Absolute maximum ratings..............................................................................................................................8–6
Phone modes of operation...............................................................................................................................8–7
Power distribution............................................................................................................................................8–9
User interface..................................................................................................................................................8–15
Display and keyboard backlight...............................................................................................................8–15
ALS interface...............................................................................................................................................8–15
USB IF electrical characteristics......................................................................................................................8–20
FBUS interface electrical characteristics (between RAP and N2300).........................................................8–21
SIM IF connections...........................................................................................................................................8–21
Frequency mappings............................................................................................................................................8–27
Table 15 ALS resistor values................................................................................................................................8–16
Figure 52 System level block diagram..................................................................................................................8–6
Figure 53 Power distribution diagram.................................................................................................................8–9
Figure 57 ALS HW implementation.....................................................................................................................8–16
Figure 58 E-mail LED implementation................................................................................................................8–17
The device is a quad-band GSM mono-block product with full QWERTY keyboard. It is based on Series 60 UI
Style on the Symbian Operating System (SOS) release (version 9.1).
The device has two antennas; Internal antenna for cellular quad band GSM and BT antenna.
Bluetooth module has its own antenna. System calculations assume 15dB antenna isolation between
Bluetooth and cellular GSM antenna.
Architecture overview
The device is a monoblock quadband GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 handportable phone running on
Symbian series 60 release 3.0.
Product segment is a Smart phone.
The device baseband is single processor architecture based on CeMEnt G3.1S engine (CeBBo1GSM BB + Ritsa
4.5 RF).
The baseband includes following HW-blocks:
Digital baseband is single processor architecture. It consists of RAP, EM ASIC (N2200), EM ASIC (N2300) and
memories as the core. RAP is a GSM EDGE chip with lots of peripheral features. Supported cellular protocols
in RAP are GSM (minimum EDGE class 10, GPRS phase2). In general RAP consists of three separate parts. The
first part is processor subsystem (PSS) that includes both MCU and DSP processors and related functions. The
second part is MCU peripherals that are peripherals mainly controlled by MCU. The third one is DSP peripherals
that are peripherals mainly controlled by DSP. N2200 is an audio ASIC including also energy management
(EM) functions. With second EM ASIC N2300, it covers the analog audio and energy management function.
N2200 is also the device that handles the power-up and power-down routines of the system. During the
times when the digital BB is alive N2200 handles a variety of tasks that can not be accomplished elsewhere
due to voltage requirements, noise etc. N2300 power IC is intended for energy management control, supply
voltage generation and charge control of mobile phone. N2300 has a step down type (buck) programmable
switch mode regulator for digital core supply generation, up (boost) switch mode regulator with current
control for led supply, charge control circuitry with integrated switch, level shifters and regulator for FBUS/
USB-OTG, and digital circuitry including registers. Stacked triple combo memory (RAM, Nor, Nand in one
package) includes 256Mbit DDR SDRAM , 256Mbit NOR Flash and 1Gbit Mux-One Nand.
Absolute maximum ratings
Battery voltage (idle)-0.35.2VBattery voltage maximum value is
Battery voltage (Call)+3.2+4.8VBattery voltage maximum value is
Charger input voltage-0.3+16V
specified during charging is active
Phone modes of operation
NO_SUPPLY(dead) mode means that the main battery is not present or its voltage is too low (below
N2200 master reset threshold) and that the back-up battery voltage is too low.
BACK_UPThe main battery is not present or its voltage is too low but back-up battery voltage is
adequate and the 32 kHz oscillator is running (RTC is on).
PWR_OFFIn this mode (warm), the main battery is present and its voltage is over N2200 master
reset threshold. All regulators are disabled, PurX is on low state, the RTC is on and the
oscillator is on. PWR_OFF (cold) mode is almost the same as PWR_OFF (warm), but the
RTC and the oscillator are off.
RESETRESET mode is a synonym for start-up sequence. In this mode certain regulators are
enabled and after they and RFClk have stabilized, the system reset (PurX) is released
and PWR_ON mode entered. RESET mode uses 32 kHz clock to count the REST mode
delay (typically 16 ms).
DEEP SLEEPDeep sleep mode is entered only from Pwr_on mode with the aid of sw when the
system's activity is low. At deep sleep, VCTCXO is powering off. System is running with
the sleep clock. Regulators are in sleep mode.
The master reset threshold controls the internal reset of N2200 / (N2300). If battery voltage is above VMSTR,
N2300’s charging control logic is alive. Also, RTC is active and supplied from the main battery. Above VMSTR,
N2300 allows the system to be powered on although this may not succeed due to voltage drops during start
up. SW can also consider battery voltage too low for operation and power down the system.
(falling)2.6V (typ.)
SW cutoff
Power key
The system boots up when power key is pressed (adequate battery voltage, VBAT, present).
Power down can be initiated by pressing the power key again (the system is powered down with the aid of
Operation modes
There are four different power up possibilities to switch power on:
• Power key is pressed
• Charger is connected
• A pulse is supplied to MBUS line (Clk)
• Internal power up with Real Time Clock alarm.
Power is not switched on by supplying battery voltage as in DCT4 generations
It should be noted that system behavior depends on the type of device the engine is in. The difference is
mainly in the power key concept, basically:
• The power key controls the system power ON/OFF
• The system boots up always when not empty battery is connected. The power key controls only the CMT
functionality. PDA functions are always available
• To the EM ASIC's functionality there is no difference how the power key is connected (the power up and
down signaling and timings are the same)
Power up procedure starts when the user presses power key (option 1) or when (not empty) battery is
attached (option 2). In addition, some other triggers may start the system.