Netro RU39G-00 SRU

SRU Installation
2. Subscriber Radio Unit Installation......................................................................... 2-1
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Getting Ready for Installation.......................................................................................................2-1
2.2.1 Subscriber Radio Component............................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Grounding Recommendations................................................................................................2-3
2.2.3 Lightning Protection.............................................................................................................. 2-4
2.2.4 Mounting Specifications........................................................................................................2-4
2.2.5 Wind Loading Requirements................................................................................................. 2-4
2.3.1 SRU Mounting Process .........................................................................................................2-5
2.3.2 Installing the Pole Mount.......................................................................................................2-5
2.3.3 Installing a 26 GHz, 28 GHz, or 39 GHz SRU to a Pole....................................................... 2-5
2.3.4 Installing the 10 GHz SRU Mount......................................................................................... 2-8
2.3.5 Universal Mount....................................................................................................................2-8
2.3.6 Installing the 10 GHz SRU.................................................................................................. 2-10
2.3.7 Latin American 10 GHz Frequency Plan............................................................................. 2-10
2.4 Outdoor Installation of SRU with Non-Integral Antenna.............................................................2-12
2.4.1 Installing the Radio Unit & Antenna.................................................................................... 2-12
2.4.2 Pre-installation Preparation of the Antenna and Radio Assemblies.................................... 2-13
2.4.3 Installing with the Correct Polarization...............................................................................2-15
2.4.4 Installing the Mount.............................................................................................................2-17
2.5 Installation of Coaxial Cable ...................................................................................................... 2-18
2.5.1 Connect SRU Coaxial Cable............................................................................................... 2-18
2. Subscriber Radio Unit Installation
2.1 Introduction
This chapter gives instructions for installation of a Subscriber Radio Unit (SRU).
Before installing the Subscriber Radio Unit, perform the following steps:
1. Refer to “SAS Installation Manual” and perform the indicated procedures.
2. Install the Base Station as explained in “BSIS Installation Manual.”
3. Verify line of sight between the BRU and the SRU.
2.2 Getting Ready for Instal lation
Before proceeding, remove and save all documentation. Use this manual for the installation of the Subscriber Radio Unit.
17286-1000 Rev..B 03/14/01
SRU Installation Manual
SRU Installation
To prevent any damage to the components, carefully unpack the units on a flat, clean surface at the installation site. If a component must be unpacked at another location, carefully repack it in the original container before moving it to the installation site.
Inspect components carefully for any damage. Damaged equipment should be reported immediately to Netro and the shipping provider.
2.2.1 Subscriber Radio Component
Subscriber Radio Component
Subscriber Radio ComponentSubscriber Radio Component
The SRU is installed outdoors and mounted to a pole. One pole mount fixture design (Mounting Plate, Strap and related hardware) serves the 10 GHz, 26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 39 GHz SRUs.
When installing non-integral antenna units, see section 2.4 for installation requirements.
Outdoor Components for SRU with Integral Antenna
Outdoor Components for SRU with Integral Antenna
Outdoor Components for SRU with Integral AntennaOutdoor Components for SRU with Integral Antenna
In addition to the SRU, the following parts are required for installation of the outdoor equipment for SRUs with integral antennas. (See section 2.4 for non-integral antenna.)
Pole Mount Kit
The Pole Mount adapter is used to attach the SRU Mount to a pole. A single pole mount design serves 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 GHz, and 10 GHz SRUs. The pole mount is available as a stand-alone assembly and is available in combination with the SRU mount (see the “Mounting Accessories” section of the Product Catalog). All bolts, nuts, and washers are A4 stainless steel, which may be purchased locally. The Pole Mount Kit includes:
• Mounting plate
• Strap
• M10 nuts, bolts, washers and anti-seize compound
SRU Mount
26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 39 GHz SRUs share the same SRU mount. See section 2.3.3 for illustrations.
A different SRU mount is required for 10 GHz SRUs. See section 2.3.6 for illustrations.
SRU Installation Kit
The installation kit includes:
• TNC male 50 Ohm connectors for LMR240
• N-Type Female 50 Ohm connector for LMR400
• 1.5m length of LMR240 cable
• Self-amalgamating weather proof tape
• Extra jam nut for the grounding lug
In addition, the 10 GHz SRU installation kit also includes:
2-2 SRU I ns t allation Manual 17286-1000 Rev. B 03/ 14/ 01
• TNC Male to TNC Female right angle adaptor
Lightning arrestors (not part of Netro equipment or installation)
Ground wire (not part of Netro equipment or installation)
SRU Installation
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial CableCoaxial Cable
A coaxial cable is used for the connection between the Subscriber Access System (SAS) and the Subscriber Radio Unit (SRU). Use only coaxial cable meeting the specification. An undamaged, unconnected coaxial cable should have a very high resistance between center and ground. Cables reading less than 10 MOhms should be carefully inspected for water ingress or connector corrosion. This must be verified on site prior to installation. The cable generally must pass from an indoor location of the SAS to an outdoor location of the SRU. When installing the cable, consult local regulatory authorities and follow all local building codes. When laying out the coaxial cable, include enough cable for a service loop of at least 18 inches (0.5 m) at the SRU. When the main cable is LMR400, remember to use a 12-inch (0.30m) length of LMR240 for the final connection to the SRU, to avoid overloading the connector due to the weight of the LMR400 cable.
The SAS and the SRU have female TNC 50 Ohm connectors. The LMR400 cable, if used, should not be connected directly to the TNC connector because of its weight. The LMR400 would be terminated with “N” connectors rather than TNC. A one-meter length of LMR240 with N on one end and TNC on the other, is recommended to connect the main LMR400 cable to the SAS or SRU, and for this reason it is included in the Installation Kit.
Ensure that the connector is dry and free of corrosion prior to connection. Even a small amount of dampness could cause corrosion, and signal problems in the cable.
2.2.2 Grounding Recommendations
Grounding Recommendations
Grounding RecommendationsGrounding Recommendations
Prior to installation, determine that the proper source voltage (AC or DC) is available, properly fused, along with appropriate grounding facilities. The positive terminal of the source -48 Volts must be connected to the ground. A negative ground supply can cause power shorts.
All grounding and lightning protection must meet local building codes and ordinances. Netro is not responsible for damage to equipment or collateral damage or problems resulting from improperly grounded or protected equipment.
Grounding and lightning protection must meet local building codes. The following information provides a guide to the connections available for the AirStar system and some suggestions that may be appropriate, depending on local codes.
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SRU Installation Manual
SRU Installation
• Cable - Ground the cable at building entry and use lightning arrestors at the
antenna and the indoor equipment.
• Subscriber Radio Unit (SRU) - Ground the SRU to the rooftop lightning grid
via the lug in the enclosure. Use heavy gauge wire (10AWG).
2.2.3 Lightning Protection
A lightning arrestor is recommended for all SRU installations (not part of the Netro equipment or installation). You should also fit suitable lightning protection to the signal cabling.
2.2.4 Mounting Specifications
Netro pole mounts support poles of 2 to 4.5 inches (50 to 114 mm) in diameter. A single pole mount design supports 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 GHz, and 10 GHz SRUs. Table 2-1 shows the specification of torque that must be applied on all M10 bolts in the mounting process. The Torque Specifications are listed in Newton-Meter (Torque N-M), in Feet-Pound (Torque FT-LB), and in Inch-Pound (Torque IN-LB).
Lightning Protection
Lightning ProtectionLightning Protection
Mounting Specifications
Mounting SpecificationsMounting Specifications
Table 2-1 Torque Specifications
Screw Size Torque N-M Torque FT-LB Torque IN-LB
M10 40.0 29.5 354.0
2.2.5 Wind Loading Requirements
For the pole mount, the coordinate origin is set in the centerline of the pole, located in the middle of the two bolts in Z-axis (not the base of the mounting bracket).
The Appendix in the AirStar Operations Guide contains Wind Load analysis reports for 10 GHz and 26 GHz SRUs.
Wind Loading Requirements
Wind Loading RequirementsWind Loading Requirements
2.3 Outdoor Ins tallation of SRU with Integral Antenna
This section describes the procedures for installing the 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 GHz, and 10 GHz Subscriber Radio Unit (SRU) to a pole. The way you planned your network will determine the location, height, elevation angle, and azimuth direction of the SRU being installed.
The 26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 39 GHz SRU antennae are vertically polarized. The 10 GHz SRU may be installed with either vertical or horizontal polarization. To preserve the polarization, the SRU must be mounted with the same orientation as shown in the installation figures. The SRU will not function properly if its polarization is not correct, and does not match that of the BRU.
2-4 SRU I ns t allation Manual 17286-1000 Rev. B 03/ 14/ 01
SRU Installation
2.3.1 SRU Mounting Process
SRU Mounting Process
SRU Mounting ProcessSRU Mounting Process
The SRU can be mounted on a pole. When the SRU is installed onto a pole, first a pole mount (consisting of a mounting plate
and a strap) is installed onto the pole. The pole mount is the same for the 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 GHz, and 10 GHz SRUs. The appropriate SRU mount is then affixed to the pole mount. The 26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 39 GHz SRUs use the same SRU mount. The 10 GHz SRU uses a different SRU mount. The SRU is then affixed to the SRU mount.
2.3.2 Installing the Pole Mount
Installing the Pole Mount
Installing the Pole MountInstalling the Pole Mount
Use the following procedure for installing the pole mount to a pole of the specified diameter prior to installing the SRU to the pole mount. A single pole mount design serves the 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 Ghz SRU mount and the 10 GHz SRU mount.
Prior to installation on the pole, assemble the pole mount using the instructions supplied with the Pole Mounting Kit.
Install three M10 bolts, lock and flat washer as shown in Error! Reference source not found.. Leave approximately 6.3-9.5 mm (.25-. 38 in) between the
flat washer and mounting plate. When using the M10 nuts, start the nut and wind it down close to its final position. Then place a drop of anti-seize compound on each bolt, making sure to cover the thread near the final nut position when the nut is tightened.
Orient the mounting-plate at an appropriate height and tighten it to the torque specification. (Do not over tighten it.)
2.3.3 Installing a 26 GHz, 28 GHz, or 39 GHz SRU to a Pole
Installing a 26 GHz, 28 GHz, or 39 GHz SRU to a Pole
Installing a 26 GHz, 28 GHz, or 39 GHz SRU to a PoleInstalling a 26 GHz, 28 GHz, or 39 GHz SRU to a Pole
Install the 26GHz, 28 GHz, or the 39 GHz SRU mount, shown in Figure 2-1, onto the mounting plate as follows:
Align the three bolt clearance holes of the SRU mount with the three M10 bolts started on the Mounting Plate.
Place the SRU mount flush against the Mounting Plate.
Slide the SRU mount down so the three M10 bolts slide into the bolt slots.
Tighten the three M10 bolts to the torque spec.
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SRU Installation Manual
SRU Installation
Mounting Plate
SRU Mount
Figure 2-1 Installing 26 GHz, 28 GHz, 39 GHz SRU Mount
Install the SRU into the Yoke as follows: a) Position the SRU as shown in Figure 2-2
M10 Bolt
b) Slide the SRU into the mounting Yoke, as shown in Error! Reference
source not found.. The elevation stud with the nut washer attached should
drop into the slots on the mounting yoke.
c) Tighten the bolts to eliminate most freeplay, but not so tightly that you can’t
move the SRU in both directions (elevation and azimuth).
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