NORD BU0000 User Manual

BU 0000
Manual for NORD CON
...................................................................................................................................... 6
.......................................................................................................................................61.1 About NORD CON
.......................................................................................................................................61.2 How to use NORD CON
2 Graphic user interface
...................................................................................................................................... 8
.......................................................................................................................................82.1 Structure of the program interface
.......................................................................................................................................92.2 Main menu
..............................................................................................................................................102.2.1 Category "File"
..............................................................................................................................................112.2.2 Category "Edit"
..............................................................................................................................................122.2.3 Category "Device"
..............................................................................................................................................132.2.4 Category "View"
..............................................................................................................................................142.2.5 Category "Extras"
..............................................................................................................................................152.2.6 Category "Help"
.......................................................................................................................................152.3 Toolbars
..............................................................................................................................................162.3.1 Standard
..............................................................................................................................................172.3.2 Device
..............................................................................................................................................172.3.3 Start
.......................................................................................................................................182.4 View "Project"
..............................................................................................................................................192.4.1 Structure of popup menu
.......................................................................................................................................202.5 View "Messages"
.......................................................................................................................................212.6 View "Remote"
.......................................................................................................................................212.7 Docking and Undocking
3 Communication
...................................................................................................................................... 27
.......................................................................................................................................273.1 Overview
.......................................................................................................................................273.2 USS
..............................................................................................................................................273.2.1 General settings
..............................................................................................................................................283.2.2 Bus scan
4 Parameterization
...................................................................................................................................... 30
.......................................................................................................................................304.1 Overview
.......................................................................................................................................304.2 Parameter Viewing
.......................................................................................................................................314.3 How to manipulate parameters
.......................................................................................................................................324.4 Selective parameterization
.......................................................................................................................................334.5 Off-line Parameterization
.......................................................................................................................................334.6 How to compare parameters
.......................................................................................................................................344.7 Parameter upload from device
.......................................................................................................................................344.8 Parameter download to device
Table of Contents
5 Control
..............................................................................................................................................375.3.1 Overview
..............................................................................................................................................385.3.2 Control
..............................................................................................................................................395.3.3 Management of setting values and actual values
..............................................................................................................................................395.3.4 Formatting of Setpoint and/or actual value
..............................................................................................................................................405.3.5 Control word
..............................................................................................................................................415.3.6 Status word
6 Remote
...................................................................................................................................... 35
.......................................................................................................................................355.1 Overview
.......................................................................................................................................365.2 Standard control
.......................................................................................................................................375.3 Detailed control
...................................................................................................................................... 42
.......................................................................................................................................426.1 Overview
.......................................................................................................................................436.2 Standard
.......................................................................................................................................436.3 NORDAC SK200E
.......................................................................................................................................446.4 NORDAC SK 700/500/300 E
.......................................................................................................................................466.5 NORDAC vector mc
.......................................................................................................................................476.6 NORDAC vector ct
7 Oscilloscope
...................................................................................................................................... 47
.......................................................................................................................................477.1 Overview
.......................................................................................................................................487.2 Display
.......................................................................................................................................497.3 Handling
.......................................................................................................................................517.4 Measurement
.......................................................................................................................................517.5 Save and Print
8 Macro editor
...................................................................................................................................... 52
.......................................................................................................................................528.1 Graphic user interface
..............................................................................................................................................528.1.1 Window "Variables"
..............................................................................................................................................538.1.2 Window "Properties"
..............................................................................................................................................558.1.3 Window "Log"
.......................................................................................................................................568.2 Working with macros
..............................................................................................................................................568.2.1 Create a new macro
..............................................................................................................................................568.2.2 Open a macro
..............................................................................................................................................568.2.3 Save a macro
..............................................................................................................................................568.2.4 Copy from instruction
..............................................................................................................................................568.2.5 Cut from instruction
..............................................................................................................................................568.2.6 Paste from instruction
..............................................................................................................................................578.2.7 Delete from instruction
..............................................................................................................................................578.2.8 Search and replace
..............................................................................................................................................578.2.9 Shift up a instruction
..............................................................................................................................................578.2.10 Shift down a instruction
..............................................................................................................................................578.2.11 Generate new instructions
.......................................................................................................................................598.3 Scheduler
..............................................................................................................................................598.3.1 Run a macro
..............................................................................................................................................598.3.2 Cancel a macro
..............................................................................................................................................598.3.3 Execute next instruction
9 Settings
...................................................................................................................................... 60
.......................................................................................................................................609.1 Overview
.......................................................................................................................................619.2 Interface
.......................................................................................................................................619.3 Device report
.......................................................................................................................................629.4 Control
.......................................................................................................................................639.5 Project
.......................................................................................................................................649.6 Directories
.......................................................................................................................................659.7 Macro editor
.......................................................................................................................................659.8 Parameter
10 Messages
...................................................................................................................................... 66
.......................................................................................................................................6610.1 Errors and informations
11 Getriebebau Nord
...................................................................................................................................... 69
.......................................................................................................................................6911.1 NORD In Short
.......................................................................................................................................7011.2 NORD corporate history
.......................................................................................................................................7211.3 Frequency Inverters
..............................................................................................................................................7211.3.1 General
..............................................................................................................................................7211.3.2 NORDAC SK 200 E
..............................................................................................................................................7311.3.3 NORDAC SK 300 E
Table of Contents
..............................................................................................................................................7611.3.4 NORDAC SK 500 E
..............................................................................................................................................7811.3.5 NORDAC SK 700 E
For the parameterization and controlling of the devices with NORD CON, your PC requires a serial interface.
1 Introduction
1.1 About NORD CON
NORD CON is a PC program intended to control and parameterizes the NORDAC vector
Frequenzumrichter inverters produced by Getriebebau NORD and option modules.
With NORD CON, up to 31 frequency inverters can be controlled simultaneously via the integrated RS485 interface. Communication with the frequency inverters is handled by the PC's serial interface.
To enable trial runs or system start-ups, the connected frequency inverters can be controlled via the PC. The program also provides for continuous monitoring of the current status of the frequency inverter while these activities are going on. Complete process sequences can be developed using macros.
With NORD CON, you can perform, document, and save the parameter settings of a frequency inverter which will be read out by the inverter or transmitted to it respectively. Parameter databases can be created or manipulated off-line - i.e. without a frequency inverter being connected.
The program further provides for remote control of the connected frequency inverters. For the frequency inverter to be remote-controlled the operating unit of the type in question is simulated on the PC. This is a convenient way of operating devices which are either difficult to access or haven't got an operating unit themselves.
1.2 How to use NORD CON
1. Installation
Please start the installation program of NORD CON on the enclosed CD or load the installation program from the Internet ("­overview.jsp"). Enter all necessary information and install NORD CON into the standard directory.
2. Connect
If the frequency inverter is equipped with an RS232 optional interface, it can be directly connected to the PC with a serial 1-1 cable. In this case, only one frequency inverter can be connected. Each NORDAC vector Frequenzumrichter frequency inverter features an integrated RS485 interface which can be activated via the control terminals. This interface allows for configuration of a master/slave bus system with up to 31 devices max. For NORD
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If several devices are operated simultaneously, make absolutely sure that a unique USS address is assigned to each of the devices connected, and that all of them have the same baud
rate setting (see also Operating Instructions of the frequency inverter type involved).
CON to be connected to such a bus, an RS232 - RS485 converter will be required.
In order to start NORD CON, you use the shortcut "NORD CON start" or "Start->Program- >Nord->NORD CON 2.1->NORD CON".
4. Setup of the communication module
In order to set the communication parameters, one must select the appropriate module in the project view. Over the menu entry "Device-> Parameterize" the parameter dialog of the module can be opened. In the edit field "Port" must be insert the correct COM port number. After that you have to push the button "Apply". Additional settings are not necessary for the first application and the window can be closed.
5. Bus scan
After the start of bus scan, all ready and connected devices are searched for. All found devices are represented in the project tree and in the equipment overview. Subsequently, the first device in the list is marked and the users can use all device-specific functions.
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Main Menu Toolbars
6. Work with the devices
The user can now select the device by clicking the device in the device overview or in the project tree. Functions, like control or parametrizes, are available in the popup menu of the project tree, the tool bar or the main menu.
2 Graphic user interface
2.1 Structure of the program interface
If you run "NORD CON" for the first time, the window shown down is opened. The window consists of main menu, toolbars, work area, and the different views. In the work area the different editor windows like parameter windows or macros are shown. The windows can be positioned freely or be docked at the sides of the work area. In order to change the position of a docked window, click on the header bar of the window and keep the mouse button pressed. Subsequently, the new position can be specified with the pointer of mouse. A colored rectangle shows the current position and dock condition. After releasing the left mouse button, the actual action is implemented. In addition, the user can dock or undock the window by clicking on the header bar. The layout is stored when closing application and resumed with the restart.
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The interface is divided into the following areas:
Graphic user interface
Working Area
View "Project" View "Log" View "Remote"
Category "File" Category "Edit" Category "Device" Category "View" Category "Extras" Category "Help"
2.2 Main menu
The main menu is the central place for all actions of application. All editor windows register their window-specific actions there. The actions are divided in categories.
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Name of action
Combinatio n of keys
New dataset
The action opens the parameter window for a new device. The user must select the desired device in a previous window.
New macro
The action opens the macro editor with a new document. If the macro window is already opened, the user can store the current document.
Attention: In the current version, only one macro window can be opened!
PLC program
The action opens the PLC editor with an empty document. If a PLC program is already opened, the user can store the current document.
Ctrl + O
The action opens the file choice dialog in order to open a stored document. The user selects a document type with the file filter, and selects the file afterwards. The following types are supported:
Parameter files (*.ndbx, *.db (V1.27)) Scope files (*.scox, *.sco (V1.27)) Macro files (*.ncmx, *.ncm (V1.27)) PLC files (*.awlx, *.awl, *.nstx)
Ctrl + S
The action stores the current document. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Save as...
The action stores the current document with a new name. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Ctrl + E
The action exports the data active editor windows into a file. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action contains a submenu in which the opened last documents are
2.2.1 Category "File"
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Name of action
Combinatio n of keys
listed. History is limited to 5. When clicking on one of the files, it is opened again.
Ctrl + P
The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented. This action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or the editor does not support the action.
Print preview...
The action opens a print preview for the active editor. Depending upon editor, the printing preview can be differently developed. This action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or the editor does not support the action.
The action closes application.
Name of action
Combinati on of keys
The action undoes the last action. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action cuts the selected object and copies it into the clipboard. The action is passed on to the active control member and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Ctrl + C
The action copies the selected object into the clipboard. The action is passed on to the active control member and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Ctrl + V
The action copies contents of the clipboard to the selected position. The action is passed on to the active control member and implemented there. Depending
A action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or if the editor does not support the action.
2.2.2 Category "Edit"
Graphic user interface
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Name of action
Combinati on of keys
upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Note: The action is deactivated if the current control element does not support this
action or the contents of the clipboard cannot be inserted.
Ctrl + Del
The action deletes the selected object. The action is passed on to the active control and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Select all
Ctrl + A
The action selects all objects of the active control.
Ctrl + H
The action searches for the indicated text and replaces these then by other text. In a dialog, the appropriate option can be adjusted.
Ctrl + U
The action shifts the delected object one position upward.
Ctrl + D
The action entry shifts the delected object one position downward.
Name of action
Combin ation of keys
With the action the user can change the name of the selected device.
The action starts or stops the connection to the selected device.
Upload parameters from device
The action uploads the parameters from the device to the PC.
The action is deactivated if the current control element does not support this action.
2.2.3 Category "Device"
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Graphic user interface
Name of action
Combin ation of keys
Download parameters to device
The action downloads the parameters from the PC to the device. Update firmware
The action starts the firmware upload program.
The action opens the "control" window of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the "remote" window of the selected device. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the "Parameter" window of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the "oscilloscope" of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action entry opens the PLC editor of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
Bus scan
The action implements a network scan for the selected communication module.
Note: With a network scan, all devices are removed from the device list and all
device-specific windows are closed!
Name of action
Combinat ion of keys
Layout -> Standard
The action build the standard - layout of application for all views. The
2.2.4 Category "View"
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Name of action
Combinat ion of keys
position of the editor windows is not changed.
Layout -> Standard all windows
The action build the standard layout of application for all windows including the work area.
Device report
The action closes or opens the device report.
The action closes or opens the view "project".
The action closes or opens the view "log".
The action closes or opens the view "remote control".
The action closes or opens the toolbar "standard".
The action closes or opens the toolbar "device".
Toolbar ->Start
The action closes or opens the toolbar "device".
The action opens a submenu. In this submenu, all special actions of the macro editor are listed. The status as well as the execution of the actions is incumbent on the active macro window. If no window is active, all actions are deactivated.
The action opens a submenu. In this submenu, all special actions of the oscilloscope are listed. The status, as well as the execution of the actions, is incumbent on the active oscilloscope. If no window is active, all actions are deactivated.
Name of action
Combinatio n of keys
The action opens a window to edit the global settings of the program.
The action opens a submenu. In this submenu all special actions of the view "log" are listed. The status, as well as the execution of the actions, is incumbent on the view.
2.2.5 Category "Extras"
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2.2.6 Category "Help"
Name of action
Combination of keys
HelpF1The action opens online help and selects the register map "Contents".
The action opens online help and selects the register map "Index".
The action opens a dialog with the program information.
Standard Device Start
Graphic user interface
2.3 Toolbars
In the toolbars, the most common actions are available for fast access. By clicking the appropriate symbol in the bar with the mouse, the desired action is specified.
The following toolbars are available:
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Name of action
New data set
The action opens the parameter window for a new device. Before the user can open the dialog, the device must be selected.
New Macro
The action opens the macro editor with an empty document. If a macro is already open, the user can store the current document.
Attention: In the current version, only one macro window can be opened!
New PLC program
The action opens the PLC editor with an empty document. If a program is already opened, the user can store the current document.
The action opens the file dialog in order to open a stored document. The user selects a document type with the file filter and select the file afterwards. The following types are supported:
Parameter dataset V1.27 (*.db) Parameter dataset (*.ndbx) Scope-File (*.sco) Scope-File V2.1 (*.scox) Macro (*.ncmx) Macro V1.27 (*.ncm) PLC Program (*.awlx)
The action stores the current document. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action cut the selected object and copies it into the clipboard. The action is passed on to the active control element and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action copies the selected object into the clipboard. The action is passed on to the active control element and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action copies contents of the clipboard to the selected position. The action is passed on to the active control member and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Note: The action is deactivated if the current control element does not support this
action or the contents of the clipboard cannot be inserted.
The action deletes the selected object. The action is passed on to the active control member and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action shifts the selected object a position upward.
The action shifts the selected object a position downward.
The action opens a print preview for the active editor. Depending upon editor, the printing preview can be differently developed. This action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or the editor does not support the action.
The action print the content from the active editor. This action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or the editor does not support the action.
Fast print
The action print the content from the active editor without the print dialog. This action is deactivated if no editor window is opened or the editor does not support the action.
2.3.1 Standard
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Name of action
The action opens a window to edits the global settings of the program.
2.3.2 Device
Name of action
Bus scan
The action implements a network scan for the selected communication module.
Note: With a network scan, all devices are removed from the device list and all device-
specific windows are closed!
The action connects or disconnects the connection to the selected device.
The action opens "control" window of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens "remote" window of the selected device. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the "parameter" window of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the "oscilloscope" of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the PLC editor of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
Upload parameters from device
The action uploads the parameters from the device to the PC.
Download parameters to device
The action downloads the parameters from the PC to the device.
Name of action
Combinati on of keys
PLC settings
The action opens the settings of the PLC.
Shift + F7
The action starts the translation of a PLC program.
Shift F8
The action loads a PLC program to the Device.
RunF9The action runs a PLC program or a macro. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action terminates running a PLC program or macro. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
The action executes the next instruction. The action is passed on to the active editor window and implemented there. Depending upon the type of editor, different operations can be implemented.
Graphic user interface
2.3.3 Start
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Name of action
Combinati on of keys
Shift + F5
The action runs the PLC program with the debug mode.
The connection to the device is online
The connection to the device is offline
2.4 View "Project"
In View "Project", all devices of the project are shown in a tree structure. It can be closed or opened with the main menu option "View->Project ". With the help of the mouse, you can navigate between the individual devices. If the view possesses the input focus, you can additionally select a device with the arrow keys "up" and "down ". If the pointer of mouse is over a device entry, a reference about the type of device and fieldbus address is indicated. After the selection of a device, the user can execute all actions with the tool bar as well as the popup menu. If an action is shaded grey, the selected devices do not support. The popup menu is opened by clicking the right mouse button in the view.
Status of device
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Used topics:
Name of action
Combination of keys
With the action the user can change the name of the selected device.
Upload parameters from device
The action uploads the parameters from the device to the PC.
Download parameters to device
The action downloads the parameters from the PC to the device. Update firmware
The action starts the firmware upload program.
The action opens then "control" window of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the „remote" window of the selected device. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the "parameter" window of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.

Structure of popup menu, Structure of the program interface, Main menu, Toolbars, View "Log", View "Remote", Docking and Undocking

2.4.1 Structure of popup menu
The representation shows the popup menu of the project view. The menu always refers to the selected nodes in the project tree.
Graphic user interface
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Name of action
Combination of keys
The action opens the „oscilloscope" of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
The action opens the PLC editor of the selected device in the work area. If the window was already opened, it is brought into the foreground.
Bus scan
Ctrl + F5
The action implements a network scan for the selected communication module.
Note: With a network scan, all devices are removed from the device list and all
device-specific windows are closed!
This filter is enabled, displays all errors. In addition, it shows the number of errors in the caption of the button.
This filter is enabled, all warnings are displayed. The number of warnings is displayed in the caption of the button.
Informati on
This filter is enabled, all information will be displayed. The number of information is displayed in the caption of the button.
This filter is enabled, all messages of the "System" category are displayed.
Commun ication
This filter is enabled, all messages of the "Communications" category are displayed. PLC
This filter is enabled, all messages of the "PLC" category are displayed.
This filter is enabled, displays all messages in the "Macro" category.
Paramet er
This filter is enabled, displays all messages in the "Parameter" category.
Name of action
The action deletes the list.
2.5 View "Messages"
The view contains a list of all „NORD CON" messages. The entries are displayed by default time ascending. The sortation can be adjusted by clicking on a column header. Following filters available are for the filtering:
The messages can be saved or deleted via the popup menu (right mouse button). These actions can be carried out via the main menu ("Extras/Messages").
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Name of action
The action stores the entries into a file.
2.6 View "Remote"
Type of window
View of main window(e.g. Project, Logs, Remote)
The views of the main window can be docked only to the left, right and/or lower edge of the work area. Within these windows, there are no rules and the user can select the position freely.
Editor window (e.g. Macro editor, Parameter window, Oscilloscope)
The editor windows can only be docked into the work area. The adjustment is fixed however on down and/or above, or as register map.
Views of the Macro editor
The views of the macro editor can be docked only to the macro window. The adjustment here is fixed on left, right or down. Within
The view "remote" contains all windows of the function „Remote". The view opens automatically when opening the first window and closes after closing the latest. The view can be docked or undocked like all views to the work area. If the view was closed by the user, it can be opened by the action "Remote" again. The new windows are always docked to the left side of the last window. With the help of the mouse, it can be undocked or docked again. If the view is opened for the first time with the menu "View->Remote", each device in the list the window "Remote" is opened automatically.
Graphic user interface
Windows of type "Remote" can be docked only into the view "Remote".
2.7 Docking and Undocking
With the new design of NORD CON, the user has the possibility to adapt the layout of the surface to their own requirements. In principle, you can undock each view and editor window and position them freely on the screen. For this, the user must press the left mouse button over the title border and pull the colored rectangle to the desired position. After releasing the mouse button, the view or editor windows remains in those positions as independent windows. With the editor windows, there is additionally the possibility - with the popup menu, which opens when clicking with the right mouse button on the title border, to undock the windows. The docking functions are similar to the undocking functions. The colored rectangle indicates in each case the current docking position.
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Type of window
the views, no rules are defined.
Views of the oscilloscope
The views of the oscilloscope window can be docked only to the oscilloscope window. The adjustment here is fixed on left, right or down. Within the views no rules are defined.
„Remote" windows
"Remote" windows can only be docked to the view "Remote". Here the adjustment is fixed on left.
Docking position left
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Graphic user interface
Docking position right
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Docking position down
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Graphic user interface
Docking position up
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Docking position tab
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+ 59 hidden pages