New Balance RUNIQ UW63100 User Manual

BookaGroup Travel Agency User Manual
01 August 2017
This document and its content are the property of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. Complete or partial duplication and delivery to third parties or any other form of publication is prohibited without written approval of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. Copies for internal use are not subject to this restriction.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
2 System Requirements ......................................................................................................... 5
3 General Definitions ............................................................................................................. 6
4 Getting Started ................................................................................................................... 7
Log-In ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Password Reset .............................................................................................................................. 8
5 Navigation ........................................................................................................................ 10
Dashboard .................................................................................................................................... 10
User Profile .................................................................................................................................. 11
Agency Profile .............................................................................................................................. 12
Dashboard Header ....................................................................................................................... 14
File Overview................................................................................................................................ 15
Search........................................................................................................................................... 16
Dashboard Overview .................................................................................................................... 17
Terms and Conditions .................................................................................................................. 17
Statistics ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Quick Links and News .................................................................................................................. 18
6 Communication ................................................................................................................. 18
7 File Display ....................................................................................................................... 20
Single PNR View ........................................................................................................................... 20
Multiple PNR View ....................................................................................................................... 24
Amadeus PNR Display .................................................................................................................. 25
8 Requesting and Booking .................................................................................................... 26
New Request ................................................................................................................................ 26
Requesting a Round-trip .............................................................................................................. 28
Tour Conductor ............................................................................................................................ 29
Offer “On the Fly” ........................................................................................................................ 30
Delayed Response ........................................................................................................................ 35
Saving the Offer ........................................................................................................................... 36
Booking the Offer ......................................................................................................................... 37
Requesting Negospace ................................................................................................................. 39
Requesting a Multi-Stop .............................................................................................................. 40
Requesting a Series ...................................................................................................................... 43
Requests Including OAL ............................................................................................................... 46
Cross Border Requests ................................................................................................................. 53
Child or Infant Discount ............................................................................................................... 53
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Large-Scale Groups ...................................................................................................................... 53
Break-up ....................................................................................................................................... 54
Agreed Business ........................................................................................................................... 55
Special Event ................................................................................................................................ 55
Special Business ........................................................................................................................... 57
9 After Booking .................................................................................................................... 59
Name Option & Ticketing Time Limit ........................................................................................... 59
Modify Name Option ................................................................................................................... 60
Name Changes ............................................................................................................................. 61
Increase Passengers ..................................................................................................................... 61
Increase Departures ..................................................................................................................... 64
Passenger Management .............................................................................................................. 64
Adding Passenger Names ............................................................................................................. 64
DOC Information .......................................................................................................................... 68
Cancelling a Passenger ................................................................................................................. 70
Extra Baggage ............................................................................................................................... 71
Export to Excel ............................................................................................................................. 72
Rebooking .................................................................................................................................... 72
Before Ticketing ........................................................................................................................... 72
After Ticketing .............................................................................................................................. 73
Cancelling a Group ....................................................................................................................... 74
Reinstate ...................................................................................................................................... 76
10 Ticket Issuance .................................................................................................................. 77
General Ticketing Instructions ..................................................................................................... 77
Validating/Ticketing Carrier ......................................................................................................... 78
Distribution Cost Charge (DCC) .................................................................................................... 78
11 Refund .............................................................................................................................. 78
12 Contacts ........................................................................................................................... 78
13 Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 79
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1 Introduction
BookaGroup is the central web-based platform to book group travel with Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa and SWISS. The tool allows travel agencies and tour operators to request and book groups online, perform modifications and fulfillment of existing bookings.
All group bookings for flights with the Lufthansa Group (LHG) airlines Austrian Airlines (OS), Lufthansa (LH), and SWISS (LX) are fully combinable and can be requested and booked in a few simple steps, resulting in a single, combined LHG group booking. In addition, conditions and pricing are harmonized, allowing for a fully harmonized LHG group product.
Most of the transactions can be done in BookaGroup; some actions nevertheless must be performed in the respective GDS:
Split PNR
Additional booking of feeders
Booking of OAL (other airline segments in combination with a LHG flight)
SR-elements (e.g. xbag, wheelchair etc.)
Please be informed that Side Trips are not supported by BookaGroup. In such cases, separate requests must be made. Exception: if side trips are allowed per fare note and a fare is provided by the tool, please contact your local LHG Group Service Team for booking support.
Requests of Double Open-jaws are only possible if allowed as per fare note.
All changes done in a GDS will be mirrored in BookaGroup as well, so you will be able to see the PNR with confirmed feeders or rebooked flights, and will be able to see multiple PNRs instead of a single one after a split.
In case your travel agency is not using Amadeus but any other GDS, all additional transactions not supported by BookaGroup (except ticketing) need to be performed by your LHG Group Service Team.
PNRs can be claimed via BookaGroup as soon as all names are inserted (the action “Claim PNR” becomes visible). Please do not claim PNRs via GDS prior to having entered all names.
This may cause synchronization issues between the other GDS and LHGs Amadeus PNR resulting in incorrect transfer of names, cancellations or ticket numbers.
Transactions done in a GDS might need a certain time to be reflected in BookaGroup. Therefore, please wait with further transactions until the updates are visible.
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2 System Requirements
BookaGroup is optimized for the following internet browsers:
Internet Explorer: IE 9, IE 10, IE11
Firefox: 26, 28, 29
Google Chrome: 33, 34, 35
Safari 7.x
Following screen resolutions are supported by BookaGroup:
Avoid display or usability problems by using one of the recommended browsers above.
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3 General Definitions
A group exists when a minimum of ten passengers, booked in one or multiple compartments (Economy, Premium Economy, Business and First Class), travel together and have at least one common main route.
For routings including intercontinental segments, the common main route may be any of the booked long-haul segments; for Cont (short-haul) travel, it may be any booked segment irrespective of its length.
Passengers traveling/booked separately by the travel agency from the group are considered individual bookings and shall not count towards group utilization or Tour Conductor tickets. Groups will be designated with the ticket designator and passenger type code (PTC) – “GR” and will be requested altogether in one request.
Transfers of seats from a single PNR into a group PNR resp. from a group PNR into a single PNR or across different group PNRs are not permitted.
In the event the minimum group size is not met anymore the following conditions will apply:
All conditions (e.g. Min Stay and Advance Purchase) of the used published or
unpublished fare must be fulfilled.
Individual pricing according to the applicable published or unpublished fare at time
of ticketing applies – no group discount applies
The ticket designator and passenger type code (PTC) – “GR” must not be included in
the issued tickets.
The newly quoted fare shall however not undercut the latest quoted group fare.
Minimum / maximum stay is defined as per the fare note of the applicable tariff.
The booking range is limited to 360 days before departure for LH flights and 350 days before departure for OS and LX flights.
Corporate Discount (CD) rates are not applicable for group travel.
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4 Getting Started
Upon accessing BookaGroup via, you will be directed to the log-in screen, where you can either register as a new agency or log-in with your user credentials.
Clicking on the airline logos at the top of the page will open the airline websites, and in a new browser window.
After a certain time without any transactions in BookaGroup, your session will expire. When a session expires, you will be navigated to the login screen and the following message will be displayed:
Please click here to register in case you have not used BookaGroup for
your group business in the past.
If you are already registered for BookaGroup, please enter your user ID (email) and your password here and click on Login to proceed.
If you forgot your password, you can request a new one here.
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You will also get a confirmation when you logged out of the system:
In case the application is undergoing maintenance, an error message will be displayed:
Password Reset
In case you need to reset your password, you can click the respective link on the log-in page.
You will receive a confirmation message:
Fill in your user ID (email) here and a password to request a new password.
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Once you open the email and click on the link provided, you will be directed to this window to enter a new password:
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5 Navigation
Upon log-in, you will be directed to the Dashboard, the main landing page of BookaGroup.
User profile and agency profile
Quick links and news
Dashboard header
Terms and conditions
Overview of requests, offers and bookings
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User Profile
Click on your name and select My profile from the drop-down menu to navigate to your personal profile.
In the upper part of your profile, you will see details of the agency you are registered with.
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Agency Profile
Select Agency Profile here to view more details about your agency, registered users, and your terms & conditions.
Below, you will find your personal information such as contact details; you can edit these at any time.
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For more detailed information regarding profiles and associated functionalities, please refer to the Agency Registration Manual.
On the bottom half of the page, you will find details on any Office IDs/PCCs and IATA/ARC numbers of your agency.
Click the User tab for a list of all users registered with your agency.
Open the Terms & Conditions tab to see your current contracts.
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Dashboard Header
All functions located in the Dashboard Header are accessible from anywhere in the application.
Hovering your mouse over My Groups or All Groups will open a drop-down menu, which leads you directly to the File Overview with a list of bookings filtered by validating carrier LH, LX or OS.
The number in the little bubble indicates the count of unread communications.
Here you can find your requests, offers and bookings.
Here you can see all requests, offers and bookings of your agency.
Increase or decrease the font size.
Start a new request here!
Clicking on this icon (or the BookaGroup logo) will always take you back to the Dashboard.
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File Overview
Clicking on My Groups or All Groups will be take you to the File Overview. This page provides a list of groups divided into several categories: All (groups), Request, Offers and Bookings. You can navigate between the categories by selecting the respective tab and can also filter the groups within each of these categories.
To display additional filter options, click here.
If you want to search for a specific group request/booking/offer, or adapt the listed search results, you can use the Filter option by clicking here.
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You can search e. g. for a specific group or for all requests associated with a certain PCC.
If you have selected a validating carrier from the My Groups or All Groups drop­down menu, this filter will already be applied on the All or Bookings tab.
Enter a File ID here and select it from the list of search results to open the file.
For more search options, open this drop-down menu.
You can export the list of results to Excel.
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Dashboard Overview
The Overview table gives you a quick summary of both your own and your agency’s requests, new and
saved offers, and bookings.
Terms and Conditions
If new contracts are available, you will see a highlighted message in this section.
This section gives you a quick overview of your current booking realization rate.
Unread communication items are highlighted.
This link takes you to the File Overview.
This counter indicates the number of new contracts. Clicking here will take you to the list of Terms & Conditions.
You can filter the results for a specific Office ID and a date range.
Clicking on one of these categories will take you to the respective File Overview tab.
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Quick Links and News
6 Communication
Communication symbols are displayed in several locations within BookaGroup, e. g. in the Dashboard Overview, in File Overview or within a File ID.
Information where your action is required, e.g. Offer is available, Ticketing Deadlines, Name options etc.
Information which does not necessarily require immediate action, e.g. Fulfillment purposes etc.
Personal communication, e. g. between agents within your agency.
Here you find direct links to start a New
request or access Agreed Business files.
Lufthansa Group updates, news, and promotions related to your business will be published here.
Clicking on a communication symbol opens the item in File Overview.
Selecting the message in the container will mark it as read.
You can open the file itself by clicking on the highlighted row.
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Once you open a File ID, you will find all notes, reminders and notifications in the Communication tab. The bubble shows the counter of unread items.
You can create a new Note here.
You can create Notes for agency-internal communication or, once a file is booked, to communicate with your LHG Group Service
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7 File Display
Single PNR View
These links will open more details about the request, the sender and the booking. Under booking details, you will also find a pricing overview.
The History tab provides a chronology of all actions performed on this PNR.
Pax details, pricing, conditions and communication PNR level can be found here.
1 2 3
This is the Action menu. The content changes depending on the status of the request.
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Clicking on Show more details will open this pop-up with more information about the request.
You can find more details about the creator of the request in the Sender tab.
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From the moment an offer is created, all manual and system actions are recorded in the file History.
In case of an increase, the file history and communication for the increase PNR merge with the file history and communication of the parent PNR.
Under Show booking details, you will find the fare and pricing details of the group.
Newest activities are displayed on top!
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The Action menu will offer you different options depending on the file status.
You can also find these options at the bottom of the page!
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Multiple PNR View
The PNR view is slightly different in case of a multiple PNR file (e. g. resulting from a break-up, large­scale group, or series; or alternatively after an increase or split of a single PNR):
Once you are on the PNR level, you can easily navigate to another PNR by choosing another filekey.
In a file with multiple PNRs, select a PNR from this list to get to the PNR level view.
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