Netgear orporated 09300119 Users Manual

Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual

350 East Plumeria Drive San Jose, CA 95134
part number September 2009
© 2009 by NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.
NETGEAR and the NETGEAR logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Statement of Conditions
In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, NETGEAR reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice. NETGEAR does not assume any liability that may occur due to the use or application of the product(s) or circuit layout(s) described herein.
FCC Warning Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Prohibition of Collocation
This device and its antenna(s) must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Safety Information
To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, this equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body. Use the supplied antenna.
Declaration of Conformity for R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC
Essential requirements – Article 3. Protection requirements for health and safety – Article 3.1a. Testing for electric safety according to EN 60950-1 has been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufficient. Protection requirements for electromagnetic compatibility – Article 3.1b. Testing for electromagnetic compatibility according to EN 301 489-1 and EN 301 489-17 has been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufficient. Effective use of the
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radio spectrum – Article 3.2. Testing for radio test suites according to EN 300 328- 2 has been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufficient.
Bestätigung des Herstellers/Importeurs
Es wird hiermit bestätigt, daß das Wireless Cable Gateway gemäß der im BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 und Vfg 46/1992 aufgeführten Bestimmungen entstört ist. Das vorschriftsmäßige Betreiben einiger Geräte (z.B. Testsender) kann jedoch gewissen Beschränkungen unterliegen. Lesen Sie dazu bitte die Anmerkungen in der Betriebsanleitung.
Das Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation wurde davon unterrichtet, daß dieses Gerät auf den Markt gebracht wurde und es ist berechtigt, die Serie auf die Erfüllung der Vorschriften hin zu überprüfen.
Certificate of the Manufacturer/Importer
It is hereby certified that the Wireless Cable Gateway has been suppressed in accordance with the conditions set out in the BMPT-AmtsblVfg 243/1991 and Vfg 46/1992. The operation of some equipment (for example, test transmitters) in accordance with the regulations may, however, be subject to certain restrictions. Please refer to the notes in the operating instructions.
Federal Office for Telecommunications Approvals has been notified of the placing of this equipment on the market and has been granted the right to test the series for compliance with the regulations.
Technical Support
Thank you for choosing Netgear product(s). Please register online and take advantage of the technical support resources such as NETGEAR online knowledge base. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week; please call your Cable Internet Service Provider.
Product and Publication Details
Model Number: CG3000D/CG3100D Publication Date: September 2009 Product Family: Gateway Product Name: Wireless Cable Gateway Home or Business Product: Home Language: English Publication Part Number: part number
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About This Manual
Conventions, Formats, and Scope ................................................................................... ix
How to Print This Manual .................................................................................................. x
Revision History .................................................................................................................x
Chapter 1 Connecting the Gateway
Gateway Front Panel ......................................................................................................1-1
Gateway Rear Panel ......................................................................................................1-3
Logging In to Your Gateway ...........................................................................................1-3
Viewing the Basic Settings .............................................................................................1-5
MTA Status .....................................................................................................................1-6
Chapter 2 Wireless Configuration
Planning Your Wireless Network ....................................................................................2-1
Wireless Placement and Range Guidelines .............................................................2-2
Wireless Security Options ........................................................................................2-3
Manually Configuring Your Wireless Settings and Security ...........................................2-3
Configuring WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) Wireless Security .............................2-7
Configuring WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK Wireless Security .........................................2-8
Using Push 'N' Connect (WPS) to Configure Your Wireless Network and Security .......2-9
Using a WPS Button to Add a WPS Client .............................................................2-10
Using a PIN Entry to Add a WPS Client .................................................................2-12
Connecting Additional Wireless Client Devices ............................................................2-13
Adding Just WPS Clients .......................................................................................2-13
Adding Both WPS and Non-WPS Clients ..............................................................2-14
Chapter 3 Content Filtering
Viewing or E-mailing Logs ..............................................................................................3-1
Blocking Keywords, Sites, and Services ........................................................................3-2
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
Blocking Keywords and Domains .............................................................................3-2
Services ..........................................................................................................................3-4
Port Forwarding ..............................................................................................................3-5
Adding a Custom Rule .............................................................................................3-6
Chapter 4 Managing Your Network
Viewing the Modem Status .............................................................................................4-1
Viewing the Connection Status .......................................................................................4-3
Backing Up and Restoring Your Settings .......................................................................4-4
Changing the Built-In Password .....................................................................................4-5
Running Diagnostic Utilities ............................................................................................4-6
Testing Connectivity with the Ping Command ..........................................................4-7
Traceroute ................................................................................................................4-7
Viewing the Event Log ....................................................................................................4-8
Chapter 5 Customizing Your Network
DMZ Host .......................................................................................................................5-1
LAN IP Setup ..................................................................................................................5-2
Reserving an IP Address for DHCP Use ..................................................................5-4
Configuring Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) .................................................................5-5
NAT ................................................................................................................................5-6
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
Basic Functions ..............................................................................................................6-1
Using LEDs to Troubleshoot ....................................................................................6-2
Connecting to the Gateway’s Main Menu .......................................................................6-3
Troubleshooting the ISP Connection ..............................................................................6-4
Troubleshooting a TCP/IP Network Using a Ping Utility .................................................6-4
Testing the LAN Path to Your Gateway ...................................................................6-4
Testing the Path from Your PC to a Remote Device ................................................6-5
Appendix A Default Settings and Technical Specifications
Factory Default Settings ................................................................................................ A-1
Technical Specifications ................................................................................................ A-2
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Appendix B Related Documents
Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
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About This Manual

The NETGEAR® Wireless Cable Modem Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual describes how to install, configure and troubleshoot the Wireless Cable Gateway . The information in this manual is intended for readers with intermediate computer and Internet skills.

Conventions, Formats, and Scope

The conventions, formats, and scope of this manual are described in the following paragraphs:
Typographical Conventions. This manual uses the following typographical conventions::
Italic Emphasis, books, CDs, file and server names, extensions
Bold User input, IP addresses, GUI screen text
Fixed Command prompt, CLI text, code
italic URL links
Formats. This manual uses the following formats to highlight special messages:
Note: This format is used to highlight information of importance or special interest.
Tip: This format is used to highlight a procedure that will save time or resources.
Scope. This manual is written for the Voice Gateway according to these specifications:
Product Version Wireless Cable Gateway Manual Publication Date September 2009
v1.0, September 2009
Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
For more information about network, Internet, firewall, and VPN technologies, see the links to the NETGEAR website in Appendix B, “Related Documents.”
Note: Product updates are available on the NETGEAR, Inc. website at

How to Print This Manual

To print this manual, your computer must have the free Adobe Acrobat reader installed in order to view and print PDF files. The Acrobat reader is available on the Adobe Web site at
Tip: If your printer supports printing two pages on a single sheet of paper, you can
save paper and printer ink by selecting this feature.

Revision History

Part Number
Part number 1.0 Septemb
Version Number
Date Description
er 2009
Original publication
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Chapter 1
Connecting the Gateway
This chapter describes how to configure your Voice Gateway Internet connection. For information about product features and compatible NETGEAR products, see the NETGEAR website at
Note: For optimal performance, place the gateway vertically in the stand. Do not wall
mount this unit. It is not suitable for wall mounting.

Gateway Front Panel

The front panel of the gateway contains status LEDs.
Figure 1-1
You can use the LEDs to verify status and connections. The following table lists and describes each LED and button on the front panel of the gateway.
Table 1-1. LED and Front Panel Button Descriptions
LED Description
Solid green. Power is supplied to the cable modem.
Off. No power.
Solid green. The unit is synchronized, and all four channels are in use (channel bonding).
Blinking. The unit is scanning for a downstream DOCSIS channel.
Off. No downstream channels are locked.
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
Table 1-1. LED and Front Panel Button Descriptions (continued)
LED Description
Solid green. The unit is synchronized, and all four channels are in use (channel bonding).
Blinking. The unit is scanning for an upstream channel.
Off. No upstream channels are locked.
Solid green. The cable modem is online.
Blinking. The cable modem is synchronizing with the cable provider’s CMTS.
Off. The cable modem is offline.
• Green indicates 1,000 Mbps. Amber indicates 10/100 Mbps.
Solid. An Ethernet device is connected and powered on.
Blinking. Data is being transmitted or received on the Ethernet port.
Off. No Ethernet device is detected on the Ethernet port.
Button Description
Turn the wireless radio in the gateway on and off. The wireless radio is on by default. The LED located below this button indicates if the wireless radio is on or off.
Pushing this button opens a 2-minute window for the gateway to connect with other WPS­enabled devices. For more information, about using the WPS method to implement secu-
Push 'N'
Connect (WPS)
rity, see the Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
1-2 Connecting the Gateway
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual

Gateway Rear Panel

The rear panel includes the following connections, viewed from left to right, as illustrated in the following illustration:
Power On/Off button
Figure 1-2
LAN ports
Four Ethernet LAN ports: Use these ports to connect local computers.
USB port: The USB port is a USB host and can be used for connecting a USB hard drive,
flash drive, or printer.
Coaxial cable connector: Attach coaxial cable to the cable service provider’s connection.
Power: AC power adapter input.
Note: You can return the gateway to its factory settings. On the bottom of the gateway,
press and hold the Restore Factory Settings button
for over 7 seconds. The gateway resets, and returns to its factory settings. See “Factory Default Settings” in
Appendix A.

Logging In to Your Gateway

You can log in to the gateway to view or change its settings. Links to Knowledge Base and documentation are also available on the gateway main menu.
Note: Your computer must be configured for DHCP. For help with configuring DHCP, see
the documentation that came with your computer or see the link to the online document in “Preparing a Computer for Network Access” in Appendix B.
Connecting the Gateway 1-3
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
When you have logged in, if you do not click Logout, the gateway waits for 5 minutes after no activity before it automatically logs you out.
To log in to the gateway:
1. Using the computer that you first used to access your cable modem Internet service, connect to the gateway by typing in the address field of your Internet browser. A login window displays:
Figure 1-3
2. Enter admin for the user name and password for the password, both in lower case letters. When you connect to the gateway the Modem Status screen displays:
Figure 1-4
1-4 Connecting the Gateway
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual

Viewing the Basic Settings

To view or configure the basic settings, select Basic Settings from the main menu:
Figure 1-5
By default Dynamic IP is selected. If you make changes, you must click Apply to accept the new settings.
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual

MTA Status

From the main menu select MTA Status to display the following screen:
Figure 1-6
1-6 Connecting the Gateway
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Chapter 2
Wireless Configuration
For a wireless connection, the SSID, also called the wireless network name, and the wireless
security setting must be the same for
NETGEAR strongly recommends that you use wireless security. This chapter includes:
“Planning Your Wireless Network
“Manually Configuring Your Wireless Settings and Security” on page 2-3
“Using Push 'N' Connect (WPS) to Configure Your Wireless Network and Security” on
page 2-9
“Connecting Additional Wireless Client Devices” on page 2-13

Planning Your Wireless Network

For compliance and compatibility between similar products in your area, the operating channel and region must be set correctly.
the gateway and wireless computers or wireless adapters.
To configure the wireless network, you can either specify the wireless settings, or you can use Wi­Fi Protected Setup (WPS) to automatically set the SSID and implement WPA/WPA2 security.
To manually configure the wireless settings, you must know the following: – SSID. The default SSID for the gateway is Wireless. – The wireless mode (802.11g, or 802.11b) that each wireless adapter supports. – Wireless security option. To successfully implement wireless security, check each wireless
adapter to determine which wireless security option it supports.
See “Manually Configuring Your Wireless Settings and Security” on page 2-3.
Push 'N' Connect (WPS) automatically implements wireless security on the gateway while, at the same time, allowing you to automatically implement wireless security on any WPS­enabled devices (such as wireless computers and wireless adapter cards). You activate WPS by pressing a WPS button on the gateway, clicking an onscreen WPS button, or entering a PIN number. This generates a new SSID and implements WPA/WPA2 security.
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
Note: NETGEAR’s Push 'N' Connect feature is based on the Wi-Fi Protected Setup
(WPS) standard (for more information, see All other Wi­Fi-certified and WPS-capable products should be compatible with NETGEAR products that implement Push 'N' Connect.
To set up your wireless network using the WPS feature: – Use the WPS button on the side of the gateway (there is also an onscreen WPS button), or
enter the PIN of the wireless device.
Make sure that all wireless computers and wireless adapters on the network are
certified and WPA or WPA 2 capable, and that they support WPS configuration.
See “Using Push 'N' Connect (WPS) to Configure Your Wireless Network and Security” on
page 2-9.
Wireless Placement and Range Guidelines
The range of your wireless connection can vary significantly based on the physical placement of the gateway. The latency, data throughput performance, and notebook power consumption of wireless adapters also vary depending on your configuration choices.
For best results, place your gateway according to the following guidelines:
Near the center of the area in which your PCs will operate.
In an elevated location such as a high shelf where the wirelessly connected PCs have line-of­sight access (even if through walls).
Away from sources of interference, such as PCs, microwave ovens, and 2.4 GHz cordless phones.
Away from large metal surfaces.
Put the antenna in a vertical position to provide the best side-to-side coverage. Put the antenna in a horizontal position to provide the best up-and-down coverage.
If using multiple access points, it is better if adjacent access points use different radio frequency channels to reduce interference. The recommended channel spacing between adjacent access points is 5 channels (for example, use Channels 1 and 6, or 6 and 11).
The time it takes to establish a wireless connection can vary depending on both your security settings and placement. WEP connections can take slightly longer to establish. Also, WEP encryption can consume more battery power on a notebook computer.
2-2 Wireless Configuration
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
Wireless Security Options
Indoors, computers can connect over 802.11n wireless networks at a maximum range of up to 300 feet. Such distances can allow for others outside your immediate area to access your network.
Unlike wired network data, your wireless data transmissions can extend beyond your walls and can be received by anyone with a compatible adapter. For this reason, use the security features of your wireless equipment. The Voice Gateway provides highly effective security features which are covered in detail in this chapter. Deploy the security features appropriate to your needs.
There are several ways you can enhance the security of your wireless network:
WEP. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) data encryption provides data security. WEP Shared Key authentication and WEP data encryption block all but the most determined eavesdropper. This data encryption mode has been superseded by WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK.
WPA-PSK (TKIP), WPA2-PSK (AES). Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) using a pre-shared key to perform authentication and generate the initial data encryption keys. The very strong authentication along with dynamic per frame re-keying of WPA makes it virtually impossible to compromise.
Restrict access to your router.
For more information about wireless technology, see the link to the online document in “Wireless
Networking Basics” in Appendix B.

Manually Configuring Your Wireless Settings and Security

You can view or manually configure the wireless settings for the gateway in the Wireless Settings screen. If you want to make changes, make sure to note the current settings first.
Note: If you use a wireless computer to change the wireless network name (SSID) or
wireless security settings, you will be disconnected when you click Apply. To avoid this problem, use a computer with a wired connection to access the gateway.
To view or manually configure the wireless settings:
1. Log in to the gateway as described in “Logging In to Your Gateway” on page 1-4.
Wireless Configuration 2-3
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Wireless Cable Gateway CG3000D/CG3100D User Manual
2. In the main menu, under Setup, select Wireless Settings to display the following screen:
Figure 2-1
3. If you make changes, you must click Apply for them to take effect.
2-4 Wireless Configuration
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