Q: What types of batteries does the device use?
A: The device uses AA-type alkaline-manganese or lithium batteries.
Q: This camera is fitted with a non-CPU lens, am I allowed to use this without any issues?
A: There are certain functions which may not work properly using a non-CPU lens, but generally it can be used without any issues.
Q: What form of exposure modes does this device support?
A: It supports Programmed Auto, Shutter-Priority Auto and Aperture-Priority Auto exposure, as well as manual exposure.
Q: How can I select various autofocus modes?
A: The camera controls have settings that allow you to select between Continuous Servo AF and Single Servo AF.
Q: The viewfinder of my camera appears to be a little cropped, is it meant to be full-frame?
A: A viewfinder provides about a 100% coverage to the camera which ensures that the whole frame is captured.
Q: What is the fastest possible shutter speed for this camera.
A: This camera limited for 1/8000 second as its fastest available shutter speed.
Q: I wish to modify the settings on the device, is that possible?
A: There are many options when it comes to custom settings which allow you to modify functions to your liking.