Administrator: New Leaf Service Cont racts, LLC
909 Lake Carolyn Parkway, Suite 900, Irving, TX 75 039
This Agreement is not a Contract of Insurance
Please read this Agreement carefull y. It describes the protec tion You will receive in retu rn for payment by You. You must keep this Agreement, Your sal es invoice
and receipt for the product You purchased. They are integral parts of thi s Agreement and You may be required to produce them in order to obtain servi ce. You must
maintain the Covered Product as recommended by the manufac turer’s owner manual and warra nty. Refer to t he Declarati ons Page of this Agreement, or Your sa les
receipt or invoice to determine the term of this Agreement, whether You purchased a Replacement Plan, Rep air Plan or Labor Only Plan, and i f there is a deductible
required to obtain service.
(1) “Obligor”, “We”, “Us” and “Our”: The company obligated under this Agreement, 4warranty Corporation, [10151 Deerwood Park, Bldg. 100, Suite 500,
Jacksonville Florida 32256 (800-867-2216)], in all states except i n Florida and O klahoma where it is LYNDON SOUTHERN INS URANCE COMPANY, [10151
Deerwood Park Blvd, Bldg. 100, Suite 500, Jacksonville, FL 32256 (800)888-2738], in Washington where it is Dealers Alliance Company, [240 N. F ifth Street,
Suite 350, Columbus, OH 43215 800-282-8913] and in Wisconsin where it i s The Service Doc, [10151 Deerwood Park Blvd, Bldg. 100, Suite 500, Jac ksonville,
FL 32256 (800)888-2738].
(2) “You” and “Your”: The purchaser of the Covered Product(s) and any authorized transferee/assignee of the purchaser.
(3) “Administrator”: [New Leaf Service Contracts, LLC, 909 Lake Carolyn Parkway, Suite 900, Irving, TX 75039 (855.879.6395).
(4) “Selling Retailer”: The entity selling the Covered Product and this Agreement.
(5) “Covered Product”: The consumer item(s) which You purchased concurrently with and is covered by this Agreement.
(1) TERM: For the Replacement Plan, the term of this Agreement begins on the date of purchase and c ontinues for a period of t wo (2) yea rs or until a c laim is pai d,
whichever occurs first. Coverage is effective upon the expiration of the shortest portion of the ma nufacturer’s warranty. A renewal servi ce Agreement is not
(2) COVERAGE: We will replace Your Cover ed Product, when required, due to a mechanical or electrical breakdown, includi ng those experienced during normal
wear and tear. A mechanical or electrical break down caused by a di rect resul t of a power surge is also cove red. The Covered Product will be replaced with a new
or refurbished product of lik e kind or similar quality, up to the purchase price of the Covered Product, excluding sales tax and shipping and handl ing. The
Covered Product must fail during normal usage. Any replacement product purchased with funds or provided as a result of a claim being paid under the ter ms of
this Agreement will require the purchase of a new Agreement.
(3) LIMIT OF LIABILITY: The limit of liability under the replac ement pl an is the value of t he Covered Produ ct at the time of purchase, excluding sales tax, diagnostic
fees, delivery and handling. This Agreement shall expire upon replacement of Your Covered Product or issuance of a compensation check in lieu of
(4) WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR CO VERED PRO DUCT FAILS TO OPERATE: Do not return the Covered Product to the Selling Retailer where You purchased
Your Covered Product. Contact the Administrator and You will be advised on how to obtain replacemen t.
• Call the toll-free number at 855.879.6395 or go online to
• You must prov ide the original sales receipt in order for a claim to be processed. Products found to be non-defective will be returned to You. You are
responsible for all costs of postage, insuranc e, packaging and shipping. Please mak e sure Your product is properly protected with bubble wrap or other
protective materials. Replacement will not be provided if Your Covered Product is damaged in shipping.
(1) TERM: For the Repair Plan, the term of this Agreement begins on th e date o f pu rchase and conti nues f or t he period i ndicate d on the face of this Agreement or
as indicated in the Declarations Page, Your sales receipt or invoice. Coverage is effective upon the expiration of the shortest portion of the manufacturer’s
warranty. In the event Your Covered Product is being serviced by an authorized service center when thi s Agreement expires, the ter m of thi s Agreement will be
extended until covered repair has been completed. THIS AGREEMENT DOES NOT REPLACE THE MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY.
(2) COVERAGE: Parts will be replac ed with t hose of l i ke k ind and qual i ty at our sole di sc retion. We may us e ne w or remanuf act ured p arts in repairing Your Covered
Product. If the Covered Product cannot be repaired , if the cost of the repair exceeds th e original purchase price, or if parts a re no longer available or are
discontinued by the manufacturer, the Covered Product will be replaced as determined by Us with a product of similar features.
A. For Appliances, Electronics and Computers: We will repair or replac e the Covered Product, at Our discretion, when required due to a mechanical or
electrical breakdown, includi ng those experi enced during n ormal wear and tea r. A mechanical or electrical b reakdown caused by a direct result o f a power
surge is also covered. Costs related to removal and r einstallation o f ca r a udio and/or home th ea te r p ro d uc ts a r e covered under thi s Agreement, wh en req uired , due
to a covered breakdown. You are responsible to backup all computer software and data prior to commencement of repair .
B. For Jewelry: We will furnish the parts and labor necessary t o repair or replace Your Covered Product only in the event of mechanical breakdown or
defects in workmanship and/or mater ials, includi ng normal wear and tear. We wi ll cover broken, bent or wo rn prongs, clas ps and hinges; knotted o r broken
links in necklaces and bracelets; broken or lost pi ns and earring pos ts; restringi ng of stretched pearl necklac es; and, reshanking. We will cover mechanical
failure of watches, including accidental breakage of stem or band, case and crystal.
C. For Lawn & Garden Equipment and Power Tools: During the term of this Agreement, Your Covered Product will be restored to normal operating
condition after it has failed during normal s ingle family household use, includi ng failures due to normal wea r and tear. The Agreement covers the cost of all
labor and parts necessary to repair Your Covered Product for problems due t o functional part failures. During the first eig hteen (18) months of this
Agreement, We wil l provide a one-time equipment rental reimbursement of fifty dollars ($50) i n the event Your Covered Product cannot be repaired within
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four (4) weeks after taking i t to a designated servi ce center (rental must be for same equipment as Covered Product), and a one-time accidental damag e
reimbursement to the drive/propeller shaft up to seventy-five dollars ($75).
D. For Fitness Equipment & Other Sporting Goods: If You purchased a Residential Coverage Plan or Co mmercial Coverage Pl an as indicated on the
Declarations Page of this Agreement, or on Your invoice or sales receipt, We will repair or replace Your Covered Product for mechanical and elec trical
failures, including power surge, that occur during normal use and operation in accordance with the manufacturer’s written specifications. Residential
Coverage Plans only cover resi dential use of Your Covered Product. Commercial Coverage Plans are av ailable only for products used in commercial
environments (except dues facili ty gyms and health clubs) including but not limi ted to hotel s, motels , mult i-housi ng, c ountry c lubs , homeowne r’s ass oci ati ons,
corporations, senior living c enters, hospitals, sc hools, churches and police and fi re stations. Only Residential and Commercial Covera ge Plans cover the
repair and replacement of function al factory installed belts (including treadmil l walking belts) and rollers required for the perfo rmance of Your Covered
Product. If You purchased a Labor Only Coverage Plan as indicated in the Declarations Page, or on Your recei pt or sales invoice, we will only cover the
cost of labor to repair Your Covered Product due to el ectrical failure and mechanical breakdown occurring duri ng normal use and operation of Your
Covered Product.
(3) LIMIT OF LIABILITY: Our limit of liability for Your Covered Product under the Repair Plan is the cost of authorized repairs, or replacement as determined by Us,
with a product of similar features. In no event will our total liabi lity for repairs and/ or replacement exceed Your purchase price for the Covered Product,
excluding sales tax, diagnosti c fees, delivery and installation costs. Upon replacement, there is no longer any obligation for the replaced product under this
(4) NO LEMON POLICY: This Agreement provi des that following the ex piration of the manufacturer w arranty term, and subj ect to Our Limit of Liability, after three
(3) service repairs have been com pleted for the same pro blem on an indivi dual product that requires a fourth repair within any twelve (12) month period, as
determined by Us, We wil l replace i t with a pro duct of comp arabl e performanc e or pay You the remaining Li mi t of Liabil ity. If We replace Your Covered Product,
there is no longer any obligation for the replaced product under this Agreement.
(5) HOW TO GET SERVICE: You must contact the Administrator for the approp riate authorized service center. Call the t oll-free number at 855.879.6395 or go
online to All rep airs must be authorized by t he Administrator prior to performanc e of work . Claims on un authorized r epairs may be de nied.
You may be asked for a credit car d number prior to service bei ng performed. Many oversights , which are not covered under this Agreement, can be due to
simple circumstances such as the Covered Product not being switched on, being unplugged, or a fuse blow n at the junction box. For a Covered Product that
uses batteries as the prime power supply , check that the batteries do not need replacing or rech arging. If You refuse service on a covered item after We have
dispatched the repair servicer to Your location You will be billed for that servicer’s applicable trip charge.
(6) SERVICE DELIVERABLES: There may be a deductible required to obtai n service for Your Covered Product as indicated on the Declarations Page of this
Agreement. You will receive service on Your Covered Product as described below:
Carry-In: Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, Covered Products must be delivered and picked up by You at Our authorized service cent er during
normal business hours. If You purchased Above Ground Pool Cove rage, it will be Your res ponsi bility t o bring a bove gro und pum ps and l adder in to the s ervice repai r
facility or to the selling retailer for repair.
In-Home/On-Site: Service will be performed in Your home or O n-Site as indicated on the Declarations Page of this Agreement, or on Your sales receipt or
invoice provided You have fulfilled the followi ng provisions: (1 ) accessibi lity to the product ; (2) a non-threat ening and safe env ironment; and (3) an adul t over the
age of 18 to be present for the perio d of time Our authorized technician i s s chedul ed for se rv ic e and while Our authorized technic i an is on Your property servicing
Your Covered Product. In-Home Service will be provided by the authori zed service provider during regula r business hours, loc al time, Monday through F riday,
except holidays. If You pu rchased Above Ground P ool Coverag e, servi c e will b e pe rfor med a t Your home only for in -ground pumps , p ool li ners , po ol fr ames and wall
repairs. The authorized service center may opt to re move the Covered Product to perform service i n-shop. Your Covered Product will be retur ned upon
completion. Additional time and mileage charges for in-home repairs outside of twenty-five (25) contiguous land miles or the normal service radius of the
authorized service center are not covered by this Agreement, and are Your responsibility.
Reimbursement: If We are reimb ursing You for rental expense or acci dental damage as noted in the “COVERAGE For Lawn & Garden Equipment and Power
Tools” section under “Repair Plan ” You are responsible for paying the ren tal or repair s ervice facility directly fo r rentals, any repairs , replac ement p arts, diag nosis
fees, trip charges, sales tax and inst allati on. Once Your Covered Product is repaired You may file a clai m with Us for reimbursement . We are not responsi ble
for delay in service or loss of use of Your Covered Product, quality of service or workmanship or defect ive replacement parts provi ded by the se rvicer. How to
file a reimbursement claim: You must mail or fax Us a copy of the completed rental or repair i nvoice. The service facility or rental invoice must include the
Make, Model and Serial Num ber of Your Covered Product, the reason for repair and caus e of loss of Your Covered Product, and Your name, address and
phone number. We will reimburse You as indi cated above in this Agreement, less any applicable deductible as indicated on the Declarati ons page of this
Agreement, Your sales invoice or receipt. Failure to provide all claim documentation may result in claim denial.
(7) WORLDWIDE SERVICE : Worldwide Service protects Your Covered Product outside the manufac turer’s warranty when you travel overs eas. If your product
needs repair overseas, you h ave thr ee options to o btain a p roper repair authorizati on number prior to wo rk being pe rformed. Cont act the Administrator/Obligor
via e-mail at to leave a message for warranty support; or you may call collect, 855.879.6395.
You will need to carry the covered produc t i nto an autho ri zed s ervi ce c enter, have t he serv ic e cent er prov ide an estimate for the repair and provide the es timat e to
the Administrator/Obligor, using one of the options above, so total repair can be approved. You will submit payment to the service c enter and the submit to the
Administrator/Obligor a copy of the det ailed service repair inv oice that identifies the covered product, the repai r authorization numbe r, and include a thorough
description of the repair made. Thi s d oc umentati on should be sent to the Administrator/Obligor. The Administrator/Obligor will reimburse you within 30 days of
receipt of all necessary paperwork, provided a covered repair was performed. Note: Worldwide service does not include shipping or on-site service.
(8) POWER SURGE PROTECTION: This Agreement provi des power surge protection fr om the date of purchase in the absence of any other insurance cov erage. If
Your Covered Product is damaged as a result of a power surge, we will service Your Covered Product in accordance with the terms herein.
(9) FOOD LOSS: To r eceiv e coverage fo r f ood los s, the failure of Your refrige rator o r freeze r must be du e to a d efect i n the compon ents of t he a pplianc e, and not a
power failure of any kind. You will be reimbursed up to $200 pe r qual ified s ervice repair . T o rec eive payme nt, You must have the appliance repai red by a s ervice
center authorized by the Administrator and/or Obligor and submit the foll owing: a copy of the repair order, and itemized list of food lost due to the lack of
refrigeration, and proof of purchase for the replaced food.
(10) ACCIDENTAL DAM AGE IN HANDLING (“ADH”): Your Covered Product is protected agai nst accidental damage in handl ing such as drops and l iquid spills.
ADH only covers operational or mechanical failure caused by an accident from handling and does not i nclude protection agai nst theft, myste rious disappearance,
misplacement, viruses, reckles s, abusive, wi llful or intenti onal conduct associ ated with handling and use of the Covered Product, cosmetic damage and/or other
damage that does not affec t the u nit functi onality , damage c aused du ring shipment bet ween You and Our service providers and any oth er l imitati ons li sted in the
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