Nitek TS515x4 User Manual

Model TR515x4
Installation and
Operation Manual
Model TS515x4
Modular Active Video Receiver Card w/Transmitters
Note: This installation should be made by a qualified service person and conform with local codes.
Reduce risk of fire or electrical shock. Do not expose this product to rain or moisture.
Twisted Sender has been designed by Nitek to transmit video signals over a point to point pair of wires. The wire should be free of voltage or other outside signals. Twisted Sender can turn your in-house phone lines, leased telephone lines or cable runs into pathways for video signals. Twisted Sender is ideal for shopping malls, parking garages, remote gates, large factories, airports or any number of places where you need to connect video equipment.
System Specifications
TR515x4 includes the following: TS515x4 System includes the following: (1) TR515x4 Receiver Card (1) TR515x4 Receiver Card (4) VB37F Transmitters
Receiver Unit Transmitter Unit
Size 1 card slot Size 1.3”H x 2.0”W x .95”D Power Requirements Power supplied by Card Cage Power Requirements None Input (4) Low voltage current loop Input-Video 1 vpp composite video from transmitter unit Monochrome or Color Output-Video (1) 1.0 vpp composite video Monochrome or Color
1) Check the twisted pair for continuity. Do this by shorting the pair of wires at one end and using an ohm meter to check the resistance at the other end. The chart below will give you the length of your wires for a measured resistance. Use a multimeter to make sure there is no voltage on the line. For distances greater than 1,500 feet, there are several other systems available. Contact your local Distributor or Nitek Technical Department for assistance.
(90) 22 10 6 32 48 64 80 96 24 15 25 51 76 102 127 153 26 25 41 82 123 164 205 246
The TR515x4 receiver can be used with any standard twisted pair video camera or Balun type transceiver device. Steps 2 and 3 refer to the Nitek VB37 Balun.
Distance in Feet (Meters)
1000 (300)
1500 (450)
2000 (600)
2500 (750)
3000 (900)
USA Office: 5410 Newport Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Phone: (800) 528-4343 Fax: (847) 259-1300 E-mail: WWW.NITEK.NET
Europe Office: De Schans 19-21 2a, 8231 KA Lelystad The Netherlands Tel: +31(0)320-2300005 Fax: +31(0)320-282186 E-mail: WWW.NITEK.NL
Rev 030111
Installation (cont’d)
2) Check the video input at the transmitter unit to make sure you have video present. Connect the video to the BNC jack of the VB37 transmitter unit. The transmitter is a passive device called a Balun and requires no power.
3) Connect the twisted pair to the screw terminals and note the polarity of this connection. If the wires are reversed, when you connect the receiver the video will not be viewable on the monitor.
4) Plug the receiver card into the Nitek card cage and connect a test monitor to the desired output BNC connector (1, 2, 3 or 4).
5) Locate the twisted pair input terminals (marked “+” and “-”) which match the video output BNC selected. Connect the twisted pair, note the polarity of the connection. If the wires are reversed the video will not be viewable, this will not damage the unit. Reverse the wires and the video will be correct.
6) DIP switches are provided so that the unit can be adjusted for the best picture. The following settings are factory recommended for normal conditions. For added sharpness adjust switches 7 and 8. For more gain adjust switches 5 and 6. Switches 1, 2 and 3, 4 must be operated in pairs.
Unmarked Positions are Off Video
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Switch Position
Level Gain
7) You can now disconnect the test monitor and connect the video out of the receiver unit as needed for your installation.
Problem Video inverted or rolling and unstable.
Fix/Cause Reverse the wires of the twisted pair at either the transmitter or receiver.
Problem No video out at the receiver. Fix/Cause Check to make sure that there is video in at the transmit end.
Make sure that the pair of wires you are using is not open or shorted between the transmit and receive points.
Problem Ghost image at the receiver. Fix/Cause Bridge tap or “T” tap on the twisted pair video line. Remove tap.
Twisted Pair Wiring
for T568B Jack
2 2 3 1 1 3 4 4 +
+ - + - +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pin# Wire
1 Video 2 + 2 Video 2 3 Video 3 + 4 Video 1 5 Video 1 + 6 Video 3 7 Video 4 + 8 Video 4