Note: This document is for certification purposes only. Images are for
position only and might differ from the actual product.
September 2013
350 East Plumeria Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Thank you for selecting NETGEAR products.
After installing your device, locate the serial number on the label of your product and use it to register your product
at You must register your product before you can use NETGEAR telephone support.
NETGEAR recommends registering your product through the NETGEAR website. For product updates and web
support, visit
Phone (US & Canada only): 1-888-NETGEAR.
Phone (Other Countries): Check the list of phone numbers at
This chapter describes how to configure the Internet connection of your gateway and includes
these sections:
•Gateway Front Panel
•Gateway Rear Panel
•Gateway Label
•Position Your Gateway
•Log In to Your Gateway
•View the Modem Router Home Screens
•Join the Wireless Network
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Gateway Front Panel
WPS Button / LED
Wireless Button
Power LED
Downstream LED
Upstream LED
Internet LED
2.4 GHz LED
Ethernet LED
You can use the LEDs to verify status and connections. The following table lists and
describes each LED and button on the front panel of the modem router.
Table 1. LEDs
• Green. Wireless security is enabled.
• Off. No WPS connection exists.
• Green. The wireless radio is operating.
• Off. The wireless
• Green. Power is supplied to the modem router .
• Off. No power is supplied to the modem router .
radio is off.
Connect to the Modem Router
Table 1. LEDs (continued)
2.4 GHz radio
• Solid green. One or more downstream channels are locked.
• Blinking green. The unit is scanning for a downstream channel.
• Off
. No downstream channel is locked.
• Solid green. One or more upstream channels are locked.
• Blinking green. The unit is scanning for an upstream channel.
• Off
. No upstream channel is locked.
• Solid green. The modem router is online.
• Blinking green. The modem router is synchronizing with the cable provider
modem termination system (CMTS).
• Off.
The modem router is of fline.
• Green. The 2.4 GHz radio is on.
• Off. The 2.4
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
’s cable
GHz radio is off.
5 GHz radio
• Green. The 5 GHz radio is on.
• Off. The 5
• Green. A device is connected to an Ethernet port and powered on.
• Off. No device is detected to an Ethernet port.
• Green. A USB device is connected to the port on the back panel.
• Off. No USB device is connected to the port on the back panel.
GHz radio is off.
Connect to the Modem Router
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Gateway Rear Panel
Reset button
USB port (optional)
Ethernet LAN ports
Coaxial cable connector
Power adapter input
Power On/Off button
The rear panel includes the following connections when viewed from top to bottom:
•Reset button. Y
ou can return the modem router to its factory settings. Press and hold
the Reset button for over 7 seconds. The modem router resets and returns to its factory
settings. See Factory Default Settings on page 71.
•Phone port. A telephone connection for an analog phone line.
•T wo Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports. Use these ports to connect local computers.
•Coaxial cable connector. Attach a
coaxial cable to the cable service provider connection.
•Power adapter input. Connect the power adapter unit here.
•Power On/Off button. Press to turn on power
. Press again to turn of
f power.
Power Supply Manufacturers and Models
Use only power supplies listed here:
Connect to the Modem Router
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
•Adaptor of CWT
Manufacturer: Channel Well Technology Co Ltd
Model: SAL018F2
•Adaptor of PI
Manufacturer: PI Electronics (H.K.) Ltd.
Model: AD817000
Gateway Label
The label on the bottom of the modem router shows the WPS PIN, login information, MAC
address, and serial number.
Figure 1. The label shows unique information about your modem router
Position Your Gateway
The operating distance or range of your wireless connection can vary based on the physical
placement of the gateway. For best results, place your gateway:
•Near the center of the area in which your computers operate.
•In an elevated location such as a high shelf.
way from potential sources of interference, such as computers, microwave ovens, and
cordless phones.
•Away from large metal surfaces.
Note: Failure to follow these guidelines can result in significant
performance degradation or inability to connect wirelessly to the
modem router.
Connect to the Modem Router
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Log In to Your Gateway
You can log in to the modem router to view or change its settings.
Note: To connect to the modem router, use a computer that is configured
for DHCP (most computers are). For help with configuring DHCP,
see the instructions that came with your computer.
The modem router automatically logs you out after 5 minutes of no activity.
To log in to the modem router:
1. On the computer that is connected to the modem router with an Ethernet cable, type in the address field of your Internet browser .
A login window opens.
2. Log in with the user name admin and its default password of password.
The modem router Basic Home screen displays when you log in (see Basic Home Screen
on page 12).
View the Modem Router Home Screens
The modem router home screens include a Basic Home screen and an Advanced Home
Connect to the Modem Router
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Basic Home Screen
When you connect to the modem router, the gateway dashboard (Basic Home screen)
Menus (Click the Advanced tab to view more)
(Click to view
The Basic Home screen has a dashboard that shows the status of your Internet connection
and network. You can click the sections of the dashboard to view more detailed information.
The left column has menus and an Advanced tab appears at the top that is used to access
more menus and screens.
•Home. This dashboard screen displays when you log in to the modem router or select the
Home tab
•Cable Connection. This option displays the cable signal quality
, the upstream power, the
downstream power, and the connection status.
•Wireless. Select this option to view or change the wireless settings for your modem
•Network Map
oice. This option displays the voice status.
•Advanced tab
. Select this option to view the devices that are connected to your network.
. Select the Advanced tab to set up the modem router for unique situations
such as when remote access by IP or by domain name from the Internet is needed. See
Advanced Home Screen
on page 13. Using this tab requires a solid understanding of
networking concepts.
For more information about the Basic settings, see Chapter 2, NETGEAR genie Basic
Connect to the Modem Router
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Advanced Home Screen
Note: Using the Advanced Home screen requires a solid understanding of
networking concepts.
To view the Advance Home screen, select the Advanced tab from the top menu.
The modem router Advanced Home screen has a dashboard that lets you see the
configuration of your modem router and network at a glance. You can click any of the
sections of the dashboard to view more detailed information. The left column has the menus,
and at the top there is a Basic tab that is used to the basic menus and screens.
•Advanced Home. This dashboard screen displays when you select the
•Setup. Set up the Internet connection, wireless, WAN, and LAN.
•Security. Block sites, block services, and set up email notifications.
•Administration. V
configuration file, and change the gateway password.
•Advanced Setup. Configure advanced network features such as port forwarding, port
triggering, Dynamic DNS, and UPnP.
•Home tab
For more information about the Advanced settings, see Chapter 3, NETGEAR genie
Advanced Home.
. Return to the Basic Home screen. See Basic Home Screen on page 12.
iew gateway status, logs, and event logs, back up and restore the
Advanced tab.
Connect to the Modem Router
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Join the Wireless Network
To join the wireless network:
1. Open the software that manages your wireless connections on the wireless device
(laptop computer
This software scans for all wireless networks in your area.
2. Look for your network and select it.
If you did not change the name of your network during the setup process, look for the
default WiFi network name (SSID) and select it.
bottom of the modem router.
3. Enter the modem router password and click Connect.
The default password is on the label on the bottom of the modem router.
, gaming device, iPhone) that you want to connect to your modem
The default SSID is on the label on the
Connect to the Modem Router
2. NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
Your Internet connection and network
This chapter explains the features available from the genie Basic Home screen. This chapter
contains the following sections:
•Cable Connection
•View or Configure Your Wireless Network
•Network Map
•Voice Status
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Cable Connection
To change the starting frequency:
From the Basic tab, select Cable Connection.
The Starting Frequency is automatically generated. Most of the time, you do not need to
enter a value in this field. If you need to enter a starting frequency, contact your Internet
service provider.
Use the Cable Connection screen to track the initialization procedure of the modem router,
and to get details about the downstream and upstream cable channel. The time is displayed
after the modem router is initialized.
The modem router automatically goes through the following steps in the provisioning
•Scans and locks the downstream frequency and then ranges the upstream channels.
•Obtains a WAN address for the modem router.
•Connects to the Internet.
View or Configure Your Wireless Network
The Wireless screen lets you view or configure the wireless network set-up.
The wireless cable gateway comes with preset security. This feature means that the WiFi
network name (SSID), network key (password), and security option (encryption protocol) are
preset in the factory.
You can find the preset SSID and password on the bottom of the unit.
NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Note: The preset SSID and password are uniquely generated for every
device to protect and maximize your wireless security.
NETGEAR recommends that you do not change your preset security settings. If you do
decide to change your preset security settings, make a note of the new settings and store it in
a safe place.
If you use a wireless computer to change the wireless network name (SSID) or other wireless
security settings, you are disconnected when you click the Apply button.
To avoid this
problem, use a computer with a wired connection to access the modem router.
To view or change basic wireless settings:
1. From the Basic tab, select Wireless
The screen sections, settings, and procedures are explained in the following sections.
2. Make the appropriate changes.
3. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
4. Set up and test your wireless devices and computers to make sure that they can connect
. If they do not, check the following:
•Is your wireless device or computer connected to your network or another wireless
network in your area? Some wireless devices automatically connect to the first open
network (without wireless security) that they discover
•Does your wireless device or computer appear on the Network Map screen? If it does,
it is connected to the network.
•If you are not sure what the network name (SSID) or password is, look on the label on
your modem router.
NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Wireless Screen Fields
The Fragmentation Length, CTS/RTS Threshold, and Preamble Mode options in this screen
are reserved for wireless testing and advanced configuration only. Do not change these
settings unless you have a specific reason to do so.
•Region Selection. Select the location where the modem router is used.
•Enable Wireless Gateway Radio.
SSID so wireless stations can see this wireless name (SSID) in their scanned network
lists. This check box is selected by default. To turn off the SSID broadcast, clear the
Enable SSID Broadcast check box, and click the Apply button.
•Enable SSID Broadcast.
wireless stations can see this wireless name (SSID) in their scanned network lists.
check box is selected by default. To turn off the SSID broadcast, clear this check box, and
click the Apply button.
•Name (SSID). The SSID is also known as the wireless network name. Enter a
32-character (maximum) name in this field.
is randomly generated, and NETGEAR strongly recommends that you do not change
the SSID.
value from 1 through 13. (For products in the North
through 11 can be operated.) Do not change the channel unless you experience
interference (such as lost connections or slow data transfers). If any interference
happens, experiment with different channels to see which is the best.
•Mode. Up to 145 Mbps is the default and allows 802.1
join the network. g & b supports up to 54 Mbps. The 300-Mbps setting allows 802.11n
devices to connect at this speed.
This setting is the wireless channel that the modem router uses. Choose a
This feature allows the modem router to broadcast its SSID so
This setting allows the modem router to broadcast its
This field is case-sensitive.
America market, only Channels 1
1n and 802.1
The default SSID
1g wireless devices to
Security Options Settings
The Security Options section of the Wireless screen lets you change the security option and
password. NETGEAR recommends that you do not change the security option or
password, but if you want to change these settings, this section explains how.
Do not disable security.
To change the WPA security option and password:
1. Under Security Options, select the WP A option that you want.
NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
2. In the password field that displays when you select a WPA security option, enter the network
key (password) that you want to use. It is a text string from 8 to 63 characters.
Network Map
You can view all computers or devices that are currently connected to your network here.
To view a map of attached devices:
From the Basic tab, select Network Map.
Wired devices are connected to the modem router with Ethernet cables. Wireless devices
have joined the wireless network.
•IP Address. The IP address that the modem router assigned to this device when it joined
the network. This number can change when a device disconnects and then rejoins the
•Device Name. If the device name is known, it is shown here.
You can click Refresh to update this screen.
Voice Status
You can review specific details about the voice connection.
NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
To view the status of the voice connection:
From the Basic tab, select Voice.
The following fields display:
•MT A Provision Status.
The gateway status. The values can be Operational, On hook, or
Off hook. This status applies to line 1.
•MTA MAC Address. The telephony MAC address.
•MTA IP Address. The telephony IP address.
•MTA FQDN. The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). The Internet service provider
assigns this name.
•MTA Telephony Signaling.
This value is set to Media Gateway Control Protocol
(MGCP), a way of to set up voice calls.
NETGEAR genie Basic Settings
3. NETGEAR genie Advanced Home
Specifying custom settings
This chapter explains the features available from the genie Advanced Home screen. This
chapter contains the following sections:
•Internet Setup
•Wireless Setup
•WAN Setup
•LAN Setup
Some selections on the Advanced Home screen are described in separate chapters:
•Security. See Chapter 4, Security.
•Administration. See Chapter 5, Administration.
•Advanced Setup. See Chapter 6, Advanced Settings.
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
Internet Setup
The Internet Setup screen is where you view or change ISP information.
To change the Internet settings:
1. From the Advanced tab, select
2. Enter the settings for the IP address and DNS server . The default settings usually work fine.
If you have problems with your connection, check the ISP settings.
3. Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Setup > Internet Setup.
Internet Setup Screen Fields
The following descriptions explain all of the possible fields in the Internet Setup screen.
Internet IP Address.
•If you log in to your service or your ISP did not provide you with a fixed IP address, the
gateway finds an IP address for you automatically when you connect. Select Get
Dynamically from ISP.
•If you have a fixed (or static) IP address, your ISP has provided you with the required
information. Select Use Static IP Address
gateway IP address in the correct fields.
For example:
-IP Address.
-Subnet Mask.
-Gateway IP
Domain Name Server (DNS)
that are based on their names.
Address. The DNS server is used to look up site addresses
NETGEAR genie Advanced Home
and type the IP address, IP subnet mask, and
WiFi Cable Modem Router C3700
•If your ISP gave you one or two DNS addresses, select Use These DNS Servers and
type the primary and secondary addresses.
•Otherwise, select Get Automatically from ISP.
Note: If you get address not found errors when you go to a website, it is
likely that your DNS servers are not set up correctly. Contact your
ISP to get the DNS server addresses.
Wireless Setup
For information about the fields on this screen, see V iew or Configure Your Wireless Network
on page 16.
WAN Setup
The WAN Setup screen lets you configure a DMZ (demilitarized zone) server and enable the
modem router to respond to a ping on the WAN (Internet) port.
To change the WAN settings:
From the Advanced tab, select Setup > WAN Setup.
The following screen displays:
•Disable IPv4 Firewall Protection. Firewalls protect your gateway and connected
devices from external attacks. The firewall is enabled by default.
•Disable Port Scan and DoS Protection. DoS protection protects your LAN against
denial of service attacks such as Syn flood, Smurf Attack, Ping of Death,
NETGEAR genie Advanced Home
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