ESET Gateway Security
Installation Manual and User Guide
Linux, BSD and Sol ari s
1. Introduction
2. Terminology and abbreviations
3. Installation
4. Architecture Overview
5. Integration with Internet Gateway services
Mai n functionality1.1
Key features of the sys tem1.2
Transparent HTTP/FTP proxy configura tion5.1
Manual HTTP/FTP proxy confi guration5.2
Internet Content Adaptation configuration5.3 Large HTTP Objects Handli ng5.4 ESETS plug-in fi l ter for SafeSqui d Proxy Cache5.5
................................................................................10Manua l proxy configura ti on of Mozilla Firefox5.2.1
Manua l proxy configura ti on of Squid Web Proxy
................................................................................13Opera tion principle5.5.1
................................................................................13Installation and configuration5.5.2
6. Important ESET Gateway Security
Handle Object Policy6.1
User Speci fic Confi guration6.2
Blacklist and Whi teli s t6.3
Sampl es Submissi on System6.4 Web Interface6.5
Remote Admini s tra tion6.6
................................................................................16URL Whitelist6.3.1
................................................................................18License mana gement6.5.1
................................................................................18Agent HTTP configuration example6.5.2
..........................................................................19HTTP Agent tes ti ng with the Mozilla Fire fox6.5.2.1
................................................................................20Statis tics6.5.3
................................................................................21Remote Administra tion usage example6.6.1
ESET Gateway Security
Copyright ©2011 by ESET, spol. s r. o.
ESET Gateway Security was developed by ESET, spol. s r. o. For more information visit www.e All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys tem or transmitted in any form or by any mea ns , electroni c, mecha nical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or othe rwise without permis sion in writing from the author. ESET, spol. s r. o. res erves the right to change any of the described application softwa re without prior notice.
Custome r Care Worldwi de: Custome r Care North America :
REV. 2011-02-08
7. ESET Security system update
8. Let us know
ESETS update utility7.1
ESETS update process descri ption7.2
ESETS mirror http daemon7.3
9. Appendix A. ESETS setup and
Setting ESETS for s canning of HTTP communica tion -
transparent mode Setting ESETS for s canning of FTP communication -
transparent mode Setting ESETS for s canning of ICAP encapsulated HTTP
10. Appendix B. PHP License
1. Introduction
Dear user, you have acquired ESET Gateway Securi ty - the premier securi ty system running under the Linux, BSD and Sol ari s OS. As you wil l s oon find out, ESET's state-of-the-art sca nning engine has unsurpass ed sca nning speed and detection rates combi ned with a very s mall footpri nt that makes i t the ideal choice for any Linux, BSD and Solari s OS server.
1.1 Main functionality
Hypertext Transfer Protocol filter (HTTP)
The HTTP filter module is an HTTP 1.1 compliant speci al proxy s erver used to sca n communication between HTTP cl i ents a nd HTTP servers for viruses. The module receives HTTP messages from an HTTP cli ent (a web browser application or other proxy cache) and forwards them to the HTTP server (a web server appl i cation) and vice versa. The body of the mess age (if ava i l able) wil l be scanned for vi ruses by the
esets_h ttp
module into the environment.
File Transfer Protocol filter (FTP)
The FTP fil ter module is a s peci a l trans parent proxy s erver that scans communica tion between an ftp client and a n ftp s erver for vi ruses. The FTP gateway modul e is used to scan both incoming and outgoing data transfers. Depending on the scanning results a transferred object will be cl eaned, deleted or blocked.
SafeSquid filter
The SSFI modul e is a plugin accessing all objects process ed by the SafeSqui d Proxy ca che. Once an object is accessed by the plugin, it wil l be sca nned for infi l trations by the ESETS daemon. In ca se of positive detection SSFI blocks the appropri ate source and sends a predefined template page instead. The higher.
is able to act as both a transparent and a non-transparent proxy server depending on the integration of the
esets_h ttp
module is s upported by SafeSquid Advanced version and
Internet Content Adaptation Protocol filter (ICAP)
The ICAP filter module i s an ICAP 1.0 compliant s peci al server that scans ICAP enca ps ul a ted HTTP messages from ICAP cl i ents for vi ruses.
1.2 Key features of the system
Advanced engine algorithms
The ESET antivirus s canning engine algori thms provide the highest detection rate and the fas test s canning times.
ESET Gateway Security is developed to run on single- as well as multi-process or uni ts.
Advanced Heuristics
ESET Gateway Security incl udes uni que adva nced heuristics for Win32 worms, backdoor infections and other forms of malware.
Built-In features
Built-in archi vers unpack a rchi ved obj ects without the need for any external programs.
Speed and efficiency
To increase the speed and effici ency of the sys tem, its archi tecture is based on the runni ng da emon (resident progra m) where al l s canning requests a re sent.
Enhanced security
All executive daemons (except esets_dac) run under non-privileged user a ccount to enhance securi ty.
Selective configuration
The system supports s elective confi guration bas ed on the user or client/server.
Multiple logging levels
Multipl e l ogging l evels can be confi gured to get information about system activi ty and i nfil trations .
Web interface
Configuration, administrati on a nd license management are offered through a n i ntuitive and user-fri endl y Web interface.
Remote administration
The system supports ESET Remote Admini s tra tion for mana gement in large computer networks .
No external libraries
The ESET Gateway Securi ty instal l a tion does not requi re external libra ries or programs except for LIBC.
User-specified notification
The system can be configured to notify s peci fi c users in the event of a detected infiltration or other i mportant events.
Low system requirements
To run effici ently, ESET Gateway Security requires just 16MB of hard-di s k s pace and 32MB of RAM. It runs s moothly under the
2.2.x, 2.4.x and 2.6.x Linux OS kernel vers i ons a s well a s under 5.x, 6.x FreeBSD OS kernel versi ons.
Performance and scalability
From lower-powered, small office servers to enterprise-clas s ISP s ervers with thousands of us ers, ESET Gateway Security deli vers the performance and s cal a bi l i ty you expect from a UNIX based sol ution, in addition to the unequaled securi ty of ESET products.
2. Terminology and abbreviations
In this s ection we wil l review the terms a nd a bbreviati ons us ed i n thi s document. Note that a bol dface font is reserved for product component names and also for newly defi ned terms and a bbreviations . Terms and abbrevia tions defined in this cha pter are expanded upon later in this document.
ES E T S ecu rity
operating s ys tems. It is also the name (or i ts part) of the software packa ge containing the products.
Abbreviation for ‘RedHat/Novell (SuSE) Ready’. Note that we al s o support RedHat Ready and Novell (SuSE) Ready vari ations of the product. The RSR package differs from the ‘standa rd’ Linux version i n that it meets the FHS (Fil e-system Hierarchy Standard defined as a part of Linux Standard Bas e) criteria required by the RedHat Ready and Novell(SuSE) Ready certifi cate. This means that the RSR package is instal l ed as an add-on appl i cation - the primary instal l ation directory is ‘/opt/eset/esets’.
ESETS daemon
The mai n ESETS system control a nd scanning da emon:
ESETS base directory
The directory where ESETS loadable modules containi ng the virus s i gna ture databa se are stored. The abbreviation
listed below:
Linux: /var/lib/esets Linux RSR: /var/opt/eset/esets/lib FreeBSD: /var/lib/esets NetBSD: /var/lib/esets Solaris: /var/opt/esets/lib
is a s tandard a cronym for all securi ty products developed by ESET, spol . s r. o. for Linux, BSD and Sol ari s
esets_d a em on
wil l be used for future references to this di rectory. The
value for the following Operating Systems i s
ESETS configuration directory
The directory where al l fi l es related to the ESET Gateway Securi ty confi guration a re stored. The abbrevia tion used for future references to this directory. The
Linux: /etc/esets Linux RSR: /etc/opt/eset/esets FreeBSD: /usr/local/etc/esets NetBSD: /usr/pkg/etc/esets Solaris: /etc/opt/esets
value for the following Operating Systems i s l i s ted below:
ESETS configuration file
Mai n ESET Gateway Security confi guration file. The abs ol ute path of the fil e is as follows:
ESETS binary files directory
The directory where the relevant ESET Gateway Security bi nary files are stored. The abbreviation future references to thi s di rectory. The
Linux: /usr/bin Linux RSR: /opt/eset/esets/bin FreeBSD: /usr/local/bin NetBSD: /usr/pkg/bin Solaris: /opt/esets/bin
value for the following Operating Systems i s l i s ted below:
ESETS system binary files directory
The directory where the relevant ESET Gateway Security s ys tem bina ry files are stored. The abbrevia tion used for future references to this directory. The
value for the following Operating Systems i s l i s ted below:
wil l be used for
wil l be
wil l be
Linux: /usr/sbin Linux RSR: /opt/eset/esets/sbin FreeBSD: /usr/local/sbin NetBSD: /usr/pkg/sbin Solaris: /opt/esets/sbin
ESETS object files directory
The directory where the relevant ESET Gateway Security object fil es and libra ries are stored. The abbreviation be used for future references to this directory. The
Linux: /usr/lib/esets Linux RSR: /opt/eset/esets/lib FreeBSD: /usr/local/lib/esets NetBSD: /usr/pkg/lib/esets Solaris: /opt/esets/lib
value for the following Operating Systems i s l i s ted below:
wil l
3. Installation
After purchasing ESET Gateway Securi ty, you will receive your authorizati on data (username, password and l i cense key). This data is necessa ry for both identifyi ng you as our customer and al l owi ng you to download upda tes for ESET Gateway Security. The username/pass word data i s also requi red for downloadi ng the ini tial installation package from our web site. ESET Gateway Securi ty i s di s tri buted as a binary fi l e:
In the bina ry file shown a bove,
‘ex t’
is a Linux, BSD and Solaris OS distribution dependent suffi x, i.e., ‘deb’ for Debian, ‘rpm’ for RedHat and SuSE, ‘tgz’ for other Linux OS di stri buti ons , ‘fbs5.tgz’ for FreeBSD 5.x, ‘fbs6.tgz’ for FreeBSD 6.x, ‘nbs4.tgz’ for NetBSD 4. xx a nd ‘sol 10.pkg.gz‘ for Sol ari s 10.
Note that the Linux RSR binary fi l e format is:
To install or upgra de the product, use the following command:
sh ./esets.i386.ext.bin
For the Linux RSR vari a tion of the product, use the command:
sh ./esets-rsr.i386.rpm.bin
to display the product’s User License Acceptance Agreement. Once you have confirmed the Acceptance Agreement, the instal l ation package is placed into the current worki ng directory and relevant information regardi ng the packa ge’s i ns tallation, un-instal l a tion or upgra de is di spl ayed onscreen.
Once the package is i ns talled, you can veri fy tha t the main ESETS service i s running by usi ng the foll owing command:
Linux OS:
ps -C esets_daemon
ps -ax | grep esets_daemon
ps -A | grep esets_daemon
After pressing ENTER, you should s ee the following (or s i milar) mess age:
PID TTY TIME CMD 2226 ? 00:00:00 esets_daemon 2229 ? 00:00:00 esets_daemon
At least two ESETS daemon processes are running in the background. The first PI D represents the process and threads manager of the sys tem. The other represents the ESETS sca nning process .
4. Architecture Overview
Once ESET Gateway Securi ty i s s uccessfully instal l ed, you s hould become familiar with its archi tecture.The system is compris ed of the following parts:
The Core of ESET Gateway Security is the ESETS daemon (esets_daemon). The daemon uses ESETS API library a nd ESETS loading modules em00X_xx.dat to provide base sys tem tas ks s uch as scanni ng, mai ntenance of the agent daemon process es, maintenance of the samples submission system, loggi ng, noti fi cation, etc. Please refer to the page for details.
The purpos e of ESETS agent modul es is to integrate ESETS with the Linux, BSD and Sola ris Server environment.
The utility modules provi de simple and effective management of the system. They are responsible for relevant sys tem tasks such a s l i cense management, quarantine management, sys tem setup and upda te.
Proper configuration is the most important aspect of a smooth-runni ng s ecurity system - the remai nder of this chapter is dedicated to explaining all related components. A thorough unders tandi ng of the this fi l e contai ns i nformati on essential to the confi guration of ESET Gateway Security.
file is also hi ghl y recommended, as
esets_d a em on (8 )
After the product is s uccessfully i ns talled, all its confi guration components are stored in the ESETS configura tion di rectory. The directory consists of the foll owing fi l es:
This i s the most i mportant configuration file, as it controls al l major a spects of the product‘s functionality. The esets.cfg file is made up of s everal sections, each of which contai ns various para meters. The file contains one global and several “agent“ sections, with all section names enclosed in square bra ckets. Parameters i n the globa l section are used to define configura tion options for the ESETS daemon as well a s default val ues for the ESETS scanning engine configura tion. Para meters in agent sections are used to define confi guration options of modul es used to intercept vari ous data fl ow types in the computer and/or i ts neighborhood, and prepare it for s canning. Note that in addition to the various parameters used for system configuration, there are al s o rules governing the organization of the file. For detailed information on the most effective way to organize this fi l e, please refer to the
This directory i s used to store the certifi cates used by the ESETS web interface for a uthentication. Please see the man pa ge for detai l s .
This directory i s used to store the product(s) license key(s) you have acquired from your vendor. Note that the ESETS daemon wil l check only this directory for a valid l icense key, unless the
If enabl ed by the ESETS configuration file parameter before product license expiration, sendi ng a n emai l notifi cation about the expira tion status to the sys tem administrator.
esets.cfg (5 )
esets_d a em on (8 )
man pa ges, as well a s relevant agents‘ man pages.
‘licen se_d ir’
‘licen se_w a rn_en a bled ’
parameter in the ESETS confi gurati on fi l e is redefined.
, this s cri pt will be executed 30 days (once per day)
esets_w w wi(8 )
If enabl ed by the ESETS configuration file parameter by the antivi rus system. It is used to send email notifica tion about the event to the system admini strator.
‘ex ec_scrip t’
, this s cri pt is executed in the event of a detected infi l tration
5. Integration with Internet Gateway services
ESET Gateway Security protects the organi za tion’s HTTP and FTP services a gainst virus es, worms, troj ans, spyware, phishing and other internet threats. The term review the process of ESET Gateway Security i ntegration with va rious services.
5.1 Transparent HTTP/FTP proxy configuration
The configura tion for transparent proxying is based on a standard routing mechanism as shown i n Fi gure 5-1 below:
Figure 5-1. Scheme of ESET Gateway Security as a transparent proxy
Ga tew a y Server
refers to layer 3, or ‘router’ level of the ISO/OSI model. In this chapter we
The configura tion i s created naturally as kernel I P routing tabl es are defined on each loca l network cli ent. These routing tabl es are used to establ i sh s tati c routes to the defaul t network gateway s erver (router). On a DHCP network, this is done automatically. All HTTP (or FTP) communication with outbound s ervers i s then routed vi a network gateway server, where ESET Gateway Security must be instal l ed in order to scan the communication for infiltrations. For this purpose, a generic ESETS HTTP (or FTP) fil ter ha s been developed, called
To confi gure ESET Gateway Security to scan HTTP (or FTP) messages routed through the network gateway server, enter the command:
Follow the ins tructions provided by the scri pt. When the ‘Available ins tallations /un-installations’ offer appears , choose the ‘HTTP’ (or FTP) option to display the ‘instal l /uninstal l ’ options , then choos e ‘instal l ’. This wi l l automatica l l y confi gure the module to li s ten on a predefined port. It also redi rects IP pa ckets ori gi na ting from the selected network and wi th HTTP (or FTP) destination port to the port where destination ports will be scanned. If you also wis h to monitor other ports, equival ent redi rection rul es must be ass i gned.
In defaul t mode, the installer shows all steps which wi l l be performed and also creates a ba ckup of the configuration, which can be restored at any time. The detai l ed i ns taller util i ty s teps for all pos sibl e scenarios are also descri bed i n a ppendi x A of this document.
esets_h ttp
esets_h ttp
) listens. This means that onl y requests ori gi nally sent to HTTP (or FTP)
+ 18 hidden pages