1 General information 3
2 Safety 5
3 Technical data 7
4 Design and function 10
5 Transport and storage 11
6 Installation 12
7 Start-up and operation 21
8 Maintenance and serv ici ng 22
9 Troubleshooting 23
Scope of
10 Spare parts and accessories 24
11 Disposal 25
12 Annex 26
Please refer to the delivery note for the scope of delivery.
Check the packaging for possible transport damage. In the event of
damage to the packaging, check the contents for completeness and
possible damage. Infor m the carr i er in the cas e of damag e.
The pneumatic impactors of the series PKL are hereafter referred to as
document no. 1468E
version no. 1
date of issue Sept. 2017
General information
1 General information
Use and
Target group
Limitation of
Before installing the PKL read these operating instructions carefully. It is
the basis for any action when dealing with the PKL, and may be used for
training purposes. The operating instructions should be subsequently
stored at the operation site.
The target group for these operating instructions is technical staff, who
have basic knowledge in pneumatics and mechanics.
Therefore, only staff who are trained in these fields may work on the PKL.
The PKL may only be installed, put into operation, maintained, troubleshot
and disassembled by persons authorised by the operator.
This documentation is protec t ed by copyright.
NetterVibration reserves all rights such as translations, reprinting and re-
production of the operati ng instr uc tions, as well as parts thereof.
All technical information, data and instructions for installation, operation
and maintenance in these operating instructions are based on the latest
information available at the time of printing and take our past experience
to the best of our knowledge into account.
No claims can be derived from the information, illustrations and descriptions in these operating instructions.
The manufacturer does not assume liability for damages resulting from:
• failure to observe the operating instructions,
Directives /
Special features of the
• improper use,
• unauthorised repairs,
• technical modifications,
• use of non-permiss ibl e spar e part s.
Translations are made to the bes t o f our know l edg e.
NetterVibration does not assume liability for translation errors, even if the
translation was made by us or on our behalf. Only the original German text
remains binding.
The pn eum atic i mpa ctors of the series PKL comply with the EC Machinery
Directive 2006/42/EC.
In particular, the standard EN ISO 12100 has been observed.
• high impact force
• low air consumption
• reduced sound level due to an elastomer impact plate
General information
Disregard of this notice will result in death or severe bodily
Disregard of this notice can result in death or severe bodily
Disregard of this notice can result in minor or moderate
and warning
The following instruction and warning symbols are used in these operating
signifies an immediate danger.
signifies a potential danger.
signifies a potentially dangerous situation.
bodily injuries.
signifies potential material damage.
Disregard of this notice can result in material damage.
indicates actions, methods or notes that are not relative to safety, e.g. useful information and tips.
Environmentally safe disposal
indicates the obligation of environmentally safe disposal.
assumes no liability for personal injuries and material
damages if technical changes to the product were made or the notices and
, construction parts as well as fastening and locking
The PKL 190, PKL 450 and PKL 740 are open on the
tionally with an impact plate and two damper rings
(flange and impact plate) or with an EE kit and a damper
operation and thereafter at regular intervals (generally
2 Safety
Intended use
of qualified
Falling parts
General areas of application of the PKL are for knocking off adhesive bulk
materials from container walls (e.g. silos, hoppers, filter outlets, pipelines
and reactors) and for emptying residues from weighing containers. The
PKL also prevent bridging and rat-holing, so that the material can continuously flow.
The PKL can be used outdoors and in dusty environments, however not in
water or any other liquids.
PKL may only be operated with a timed on/off sequence.
Any other use is considered improper.
Installation, commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting of the PKL
may only be performed by authorised qualified personnel
All handling of the PKL is the responsibility of the operator.
regulations in these operating instructions were not obs er v ed.
Falling parts
screws can come loose due to vibration. Falling parts lead to
severe personal injuries.
Use only Netter fastening kits (NBS) to fasten the PKL.
side of impaction. During installation ensure that the impact piston remains in the housing .
Mount the PKL 2100, PKL 5000 and PKL 10000 addi-
ring (flange).
Check the fastening and locking screws after one hour of
Retighten the fastening and locking screws, if necessary.
A safety device with a safety cable is mandatory for criti-
cal mounting situations.
Check the hose lines and connections after one hour of operation and
Ensure that the compressed air is disconnected from the supply lines
dB(A). Human
Use hearing protection during work in a noisy area if
are not mechanically closed on the side of impact. The impact
piston and/or the impact plate are loosely mounted. Falling parts can lead
Ensure that the impact piston and/or impact plate remain in the housing
Sound level
Loose parts
Compressed air
A loosened hose which is under pressure can lead to personal injuries.
Screw the hose lines on carefully.
thereafter regularly (generally monthly).
Retighten the hose lines, if necessary.
during all work on the PKL.
Prevent the PKL from being switched back on during all work.
Sound level
Near the PKL or near constructions connected to the PKL E
the sound pressure level may exceed 80
hearing can be permanently damaged by high noise levels.
*) The force of impact corresponds to the impact of the given weight falling from a height of 1 m.
of piston
Force of
impact *
Air consumption/impact at optimum pressure
for wall
The type designation of the PKL has the suffix /3, /4, /5 or /6. The suffix is
derived from the optimum operating pressure, i.e. the PKL 740/4 achieves
the optimal effect at an operating pressure of 4 bar.
NetterVibration recommends operating the PKL with clean, oiled com-
pressed air.
5 µm, quality class in accordance with ISO 8573-1
The PKL are, in principle, s uita bl e for operat io n with oi l -free compressed
air or nitrogen .
Lubrication ISO viscosity class in accordance with DIN 3448, VG 5 bis 15
Fill mist lubricator with acid- and resin-free compressed air oil.
Recommendation for temperatures
of up to 60 °C:
Klüber „AIRPRESS 15"
Standard: -20 °C to 60 °C HT versions: -20 °C to 160 °C de-
Recommendation for temperatures
over 60 °C with HT-versions:
Aral „Farolin U“ lubrication oil
pending on version
The permissible ambient temperatures must not fall below or exceed the
above temperatures during operation.
Operating pressures must be between 2,0 bar and 6,0 bar.
The actual air pressure set on the regulator must not exceed the optimum
operating pressure by more than 1 bar.
The following impact sequence must not be exceeded:
Maximum 10 strokes in sequence at an impact frequency of
15 strokes/min and 180 strokes/h.
*) Higher operating pressures and temperatures are per mitted only after cons ultation with and written consent
by the application technicians of NetterVibration.
Technical data
Noise level
190 /
450 /
The noise level of the PKL may exceed 80 dB(A) (single noise incident).
Depending on the impact sequence the continuous noise level is below
this value.
The PKL should be preferably mounted with the EE kit. The noise reduction is about ca. 5 dB(A) (single noise incident).
The sound em itted by the PKL can be dampened by hoods (on request).
This is only worthwhile if the impacted sheet metal is also insulated (e.g.
by heat insulation material).