No NDA ZU15 Users Manual

1. General
2. Electrical Performance and Tests
3. Mechanical Tests and Requirements
4. Environmental Conditions
5. Mechanical Drawing
This specification defines the performance characteristic of an DC/DC Car charger. Car charger must comply with all the requirements of the specifications and drawing herein. .
2.1 Input Rated input voltage: Vdc 12V
Frequency: N/A Current: 2500mAmax@ 12Vdc Standby power: < 0.1W Rating input load power: 27Wmax. Starting time: < 1S@ 12Vdc Io = 100% load
2.2 Output
Voltage: 5.0V ± 5% Current: Smart 4.8A max. for Iusb1+ Iusb2. Ripple & noise: 120mVP-Pmax @ full load Note: 20MHz bandwidth ripple & noise is measured by using 0.1uF C.C . & 10uF E.C.
bypassed at the output connector.
2.3 Short circuit protection
No damage to this power supply when output shorted to ground. When the short-circuited is removed, the adapter shall promptly recover its normal operation.
3.1 Drop test
Drop height: 1.0m above 50mm hardwood. Method: Total 6 times. Drop one time for each of the 6 case surfaces. Expected result: After drop test, the unit should still operate properly. Small nick or slight
deformation may be accepted.
4.1 Operating temperature
0°C ~ +40°C
4.2 Storage temperature
-20°C ~ +60°C
4.3 Humidity
90% RH Non-condensing
5.1 Dimension: 83.71mm x 18.01mm
5.2 Drawing
5.2.1 Switch adapter unit:
FCC Caution: Anychanges ormodifications not expressly approved bythe partyresponsible forcompliancecouldvoidthe user's authoritytooperate this equipment. This devicecomplieswithPart15 of theFCC Rules.Operationissubject tothefollowingtwo conditions:(1)This devicemaynotcause harmfulinterference,and(2)thisdevicemust accept anyinterferencereceived,includinginterference thatmaycauseundesiredoperation. NOTE:This equipment has been testedandfound to complywith thelimitsfor a ClassB digitaldevice,pursuant toPart15 of theFCC Rules. Theselimits are designedto providereasonable protectionagainstharmfulinterferencein a residentialinstallation.This equipment generates, uses and canradiateradiofrequency energyand,if notinstalledandusedin accordancewith theinstructions,maycause harmful interferencetoradiocommunications. However,thereis noguaranteethatinterferencewillnot occurin a particularinstallation. Ifthisequipmentdoescauseharmfulinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbe determinedbyturningthe equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to trytocorrect the interference byone ormore of the followingmeasures: FCC RF RadiationExposureStatement: This equipmentcomplieswithFCCradiationexposurelimitssetforthfor an uncontrolled environmentEndusersmustfollowthespecific operatinginstructionsforsatisfying RF exposurecompliance.This transmittermust not be collocatedor operatinginconjunctionwith anyother antenna or transmitter. The devicehas beenevaluatedtomeet general RF exposurerequirement.Thedevicecanbe usedinportableexposureconditionwithoutrestriction.