Newport XPS-Q8 Users Manual, Software Tools And Tutorial

ser’s Manual,
Universal High-Performance
Motion Controller/Driver
XPS-Q8 Universal High-Performance Motion Controller/Driver
Newport Corporation warrants that this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will comply with Newport’s published specifications at the time of sale for a period of one year from date of shipment. If found to be defective during the warranty period, the product will either be repaired or replaced at Newport's option.
To exercise this warranty, write or call your local Newport office or representative, or contact Newport headquarters in Irvine, California. You will be given prompt assistance and return instructions. Send the product, freight prepaid, to the indicated service facility. Repairs will be made and the instrument returned freight prepaid. Repaired products are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or 90 days, whichever comes first.
Limitation of Warranty
The above warranties do not apply to products which have been repaired or modified without Newport’s written approval, or products subjected to unusual physical, thermal or electrical stress, improper installation, misuse, abuse, accident or negligence in use, storage, transportation or handling. This warranty also does not apply to fuses, batteries, or damage from battery leakage.
©2017 by Newport Corporation, Irvine, CA. All rights reserved. Original instructions. No part of this document may be reproduced or copied without the prior written
approval of Newport Corporation. This document is provided for information only, and product specifications are subject to change without notice. Any change will be reflected in future publishings.
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XPS-Q8 Universal High-Performance Motion Controller/Driver
Table of Contents
Waranty ............................................................................................................................ii
EU Declaration of Conformity ......................................................................................... x
Preface ............................................................................................................................. xi
User’s Manual
1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope of the Manual ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Definitions and Symbols .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 General Warning or Caution ................................................................................ 3
1.2.2 Electric Shock ...................................................................................................... 3
1.2.3 European Union CE Mark.................................................................................... 3
1.2.4 “ON” Symbol ....................................................................................................... 3
1.2.5 “OFF” Symbol ..................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Warnings and Cautions ............................................................................................................ 4
1.4 General Warnings and Cautions .............................................................................................. 4
2.0 System Overview........................................................................................... 6
2.1 Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Drive Options .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Compatible Newport Positioners and Drive Power Consumption ........................................... 8
2.4 XPS Hardware Overview......................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Front Panel Description ........................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Rear Panel Description .......................................................................................................... 10
2.6.1 Axis Connectors (AXIS 1 – AXIS 8) ................................................................. 10
2.7 Ethernet Configuration .......................................................................................................... 11
2.7.1 Communication Protocols .................................................................................. 11
2.7.2 Addressing ......................................................................................................... 12
2.8 Sockets, Multitasking and Multi-user Applications ............................................................... 12
2.9 Programming with TCL ......................................................................................................... 12
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3.0 Getting Started ............................................................................................ 14
3.1 Unpacking and Handling ....................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Inspection for Damage ........................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Packing List ........................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 System Setup ......................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Installing Driver cards ........................................................................................ 15
3.4.2 Power ON .......................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Connecting to the XPS ........................................................................................................... 16
3.5.1 Straight through cables (black) .......................................................................... 16
3.5.2 Cross-over cables (gray) .................................................................................... 16
3.5.3 Direct Connection to the XPS Controller ........................................................... 17
3.5.4 Connecting the XPS to a Corporate Network using Static IP Configuration ..... 19
3.5.5 Configuring the XPS for Connection to a Corporate Network Using Dynamic IP
Configuration ................................................................................................. 21
3.5.6 Recovering a lost IP configuration ..................................................................... 24
3.6 Testing your XPS-PC Connection and Communication ........................................................ 26
3.7 Connecting the Stages ............................................................................................................ 27
3.8 Configuring the Controller ..................................................................................................... 28
3.8.1 Auto Configuration ............................................................................................ 29
3.8.2 Manual Configuration for Newport Positioners ................................................. 31
3.8.3 Manual Configuration for non Newport stages .................................................. 35
3.9 System Shut-Down ................................................................................................................ 35
Software Tools
4.0 Software Tools............................................................................................. 36
4.1 Software Tools Overview ...................................................................................................... 36
4.2 CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION – Users Management................................................. 37
4.3 CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION – IP Management ...................................................... 38
4.4 CONTROLLER CONFIGURATION – General ................................................................... 38
4.5 SYSTEM – Error file display ................................................................................................ 39
4.6 SYSTEM – Last error file display ......................................................................................... 39
4.7 SYSTEM – Auto Configuration ............................................................................................ 40
4.8 SYSTEM – Manual Configuration ........................................................................................ 40
4.9 SYSTEM – Manual Configuration – Gantries (Secondary Positioners) ................................ 44
4.9.1 Home search of gantries ..................................................................................... 45
4.9.2 Gantries with linear motors ................................................................................ 46
4.9.3 Gantries with linear motors and variable force ratio .......................................... 47
4.10 STAGE – Add from Data Base ............................................................................................ 49
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STAGE – Modify ................................................................................................................ 50
4.12 FRONT PANEL – Move ..................................................................................................... 52
4.13 FRONT PANEL – Jog ......................................................................................................... 53
4.14 FRONT PANEL – Spindle .................................................................................................. 53
4.15 FRONT PANEL – I/O View................................................................................................ 54
4.16 FRONT PANEL – I/O Set ................................................................................................... 54
4.17 FRONT PANEL – Positioner Errors ................................................................................... 55
4.18 FRONT PANEL – Hardware Status .................................................................................... 55
4.19 FRONT PANEL – Driver Status ......................................................................................... 56
4.20 TERMINAL ......................................................................................................................... 56
4.21 TUNING – Auto-Scaling ..................................................................................................... 59
4.22 TUNING – Auto-Tuning ..................................................................................................... 60
4.23 FUNCTIONAL TESTS ....................................................................................................... 63
4.24 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Connection ............................................................................ 63
5.0 Maintenance and Service ........................................................................... 65
5.1 Enclosure Cleaning ................................................................................................................ 65
5.2 Obtaining Service .................................................................................................................. 65
5.3 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 65
5.4 Updating the Firmware Version of Your XPS Controller ..................................................... 66
Motion Tutorial
6.0 XPS Architecture ........................................................................................ 67
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 67
6.2 State Diagrams ....................................................................................................................... 68
6.3 Motion Groups ....................................................................................................................... 70
6.3.1 Specific SingleAxis Group Features .................................................................. 71
6.3.2 Specific Spindle Group Features ........................................................................ 71
6.3.3 Specific XY Group Features .............................................................................. 71
6.3.4 Specific XYZ Group Features ............................................................................ 71
6.3.5 Specific MultipleAxes Features ......................................................................... 71
6.4 Native Units ........................................................................................................................... 71
7.0 Motion .......................................................................................................... 73
7.1 Motion Profiles ...................................................................................................................... 73
7.2 Home Search .......................................................................................................................... 75
7.3 Referencing State ................................................................................................................... 78
7.3.1 Move on sensor events ....................................................................................... 79
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7.3.2 Moves of Certain Displacements ....................................................................... 80
7.3.3 Position Counter Resets ..................................................................................... 80
7.3.4 State Diagram .................................................................................................... 81
7.3.5 Example: MechanicalZeroAndIndexHomeSearch ............................................. 81
7.4 Move ...................................................................................................................................... 81
7.5 Motion Done .......................................................................................................................... 83
7.6 JOG ........................................................................................................................................ 85
7.7 Master Slave .......................................................................................................................... 86
7.8 Analog Tracking .................................................................................................................... 87
7.8.1 Analog Position Tracking .................................................................................. 88
7.8.2 Analog Velocity Tracking .................................................................................. 88
8.0 Trajectories ................................................................................................. 90
8.1 Line-Arc Trajectories ............................................................................................................. 90
8.1.1 Trajectory Terminology ..................................................................................... 90
8.1.2 Trajectory Conventions ...................................................................................... 91
8.1.3 Geometric Conventions ..................................................................................... 91
8.1.4 Defining Line-Arc Trajectory Elements ............................................................ 91
8.1.5 Define Lines ....................................................................................................... 92
8.1.6 Define Arcs ........................................................................................................ 93
8.1.7 Trajectory File Description ................................................................................ 93
8.1.8 Trajectory File Examples ................................................................................... 93
8.1.9 Trajectory Verification and Execution ............................................................... 94
8.1.10 Examples of the Use of the Functions.............................................................. 95
8.2 Splines ................................................................................................................................... 96
8.2.1 Trajectory Terminology ..................................................................................... 96
8.2.2 Trajectory Conventions ...................................................................................... 96
8.2.3 Geometric Conventions ..................................................................................... 96
8.2.4 Catmull-Rom Interpolating Splines ................................................................... 97
8.2.5 Trajectory Elements Arc Length Calculation..................................................... 97
8.2.6 Trajectory File Description ................................................................................ 98
8.2.7 Trajectory File Example .................................................................................... 98
8.2.8 Spline Trajectory Verification and Execution .................................................. 100
8.2.9 Examples .......................................................................................................... 101
8.3 PVT Trajectories .................................................................................................................. 101
8.3.1 Trajectory Terminology ................................................................................... 101
8.3.2 Trajectory Conventions .................................................................................... 101
8.3.3 Geometric Conventions ................................................................................... 102
8.3.4 PVT Interpolation ............................................................................................ 102
8.3.5 Influence of the Element Output Velocity to the Trajectory ............................ 103
8.3.6 Trajectory File Description .............................................................................. 104
8.3.7 Trajectory File Example .................................................................................. 105
8.3.8 PVT Trajectory Verification and Execution .................................................... 106
8.3.9 Examples of the Use of the functions .............................................................. 107
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9.0 Emergency Brake and Emergency Stop Cases ...................................... 108
10.0 Compensation.......................................................................................... 111
10.1 Backlash Compensation ..................................................................................................... 112
10.2 Linear Error Correction ..................................................................................................... 113
10.3 Positioner Mapping ............................................................................................................ 113
10.4 XY Mapping ...................................................................................................................... 116
10.5 XYZ Mapping .................................................................................................................... 118
10.6 “Yaw” Mapping (PP Firmware Version Only) .................................................................. 124
10.7 “Theta” Encoder and XY Correction ................................................................................. 127
11.0 Event Triggers......................................................................................... 128
11.1 Events ................................................................................................................................ 129
11.2 Actions ............................................................................................................................... 137
11.3 Functions ........................................................................................................................... 142
11.4 Examples ........................................................................................................................... 143
12.0 Data Gathering ....................................................................................... 147
12.1 Time-Based (Internal) Data Gathering .............................................................................. 148
12.2 Event-Based (Internal) Data Gathering .............................................................................. 150
12.3 Function-Based (Internal) Data Gathering ......................................................................... 153
12.4 Trigger-Based (External) Data Gathering .......................................................................... 153
13.0 Output Triggers ...................................................................................... 155
13.1 Triggers on Line-Arc Trajectories ..................................................................................... 155
13.2 Triggers on PVT Trajectories ............................................................................................ 157
13.3 Distance, Time Spaced Pulses or AquadB Position Compare ........................................... 158
13.3.1 Position compare settings and limits of use ................................................... 158
13.3.2 Even Distance Spaced Pulses Position Compare ........................................... 159
13.3.3 Compensated Position Compare .................................................................... 163
13.3.4 Time Spaced Pulses (Time Flasher) ............................................................... 166
13.3.5 AquadB Signals on PCO Connector .............................................................. 168
14.0 Control Loops ......................................................................................... 171
14.1 XPS Servo Loops ............................................................................................................... 171
14.1.1 Servo structure and Basics ............................................................................. 171
14.1.2 XPS PIDFF Architecture ............................................................................... 173
14.2 Filtering and Limitation ..................................................................................................... 177
14.3 Feed Forward Loops and Servo Tuning ............................................................................. 177
14.3.1 Corrector = PIDFFVelocity ........................................................................... 177
14.3.2 Corrector = PIDFFAcceleration ..................................................................... 179
14.3.3 Corrector = PIDDual FFVoltage .................................................................... 182
14.3.4 Corrector = PIPosition ................................................................................... 183
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15.0 Analog Encoder Calibration .................................................................. 185
16.0 Excitation Signal ..................................................................................... 190
16.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 190
16.2 How to Use the Excitation-Signal Function ...................................................................... 190
16.3 Group State Diagram ......................................................................................................... 191
16.4 Function Description.......................................................................................................... 191
17.0 Pre-Corrector Excitation Signal ............................................................ 192
17.1 Description ......................................................................................................................... 192
17.2 Pre-corrector excitation signal wave forms ....................................................................... 192
17.3 Technical Implementation ................................................................................................. 194
17.3.1 Use case ......................................................................................................... 194
17.3.2 Implementation .............................................................................................. 195
17.3.3 Group capsule state diagram modification ..................................................... 196
18.0 Introduction to XPS Programming ....................................................... 197
18.1 TCL Generator ................................................................................................................... 198
18.2 LabVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 199
18.3 DLL Drivers....................................................................................................................... 200
18.4 Running Processes in Parallel ............................................................................................ 201
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19.0 Appendix A: Hardware....................................................................... 204
19.1Controller ........................................................................................................................... 204
19.2Rear Panel Connectors ....................................................................................................... 205
19.3Environmental Requirements............................................................................................. 205
20.0Appendix B: General I/O Description .................................................. 206
20.1Digital I/Os (All GPIO, Inhibit and Trigger In, and PCO Connectors) ............................... 206
20.1.1Digital Inputs ................................................................................................. 206
20.1.2Digital Outputs ............................................................................................... 207
20.2Digital Encoder Inputs (Driver Boards & DRV00) ........................................................... 207
20.3Digital Servitudes (Driver Boards, DRV00 & Analog Encoders Connectors) .................. 207
20.4Analog Encoder Inputs (Analog Encoder Connectors) ...................................................... 207
20.5Analog I/O (GPIO2 Connector) ......................................................................................... 208
20.5.1Analog Inputs ................................................................................................. 208
20.5.2Analog Outputs .............................................................................................. 208
21.0Appendix C: Power Inhibit Connector ................................................. 209
22.0Appendix D: GPIO Connectors ............................................................ 210
22.1GPIO1 Connector .............................................................................................................. 2 1 0
22.2GPIO2 Connector .............................................................................................................. 2 1 0
22.3GPIO3 Connector .............................................................................................................. 2 1 1
22.4GPIO4 Connector .............................................................................................................. 2 1 1
23.0Appendix E: PCO Connector ................................................................ 212
24.0Appendix F: Motor Driver Cards ......................................................... 213
24.1DC and Stepper Motor Driver XPS-DRV01 ...................................................................... 213
24.2Three phase AC brushless driver XPS-DRV02 ................................................................. 214
24.3DC Motor Driver XPS-DRV03 ......................................................................................... 215
24.4Pass-Through Board Connector (25-Pin D-Sub) XPS-DRV00 ......................................... 215
25.0Appendix G: Analog Encoder Connector ............................................ 216
26.0Appendix H: Trigger IN Connector ..................................................... 217
Service Form ...................................................................................................... 219
XPS-Q8 Universal High-Performance Motion Controller/Driver
EU Declaration of Conformity
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XPS-Q8 Universal High-Performance Motion Controller/Driver
Confidentiality & Proprietary Rights
Reservation of Title
The Newport Programs and all materials furnished or produced in connection with them (“Related Materials”) contain trade secrets of Newport and are for use only in the manner expressly permitted. Newport claims and reserves all rights and benefits afforded under law in the Programs provided by Newport Corporation.
Newport shall retain full ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in and to all development, process, align or assembly technologies developed and other derivative work that may be developed by Newport. Customer shall not challenge, or cause any third party to challenge, the rights of Newport.
Preservation of Secrecy and Confidentiality and Restrictions to Access
Customer shall protect the Newport Programs and Related Materials as trade secrets of Newport, and shall devote its best efforts to ensure that all its personnel protect the Newport Programs as trade secrets of Newport Corporation. Customer shall not at any time disclose Newport's trade secrets to any other person, firm, organization, or employee that does not need (consistent with Customer's right of use hereunder) to obtain access to the Newport Programs and Related Materials. These restrictions shall not apply to information (1) generally known to the public or obtainable from public sources; (2) readily apparent from the keyboard operations, visual display, or output reports of the Programs; (3) previously in the possession of Customer or subsequently developed or acquired without reliance on the Newport Programs; or (4) approved by Newport for release without restriction.
Sales, Tech Support & Service
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Newport Corporation 1791 Deere Ave. Irvine, CA 92606, USA
Tel.: (877) 835-9620 e-mail:
Technical Support
Tel.: (800) 222-6440 e-mail:
Service, RMAs & Returns
Tel.: (800) 222-6440 e-mail:
MICRO-CONTROLE Spectra-Physics S.A.S 9, rue du Bois Sauvage 91055 Évry CEDEX France
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XPS-Q8 Universal High-Performance Motion Controller/Driver
Service Information
The user should not attempt any maintenance or service of the XPS Series Controller/Driver system beyond the procedures outlined in this manual. Any problem that cannot be resolved should be referred to Newport Corporation. When calling Newport regarding a problem, please provide the Tech Support representative with the following information:
Your contact information.
System serial number or original order number.
Description of problem.
Environment in which the system is used.
State of the system before the problem.
Frequency and repeatability of problem.
Can the product continue to operate with this problem?
Can you identify anything that may have caused the problem?
Newport Corporation RMA Procedures
Any XPS Series Controller/Driver being returned to Newport must be assigned an RMA number by Newport. Assignment of the RMA requires the item’s serial number.
XPS Series Controller/Driver being returned under an RMA must be securely packaged for shipment. If possible, re-use the original packaging.
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XPS-Q8 Controller User’s Manual
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Scope of the Manual
The XPS is an extremely high-performance, easy to use, integrated motion controller/driver offering high-speed communication through 10/100 Base-T Ethernet, outstanding trajectory accuracy and powerful programming functionality. It combines user-friendly web interfaces with advanced trajectory and synchronization features to precisely control from the most basic to the most complex motion sequences. Multiple digital and analog I/O's, triggers and supplemental encoder inputs provide users with additional data acquisition, synchronization and control features that can improve the most demanding motion applications.
To maximize the value of the XPS Controller/Driver system, it is important that users become thoroughly familiar with available documentation:
The XPS Quick Start and XPS User’s Manual are delivered as paper copies with the controller.
The Programmer’s, TCL, Software Drivers and Stage Configuration manuals are PDF files accessible from the XPS web site.
DLLs and corresponding sources are available from the controller disk in the folder Public/Drivers/DLL. DLLs can also be downloaded through the FTP.
LabVIEW VIs with examples are also available from the controller disk in the folder Public/Drivers/LabView. They can also be downloaded through FTP.
To connect through FTP, please see chapter 5: “FTP connection”. The first part of this manual serves as an introduction and also as a reference. It
1. Introduction
2. System Overview
3. Getting Started Guide
User’s Manual
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XPS-Q8 Controller User’s Manual
The second part provides a detailed description of all software tools of the XPS controller. It also includes an introduction to FTP connections and some general guidelines for troubleshooting, maintenance and service:
4. Software Tools
5. FTP connection
6. Maintenance and Service
The third part provides an exhaustive description of the XPS architecture, its features and capabilities. Complementing the programmer’s guide, this part
is educational and is
organized by features starting with the basics and getting to the more advanced features. It provides a complete list of descriptions of different features including:
7. XPS Architecture
8. Motion
9. Trajectories
10. Compensation
11. Event Triggers
12. Data Gathering
13. Triggers
14. Control Loops
15. Analog Encoder Calibration
16. Introduction to XPS programming
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XPS-Q8 Controller User’s Manual
1.2 Definitions and Symbols
The following terms and symbols are used in this documentation and also appear on the XPS Series Controller/Driver where safety-related issues occur.
1.2.1 General Warning or Caution
Figure 1: General Warning or Caution Symbol.
The Exclamation Symbol in Figure 1 may appear in Warning and Caution tables in this document. This symbol designates an area where personal injury or damage to the equipment is possible.
1.2.2 Electric Shock
Figure 2: Electrical Shock Symbol.
The Electrical Shock Symbol in Figure 2 may appear on labels affixed to the XPS Series Controller/Driver. This symbol indicates a hazard arising from dangerous voltages. Any mishandling could result in damage to the equipment, personal injury, or even death.
1.2.3 European Union CE Mark
Figure 3: CE Mark.
The presence of the CE Mark on Newport Corporation equipment means that it has been designed, tested and certified to comply with all current and applicable European Union (CE) regulations and recommendations.
1.2.4 “ON” Symbol
Figure 4: “ON” Symbol.
The “ON” Symbol in Figure 4 appears on the power switch of the XPS Series Controller/Driver. This symbol represents the “Power On” condition.
1.2.5 “OFF Symbol
Figure 5: “OFF” Symbol.
The “Off” Symbol in Figure 5 appears on the power switch of the XPS Series Controller/Driver. This symbol represents the “Power Off” condition.
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XPS-Q8 Controller User’s Manual
1.3 Warnings and Cautions
The following are definitions of the Warnings, Cautions and Notes that may be used in this manual to call attention to important information regarding personal safety, safety and preservation of the equipment, or important tips.
Situation has the potential to cause bodily harm or death.
Situation has the potential to cause damage to property or equipment.
This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plug. Any interruption of the grounding connection can create an electric shock hazard. If you are unable to insert the plug into your wall plug receptacle, contact an electrician to perform the necessary alterations to ensure that the green (green-yellow) wire is attached to earth ground.
System earthing must be of type earthed neutral (TN-) as defined by CEI60364.
Additional information the user or operator should consider.
1.4 General Warnings and Cautions
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation of this equipment.
Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and the intended use of the equipment.
Heed all warnings on the unit and in the operating instructions.
To prevent damage to the equipment, read the instructions in this manual for the
selection of the proper input voltage.
Only plug the Controller/Driver unit into a grounded power outlet.
Ensure that the equipment is properly grounded to earth ground through the
grounding lead of the AC power connector.
Route power cords and cables where they are not likely to be damaged.
Use Proper Power Cord
Use only the power cord specified for this product and certified for the country of use.
The system must be installed in such a way that the power switch and the power
connector remain accessible to the user.
Disconnect or do not plug-in the AC power cord under the following conditions:
– If the AC power cord or any other attached cables are frayed or damaged. – If the power plug or receptacle is damaged. – If the unit is exposed to rain or excessive moisture, or liquids are spilled on it.
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XPS-Q8 Controller User’s Manual
– If the unit has been dropped or the case is damaged. – If the user suspects service or repair is required.
Keep air vents free of dirt and dust and obstructions.
Keep liquids away from unit.
Do not expose equipment to excessive moisture (>85% humidity).
Do not operate this equipment in an explosive atmosphere.
Disconnect power before cleaning the Controller/Driver unit. Do not use liquid or
aerosol cleaners.
Do not open the XPS Controller/Driver stand alone motion controller. There are no
user-serviceable parts inside the XPS Controller/Driver.
Return equipment to Newport Corporation for service and repair.
Dangerous voltages associated with the 100–240 VAC power supply are present
inside Controller/Driver unit. To avoid injury, do not touch exposed connections or components while power is on.
Follow precautions for static-sensitive devices when handling electronic circuits.
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XPS-Q8 Controller User’s Manual
2.0 System Overview
2.1 Specifications
Number of Axes 1 to 8 axes of stepper, DC brush, DC brushless motors or piezo-electric stacks using internal
Other motion devices using external third-party drives
Communication Interfaces Internet protocol TCP/IP
One Ethernet 10/100 Base-T (RJ45 connector) with fixed IP address for local communication
One Ethernet 10/100 Base-T (RJ45 connector) for networking, dynamic addressing with
Typically 0.3 ms from sending a tell position command to receiving the answer
Optional XPS-RC remote control
Firmware Features
Powerful and intuitive, object oriented command language
Native user defined units (no need to program in encoder counts)
Real time execution of custom tasks using TCL scripts
Multi-user capability
Concept of sockets for parallel processes
Distance spaced trigger output pulses, max. 2.5 MHz rate, programmable filter
Time spaced trigger output pulses, 0.02 Hz to 2.5 MHz rate, 50 ns accuracy
Trigger output on trajectories with 100 µs resolution
Data gathering at up to 8 kHz rate, up to 1,000,000 data entries
User-defined “actions at events” monitored by the controller autonomously at a rate of 8 kHz
User-definable system referencing with hardware position latch of reference signal transition
and “set current position to value” capability
Axis position or speed controlled by analog input
Axis position, speed or acceleration copied to analog output
Trajectory precheck function replying with travel requirement and max. possible speed
Auto-tuning and auto-scaling
Motion Jogging mode including on-the fly changes of speed and acceleration
Synchronized point-to-point
Spindle motion (continuous motion with periodic position reset)
Gantry mode including XY gantries with variable load ratio
Line-arc mode (linear and circular interpolation incl. continuous path contouring)
Splines (Catmull-Rom type)
PVT (complex trajectory based on position, velocity and time coordinates)
Analog tracking (using analog input as position or velocity command)
Master-slave including single master-multiple slaves and custom gear ratio
Compensation Linear error, Backlash, positioner error mapping
XY and XYZ error mapping
All corrections are taken into account on the servo loop
Servo Rate
8 kHz
Control Loop Open loop, PI position, PIDFF velocity, PIDFF acceleration, PIDDualFF voltage
Variable PID’s (PID values depending on distance to target position)
Deadband threshold; Integration limit and integration time
Derivative cut-off filter; 2 user-defined notch filters
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I/O 30 TTL inputs and 30 TTL outputs (open-collector)
4 synch. analog inputs ±10 V, 14 Bit
4 synch. uncommitted analog outputs, 16 Bit
Watchdog timer and remote interlock
Trigger In Hardware latch of all positions and all analog I/O’s; 8 kHz max. frequency
<50 ns latency on positions
<100 µs time jitter on analog I/O’s
Trigger Out One high-speed position compare output per axes that can be either configured for position
synchronized pulses or for time synchronized pulses : <50 ns accuracy/latency, 2.5 MHz max.
Dedicated Inputs Per Axis RS-422 differential inputs for A, B and I, Max. 25 MHz, over-velocity and quadrature error
1 Vpp analog encoder input up to x32768 interpolation used for servo; amplitude, phase and offset correction; additional 2nd hardware interpolator used for synchronization; up to x200 interpolation
Forward and reverse limit, home, error input
Dedicated Outputs Per Axis (when using external drives)
2 channel 16-bit, ±10 V D/A
Drive enable, error output
Drive Capability
Analog voltage, analog velocity, and analog acceleration (used with XPS-DRV01 and
XPS-DRV03 for DC brush motor control).
Analog position (used with XPS-DRV01 for stepper motor control or with the XPS-DRVP1 for piezo control)
Analog position (used with external drives for example 3rd party motors)
Analog acceleration, sine acceleration and dual sine acceleration (used with XPS-DRV02 for
brushless motors control)
Step and direction and +/- pulse mode for stepper motors (requires XPS-DRV00P and external stepper motor driver)
500 W @ 230 VAC and 425 W @ 115 VAC total available power
AC Power Requirements 100–240 VAC 60/50 Hz 10 A–5.5 A The controller should be connected to a power
installation that incorporates appropriate protection devices. Refer to the installation requirements of your facility and local applicable Standards concerning the use of RCDs
(residual current device).
Dimensions (W x D x H)
19” – 4U, L: 508 mm
15 kg max
2.2 Drive Options
The XPS controller is capable of driving up to 8 axes of most Newport positioners using driver cards that slide through the back of the chassis. These factory-tested drives are powered by an internal 500 W power supply, which is independent of the controller power supply. When used with Newport ESP stages, the configuration of the driver cards is easy using the auto-configuration utility software. Advanced users can also manually develop their own configuration files optimized for specific applications.
The XPS-DRV01 is a software configurable PWM amplifier that is compatible with most of Newport’s and other companies’ DC brush and stepper motor positioners.
The XPS-DRV01 motor driver supplies a maximum current of 3 Amps and 48 Volts. It has the capability to drive bipolar stepper motors in microstep mode (sine/cosine commutation) and DC brush motors in velocity mode, for motors with tachometer, or voltage mode, for motors without tachometer. Programmable gains and a programmable PWM switching frequency up to 300 kHz allow a very fine adjustment of the driver to the motor. For added safety, a programmable over-current protection setting is also available.
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The XPS-DRV02 is a software configurable PWM amplifier for 3-phase brushless motors. It has been optimized for performance with XM, ILS-LM, IMS-LM linear motor stages and RGV direct drive rotation stages. The XPS-DRV02 supplies a 100 kHz PWM output with a maximum output current of 5 A per phase and 44 Vpp. The XPS-DRV02 requires 1 Vpp analog encoder input signals used also for motor commutation. Motor initialization is done by a special routine measures the magnetic position without the need for Hall or other sensors.
The XPS-DRV03 is a fully digital, programmable PWM-amplifier that has been optimized for use with high-performance DC motors. The high switching frequency of 100 kHz and appropriate filter technologies minimize noise to enable ultra-precision positioning in the nm-range. The XPS-DRV03 supplies a maximum current of 5 Amps and 48 Volts. It is capable of driving DC motors in velocity mode (for motors with tachometer), in voltage mode (for motors without tachometer), and in current mode (for torque motors). All parameters are programmable in physical units (for instance the bandwidth of the velocity loop). Furthermore, the XPS-DRV03 features individual limits for the rms current and the peak current.
The XPS-DRVP1 is a programmable driver card for Newport's NanoPositioning line of piezoelectric stack stages. This driver card has a range of -10 to 150 VDC with 30 mA continuous. The drive features a 4 kHz update rate and resolution of 16 bits ADC and DAC. It also accepts strain gage position feedback.
The XPS-DRV00 and XPS-DRV00P pass-through module can be used to pass control signals to other external third-party amplifiers (drivers). By setting the controller’s dual DAC output to either analog position, analog stepper position, analog velocity, analog voltage or analog acceleration (including sine commutation), the XPS is capable of controlling almost any motion device including 3
party brushless motors and voice
coils. In addition to conventional digital AquadB feedback encoder interface, the XPS
controller also features a high-performance analog encoder input (1 Vpp Heidenhain standard) on each axis. An ultra-high resolution, very low noise, encoder signal interpolator converts the sine-wave input to an exact position value with a signal subdivision up to 32,768-fold. For example, when used with a scale with 4 µm signal period the resolution can be as fine as 0.122 nm. This interpolator can be used for accurate position feedback on the servo corrector of the system. An additional hardware interpolator with 40 MHz clock frequency and programmable signal subdivision up to 200-fold is used for synchronization purposes. This fast interpolator latches the position directly with less than 50 ns latency and provides a much higher level of precision for synchronization than alternative time based systems. Unlike most high-resolution multiplication devices, the XPS interpolators do not compromise positioning speed. With a maximum input frequency ranging from 180 kHz to 400 kHz (depending on the interpolation factor), the maximum speed of a stage with a 20 µm signal period scale can be up to 3.6 m/s.
2.3 Compatible Newport Positioners and Drive Power Consumption
The list of all compatible Newport positioners and the corresponding drive module needed is available from the Newport catalog or at
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2.4 XPS Hardware Overview
Figure 6: XPS Hardware Overview.
2.5 Front Panel Description
Figure 7: Front Panel of XPS Controller/Driver.
The XPS-RC Remote Control plugs into the front panel of the XPS controller to enable computer-independent motion and basic system diagnostics. For more information, refer to the XPS data sheet and the XPS-RC manual.
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2.6 Rear Panel Description
Figure 8: Rear Panel of XPS Controller/Driver.
The Main Power ON/OFF Switch is located above the inlet for the power cord. The switch and the inlet must be accessible to the user.
2.6.1 Axis Connectors (AXIS 1 – AXIS 8)
Each installed axis driver card features a connector to attach a cable (supplied with every Newport stage) between the controller and a motion device.
Carefully read the labels on the driver cards and make sure the specifications (motor type, voltage, current, etc.) match those of the motion devices you intend to connect. Severe damage could occur if a stage is connected to the wrong driver card.
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Figure 9: Axis Driver Card.
Please see the next section for installation instructions.
Power Input: 100–240 V, 50–60 Hz, 11 A–5.5 A.
2.7 Ethernet Configuration
Figure 10: Ethernet Configuration.
2.7.1 Communication Protocols
The Ethernet connection provides a local area network through which information is transferred in units known as packets. Communication protocols are necessary to dictate how these packets are sent and received. The XPS Controller/Driver supports the industry standard protocol TCP/IP.
TCP/IP is a “connection” protocol and in this protocol, the master must be connected to the slave in order to begin communication. Each packet sent is acknowledged when received. If no acknowledgment is received, the information is assumed lost and is resent.
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2.7.2 Addressing
There are two levels of addresses that define Ethernet devices. The first is the MAC address. This is a unique and permanent 6 byte number. No other device will have the same MAC address. The second level of addressing is the IP address. This is a 32-bit (or 4 byte) number. The IP address is constrained by each local network and must be assigned locally. Assigning an IP address to the controller can be done in a number of ways (see section 3.5: “Connecting to the XPS“).
2.8 Sockets, Multitasking and Multi-user Applications
Based on the TCP/IP Internet communication protocol, the XPS controller has a high number of virtual communication ports, known as sockets. To establish communication, the user must first request a socket ID from the XPS controller server (listening at a defined IP number and port number). When sending a function to a socket, the controller will always reply with a completion or error message to the socket that has requested the action.
The concept and application of sockets has many advantages. First, users can split their application into different segments that run independently on different threads or even on different computers. To illustrate this, see below:
In this example, a thread on socket 1 commands an XY stage to move to certain positions to take pictures while another thread on socket 2 independent of socket 1, concurrently manages an auto-focusing system. The second task could even be run on a different PC than the first task yet be simultaneously executed within the XPS. Alternatively, if the auto-focusing system is providing an analog feedback, this task could have been also implemented as a TCL script within the XPS (see the next topic).
Second, the concept of sockets has another practical advantage for many laboratory users since the use of threads allows them to share the same controller for different applications at the same time. With the XPS, it is possible that one group uses one axis of the XPS controller for an optical delay line, while another group simultaneously uses other axes for a totally different application. Both applications could run completely independent from different workstations without any delays or cross-talk.
The XPS controller uses TCP/IP blocking sockets, which means that the commands to the same socket are “blocked” until the XPS returns feedback about the completion of the currently executed command (either '0' if the command has been completed successfully, or an error code in case of an error). If customers want to run several processes in parallel, users should open as many 84 parallel sockets. Please refer to section 18.4: “Running Processes in Parallel“ for further information about sockets and parallel processing.
2.9 Programming with TCL
TCL documentation is in a PDF file accessible from the XPS controller web site. TCL stands for Tool Command Language and is an open-source string based command
language. With only a few fundamental constructs and relatively little syntax, it is very easy to learn, yet it can be as powerful and functional as traditional C language. TCL includes many different math expressions, control structures (if, for, foreach, switch, etc.), events, lists, arrays, time and date manipulation, subroutines, string manipulation, file management and much more. TCL is used worldwide with a user base approaching
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one million users. It is quickly becoming a standard and critical component in thousands of corporations. Consequently TCL is field proven, very well documented and has many tutorials, applications, tools and books publicly available (
XPS users can use TCL to write complete application code and the XPS allows them to include any function in a TCL script. When developed, the TCL script can be executed in real time in the background of the motion controller processor and does not impact any processing requirements for servo updates or communication. The QNX hardware real time multiprocessing operating system used on the XPS controller assures precise management of the multiple processes with the highest reliability. Multiple TCL programs run in a time-sharing mode with the same priority and will get interrupted only by the servo, or communication tasks or when the maximum available time of 20 ms for each TCL program is over.
The advantage of executing application code within the controller over host run code is faster execution and better synchronization, in many cases without any time taken from the communication link. The complete communication link can be reserved for time critical process interaction from or to the process or host controller.
It is important to note that the XPS gives communication requests priority over TCL script execution. When using TCL scripts for machine security or other time critical tasks, it is therefore important to limit the frequency of continuous communication requests from a host computer, which includes the XPS website, and to verify the execution speed of repetitive TCL scripts.
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3.0 Getting Started
3.1 Unpacking and Handling
It is recommended that the XPS Controller/Driver be unpacked in your lab or work site rather than at the receiving dock. Unpack the system carefully; small parts and cables are included with the equipment. Inspect the box carefully for loose parts before disposing of the packaging. You are urged to save the packaging material in case you need to ship your equipment.
3.2 Inspection for Damage
XPS Controller/Driver has been carefully packaged at the factory to minimize the possibility of damage during shipping. Inspect the box for external signs of damage or mishandling. Inspect the contents for damage. If there is visible damage to the equipment upon receipt, inform the shipping company and Newport Corporation immediately.
Do not attempt to operate this equipment if there is evidence of shipping damage or you suspect the unit is damaged. Damaged equipment may present additional personnel hazard. Contact Newport technical support for advice before attempting to plug in and operate damaged equipment.
3.3 Packing List
Included with each XPS controller are the following items:
User’s Manual and Motion Tutorial.
XPS controller.
Cross-over cable, gray, 3 meters.
Straight-through cable, black, 5 meters.
Power cord.
Rack mount ears and handles.
If there are missing hardware or have questions about the hardware that were received, please contact Newport.
Before operating the XPS controller, please read chapter 1.0 very carefully.
3.4 System Setup
This section guides the user through the proper set-up of the motion control system. If not already done, carefully unpack and visually inspect the controller and stages for any damage. Place all components on a flat and clean surface.
No cables should be connected to the controller at this point!
First, the controller must be configured properly before stages can be connected.
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3.4.1 Installing Driver cards
Figure 11: Installing Driver cards.
Due to the high power of the XPS controller (300 W for the CPU and 500 W for the drives), ventilation is very important.
To ensure a good level of heat dissipation, the following rules must be followed:
1. It is strictly forbidden to use the XPS controller without the cover properly mounted on the chassis.
2. Driver boards must be inserted from right (driver 1) to left (driver 8) when looking at the rear of the controller.
3. If less than eight are used, the remaining slots must be disabled with the appropriate slot covers that were delivered with the controller.
4. The surrounding ventilation holes at the sides and back of the XPS rack must be free from obstructions that prevent the free flow of air.
3.4.2 Power ON
Plug the AC line cord supplied with the XPS into the AC power receptacle on the rear panel.
Plug the AC line cord into the AC wall-outlet. Turn the Main Power Switch to ON (located on the Rear Panel).
The system must be installed in such a way that power switch and power connector are accessible by the user.
After the main power is switched on, the LED on the front panel of the XPS will turn green.
There is an initial beep after power on and a second beep when the controller has finished booting. If the controller boots properly, the second beep is happy­sounding, otherwise the sad-sounding beep is emitted. The time between the first and the second beeps can be 12–18 seconds.
There is also a STOP ALL button on the front panel that is used to stop any motion in progress and then activate the inhibit input of all motor drivers. This is a software function triggered by the inhibit input located on the rear panel or the STOP ALL front panel button.
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3.5 Connecting to the XPS
The Newport’s XPS Controller/Driver is a multi-axis motion controller system that is based on a high performance 10/100 Base-T Ethernet connection using a CAT5 cable.
The controller can be connected in 2 different ways:
1. Direct connection-PC to XPS through a cross over cable (gray cable supplied).
2. Corporate Network connection – requires input from a Network Administrator
Two cables are provided with the motion controller:
Cross-over cable – used when connecting the XPS directly to a PC.
Straight Ethernet cable – used when connecting the XPS through an intranet.
3.5.1 Straight through cables (black)
Standard Ethernet straight through cables are required when connecting the device to a standard network hub or switch.
Figure 12: Straight through cables.
3.5.2 Cross-over cables (gray)
Standard Ethernet cross over cables are required when connecting the device directly to the Ethernet port of a PC.
Cross over cables are typically labeled (cross over or XO) at one or both ends.
Figure 13: Ethernet Cross Over Cables.
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3.5.3 Direct Connection to the XPS Controller
For a direct connection between a PC and the XPS controller you need to use the crossover cable and the HOST or REMOTE connector at the back of the XPS.
Figure 14: Direct Connection to the XPS using cross-over cable.
First, the IP address on the PC’s Ethernet card has to be set to match the default factory XPS’s IP address for the HOST connector or for the REMOTE connector.
Following is the procedure to set the Ethernet card address. This procedure is for the Windows XP operating system (almost similar process
forWindow 7):
1. Start Button > Control Panel > Network Connections (Network and Sharing Center => Change adapter settings).
2. Right Click on Local Area Connection Icon and select Properties.
3. Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP, TCP/IP4) and click on Properties.
4. In case using HOST connector type the IP address: and Subnet Mask: In case using REMOTE connector type the IP address: and Subnet
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5. Click “OK”.
The The Last number of the IP address must be set to any number between 2 to 253: 100 for example.
When configuring the controller to be on the network, the settings for the PC’s Ethernet card will have to be set back to default under “Obtain an IP address automatically”.
Once the Ethernet card address is set, you are ready to connect to the XPS controller. Following is the procedure for connecting to the controller:
6. Open Internet Browser and connect to
in case using HOST
connector or connect to in case using REMOTE connector Login: Name: Administrator Password: Administrator (Please see the picture below). Rights: Administrator
Please note that the login text is case sensitive.
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