-DEV (-M12) BUS connection unit SK TI4-TU-BUS
SK TI4-WMK-TU wall-mounting kit Wall mounting the SK TI4-TU-BUS
The screw fittings (except for anchoring screws) and seals required for installation are enclosed with the modules or are fitted to the intended locations.
The connecting cable between the technology unit and the SK 200E should not be longer than 30m.
1. Mount the SK TI4-TU-BUS connecting unit with adhered seal
on the wall-mounting kit. To do this: Insert the 2 x cheese-head screws (enclosed with wall-mounting kit) into the (countersunk) holes from the outside and with the 2 x bolts (enclosed with the wall-mounting kit) securely screw both components together from the inside
Wall-mounting kit SK TI4 WMK TU with field bus technology unit
(BUS connection unit).
2. Make a suitable cable connection between the technology unit and the frequency inverter. Take care that there is appropriate screw fitting and sealing of the modules. The cable sets enclosed with the BUS connection unit are not used.
3. Fit and screw on the SK TU4 module.
18 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
2 Assembly and installation
2.2 Electrical connection
Safe operation of the devices presupposes that qualified personnel install and commission it in compliance with the instructions provided in these operating instructions.
In particular, the general and regional mounting and safety regulations for work on high voltage systems (e.g. VDE) must be complied with as must the regulations concerning professional use of tools and the use of personal protection equipment.
Dangerous voltages can be present at the motor connection terminals of the frequency inverter even when the inverter is switched off. Always use insulated screwdrivers on these terminal fields.
Ensure that the input voltage source is not live before setting up or changing connections to the unit.
Make sure that the inverter and motor are specified for the correct supply voltage.
2.2.1 Cable glands
Both the SK 200E connection unit and the bus module provide extensive facilities for the connection of all the required cables. The cables may enter the housing via cable glands and be connected to the terminal bar. However, appropriate round plug connections (e.g.: M12 round plug connectors in M16 cable glands) may be fitted in order to provide a plug-in solution.
Incoming cable, fixed connection e.g. for system bus or 24V supply
Cable gland for system bus cable pair and 24V supply for direct attachment to SK 200E
No function, do not use
M16 cable gland or installation of M12 round plug connection for:
incoming and outgoing DeviceNet cables
24V and 24V (for DO) supply
System bus
I/O peripherals: Sensors and actuators
Diagnostic access RJ 12 socket
Cable gland for system bus cable pair and 24V supply for direct attachment to SK 200E
Outgoing cable, fixed connection e.g. for system bus or 24V supply
Example: Cable glands for BUS connection unit SK TI4-TU-BUS
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 19
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
2.2.2 Control connections
The DeviceNet modules must be provided with one or two 24V DC (±20%, total current consumption 100mA) control voltages. Wire end sleeves must be used for flexible cables.
Designation Data
Rigid cable cross-section
Flexible cable cross-section
AWG standard AWG 26-14
Tightening torque (for screw terminals)
Within the terminal box (unshielded cable section) the data cables (e.g. DeviceNet, system bus) must be installed as short as possible and of equal length. Associated data cables (e.g.: Sys+ and Sys-) must be twisted.
In the customer unit, the DeviceNet is already installed with voltage isolation from the other signal connections.
In case of EMC problems, voltage separation of the field bus supply, the digital inputs and system bus interface and for the external technology unit also for the two additional digital outputs should be provided.
The cable shielding must be connected to the functional earthing1 (usually the electrically conducting mounting plate) in order to prevent EMC interference in the device.
In order to achieve this, for DeviceNet connections it is mandatory that the metallic metric EMC screws are used for the connection of the DeviceNet shielding lead to the frequency inverter or the housing of the technology unit. This ensures a wide area connection of the
functional earthing.
In systems, electrical equipment is usually connected to a functional earth. This serves as a means to dissipate leakage
and interference currents in order to ensure EMC characteristics and must therefore be implemented according to high frequency technology aspects.
20 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB Control connections for SK CU4-DEV
The terminal bar of the customer unit SK CU4-DEV is divided into two potential levels.
2 Assembly and installation
System bus connection from the SK 200E
Potential level: Systembus
Potential level: DeviceNet
Incoming DeviceNet cable
Outgoing DeviceNet cable
Connection of up to 2 sensors is made on the terminal bar (terminals C1 and C2).
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 21
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
Control connection details
44 24V External 24V supply
40 GND
[factory setting]
Reference potential for digital signals
24VDC ±20% 50mA , reverse polarity
Description / wiring suggestion
External supply voltage of the technology unit and supply of the digital inputs (DIN1 and DIN2)
C1 DIN1 Digital input 1
[I/O DeviceNet DIN1]
C2 DIN2 Digital input 2
[I/O DeviceNet DIN2]
77 Sys +
System bus data cable +
78 Sys -
System bus data cable -
40 GND
Reference potential for digital signals
45 24V 24V supply
bus potential
75 DVN +
DeviceNet Bus +
76 DVN - DeviceNet Bus -
Low 0V ... 5V
High 15V ... 30V
= 8.1k
Input capacitance 10nF
Scan rate 1 ms
Each digital input has a reaction time of 1ms.
P174 Inputs as per EN 61131-2 Type 1
System bus interface
Potential isolation
The use of twisted, shielded two­conductor cable is urgently recommended
46 GND Bus Data ground
90 SHLD Shield
45 +24V Bus
Electrically isolated 24V bus supply
24VDC +/-20% 50mA reverse polarity
Bus reference potential
Data cable shield
The external supply voltage of the technology unit is at the potential of the DeviceNet bus.
75 DVN + DeviceNet Bus +
76 DVN - DeviceNet Bus -
46 GND Bus Data ground
The use of twisted, shielded two­conductor cable is urgently recommended
Bus reference potential
22 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
2 Assembly and installation
DeviceN Control connections for SK TU4-DEV(-…)
The double spring-loaded terminal bar of the technology unit is colour coded, and therefore indicates the three different potential levels.
A separate voltage source can be used to supply the DOs. However, by bridging the 24V o of the terminals of the system bus level 24V
and GND it is possible to implement the supply of the DOs.
and GND o to one
Connection of up to 4 sensors and 2 actuators is made via the terminal bar. Alternatively, the SK TU4-DEV
-M12 module enables the connection of these I/Os via the M12 round plug connector (5 pin
socket, A-coded) mounted on the front.
Field bus level
System bus level and digital inputs Digital outputs
SHLD 24V 24V
(as for 11)
(as for 11)
DIN 2 DIN 4 24V
(as for 11)
24V O
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
PE 24V
(as for 11)
Sys + Sys - GND DIN 3 GND 24V
(as for 11)
(as for 11)
Connection example: SK TU4-DEV to SK 200E
24V DC
SK205E… - connection unit (SK TI4...)
SK TU4-CAO… - connection unit (SK TI4-TU-BUS)
24V DC
BU 0280 GB Subject to technical amendments 23
Supplementary Manual DeviceNet for NORDAC SK 200E
Control connection details
1 24V Bus
3 DVN +
5 DVN -
9 SHLD Bus shield
[factory setting]
External 24V supply
DeviceNet Bus +
DeviceNet Bus -
Data ground bus
Data Description / wiring suggestion Parameter
24VDC -/+20% 50 mA , reverse polarity
Voltage supply at DeviceNet bus potential
The use of twisted, shielded two-
conductor cable is urgently recommended
Voltage supply at DeviceNet bus potential
10 PE Earthing
11 24V
External 24V supply
14 Sys +
System bus data cable +
15 GND
16 Sys -
17 GND
Reference potential for digital signals
System bus data cable -
Reference potential for digital signals
19 DIN1 Digital input 1
[I/O DeviceNet DIN1]
20 DIN3 Digital input 3
[I/O DeviceNet DIN3]
21 GND
Reference potential for digital signals
23 24V
External 24V supply
Potential isolation
24VDC -/+20% 50mA , reverse polarity
External supply voltage for system bus and digital inputs (DIN1 to DIN4)
System bus interface
External supply voltage for system bus and digital inputs (DIN1 to DIN4)
System bus interface
External supply voltage for system bus and digital inputs (DIN1 to DIN4)
Low 0V ... 5V High 15V ... 30V
= 8.1k
Input capacitance 10nF Scan rate 1 ms
Each digital input has a reaction time of 1ms.
Inputs as per EN 61131-2 Type 1
External supply voltage for system bus and digital inputs (DIN1 to DIN4)
As for terminal 11 -
24 Subject to technical amendments BU 0280 GB
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