M7100 SDSL Modem
Plug-and-Play SDSL Connectivity for Individuals
and Small Networks
• Full duplex, symmetric
transmission at speeds from
160 Kbps to 1.568 Mbps
• No hardware switches or software
configuration parameters
• Multi speed support offers a
choice of bandwidth and budget
The Netopia M7100 SDSL Modem provides
fast, ‘always-on’Internet access that is
easy to install and use.
Perfect for small offices, branch offices and
telecommuters, SDSL provides dedicated
throughput ranging from 160 Kbps up to
1.568 Mbps.
The Netopia M7100 is a true plug-and-play
solution. There are no hardware switches,
no configuration parameters and no enduser software. Simply plug in the DSL
cable, Ethernet cable, and power cord. The
M7100 identifies itself to the remote
Copper Mountain DSLAM and
automatically receives all configuration
parameters to immediately begin full
There is no need to manually configure an
IP address for the modem. Users will enjoy
enhanced productivity through the
continuous availability of high-speed
networking within minutes of powering up
Part Numbers
SDSL Modem

Technical Specifications
Netopia M7100 SDSL Modem Specifications
NNeettwwoorrkk MMaannaaggeemmeenntt::
DDSSLL IInntteerrffaaccee::
1100--BBaasseeTT EEtthheerrnneett ((IIEEEEEE 880022..33))::
PPhhyyssiiccaall DDiimmeennssiioonnss::
PPoowweerr RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss::
OOppeerraattiinngg EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt::
Sustained full-rate packet forwarding from 160 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps
SN MP proxy management
Remote software upgrade
Standard RJ11 jack
Two(2) MDI / MDI-X connectors (RJ45)
Motorola 68LC302 25MHz
FCC Class B
UL Listed
Size: 1.5” H x 6.5” W x 9.5” D
Mounting: Desktop or wall mount
AC Voltage: External DC adapter, 110 to 120 VAX, 60 Hz
Power: 6 Watts maximum
Temperature: 50 to 104 F
(10 to 40C)
Humidity: 5-95% non-condensing
Altitude: to 12,000 feet
CCoorrppoorraattee HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss
2470 Mariner Square Loop
Alameda, CA 94501-1010
(510) 814-5100
Fax (510) 814-5020
2, rue du Docteur Lombard
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux
CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviicceess
(510) 814-5000
FFaaxx CCeenntteerr
(510) 814-5023
(Outside the U.S. or Canada, call
your local Netopia distributor.)
S-M7100 v1299 ©1999 Netopia Inc.