Nikon AI-S TC-16 TC-16S User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

AF Teleconverter TC-16 AF-Telekonverter TC-16
Téléconvertisseur AF TC-16 Teleconvertidor AF TC-16
4 Я
---------------Página 42
3. U>X|SíglJ^»]e>
4. AF.1ÍT4®íít’>
5. ЛУ7^ЙЙ^&Ш
7. r»mFíiÍiIK*4K
8. ХрХ^А-ьл^лЛЧК
9. и'>ХйЯй.-г;:?>
10. Httìlt*ÌÌ)*4K
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CO —0.61m CO—0.42m oo —0.33m
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ШЖп-Ш : Hi^>X(7)i/i.6fS(tePßit(:e>
V7 bX-^N0.6l


1. Focus lock button
2. ON/OFF switch
3. Lens type signal pin
4. AF connecting pins for F3AF
5. Camera mounting index
6. Lens mounting index
7. Lens speed indexing post
8. Focal length indexing ridge
9. Lens release button
10. Meter coupling ridge


(Read the following carefully and get the most out of your new AF
teleconverter TC-16 now and in the many years to come.)
Like Nikon cameras and lenses, your new teleconverter is a high-precision instrument. Mounted between the Nikon F3AF camera body with the DX-1 AF Finder installed, the only camera assembly the TC-16 can work with, it in creases the prime lens’s effective focal length to 1.6X with but a 1-1/3 f/slop loss in effective aperture. You'll find your TC-16 able to work with a large number of lenses, providing autofocus operation only (i.e.. focus-aid function not available) with Nikkor and Nikon Series E lenses. A built-in micromotor enables the teleconverter lens elements to move, assuring virtually instantaneous focus detection and pinpoint subject focus. An advanced, multiple-element lens construction ensures your teleconverter will deliver optimum optical performance with but negligible decrease in image quality. As with most Nikon optics, the TC-16 benefits from Nikon Integrated Coating (NIC), applied to all air-to-glass surfaces to reduce ghost images and flare and to make color rendition more natural-looking.


The following table lists a variety of Al-type Nikkor and Nikon Series E lenses which can be used with the Nikon AF Teleconverter TC-16.
Wideangle 13 Nikkor 24mm f/2
Telephoto BNikkor 85mm f/1,4S
'1. You can distinguish Al-S from Ai lenses through the color of the minimum
aperture indication on the aperture-direct-readout (ADR) scales—the Al-S’s scale is engraved in orange, that of AI in white.
2. It is impossible to attach the TC-16 to any prime lens on which another tele converter has been mounted.
3. If the prime tens is the 300mm f/2 IF-ED, make sure you don’t use its dedi cated teleconverter TC-14C at the same time.
4. Non-AI-type lenses cannot be used with the TC-16.
5. Do not attempt to mount any lens other than those listed in the table above (especially any Al-modified lens or other manufacturers’ lenses) on the TC-16—this will damage both lens and teleconverter.
3 Nikkor 24mm f/2S 3 Nikkor 28mm f/2 (Product number 540021 or higher) 3 Nikkor 28mm f/2S 3 Nikkor 35mm f/1.4S 3 Nikkor 35mm f/2 (Product number 931001 or higher) 3 Nikkor 35mrr^ f/2S
3Nikkor 50mm f/1.2 3 Nikkor 50mm f/1.2S 3 Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 (Product number 3980001 or higher) 3Nikkor 50mm f/1.4S 3Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S
Series E 50mm f/1.8 3Nikkor 50mm f/2 (Product number 3640001 or higher) 3 Nikkor 55mm f/1.2 3Nocl Nikkor 58mm f/1.2 3Noct Nikkor 58mm f/1.2S
3 Nikkor 85mm f/2 3 Nikkor 85mm f/2S 3Nikkor 105mm f/1.8S 3 Nikkor 135mm f/2 3 Nikkor 135mm f/2S 3 Nikkor 200mm f/2 IF-ED 3 Nikkor 200mm f/2S IF-ED 3 Nikkor 300mm f/2S IF-ED
Position the lens in the TC-l6’s bayonet mount with its aperture index aligned with the TC-16’s lens mounting index (|); then, grasping the lens aperture ring, turn the lens counterclockwise until it click-stops into position. (With either the 300mm f/2 IF-ED or 200mm f/2 IF-ED, you turn the TC-16 clockwise until it click-stops into position.)
To remove: Depress the lens release button (D on the TC-16 while grasping the
lens aperture ring, and turn the lens clockwise until the lens aperture index is aligned with the TC-16’s lens mounting index, (As for the 300mm f/2 IF-ED or 200mm f/2 IF-ED. turn the TC-16 counterclockwise until the lens aperture index is aligned with the TC-l6's lens mounting index.)
A„ A2
MOUNTING ON THE CAMERA BODY---------------------Bi.Bj
Position the lens/teleconverter assembly in the camera's bayonet mount so that the TC-16’s camera mounting index (D is aligned with the camera’s lens mounting index. Then, grasp the aperture ring of the lens or the TC-16 and turn the lens/teleconverter assembly counterclockwise until it click-stops into position, (In case of the 300mm f/2 IF-ED or 200mm f/2 IF-ED, you turn the F3AF camera body clockwise until it clickstops into place.)
• When mounting the lens/teleconverter assembly on the F3AF camera body, make sure with your finger that the camera’s meter coupling lever is locked in the "down” position. For further information, refer to the F3AF’s instruction manual.
To remove: Depress the lens release button on the camera body while grasp ing the aperture ring of the lens or the TC-16, and turn the lens/teleconverter assembly clockwise until it comes off. (In case of the 300mm f/2 IF-ED or 200mm f/2 IF-ED, you turn the F3AF camera body counterclockwise until it comes off.)
1- First attach the lens to the TC-16, then mount the lens/teleconverter
assembly onto the F3AF/DX-1 assembly.
2. Slide the TC-16’s ON/OF switch ® to the "ON” position as far as it will go do not slide it only part of the way.
3. Set the lens distance scale to the infinity (■») mark.
• At infinity, the focus detection range varies in accordance with the lens in use—see following table.
4. Lightly touching the F3AF's shutter release button will activate the micro motor built into the TC-16; simultaneously, the LED in-focus (►◄) or focus­impossible warning indicator ( x) inside the viewfinder will light up.
5. Press the shutter release button all the way to release the shutter when both LED in-focus indicators light up to indicate subject in-focus condition. For further information on view'ftnder information, etc., refer to the F3AF
camera body's instruction manual.
Focus detection range when lens is a1 infinity («>)
Lens In use Focus defecHon range
300mm 200mm 135mm Infinity (oo) to 7.2m (23,6 ft) 105mm Infinity («>) to 4.4m (14.4 ft) 85mm 58mm Infinity (») to 1.4m (4.6 ft) 55mm Infinity (oo) to 1,3m (4.3 ft) 50mm Infinity (“) to 1.2m (3.9 ft) 35mm 28mm 24mm
1. All focus detection operating ranges are approximate.
2. If your subject is outside the focus detection range, the LED focus-impossible warning indicator (x) or far-focus indicator (◄) will light up inside the DX-1 AF Finder. In this case, turn the prime lens’s focusing ring to less than infinity (<»); the distance set now becomes the maximum shooting distance of the prime lens’ focus detection range, so its focus detection range from maximum to minimum is correspondingly decreased. You can then focus on the subject even if it falls outside the range tabled. For example, when using 50mm f/1.8 as the prime lens, its focus detection range changes as in the following diagram.
Infinity {■») to 35m (114.8 ft) Infinity (oo) to 16m (52.5 ft)
Infinity (<») to 2 9m (9.5ft)
Infinity {») to 0.61m (2 ft) Infinity (») to 0,42m (1.4 ft) Infinity (<») to 0.33m (1.1 ft)
prime lens's focusing ring
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