2000,XP, Vista, MAC OS, It supports JPG and BMP formats only.
Note: Player will not be recognized by your computer when you
just connect the player to your comp uter by USB cable, but the
player will turn on automatically, please press Menu Key and
select “USB Connect” , and then select “Yes” to enable the
connection. Your computer will detect the player and will create
a new disk in your computer “Nextar”, Once double Click this
disk, it will open the window for updating the pictures in the
Mode Fu nctions and Ba sic Operati on
: 3.7 V Lit hi um ion re ch arg ea ble bat te ry
It wi ll rech arge au to mat ic al ly wh en conn ect to
com puter, y ou can see th e ba ttery i co n on the
of th e displ ay.
Ful l:
Emp ty:
top - left
You can view the pictures as a slide show,and by using the on screen
menu, you can also set the interval between the slides.
but tons to d ispla y the pre vious o r next ph oto.