Netis DL4311 User Manual

netis Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router
Quick Installation Guide
net is Wire less N ADS L2+ Mod em Rout er Quic k Insta llati on Guid e
1.Packa ge Contents
netis Wirele ss N ADSL2 + Modem R outer
Quick Instal latio n Guide
Wire less N AD SL2+
Mod em Rout er
* Thi s QIG is f or all netis 150M bps/ 300M bps wireless N ADS L2+ mo dem routers, in clud ing mod els- DL4310, DL 4310 D, DL4311, DL4311D , DL4312, DL431 2D, DL 4322, DL4322D, DL4 323, DL4323D , et c. * The p rodu ct model shown in t his QI G is DL4 323, as an exampl e.
Pow er Adapt er
ADSL S plitt er
Ethe rnet Ca ble Telephone Cable *2
2.Hard ware Connecti on
2.1. Con nect the ADSL line with th e attached telephone cable. Connec t the LINE port of ADSL Spl itter to the wall ja ck with a telephone cable. Connec t the MODEM port of ADSL Splitte r to the ADSL port on ne tis Modem Route r with th e other telephone cable. Connec t your telephone to the PH ONE port of ADSL Splitt er.
Tip: If no tel ephone is needed, please con nect the ADSL port on neti s Modem Ro uter to the wall jac k with the phone cable directly.
2.2. Con nect your comp uter to one of the LAN po rts on netis Modem Route r with an Et hernet cable .
2.3. Plu g the provided Power Adap ter into the PWR jac k of netis Mo dem Router and th e other en d to a stand ard electr ical socket.
2.4. Wait fo r one minute then check if th e LED indicators of the Mo dem Router display normally. PWR: Solid on. ADSL: Solid on when the mode m is synchronized. LAN: Solid on or flashing if th e corre sponding LA N port is co nnected.
Tip: If the LE D indic ators displa y abnormally, please ch eck if all the cable s are well conne cted. If the ADSL LED is off or flas hing, please co ntact your ISP (In ternet Serv ice Provide r) to check the Inte rnet connec tion.
net is Wire less N ADS L2+ Mod em Rout er Quic k Insta llati on Guid e
3. Configure the Modem Router via Web Management Page
3.1. Necessary Information before the configuration.
For a successful setup, you're recommended to contact your ISP first and ask for the following network parameters which will be required during the configuration procedures. a. VPI/VCI; b. Connection Type; c. Encapsulation Type (Optional); d. Username & Password (Optional, according to your Connection Type).
3.2. Set the IP address of the wired network adapter on your computer as “Automatic” or “DHCP”.
For Windows 8/ 7/Vista
1) Go to “Settings” (Win 8)/“Start” (Win 7/Vista)> “Control Panel”.
2) Left-click on “Network and Internet”> “Network and Sharing Center”> “Change adapter settings” (Win 8/7)/“Manage network connections” (Win Vista).
3) Right-click on “Local Area Connection” and left-click on “Properties”.
4) Double-click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”.
5) Select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server
address automatically” then left-click on “OK”.
For Windows XP/2000
1) Go to “Start”> “Control Panel”.
2) Left-click on “Network and Internet Connections”> “Network Connections”.
3) Right-click on “Local Area Connection” and left-click on “Properties”.
4) Double-click on “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”.
5) Select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server
address automatically” then left-click on “OK”.
1) Click on the “Apple” menu> “System Preferences”.
2) Click on the “Network” icon.
3) Click on “Ethernet” in the left side box and click on “Advanced” in the lower right corner.
4) In the top options, select “TCP/IP”.
5) In the pull-down menu next to “Configure IPv4” select “Using DHCP”.
6) Click “OK” then “Apply”.
3.3. Open your browser and type in the address field. Then type in the username guest and password guest to login the web management page.
net is Wire less N ADS L2+ Mod em Rout er Quic k Insta llati on Guid e
3.4. Under “Quick Start” page, left-click on “START” and the Wizard will guide you through the following four steps. Then left-click on “NEXT”.
1) Set the PVC (VPI/V CI) value . Left-click “Cancel” if you k now the PVC ( VPI/VCI ) from your I SP, then i nput the value ma nually. If you don't know the e xact valu e, please l eft-cli ck on “OK”, a nd then it wi ll take les s than one minute to se arch for th e availab le PVC auto matical ly.
Once the P VC value is i nput or sho ws up in the fo llowing p age, left -click on “ NEXT”.
net is Wire less N ADS L2+ Mod em Rout er Quic k Insta llati on Guid e
2) Selec t the Inter net Conne ction Type given b y your ISP, then left-click on “NEXT”.
If “Dynamic IP A ddress” i s selecte d, select t he Connec tion Type defined by yo ur ISP and the rout er will aut omatica lly recei ve the IP parameters from your ISP. If “Static IP Address” is selec ted, ente r the IP A ddress/ Subnet Ma sk/ISP Gateway/DNS Servers/Connection Type gi ven by your I SP. If “PPPoE/PPPoA” is select ed, input t he Userna me/ Passw ord and sel ect the Connection Type given by y our ISP. If “Bridge Mode” is selected , select th e Connection Typ e defined b y your ISP.
3) Configure your wireless network name (SSID) and password, and then left-click on “NEXT”.
4) Left-click on “NEXT” and then “CLOSE” to save the current settings. Quick Start will be finished.
Tip 1 :
Default IP address : 192.168 .1.1 Default lo gin usern ame: guest Default SSID : netis Default l ogin pass word: guest Default wire less pass word: passwor d
Tip 2 :
After the basi c Interne t settings, you m ay open some popu lar websi tes to check your Int ernet con nection. If you c annot access th e Interne t, please refer to the ins tructio ns in “Troublesh ooting”.
net is Wire less N ADS L2+ Mod em Rout er Quic k Insta llati on Guid e
How do I restore my netis Modem Router's configuration to its default settings?
With the router powered on, use a pin to press and hold the Default button on
the rear panel for 8 to 10 seconds before releasing it. The router will reboot and all configurations are back to factory default.
What can I do if my Internet cannot be accessed?
1) Check to verify the hardware connections are correct.
Please refer to the “Hardware Connection” step.
2) Login to netis Modem Router's web management page and ensure that
you input the correct network parameters. You'd better contact your ISP to make sure that the VPI/VCI, Connection Type, Username & Password are correct.
3) If you still cannot access the Internet, please restore your Modem Router
to its factory default settings and try the “Quick Start” again.
4) Please feel free to contact netis Technical Support if possible.
Tech nical Support:
USA/ Canada: Toll F ree: + 1 866 71 network (+ 1 866 71 6 3896 ) E-mail: usa_supp ort@ netis-syste ms.c om Oth er Regions: E-mail: support@ neti s-systems.c om
NET IS SYST EMS CO. , LTD. www. netis -syst ems.c om MAD E IN CHIN A
Guí a de Inst alaci ón Rápi da del Ro uter In alámb rico N ne tis
Modem Router inalámbrico ADSL2+ netis
1.Contenido del Empaque
Guía de Instalación Rápida
netis Wirele ss N ADSL2 + Modem R outer
Quick Instal latio n Guide
Mod em rout er
ina lámbr ico N ADSL 2+
* Esta guía de instalación rápida es para todos los modem router inalámbrico ADSL2+ netis
150Mbps/300Mbps, incluyendo modelos DL4310, DL4310D, DL4311, DL4311D, DL4312, DL4312D, DL4322, DL4322D, DL4323, DL4323D , etc. * El ejemplo del modelo del producto que se muestra en esta Guía de Instalación Rápida es DL4323.
Ada ptado r de ali menta ción
Div isor/ filtro A DSL Cabl e Ether net Cab le tele fónic o*2
Guía d e
Ins talac ión Ráp ida
2.Conexión del Hardware
2.1 . Conec te la lín ea ADSL con e l cable d e teléf ono adj unto.
Con ecte el p uerto d e LINE de l divis or/fi ltro ADS L a la toma de p ared co n un cabl e de telé fono.
Con ecte el p uerto M ODEM de l divis or/fi ltro de l ADSL al p uerto d el Mode m Router AD SL neti s con el ot ro cabl e de telé fono.
Con ecte su t eléfo no al pue rto del P HONE de l divis or/fi ltro de AD SL.
Con sejo: S i no se nec esita t eléfo no, con ecte el p uerto AD SL en el Mod em Rout er neti s a la toma d e pared c on el cab le de tel éfono
dir ectam ente.
2.2 . Conec te su ord enado r a uno de lo s puert os de red d e área lo cal (LA N) del Mo dem Rou ter net is con un c able Et herne t.
2.3 . Conec te el Adap tador d e Corri ente su minis trado e n el cone ctor de P WR del Mó dem Rou ter net is y el otr o extre mo a una
tom a de corr iente e stánd ar.
2.4 . Esper e un minu to y comp ruebe q ue los in dicad ores de l uces LE D del mód em rout er se mue stren n ormal mente .
PWR ( sumin istro ): La luz s olida e ncend ida (ON ).
ADS L (Bucl e de Abona do Digi tal Asim étric o): La lu z es soli da ence ndida ( ON) cua ndo el mo dem est a sincr oniza do.
LAN ( Red de Ár ea Loca l): La lu z solid a y encen dida (O N) o parp adean do si la re d de área l ocal (L AN) est á conec tada.
Con sejo: p or favo r, compr uebe si t odos lo s cable s están b ien con ectad os, si lo s indic adore s de luz LE D se mues tran an ormalm ente.
Si el i ndica dor de lu z LED del AD SL (Bucl e de Abona do Digi tal Asim étric o) está a pagad o o parpa deand o, póng ase en co ntact o
con s u ISP (pro veedo r de serv icio de i ntern et) par a compr obar la c onexi ón a Inte rnet.
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