Q: Is there a limit to the lenses that can be fitted to the Nikon F3?
A: The Nikon F3 is compatible with non-AI Nikkor lenses which permit stop-down exposure metering.
Q: To what extent can the shutter speed be adjusted and set on the Nikon F3?
A: The camera has an automatic range of 8 seconds to a maximum of 1/2000 seconds, whereas the manual range comes with B for electronically is to be t; A mechanical t, and For X synchro which is to a 1/80 sec.
Q: How am I supposed to measure exposure with the device?
A: The measuring is done via a built-in silicon photo-diode that works at the wide-open aperture.
Q: Can you tell me how long the Nikon F3 self-timer takes?
A: The timer has an electronic control and can last up to 10 seconds.
Q: I am curious to know if it is possible to take multiple exposures using the same camera if one was fitted with a Nikon F3?
A: Multiple exposures are possible, with the use of a lever of multi exposures.
Q: What is the model G13 used for?
A: This device makes use of 2 pieces of silver oxide of 1.5 volts batteries that make the device work.