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Made in China
User Manual
Smart Lock Deadbolt Kit
With Bluetooth Technology
Please rea d this manual before operat ing your Smart Lock
and keep it for further reference.
I. Introductio n
• Thank you for choosing this NEXTECH Smart Lock.
• The new Smart Lock uses the latest te chnology to make
your life easier.
• The user manual enabl es you to operate the product
• Please read the user manual before using this NEXTECH
Smart Lo ck
II. Produ ct Profile
2. Dimensions
III. Installation Instructions for Us ers
1. Installation Requirements
(open into room)
(open into room)
2. Accessories Ins tallation Drawing
Note: Pu sh the cylinder out
Before installation.
Note: Cab le goes underneath latch.
Note: Pu t the lock cylinder
vertically into the hole.
Note: If it is a left hand door, pleas e turn the s witch to L.
If it is a right hand door, please turn the switch to R.