Intellisys Adaptive Pressure Controller
Quick-Start Guide
APC-x00A and APC-x50A series Adaptive Pressure Controllers
Unpacking & Handling
Use care when unpacking an Intellisys controller. Aluminum surfaces scr atch easily. A static-safe work area is
recommended. There is no need to remove the chassis cover. All control sett i ngs are made externally.
Check The Package Contents:
• APC-x00A or APC-x50A Controller
One AC Power Cable
• This Quick-Start Guide
Serial Label
The Serial Label shows the model numb er and serial number of your controller :
Nor-Cal Intellisys Controllers and valves are warranted against defects and material workmanship for a per iod of
12 months after the date of shipment to the buyer. For complete warranty and Intellectual Property details,
please refer to the complete manual.
Pre-Installation Functionality Check
WARNING: The valve plate movement presents a pinching/crushing
hazard. Please keep fingers, hands and other objects away from
the valve opening and associated movin g parts.
Connect Power and Valve Cables
Connect the APC controller to the valve with a Nor-Cal TBV-CRD series cable, and a pply an appropriate power
source. See diagrams on the back of t hi s sheet for Cable and Power Supply Connec tions.
Initialize the Valve
On Power-up, the valve will complete a 30-second initialization sequenc e during which the valve plate will cycle
back-and-forth several times. (NOTE: Some valve models require an external command from the host soft ware
to begin initialization.) The v al v e will eventually stop in the open position, unless specified otherwise in the
Open/Close Testing
Verification of the system communicat i ons can be done by toggling the “OPEN / CLO S E” switch (if available) on
the controller front panel, or sendi ng the appropriate command from the tool software. If the valve does not
operate as described, please contac t Nor-Cal technical support.
Obtaining Complete Manuals
To download complete manuals for I ntellisys APC and IQ-series controllers, please visit www.n-c.com. Click
Support, choose Product Documentation Downloads from the drop-down menu, and pick Downstream
Pressure Control and locate document under Manuals at the left.
Nor-Cal Products, Inc. 1967 South Oregon St., Yreka, CA 96097 USA
LIT-APC-QSG, 12/2004