NOMA F4315-000 User Manual

D u _ u A
335497A 3/01/95
Model F4315-000
Safety Rules Assembly Operation Maintenance ° Adjustments
plug. To remove mulching plug see Mulching Plug Instructions in the Maintenance section of this manual.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your purchase of a NOMA PERFORMANCE All WHEEL
Your NOMA PERFORMANCE lawn tractor is equipped with All Wheel Steering. This patented system delivers the increased maneuverability
that's essential for cutting a lawn fast and more efficiently. By controlling
both the front and rear wheels, All Wheel Steering creates a center of
turn that is closer to the mowing deck. The result is a tight 13.5-inch
mowing radius that allows you to cut around trees. You can also make
sharp turns without backing up, mow difficultto cut areas, and maneuver for close trimming. With All Wheel Steering, you spend much less time
mowing your lawn and much more time pursuing your leisure time activities.
This manual contains instructions for safety, assembly, operation,
maintenance, adjustments and storage. Read this manual carefully and
completely so that you will know proper assembly, use and care for your
B,.esure to fill in and mail the registration card packed with the unit. This information will prove valuable for any future service and product updates.
For product service not covered in this manual, contact an authorized service dealer. A listof authorized parts distributors has been included in
the Repair Parts manual. A nationwide parts and service organization
has been established to provide locally available parts and service.
Again, Murray Outdoor Products thanks you for the decision to purchase
a quality, American made product, the NOMA PERFORMANCE ALL WHEEL STEERING LAWN TRACTOR. All of us at Murray Outdoor
Products are dedicated to providing high quality products that meet your needs.
Si°°e C
Joe Cunningham
Product Manager
INTERNATIONALSYMBOLS .............................................4
OWNER'S INFORMATION .................................................5
RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER..................................5
SAFETY RULES ..............................................................5-6
SAFE MOWING GUIDE ...................................................7-9
STEPSTO FOLLOW ........................................................10
OPERATION ................................................................13-17
MAINTAINENANCE ..................................................... t8-24
ADJUSTMENTS .................................................... :...... 25-28
TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ..................................... 29-30
STORAGE ......................................................................... 31
SLOPE GUIDE .................................................................. 32
NOTES ......................................................................... 33-35
WARRANTY ...................................................................... 36
ome tractor models may require different instructions for assembTyand/or repair than shown in this manual The epelr Parts manual (suppliedwith tractor) will contain these instructions ifrequired on your model.
This lawn tractor is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any
unimproved forest-covered, brush-covered, or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is
_IL quipped with a spark arrestsr meeting applicable local or state laws (If any). If a spark arrester Is used, it
should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
In the State of California the above Is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is
available through an Authorized Service Center
References throughout this manual concerning the right or left side are determined as you face forward while seated in operator's seat.
Photographs and illustrations in this manual may not show your model but are for reference. They are based on the latest information.
IMPORTANT! These symbols may appear on your unit or in literature suppliedwith the product. Learn and understand their meaning.
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ThisOwner's/Operator's Manual isfor several d_erent models. The instructions are wr_en for apersonwith some mechanical ability. Like most service books, not allthe steps are described. Stepson howto loosen or tightenfasteners are steps anyone can follow with some mechanical ability. Read and follow these instructionsbefore you use the unit. Know your product: ifyou understand the unitand howthe unitoperates, youwillget the best performance. As you read thismanual, compare the illustrationstothe unit. Learn the locationand the function ofthe controls. To help prevent an accident, followtheoperating
instructions and the safety rules. Keep this manual forfuture reference. IMPORTANT: Many units are not assembled andare sold in cartons. It isthe responsibilityofthe owner to make sure the assembly
instructionsin this manual are exactly followed. Other unitsare purchased inan assembled condition. On assembled units, it isthe responsibility of the owner to make sure the unit is correctly assembled. The owner must carefully check the unitaccording to the
instructions inthis manual before it isfirst used.
The responsibility of the owner Is to follow the Instructions below.
1. Carefully read and followthe rules for safe operation.
2. Follow all the assembly instructions.
3. Inspect the unit.
4. Make sure theoperator of the unit knows howtooorrectly use
all standard and accessory equipment.
5+ Operate the unit only with guards, shields, and other safety
items in place and workingcorrectly,
6. Correctly adjust the unit.
7. Service the unit only with authorized or approved replace-
ment parts.
8. Complete all maintenance on the unit.
Environmental Awareness
Do not fill the engine's fuel tank completely full.
Drain fuel for off-season storage.
Use only unleaded gasoline.
Service the air cleaner regularly.
Change oil regularly. Use 30W oil in summer.
Tune-upthe engine regularly.
Keep equipment in efficient operating condition.
Dispose of used engine oil properly.
Safe Operation Practices for Riding Vehicles
As Recommended by American National Standards Institute
WARNING: This cutting machine Iscapable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure toobserve the following safety instructions could result In serious injury or death to the operator or bystanders.
1. Read, understand and follow all instructions in the Owner's/Operator's Manual, on the machine, the engine and with any
attachments before starting,
2. Only allow responsible adults familiar with the instructions to operate the machine.
3. Clear the area of objects such as rocks, toys, wire, etc. which could be picked up and thrown by the blade.
4. Be sure the area is clear of other people before mowing, Stop the machine if anyone enters the area.
5. Never carry passengers,
6. Disengagepowertothemoweroranyattachmentsbeforebackingup. Donotmowinreverseunlessabsoluteiynecessary. Always
look down and behind before and while backing.
7. Beawareofthedirectionthemowerdischarges. Donotpointdischargefromthemoweratanyoneoratplaceswherepeoplemay
be. Do not operate the mower without either the entire grass bagger or the mower guard in place.
8. Slow down before turning.
9. Neverleaveamachineunaltendedwiththeenginerunning. Alwaysdisengagetheblade(s),settheparkingbrake, stoptheengine and remove the key before dismounting.
10. Disengage power to attachment(s) when transporting or not in use. Disengage the blade(s) when not mowing.
11. Stop the engine before removing the grass bagger or unclogging the chute.
12. Mow only in daylight or good artificial light.
13. Do not operate the machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or when very tired.
14. Watch for traffic when operating near or crossing roadways.
15. Use extra caution when loading or unloading the machine when using a trailer or truck for transporting.
16. Disengage all attachment clutches and shift into Neutral before attempting to start the engine. (on gear drive models)
17. Disengage all attachment clutches before attempting to start the engine. (on hydro models)
18. Always wear safety g_asses _r an eye shie_dwhen y_u _perate _heunitt_ pr_tect y_ur eyes fr_m f_reign _bjects that can bethr_wn from the unit. Always wear eye protection when you make an adjustment or repair to the machine
19. Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equipment. a. Use onry approved drawbar hitch points. b. Limit loads to those you can safely control
c. Do not turn sharply. Use care when backing. d. Use counterweights when suggested in the Owner's/Operator's Manual.
Slopes and rough terrain are major factors related to loss of control and tip over accidents which can result In severe Injury or death. ALL slopes require extra caution. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on the slope, do not mow
it. See the "Slope Guide" in the back of this book to check for safe operation.
1. Mow up end down slopes, not across.
2. Remove obstacles such as rocks, limbs, etc...
3. Watch for holes, ruts or bumps. Uneven terrain couldoverturn the machine. "Tall grass can hide obstacles."
4. Use slow speed. Choose a low enough gear so that you will not have to stop or shiftwhile on the slope. (on gear drive models)
5. Use slow speed on slopes. Do not make sudden speed changes. (on hydro models)
6. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for wheel weights or counterweights to improve stability.
7. Use extra care with grass baggers or other attachments, they can change the stability of the machine.
8. Keep all movement on the slopes slow and gradual. Do not make sudden changes in speed or direction.
9. Avoid startingor stopping on a slope, ff tires lose traction, disengage the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope.
1. Do not turn on slopes unless absolutely necessary, then onlyturn slowly and gradually downhill, ifpossible.
2. Do not mow near drop..offs, ditches or embankments. A wheat over the edge or an edge caving in could cause a sudden overturn and an injury or death.
3. Do not mow on wet grass. Reduced traction could cause sliding.
4. Do not try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground.
5. Do not use a grass catcher or other rear mounted accessories on steep slopes (greater than 10 degrees),
Tragic accidents can occur If the operator Is not alert to the presence of ch ndren. Children are often attracted to the machine and the mowing activity. NEVER assume that children will remain where you last saw them.
1. Keep children out of the mowing area and in the watchful care of an adult other than the operator.
2. Be alert and turn the engine off if children enter the area.
3. Before and when backing, look behind and down for small children.
4. Never carry children or any passengers. They may fall off and be seriously injures or interfere with the safe operation of the machine.
5. Never allow children to operate the machine. Instruct children in the dangers of the machine.
6. Use extra care v/hen approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees or other objects that may obscure vision.
1. Use extra care when handling gasoline and other fuels. Fuels are flammable and the vapors are explosive, a. Use only an approved container.
b. Never remove the gas cap or add fuel with the engine running. Allow the engine to cool for several minutes before refueling.
Do not smoke.
c. Never refuelthe machine indoors. d. Never store the machine with fuel inthe tank or fuel container inside where there is an open flame, such as a water heater.
2. Never start or run the engine inside a closed area.
3. Keep all nuts and bolts, especially the blade attachment nuts tight. Frequently check the blade(s) for wear or damage such as cracks and nicks. A blade that is bent or damaged must be immediately replaced with an original equipment blade(s) from an authorized service dealer. For safety, replace the blade(s) every two years. Keep the equipment ingood condition.
4. Never tamper with the safety devices. Check their proper operation regurarly.
5. Toraducefirehazardskeepthemachinefreeofgrass, leavesorotherdebdsbuild-up. Cleanupoilcrfuelspilts. AIIowthemachine to cool before storing.
6. Stop and inspect the equipment if your strike an object. Repair, if necessary, before restarting.
7. Never make adjustments or repairs with the engine running. The carburetor can be adjusted with the engine running. Do not change the engine governor settings or over-speed the engine.
8. Grass bagger components are subject to wear, damage and deterioration, which could expose moving parts or allow obiects to be thrown. For storage, always make sure the grass bag isempty. Frequently check components and replace with man ufacturar's
recommended parts when necessary.
9. Mowerblade(s)aresharpandcancut. Wraptheblade(s)orwearglovesanduseextracautionwhenservicingthemorthemower deck area.
10. Check the brake operation frequently. Adjust and service as requirad.
11. Wait for all movement to stop before servicing any part of the unit.
Look for this symbol to indicate Important safety precautions. This symbol indicates: "Attention! Become Alert"
Your Safety Is At Risk."
Each person that operates power equip- ment must learn to use correct and safe
mowing procedures. To help you learn, carefullyreadthe following pages. Most of the time the operator was not correctly
shown ordid not read the instructionson theunltor intheOwner's/Operator's Manual
before using the unit. Also, some opera- tots do not have enough experience. The
result is unsafe use, endangering the op- erator, bystanders and the equipment. An-
other resultcan be a poor appearance of the area mowed.
Read this book. Read the instructions on the unit. Operate the mower according to
the Safe Mowing Guide. Follow all safety rules, cautionsor warnings in thisbeck and
on the unit. Make sure anyone that uses the unit reads the instructions and is told
how to safely operate the mower.
The mower will give you good service and durability, ifoperated innormal conditions.
If the mower is not correctly serviced or is used where the terrain is rough or unsuit-
able, product performance and safety will be decreased.
Correct clothingis an important part of safe mowing. Safety glasses will protect the
eyesfrom objectsdischargedbythe mower. Safety shoes withsteel plates can protect afoct from injurybytheblade. Forprctec-
tion from objects discharged from the
mower, wear clothing that will cover the arms and legs.
Before you start cuttingthe grass, practice using the mower in a large open and level
area. Learn the location of the controls on the mower. Know the purpose of the
controls and how they work. In an emer-
gency, how fast you can stop the blade is
important. Learn howto control the mower
at all times.
Many engines are started by hand. When
you use a pull start or rope start, place your feet apart and away from the blade(s).
Hold the rope handle tight. Never wrap the rope around you rarm or fingers for a "Bet-
ter grip". To start the engine, follow the
instructions on the mower, inthis book and in the engine operating instructions.
For electric start engines, sit in the seat to
start the engine. The battery can be dan- gerous. Follow the instructions on the battery, the acid container, and in this book when working with the battery. Even small batteries have enough voltage to cause an
injury. Always be careful.
The mower is designed to be operated by one person. Never let another person ride with you on the unit or on any accessories.
A passenger will make the unit harder to control, block the visibility or distract the operator and is dangerous to the operator, the passenger and the equipment. Without
a passenger seat, the passenger can fall fromthe mower orcontact dangerous parts. A mower is not a toy for showing off or for
giving rides.
Never cutawet lawn. Wet grasscancause an accident, affect mower performance and can cause problems with future lawn growth and appearance. Wet grass is slippery and can cause the mower to slip. Someone can get injured by touching the blade(s). Wet grass tends to clog the mower, causing poor discharge. Cut wet grass will collect on the lawn, retarding the growth of the grass. Also, getting the
mower wet will cause parts to rust and
decrease the life of the unit. When you look over the lawn, remember
obstacles that cannot be removed, like
pipes, stumps or rocks. Keep away from
these obstacles that can cause damage to the mower or injury to the operator or a person near the mower. Clear the area of
rocks, toys, wire or other loose objects. These ffemscan damage the mower orcan be discharged by the mower blade.
The blade of power mower rot_es very
fast. It can discharge rocks and other
objects over a long distance which can be dangerous. The force of the objects can
break windows, cause injuries or even put an eye out. Most of the time the injury isto a person, like a child. Keep every person
completely away from the area to be
mowed. Make sure the grass is not dis-
charged toward anyone. Planning your
mowing pattern has a double advantage. It can decrease the possibility of an injury
and make the clean up after mowing easier.
Check the terrain of the area to be mowed. Mow inpattern that will keep you away from
dangerous areas. Checkthe distance you
need to stop and the distance avairable to
turn. Slopes and rough terrain must be
mowed carefully and some areas must not be mowed at all. With riding mowers, mow up and down the hill When you must mow rough terrain or on slopes, never change directions or change speeds and stop in these areas only in and emergency.
Before you ride up or down a slope, try to back straight up the slope. Do not ride up or down a slope that is too steep to back
straight up. See the "Guide" in the back of
this Owner's/Operator's Manual to check
any slopes.
Before you start cutting, make sure the mowerwas completely assembled accord-
ing to the Owner's/Operator's Manual. If the mower was completely assembled at
the store, you must still check the mower according to the assembly instructions. Make sure the mower is correctly as- sembled and that all fasteners are tight. Make sure the engine has the correct
amount of oil. Check these items often during the life of the mower.
Your mower hasa gasoline engine. Gaso-
line is a dangerous fuel. Keep gasoline only in an approved safety gasoline con- tainer, Do not keep large amounts of gasoline. When you add gasoline to the
fualtank, do not smoke. Storetha gasoline container and the mower in an area that
hasgood ventilation. Also,keep the gaso-
line away from anyflames like the pilotlight
ofa furnace or any other source of ignition.
Ifthe mower isto be stored for more than a
few weeks, remove the gasoline from the fuel tank. When inside an enclosure, do
not add gasoline to the fuel tank. Before
you add gasoline move the mower outside
and add gasoline carefully. Before your
start the angina, remove anygasoline from
the outside of the fuel tank or from the
mower. Warm gasoline will expand. Leave
some space inthe fu_tank for the gasoline
to expand. Also, the fuel cap has a vent
hole for fuelvapors. Always usathe correct
fuel cap. Failure to follow safety rules
about gasoline will cause fires and explo-
sions, injury to you and damage to the
equipment and other property.
If you add gasoline to an engine that is running or hot, the result can bean explo- sion. Before you add gasoline, stop the
engine and let the engine cool for several seconds. Remove dry grass and other debris from the mower. Keep the mower clean to improve the performance, help the
engine and transmission run cooler, ex- tend the like of moving parts, and decrease
the danger of a fire.
Fires and explosions are not the only dan- gers when working around a mower. The engine, transmission, and the muffler will
get hot in several minutes when the engine
isrunning. Do nottouch these parts ofthe mower. Stop the engine. Let the engine and transmission cool before servicing the
mowerRemember, exhaustfumesaredan-
gerous. Never operate theengine insidea building.
When you get a new mower, itcan be a new experience for the family. Tell each person how a mower can be dangerous. Remem- ber, a mower is not a toy. A mower is not
to be used by children or anyone not old
enough, strong enough or that does not have experience.
Ifthe mower isnot correctly assembled, not operated correctly, or not regularly ser-
viced, the mower can be dangerous. The most important rule to follow is always use good judgement and common sense. Mow safely and carefully.
Your mower will easily cut thick grass.
Fingers, feet and other parts can also be
cut by the blade. Injuries occur when the operator does not think and reaches into
the chute opening. Always operate the
mower as if the blade is rotating. Do not service or make an adjustment, except to the carburetor, while the engine is running.
Use only accessories that are factory ap-
proved for your mower. The wrong acces-
sory can decrease the safety of the mower
and can even damage the unit. Read and
follow the instructions included with the
accessory and the mower.
Use only original equipment or replace-
ment parts that are factory approved for
service. If you need service, select and
Authorized Service Center for your mower.
If you do the work on the unit, follow the instructions Jn the Owner's/Operator's
When you mow, remember that children are attracted to the mower. Always usa
caution when mowing around obstacles
like trees or shrubs or when moving back-
ward. Only mow in a forward direction if possible. You rvisibility isdecreased when
you mow backward. Also, the blades are
made to cut while the unit is moving for-
ward. If you mow backward, the cutting
performance decreases.
Before you leave the mower, stop the en-
gine. Remove the key. Disengage and
lower any attachment. Set the parking brake. Never mount or dismount from the
seat while the engine is running. An acci- dent can occur if you touch the brake, shift lever, throttle, clutch, or mower clutch lever while the engine is running. Mount and dismount from the seat on the side oppo- site the discharge chute.
Make sure you are in good condition when
you mow. When you mow for several
hours your reflexes will decrease and your mind will not beasalert. Take a short break
or an accident can occur. If the tempera- ture is hot, use caution to prevent dehydra- tion. If you are tired, angry or not com- pletely alert, do notoperate the mower. If
you use alcohol, medication or drugs, do
not use the mower or any type of power equipment.
Engine speed is a key to safe mowing and
to a good looking lawn. The maximum
speed of the engine was set at the factory. Do not change the setting of the engine
Select the maximum engine and ground speed that is right for the terrain and the height of the grass. The blade cuts best
when the engine isoperating at maximum
speed. Also, the grass catcher willf unction better when the engine is operating at
maximum speed. On slopes, decrease the ground speed and use care making sure
mower feels safe to operate.
Ifthe weather conditions are bad, do not
mow. If weather conditions become bad, stop cutting and finish later. It is dangerous
to cut grass inthe rain. Always find protec- tion in an electrical storm. If the weather
conditions are extra dry, protect your eyes with safety glasses from the dust and from
the objects discharged by the mower. Also, a dust or a pollen mask can help.
Your mower is equipped with a number of safety devices which are important to the safety of the operator and bystanders and must never be changed or removed from the mower. If a safety device is lost, damaged or no longer functions, repair or replace the device before you operate the
Itisbest to mow during the day. If you must mow at night, make sure there is enough light for safe operation.
Your mower will require regular mainte- nance and service. The maintenance
schedule depends on the hours of use. Also, mowing conditions can change the schedule. Check the Owner's/Operator's
Manual for more information. Correct main- tenance will help the mower function safely.
Do not service the mower (except for the carburetor
adjustment) while the en- gine is running. Before il_,l
you service the un t, even I_ with the engine stopped, Itl
always disconnect thewire
from the spark plug to pre-
vent the engine from start- ing.
If you hit a large object during operation, stop the engine. Remove the wire from the sparkplug. Carefully inspect the mower for
damage. Before you start the engine again,
make the necessary repairs. If you feel new or excessive vibration, immediately
stop the engine and check for the problem.
Vibration can be a warning of a problem, Keep all nuts, bolts and screws tight.
The blade isthe most dangerous part of the
mower. Frequently check the blade and
the blade mounting fasteners. Keep the fasteners tight. If the blade hits a solid
object, stop the engine. Remove the wire from the spark plug. Check for ablade that
is bent, cracked or for other damages. Before you start the engine, replace the
damaged blade. For safety, replace the
blade every two years.
A sharp blade decreases the work load on
the engine and more evenly cuts grass.
Frequently sharpen the blade for a better looking cut. Use the left side of the mower
deck to trim near an object.
A grass catcher is a good a accessory for your mower. For best performance and
safety, make sure the grass catcher is approved for use with your mower. Follow
the assembly and operation instructions
included with the grass catcher. Some grass catchers require a special
blade for best performance. Before you attach, check, or empty the grass catcher,
always stopthe engine. Beforeeach useof the grass catcher, check for cracks, wear or deterioration. Before you use the grass catcher, replace a damaged part with a
replacement part approved by the factory.
For you to have a good green lawn, follow the mowing procedures below. Do not cut the grass too short. Ifyou cut the grass to short you can cause the grass to become yellow or make the lawn look brown. Use a lower height of cut in cool months when the grass isthicker. Raise the height of cut in hot dry periods, if you cut the grass with
ablade that is not sharp or at aslow engine speed you can damage the grass. Move
the throttle control to the FAST position
when mowing and using the grass catcher. Also, use a slower ground speed when
using the grass catcher. Ifyou change the direction or pattern ofcut
slightly every time you mow will make the
grass grow stronger and thicker. Do not
add oil or gasoline to the mower while on the lawn. Spilled oilor gasoline can kill the grass. In high or thick grass, do not try to cut all the grass the first time. Raise the
height of cut on the first cutting and lower the heightfor the next cutting Anotherway
isto cut only part of the width of the mower
and decrease your ground speed (not the
engine) to move more slowly so that the
mower can discharge thegrass asit moves forward.
Understand the controls and how they
work. Learn the ground speed(s) of your
mower. Check the stopping distance re-
quired at different travel speeds. Check the turning radius of the mower. The
controls on your riding mower are different from an automobile. The throttle is oper-
ated by hand and holds the engine speed
constant until it ischanged. The location of the shift lever andthe shift pattern is differ-
ent from that of an automobile. Also, the
brake and clutch systems are different.
Remember the procedures to follow in an
emergency. Remember, turning off the
ignition switch will stop the blade and the drive mechanism. If the traction of the
wheels is lost or does not feel safe, disen- gage all systems and stop the engine.
Dismount from the mower. Pushthe unifto
a safe place before you begin mowing
Your unit has an electrical system that
includes an seat switch in the seat. The seat switch detects ifthe operator is sitting
on the seat. The engine will stop if the operator leaves the seat when the blade engagement control is engaged. This seat switch is a safety device only. Itmust not
regularly be used to stop the engine or the blade. There are other control systems on
the mower for this purpose. Always keep the seat switch and other safety devices and controls in place and operating for your protection.
Remember, your mower is a tool that can be dangerous if it is not correctly used.
Follow the instructions in this Owner's/ Operator's Manual. Safe and careful use
of the mower willgive you ma_,_,safe hours
of problem free use.
Be sure to dress correctly. Wear hard shoes, not sandals or tennis shoes.
Examine the blade. A blade that is bent, cracked or damaged must be replaced with a factory replacement blade.
Fillthe fueltank outside. Clean off spilled fuel.
Read and follow the Owner's/Operator's Manual, the instructions with the engine, and the instructions with any attachments. Owner's/Operator's Manual instructions are for your safety and the safety of others.
Exhaust fumes are dangerous. Start the engine outside.
Make sure all safety devices are in place and working correctly.
Operation of the mower is only for a person that has experience.
Wet grass can be dangerous. Let the grass dry.
Instruct children and others to keep away from the work area.
Never cutthe grass w_thoutgood light.
Pick up loose objects. Remove them from the mowing area,
Watch for fixed objects and avoid them. They can damage the mower or cause injury.
A hot engine, muffler, and transmission will cause a burn. Do not touch.
Inclines and slopes must be carefully mowed. See the "Guide* in the back of this book to check a slope.
Lack of daylight or good artificial light is cause to stop mowing.
Examine the mower, the blade, and other parts for damage after hitting a foreign object or if the unit vibrates excessively.
Do not make adjustments or repairs without stopping the engine (except for carburetor). Disconnect the spark plug wire. \.
On or near roads, watch out for traffic. Direct discharge away from roads.
When mowing, avoid areas where traction is unsure. Look back before changing direction of travel.
In heavy grass, raise the cutting height. Cut slower. Stop the engine to remove clogged grass from the mower.
Never remove any safety related parts.
Do not pour gasoline into a engine that is hot or running.
Always let the mower cool before storing in an enclosed area.
Foreign material on the mower is dangerous. Clean off grass, leaves, grease, and oil before storing.
Tighten all loose nuts, bolts, and screws before you use the unit.
Empty and clean any grass catcher or other accessory.
Remove the key or disconnect the spark plug wire to prevent unauthorized use.
Make sure the mower is not kept near a source of ignition. Gas fumes can cause an explosion.
Only original parts or factory approved substitutes can be used toservice the mower.
When storing the mower for an extended period, remove the fuel from the fuel tank.
Instruct children to leave the mower alone. Jtis not a toy.
Never keep gasoline near a source of ignition. Always use an approved container. Keep gasoline away from children
Lubricate according to the Owner's/Operator's Manual. See "Lubrication". IMPORTANT- READ THE OWNER'S/OPERATOR'S MANUAL. KEEP THIS BOOK FOR FUTURE USE AND REFERENCE.
,_ WARNING: Look for this symbol to point out important safety precautions. It means: "Altentlon! Become Alert!
Your Safety Is Involved."
Your lawn tractor has a right side and left side as you face forward while seated in operator's seat.
IMPORTANT: : Before you attach the battery cables to the battery, check the battery date code. The battery date code tells
ifthe battery must be charged.
1. Check the battery date code on top of the battery.
2. If the battery isput into service before the battery date, the
batterycables can be attached without charging the battery. See Battery Installation paragraph in Maintenance sec-
tion of this manual.
3. If the battery is put into service after the battery date, the
battery must be charged. To charge proceed:
When you charge the battery, do not smoke,_
Keep the battery away from any sparks. The
fumes from the battery acid can cause an
TO CHARGE THE "MAINTENANCE FREE" BATTERY NOTE: Before you attach the battery cables, make sure the
battery isfully charged. This will extend the life of the battery and provide the necessary power to start the engine.
4. Remove battery from lawn tractor (see Battery Removal paragraph in Maintenance section of this manual).
5. Remove the protective caps from the battery terminals.
6. Use a 12volt battery charger to charge the battery. Charge
at a rate of 6 amperes for one hour. If you do not have a battery charger, have an authorized service center charge the battery. Complete assembly section ofthis manual while waiting for battery to charge.
7. Reinstall battery (see Battery Installation paragraph in
Maintenance section of this manual).
1. Positionfront wheels straight forward.
2. Place spacer (If so equipped) on steering shaft.
3. Place steering shaft cover (if so equipped) over spacer.
4. Align cross holes in steering wheel and steedng shaft. Make sure wheel single wheel spoke points down. NOTE: Use a small Phillips screwd river with a 1/4 inch shaft to aFignholes.
5. Drive spring pin through holes with a hammer.
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