Dual SD/HD/3G-SDI electrical to optical converter
with SFP
User manual
Rev. B
Nordre Kullerød 1
3241 Sandefjord
Tel: +47 33 48 99 99

3GHD-EO-2-SFP Rev. B
Nevion Europe
P.O. Box 1020
3204 Sandefjord, Norway
Support phone 1: +47 33 48 99 97
Support phone 2: +47 90 60 99 99
1600 Emerson Avenue
Oxnard, CA 93033, USA
Toll free North America: (866) 515-0811
Outside North America: +1 (805) 247-8560
E-mail: support@nevion.com
See http://www.nevion.com/support/ for service hours for customer support globally.
Connections updated, Figure 13 added.
Nevion Support
Revision history
Current revision of this document is the uppermost in the table below.
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3GHD-EO-2-SFP Rev. B
Revision history ........................................................................................................ 2
1 Product overview ................................................................................................... 4
2 Specifications ........................................................................................................ 5
2.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Electrical Inputs ............................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Electrical Outputs .......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Optical Outputs ............................................................................................................. 5
2.5 Standards ...................................................................................................................... 5
3 Configuration ......................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Multicon Gyda configuration .......................................................................................... 6
3.2 Configuration through DIP settings ................................................................................ 7
3.2.1 Cable EQ ................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 Re-clocker mode ........................................................................................................ 9
3.2.3 Automatic change over ............................................................................................... 9
3.2.4 Dual converter configuration example .......................................................................10
3.2.5 Dual converter with changeover configuration example .............................................11
4 Operation ............................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Module status ...............................................................................................................12
4.1.1 Multicon Gyda status interface ..................................................................................12
5 Connections ........................................................................................................ 13
5.1 Mounting the connector module ...................................................................................13
5.2 Terminal format support ...............................................................................................14
5.3 GPI ALARM – Module Status Outputs ..........................................................................14
5.3.1 GPI connections ........................................................................................................14
5.4 Front panel – Status monitoring ...................................................................................16
General environmental requirements for Nevion equipment .................................. 17
Product Warranty.................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A Materials declaration and recycling information .................................. 19
A.1 Materials declaration ....................................................................................................19
A.2 Recycling information ...................................................................................................19
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3GHD-EO-2-SFP Rev. B
1 Product overview
The Flashlink 3GHD-EO-2-SFP is a dual multi bit-rate electrical to optical converter module
providing high performance media conversion for various signal formats from 19.4Mbps up
to 2970Mbps. Unmatched signal accuracy, even in critical applications with pathological
signal patterns makes the 3GHD-EO-2-SFP the first choice for all optical transport demands.
The 3GHD-EO-2-SFP can transport all SD, HD and 3G signal formats in addition to DVB-ASI
and SMPTE310M. It performs optical refreshing and signal re-clocking, which is selectable
on application. The optical inputs are embedded in optional SFP module, which makes the
module configurable to application specific needs. The open system platform of Nevion
Flashlink system allows easy interoperability with third party fiber optical systems.
The 3GHD-EO-2-SFP unit has also two electrical outputs for each converter, which reduces
the need for additional DA’s.
Figure 1 Block diagram of the 3GHD-EO-2-SFP dual converter
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3GHD-EO-2-SFP Rev. B
2 Specifications
2.1 General
Power 2.5W maximum without SFP
3.5W typical with dual SFP
Control Control system for access to setup and module status with
BITE (Built-In Test Equipment)
Temp. range 0 to +40 °C
2.2 Electrical Inputs
Number of inputs 2
Connector BNC
Impedance 75 ohm
Return loss >15dB @ 5-1485MHz
>10dB @ 1485-2970MHz
Signal level Nom. 800mV
2.3 Electrical Outputs
Number of outputs 4 (2 per converter)
Connector BNC
Impedance 75 ohm
Return loss >15dB @ 5-1485MHz
>10dB @ 1485-2970MHz
Peak to peak signal level 800mV +/- 10%
Signal polarity 1 inverting and 1 non-inverting (per converter)
2.4 Optical Outputs
Number of inputs 2
Transmission circuit fiber Single mode 9/125um
Connector LC/UPC, single mode
Optical wavelength See manual for installed SFP
Optical power See manual for installed SFP
2.5 Standards
Supported standards for electrical and optical ports:
DVB-ASI EN50083-9.
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3GHD-EO-2-SFP Rev. B
3 Configuration
Configuration of this card can either be done from Multicon Gyda element manager or locally
on the card by dipswitches.
3.1 Multicon Gyda configuration
Below is a snapshot from the Multicon Gyda interface.
Figure 2 Configuration tab
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