Neve BA-183AM card as used for line booster single-ended output
GAIN: this amplifier has an inherent gain of 11dB to pin F. The gain can be increased by taking pin K to ground (pin J)!
through an R and a C = the C assures gain is only increased for audio (not dc) and the R sets the AC gain!
R=1K2 and C=100uF will increase gain to 16dB!
R=110 and C=220uF will increase gain to 31dB!
note that at higher gains distortion will increase somewhat
note that with loads below!
2K ohms cap C7 may need!
to be increased in value to!
maintain low frequency!
note that amplifier should be!
biased with whatever load it will !
be driving connected.!
bias point for lowest distortion !
at operating level is not going to !
be exactly the same as the bias !
point for maximum level !
before clip!
pay attention to current while !
biaising - do not exceed 100mA
pins E and H are!
not used!
pins M and J are!
shown twice but!
only exist as single!
edge card fingers