Neuros 442 instructions

442 Instructions
At Neuros, we are committed to offering you the best support possible and have several tools available to assist you. To have your questions answered or to most efficiently troubleshoot your problems, please use the tools below in the order shown.
1. Go to the 442 user’s manual for detailed instructions. A regularly updated version of the manual is available at
You can also find the original version of the manual on the CD included with your unit.
2. If your problem isn’t solved after consulting the User’s Manual, please consult the
Neuros 442 FAQ on our official website:
Note: We will update the on-line User’s Manual and the FAQ’s from input given by our users on our Wiki and forums (see below).
3. If your problem still isn’t solved, consult the FAQ, troubleshooting section, and other information about the 442 (reviews, quotes, glossary etc) on our “Wiki” (see below) at . We recommend you start by doing a keyword search for the quickest and easiest way to know if someone has already addressed your topic.
Note: Our Wiki is a user-controlled Neuros-centric web site. This means you can edit it yourself to posts questions, provide answers, give opinions, etc. It also means it is more up-to-date but also more raw than our official site. Beyond using it to find answers to your own questions, we encourage you to go ahead and spread your wisdom to your fellow Neuros owners. Go ahead and try it. It’s easy and a really great tool to share your knowledge.
4. If your issues still haven’t been addressed, the Neuros Forum has one or more threads dedicated to 442 support issues. As on the Wiki, you can look for info about your topic on the forums using keywords.
Note: It’s in everybody’s best interest for us to keep the forums organized, and the number of topics reasonable. Before you post a new topic, please review the current threads to avoid redundancy. You will find that there are some savvy technical folks who have already posed a lot of helpful information.
5. If you’re still not getting any satisfaction, please email us with your problem at You can also usually get an actual (and helpful)
human voice if you call toll-free between 9 AM and 5 PM Central Time at: 866­5NEUROS. If no one answers, please leave a message with your number, and we’ll get back to you.