Translation of the expertise ref. no. 07-IK-0015
done by electrosuisse (German)
Electrosuisse is the recognised professional organisation for electrical-, energy- and
information technology, offering services for the whole of the electrical sector.
Expertise concerning IP protection of hinged sealing cover
under Electrosuisse ref. no. 07-IK-0015
Dear Mr. Payr
We refer to your visit on March 6th, 2007 at our house and inform you about the result of the
splash water testing:
Test objects: hinged sealing covers for chassis connectors
Testing of: 2 mounted sealing covers type N02-4FD SCDX,
mounted in a waterproof housing.
Both covers closed and snaped in place.
Test position of
mounted housing: vertical
Test standard: EN 60529 :91 + A1:2002, paragraph 14.2.4
Test conditions: Splash water test below routable pipe IP X4
Circulatory 4.0 l / min.
Die diameter 0.4mm
Pivoting angle almost 360°
Duration of test 10 min.
Test results (optical inspection after the test):
The demands of splash water protection were met.
The cover inside was dry.
The housing inside was dry.
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Test objects: sealing covers
Best regards,
Ernst Müller Walter Werder
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