September 12, 2007
Communication Certification Laboratory
1940 West Alexander St
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
Re: FCC Part 15 notation page update to draft version of BTS/Optimization Manual
for FCC filing IHET6HG1
To whom it may concern:
Motorola has submitted a draft format 1X Macro UBS BTS Optimization/ATP
manual for TCB review and approval of IHET6HG1 UBS CDMA XMI Transceiver
at 1.9GHz, which will be updated with FCC required manual information similar to
the example on page 2 of this letter, in the next and/or final released drafts.
A draft of the page to be included in the updated manual will be provided to TCB to
keep on file, and the updated manual including the FCC Part 15 reference page will
be provided for reference when it becomes available.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (817) 2456039 or via email at Melissa.VanDrie@Motorola.com
Melissa VanDrie
Motorola, Inc.
BTS FCC Coordinator