The name TESLA, when used by Nokia, is an acronym for TEst and Ser-
vice Locals Application. Tesla for Windows (i.e. WinTesla) is a software
package designed to operate in the Microsoft Windows environment. The
software package is made of two modules, the WinTesla core module and
a service software module. The WinTesla module is similar to an operating system for various service modules. In this way many Nokia products
can be serviced using one common software package.
NOTE: The WinTesla core module MUST be installed for ”any” service
module to run.
Service Software
Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Due to the modular design of Service Software, various generations of
Nokia products can be serviced while sharing a similar user interface. The
common user interface is explained in the first part of this document followed by the specific module information.
The software can be used to control the phone by entering commands via
PC/AT/NT – running MS Windows 95, 98 or NT.
This document refers to WinTesla version 5.38 or greater.
If not familiar with the Windows interface, consult the
User Guide
for further information.
Equipment Requirements
Computer: PC Pentium, 100 MHz min. or compatible with at least one,
unused serial port, COM1 or COM2, one parallel port (LPT1), 5MB hard
disk space and 16MB RAM required.
Display: Any supported by MS–Windows version Windows 95, 98 or NT.
Operating System: DOS 5.0 or later running MS Windows 95, 98 or NT.
WinTesla Application Software (product code: 0774046)
Software Protection Key PKD–1 (product code: 0750018) or PKD–1D
(product code: 0750053)
Microsoft Windows
Phone–Specific Service Software Module (product code: see phone–
specific information)
Mechanical Connections, Dealer Functions
The software controls the phone via a separate adapter (DAU–9P, or
DAU–9S) connected to the serial port of the PC and to the phone’s bottom connector using the Nokia proprietary communication method called
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Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Attach the protection key PKD–1* to parallel port one (25–pin female
D–connector) of the PC. When connecting the PKD–1 to the parallel port,
be sure that you insert the PC end of the PKD–1 to the PC (male side).
Dongle insertion
The PKD–1* should not affect devices working with it. If some errors do
occur, try printing without the PKD–1 connected. If printing is now OK
please contact your supplier who will endeavor to replace your PKD–1*.
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Servicing setup
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Service Software and Tuning Instructions
WinTesla Core Software Installation
The WinTesla core software is delivered on a 3.5” diskette and is protected with a protection “key” (PKD–1 or PKD–1D) which must be attached to the parallel port LPT1 when the WinTesla service software is
being used. Keep the original diskette safe to enable upgrading of the
program. To install the WinTesla software package, proceed as follows:
NOTE: For instructions on installing the service module (see Phone Specific Service Module Installation)
1.Insert the WinTesla Application diskette into your computer.
2.Start Windows, open File Manager, and log into drive A: Type A:
and press
3. Start INSTALL.EXE and install the WinTesla Core Software to
drive C:
After installing your Windows, desktop will now have a “Service Software”
group and a “Service Software” icon within that group.
To start the program, double click on the “Service Software” icon.
NOTE: The dongle driver installation is mandatory for getting the Wintesla
SW to start. The dongle driver instruction is delivered with the dongle driver SW.
NOTE: If the case of using phone SW upgrading device (”Flash Box”) like
FLS–1 or FPS–4 the corresponding driver is needed to install before using the SW.
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Phone Specific Service Module for NSD–1/3
The product specific DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is needed after the WinTesla Core software has been installed.
1.The floppy disk (product code: 0774102 in case of NSD–1/NSD–3)
includes NSD_w242.exe file, (where 242 is the version number, may be
different) double click it. The files will be loaded to the “temp” directory.
2.After this, use File Manager or My Computer and go to that
“temp” directory. Start/Run (or double click) the install.exe file. That will
install the phone specific program into your PC. The recommended file
structure is C:\wintesla\
3.The PC will show the status of the process.
Using WinTesla with NSD–1 and NSD–3 phones
The WinTesla application, “WinTesla.exe”, is phone independent. It relies
on separate, phone specific, “modules” to provide communication, menus
and test algorithms.
For each phone type – or product family – a phone interface module and
menu module are required. The modularity of WinTesla allows support for
other languages, so one phone type may have one phone interface module and several menu modules, all in different languages.
WinTesla allows you to select the language you wish to use (if available),
and will automatically load the correct phone interface module for the connected phone. When a different phone type is connected, WinTesla will
load the new phone interface and associated menus.
Menu Bar
The Service Software package will have two menu bar configurations.
The first, is an abbreviated version that contains the minimum number of
menus that allows package configurations when a phone is NOT connected. The second is described below:
The menu bar MUST only contain the following menus for the Service
Software package when a phone is connected:
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• P
• C
uning (not available with PKD–1D)
• T
• Testing (not available with PKD–1D)
• Software
• Dealer
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• View
• H
* – always displayed, even if the phone is not connected.
The menu is broken down into sections that are indicated with menu sep-
arators. Each section identifies a logical difference from itself and other
sections, i.e. between transmitter and receiver. Any items that are required to be added to a menu lists will be added to the bottom of the appropriate menu section list. If a new item is to be added which is common
to two or more phone types, then that menu item will become a common
menu item.
The menu lists will use the Microsoft [...] symbol after an item name to indicate that selecting that item will NOT initiate an operation immediately.
A dialog box will be displayed for the user to select options or type in data
and press the OK button before the operation is performed.
Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Login ID Setup (not needed for dealer use)
When WinTesla first starts, the Login screen below will appear. Type in
your 3 character ID and press <Enter> or click on the OK button.
Login Screen
If WinTesla cannot find the file, op_id.val, which contains the Login IDs,
then the OK button will be ‘grayed’. Otherwise, press the CANCEL button
and only the Fault Logging feature of WinTesla will be deactivated.
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WinTesla Screen
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The main WinTesla screen (if no phone is attached) is displayed with 3
menu items at the top of the screen and a status bar at the bottom.
The information on the left of the status bar will be used to provide information when WinTesla is performing tasks: such as reading data from
the phone. The status bar also includes the name of the current user.
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Getting Started
Setup for BUS type and COM port:
When you have installed the WinTesla core software with PKD–1 drivers
and the product specific DLL software, the next step is to tell the software
what kind of hardware connection you are using.
Service Software and Tuning Instructions
1. Select the correct C
2. Select the H
(>>DAU for MBUS).
3. Select the M
4. Press A
When you start using the WinTesla program with a new phone you
1. Select New, then the program starts to scan the phone that has been
connected to the PC or;
2. Select Open. Then you need to select the right product type, i.e.;
After the product specific DLL has been selected, it will be displayed on
the bottom of the PC screen. The version and date of the Product specific
DLL is also displayed.
ardware Type. For example, service cable DAU–9P
edia, For example, MBUS.
dd to save configuration.
OM Port. For example, COM1.
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Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Configure Menu
The configuration menu allows you to setup such things as directory
paths, user interface language and FaultLog options.
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This option allows you to change the language used in the WinTesla application.
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User ID
Allows the user ID to be entered if the user’s name is setup in the
opt_id.val (validation) file.
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This option allows you to select which communications port the phone is
to be connected. The change will take place immediately after pressing
Automatic Rescan
Automatic rescan is a mechanism to automatically check for the new
phone; the time between re–scans is user configurable. When a phone is
scanned and recognized, the corresponding phone interface and menu
are loaded, extending the main menu at the top of the screen and displaying the phone type and description at the bottom of the screen.
Product|New (or Ctrl+R ) function can be used to rescan the phone in–
between automatic rescans or when automatic rescan has been disabled.
The automatic re–scan mechanism is disabled when the
function is used to load a phone interface.
Check in the automatic rescan box enables the automatic rescan option.
Clicking on the check–box (making the check–box blank) will disable the
automatic re–scan option. The time between re–scans (in seconds) is entered into the edit box.
Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Pressing the OK button will save any changes made. Pressing CANCEL
will discard any changes you may have made.
Setup for BUS type and COM port:
When you have installed the WinTesla core software with PKD–1 drivers
and the product specific DLL software, the next step is to tell the software
what kind of hardware connection you are using.
1. Select the correct C
2. Select the Hardware Type. For example, service cable DAU–9P
(>>DAU for MBUS). In case of FLS–1 select also DAU for MBUS. IN case
of 3–box flash concept select Combox for MBUS.
3. Select the M
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OM Port. For example, COM1.
edia, For example, MBUS.
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Service Software and Tuning Instructions
4. Press Add to save configuration.
This function allows you to organize your data into different directories.
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The directories already exist when the WinTesla core software is installed.
If an invalid directory is entered, then an error message will be displayed.
The use of a backslash (‘\’) at the end of the directory name is optional.
Clicking on the OK button will save your changes.
Fault Log Configuration (needed only if fault logger system in use)
Fault Log is a feature that allows the PC to create a record of each phone
that is serviced for historical tracking. This function allows you to configure the FaultLog mechanism. Clicking OK after making selections, saves
all changes made.
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Fault Log
This option allows you to enable or disable the FaultLog mechanism.
Choosing to disable the FaultLog mechanism results in the
Log options being ‘greyed’ and the F9 button being disabled.
Allow Manual Entry
This option allows you to disable manual entry of data that was unavailable from the phone.
Automatic Fault Log Prompting
Enabling this option results in a prompt being displayed if the phone has
Station Identity
Enter the unique identity of your ‘workstation’; this ID is used to write
FaultLog files.
Country Of Repair
Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Product |Fault-
Enter the country of repair.
Warranty Period ( months )
Each product code has an associated warranty period. This option allows
you to change those warranty periods. If no phone is connected then all
product codes supported will be displayed. However, if a phone is connected then only the product codes associated with that phone type are
Note: Changing the Warranty Period in the Fault Log data file has no affect on the products warranty terms as stated from the manufacturer.
Maximum Time To Repair ( minutes )
Enter the maximum time allowed to repair a phone.
Fault Log Application
The aim of the Fault Log application is to provide NMP After Sales Companies worldwide a standard method for the collection of Fault and Repair
Data from their service processes. This information can also be used by
NMP R&D and Manufacturing organizations as well.
The Fault Log application can be regarded as a data entry sub–routine
run from the WinTesla Service Software package at the end of a repair.
This allows for quick and uniform recording of the service performed on
the product.
Each product repaired, will generate one unique record in a FaultLog file
consisting of up to 37 data fields containing information about the product
and how it was repaired. This information is read automatically where
possible, from the products own internal EEPROM and then entered
manually by the Service Technician to form a complete service record.
For more advanced implementations, the repair records are copied and
collected by the electronic mail system installed in the Service Center and
are sent electronically to a Central Service Database located in Finland.
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Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Completing a FaultLog Record
Once WinTesla has been configured correctly it operates in the following
– Wintesla automatically reads the product details from the products EEPROM and writes them as a record to a pre–determined file.
– Proceed with the repair task, utilising a combination of software driven
tuning and hardware modifications.
On completion of the repair task you have a choice:
A. With the product still connected to the PC, manually display
the repair data entry screen by selecting Function Button F9.
B. Alternatively, the product can be disconnected and the next
product for repair connected in its place.
As long as Automatic Prompting is enabled the previous products repair
data entry screen will be displayed.
PAMS Technical Documentation
Enter the repair work performed on the product in the repair
data screen.
Check the automatic data for this product, read earlier, to ensure its accuracy.
When satisfied with the data, save the entry. This process adds
a complete record containing the product details and the repair
details to the FaultLog output file.
The output file can then be manipulated by a number of different systems,
as required, as a detailed record of the product fault.
To attempt to record all of this information 37 data fields are defined for
each FaultLog record. These can be split as follows:
Product definition information fields
Repair / fault information fields.
Most products have their information stored in EEPROM. WinTesla automatically reads this information from the EEPROM and writes it to the
FaultLog record. This part of the record is shown below.
Most products have their information stored in EEPROM. WinTesla automatically reads this information from the EEPROM and writes it to the
FaultLog record. This part of the record is shown below.
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Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Fields that are ‘greyed out’ etc. are data that has been automatically retrieved from the phone’s EEPROM. All other fields are entered manually;
fields are summarized below.
Automatic: Station, Country
Manual :
The current FaultLog application allows for the entering of three priority
levels of fault / repair information seen as
Time to repair, Job ID, Operator ID
Product code, Production SN, Order No., Hardware
ID, Software version, Mfr. SN/ESN/IMEI, Mfr. Date,
Issue date
Module, Fault, Symptom, Circuit ref., Part Number
Primary, Secondary
rows alongside each respective field.
A comprehensive list of faults and symptoms as well as all current modules are already listed within the software. These three fields can be updated by accessing and editing the following files.
Manualall fields
Enter other parts that have been replaced i.e. for wear and tear purposes
This Entry
AutomaticEntry Indicator, Date, Time
Parts, Labour
FaultLog Macros
The Macro sub–menu can be accessed by selecting the
macros button on
the FaultLog main screen.
Macro’s in FaultLog are a set of standard repair actions defined and
stored in order to represent frequently repeated repairs. These Macro’s
are related to the Product Code of the product, so whatever product is
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connected, FaultLog will display the Macro list for that particular Product
A Macro’s standard repair information can also be pasted into the FaultLog record for that product.
Macro’s are saved initially under a name you can define yourself from the
main FaultLog screen. All the information contained in the manually entered fields i.e. Module, Fault, Symptom, Circuit Ref and Part Number are
recorded and saved under this name.
Flash Device…
This function is for select the right flash concept. The default setting is
POS flash with is based on FLS–1 device connected to the parallel port of
the PC.
If the FPS–4, FLA–5 and TDF–4 flash device is used then the setup
3–box is needed to select.
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The Product Menu
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New (Ctrl+R)
The ‘New’ function (which can also be activated by pressing Ctrl+R) is
used to scan for a phone when either the automatic rescan option is off or
the automatic rescan timer has not expired (see
for automatic rescan).
If the phone type is unrecognized or unsupported by the current WinTesla
system, then a warning message will be displayed.
If the phone is changed (with the same phone type only the serial number
is changed) the phone will be initialized into local mode. If the phone is
changed to a different phone type, the current DLLs are unloaded and
new ones are loaded for that phone.
If the Quick/RF Info view is open, the window will be automatically updated. If the Phone Information view is open, it will be automatically updated.
The ‘Open’ function allows you to ‘force load’ a phone interface, even if
there is no phone connected to the system.
Configure|Options section
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A dialog box will appear and a list of supported phone types. To select a
particular phone, highlight the phone type name and click OK.
Clicking on CANCEL will stop the request and no new phone type will be
Service Software and Tuning Instructions
Loading a phone interface will disable the automatic rescan function (see
Configure|Options section for automatic rescan).
This function will close the currently loaded phone type interface that had
been loaded using the Configure|Options function. You cannot ‘Close’ a
loaded phone type interface if it was loaded by a rescan.
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, P, IOpens a submenu for the Normal Mode and the Lo-
cal Mode.
Normal Mode
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, P, NInitializes the phone to normal (cellular) mode
When the normal mode has been activated or the program has been
started, self–test results will be asked from the MCU. If any fault was
found in the tests, an error message is shown. If the normal mode has
been set successfully (no self–test error has been found), and paging listening has been started, the used AFC value is requested from MS.
Initialization routine checks the phones’ cellular type and if it is unsupported, the phone application unloads the DLLs.
The After Sales SW sets automatically the MS state to normal mode
when needed.
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Service Software and Tuning Instructions
If phone identification view is open, window will be automatically updated.
Also if RF Information Window is open it will be updated to quick info
Local Mode
ActivationStatus Bar Text
Alt, P, LInitializes phone to local mode
Shift + F5
PAMS Technical Documentation
Selection will change the MS state to
from Testing or Tuning menus, the After Sales SW software will change
automatically the MS state to local.
The After Sales SW sets automatically the MS state to normal mode
when needed.
Also if quick info view is open it will be updated to RF Information view.
Exit (Alt+F4)
Selecting this option will shutdown the WinTesla program.
. When the user selects item
Activate Faultlog…
dit Faultlog…
This function is only needed if fault logger system is in use.
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The Testing Menu
ADC Readings
Service Software and Tuning Instructions
This option allows the phone’s ADC readings to be displayed. The readings are updated every few seconds. There may be some delay before
the mouse or keyboard responds while running this test.
Mbus displays the MCU software version.
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